Bid To Cover Jumps In Strong 2 Year Bond Auction

If one of the biggest concerns in early 2013 was the progressively declining Bids To Cover in US Treasury auctions, the past few months have seen a halt in this trend, while today’s auction of $32 billion in 2 Year paper marked a substantial return to the high-flying  BTC day of yore when the just completed 2 Year auction not only priced strongly through the 0.303% high yield, pricing at 0.300, but more importantly, at a 3.54 Bid to Cover, a jump from October’s 3.09, and the second highest since February excluding only April’s 3.63. Curiously, the drop in the overall Bid To Cover (as can be sen on the chart below) correlates closely to the drop off in Direct take downs in the first half of the year. This too has reversed in recent months with Directs getting 27.28%, Indirects holding 22.47% and Dealers left holding just over half, or 50.25%. Over the next few days it will be revealed if the same rising BTC trend is sustained in the other near-term vintages, the 5 and 7 year auctions also due out later week.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Black Power Republicans and Blackstone Rangers

A postscript to my
earlier item
about John McClaughry and the Republicans of the
1960s: I wasn’t kidding when I said the “moderate” wing of the GOP
contained multitudes. Check out this passage from Geoffrey
Kabaservice’s fascinating 2012 book
Rule and Ruin
, which comes after McClaughry and his
then-boss, Illinois Sen. Charles Percy, forged an alliance with
David R. Reed, a Chicago civil rights activist who led a group
called the
New Breed Committee
. Reed, who soon ran for Congress as a
Republican, supported local control of schools, opposed centralized
public housing plans, and wanted to replace traditional welfare
programs with something similar to Milton Friedman’s negative
income tax (in part because the Chicago Democratic machine “used
threats of welfare cutoffs to keep the poor in line”). He also put
Percy’s office in touch with some folks who wouldn’t usually turn
up in a Republican rolodex:

Young Republicanshe
introduced McClaughry and other Percy assistants to the
3,000-member Blackstone Rangers, Chicago’s most powerful and feared
black street gang. Reed’s work with young people brought him into
contact with some of the Rangers. Members of the New Breed
approached the gang to try to get them not to harm Reed’s workers
in the district, particularly white volunteers and people on loan
from the Pecy campaign. Some members of the New Breed believed that
the Rangers could provide access to voters in the housing projects,
while others hoped to channel the gang’s energies away from
violence and into political activism. Reed became a liason between
the gang and the Republicans working for his campaign, which led to
meetings with the gang’s charismatic kingpin, Jeff Fort, and
late-night basketball games with gang members. For a while,
McClaughry was optimistic about a possible Republican-Ranger
entente. “There is no doubt in my mind at all that Jeff [Fort] go
to City Council or even further, with his ability and magnetic
leadership,” he wrote to Reed. “If the Rangers get the message,
there could really be a revolution within people, as well
as within the district.” McClaughry later recalled that “The
Blackstone Rangers were at war with City Hall and the Democratic
power structure, and so were the Republicans, so there was some
interest in this group. The Republicans put out a tentative
feelers, because if these people actually voted, or if they
intimidated whole neighborhoods into voting, they could be a
powerful voting bloc. But this was risky business, since the
Rangers were criminals.”

File that idea under Paths Not Taken: “In the end, the
Republicans decided the risks of working with the Rangers
outweighed the benefits.” But the gang didn’t leave politics
behind: They soon got
some grant money
from LBJ’s Office of Economic Opportunity.
Fort eventually found a new political patron, name of
Muammar Qaddafi

from Hit & Run

The Average American Ferrari Buyer Is 47 Years Old; In China – Only 32

In China, 9 out of 10 billionaires are self-made, the highest percentage of any country (and by self-made we are unsure whether BusinessWeek’s Christina Larson means via entrepreurial spirits or government connected handout) but there is another fact that makes the Chinese billionaire different from the rest of the average run-of-the-mill billionaires we discussed here. The average age of the country’s 157 billionaires is 53 years old – nine years younger than the world average. But perhaps the most shocking statistic among the luxury buyer is that the average Ferrari buyer in the U.S. is 47 years old; in China, he is 32.


Here’s how the wealth – among the families of Communist China’s “Eight Immortals” – has been grealt rotated and grown among them…


As Bloomberg BusinessWeek notes,

To be sure, self-made fortunes aren’t always made cleanly in China, as Bloomberg News documented in a 2012 investigative series on the extreme wealth of China’s leading political families, “Revolution to Riches.”

It’s no surprise, given the deep intertwinement of money and political power in China, that Beijing is home to the country’s highest number of billionaires, with 26. That’s followed by Shanghai, with 19 billionaires, and Shenzhen with 16. The UBS study calculates the combined net worth of China’s billionaires to be $384 billion, roughly equivalent to the entire annual gross domestic product of South Africa in 2012.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

FDA Shuts Down 23andMe: Outrageously Banning Consumer Access to Personal Genome Information:

23andMeFor a couple of years, I have
been warning all my friends and colleagues to purchase $99 personal
genome testing from 23andMe before the Feds banned it. Well, now
the Food and Drug Administration has banned it sending the genome
testing company a
warning letter

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is sending you this
letter because you are marketing the 23andMe Saliva Collection Kit
and Personal Genome Service (PGS) without marketing clearance or
approval in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(the FD&C Act). 

This product is a device within the meaning of section 201(h) of
the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(h), because it is intended for use
in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or is intended to
affect the structure or function of the body. For example,
your company’s website at (most recently
viewed on November 6, 2013) markets the PGS for providing “health
reports on 254 diseases and conditions,” including categories such
as “carrier status,” “health risks,” and “drug response,” and
specifically as a “first step in prevention” that enables users to
“take steps toward mitigating serious diseases” such as diabetes,
coronary heart disease, and breast cancer. Most of the
intended uses for PGS listed on your website, a list that has grown
over time, are medical device uses under section 201(h) of the
FD&C Act. Most of these uses have not been classified and
thus require premarket approval or de novo classification, as FDA
has explained to you on numerous occasions.

The FDA says it is concerned that consumers would misunderstand
genetic marker information and self treat. For example, the agency
cites the company for testing for versions of the BRCA gene that
confers higher risk of breast cancer worrying that women might get
a false positive test leading “a patient to undergo prophylactic
surgery, chemoprevention, intensive screening, or other
morbidity-inducing actions….”

What the test results would actually lead patients to do is to
get another test and to talk with their physicians. The FDA also
cites the genotype results that indicate the sensitivity of
patients to the blood-thinning medication warfarin. Again, such
results would be used by patients to talk with their doctors about
their treatment regimens should the time come that they need to
take the drug. In fact, in 2010 the FDA actually updated its rules
to recommend
genetic testing
to set the proper warfarin dosages for

It is notable that the FDA cites not one example of a patient
being harmed through the use of 23andMe’s genotype screening test.
Nevertheless the agency orders that…

…23andMe must immediately discontinue marketing the PGS
(Personal Genome Service) until such time as it receives FDA
marketing authorization for the device.

The FDA bureaucrats think that they know better than you how to
handle your genetic information. This is outrageous.

For more background, see my 2011 Reason article on my
own genetic testing experience
and go to SNPedia here for even
more information on my genetic flaws.

H/T Mike Riggs and Andrew Mayne.

from Hit & Run

From Moderate Republican to Green Reaganite

"Let the Workers Control the Means of Production"—OK, John, I'll read this tonight.I’ve known my share of
libertarian Reaganites and I’ve known my share of libertarian
greens. But John McClaughry, the
founder of the Ethan Allen Institute
and a contributing
at Reason, might be the country’s only
libertarian Reaganite green: The same decentralist impulse that led
him to take a job as a Reagan speechwriter also made him the
chairman of the
E.F. Schumacher Society
and got him interested in worker-managed
. The mix of interests reminds me of Karl Hess, but while
Hess started his career as a Goldwaterite, McClaughry began in the
un-Goldwater camp: the “moderate Republican” sector of the ’60s,
which evidently contained multitudes.

McClaughry is now serializing his memoirs at the Front Porch
site. The
first chapter
, which covers those moderate-Republican years, is
valuable both as a glimpse into that forgotten milieu and as a look
at what happens when the government tries to get into the business
of promoting “voluntary” behavior. The young McClaughry was heavily
influenced by a libertarian text of the day, Richard Cornuelle’s

Reclaiming the American Dream
, which celebrated the
“independent sector” of voluntary mutual associations. The
political class responded to Cornuelle’s ideas by co-opting them,
with Cornuelle’s assistance; Murray Rothbard mocked
their efforts at the time, writing in The Libertarian

I don't think Hank done it this way.a “central theme” of the new [Nixon]
Administration will be a nationwide drive to stimulate “voluntary
action” against social ills. It adds that Secretary George Romney
is “in charge of planning the voluntary action effort.” This
concept needs to be savored: government, the quintessence of
coercion, is going to plan a nationwide “voluntary”
effort. George Orwell, where art thou now? War is Peace, Freedom is
Slavery, Voluntary Action is Government Planning.

The Post goes on to say that Romney, Secretary Finch, and the
President “are devotees of the idea that vast and untapped energies
of volunteers in an ‘independent sector’ can transform the Nation.”
Nixon endorsed the idea in 1965, and recently declared that “the
President should be the chief patron of citizen efforts.” And it
turns out that last year, Secretary Finch was co-author of a book
on the independent sector, with — you guessed it — Richard C.
Cornuelle, the “godfather of independent action” and head of the
Nixon task-force on independent voluntary action. Two major
programs are emerging: a mixed public-private organization
chartered by the Federal government to stimulate voluntary action
drives, and a series of Presidental awards, like the World War II
Navy “E” for Efficiency, to be bestowed by the President in person
for outstanding voluntary efforts.

Cornuelle was eventually disillusioned with all this.
(McClaughry quotes him: “I cannot imagine why I thought for a
moment that the state could be persuaded to contrive its own
undoing.”) But the more interesting disillusionment is
McClaughry’s, and one of the pleasures of McClaughry’s memoir
is the opportunity to see a young Cornuellean getting fed up with
the unfolding process. McClaughry’s sardonic account hits its peak
when he serves on Nixon’s National Voluntary Service Action
Council, chaired by “Frank Stella, a Michigan auto dealer whose
qualifications pretty much began and ended with his chairmanship of
Italians for Nixon.” By this time, Nixon’s vision of “voluntary
action” was so stunted that the council’s only concern “was the
operation of the federal government’s volunteer agencies — VISTA,
the Peace Corps, Retired Senior Volunteer Programs, the Foster
Grandparents Program and several others.” At the council’s
organizational meeting, it was decided that the new

The lost prophet of voluntarism.needed an “honorary chairperson,” an epitome of
caring, selfless service, and probity. With one heart and voice the
Council found exactly the right choice: Mrs. Patricia Nixon.
Approved by acclamation! Tongue in cheek, I moved that the staff be
asked to compile a complete list of Mrs. Nixon’s many contributions
to voluntary service. Approved! (So far as I can recall, it was
never produced.)

As the feds transformed quasi-libertarian ideas into a
bureaucratic self-parody, McClaughry himself moved in the opposite
direction, becoming more libertarian in outlook. An account of the
National Home Ownership Foundation Act (NHOF), a
McClaughry-conceived attempt to offer a decentralist alternative to
urban renewal and public housing projects, shows the bill evolving
further and further from its original form before being completely
supplanted by LBJ’s National Housing Act of 1968. McClaughry in
turn evolved “from the ‘government pump priming and assistance’
model of the NHOF to the more libertarian ‘get the hell out of the
way and let people produce’ model.” For a sense of what that shift
looked like in practice, compare McClaughry’s summary of the
National Home Ownership Foundation Act’s provisions, which included
a substantial role for federal dollars, with the ideas he was
espousing in this 1978
Reason article. “What, then, should be the government’s
role in the housing industry?” the ’78 piece concludes. “[O]ne is
hard put to disagree with Elbert Hubbard’s pungent phrase: ‘Keep
away from that wheelbarrow! What the hell do you know about

from Hit & Run

The 2013 Holiday Shopping Must-Have: A Discount

The U.S. holiday shopping season traditionally begins on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, with alluring sales and promotions. On the day the ultimate discounter, Wal-Mart’s CEO resigns, as Bloomberg’s Rich Yamarone notes, the most agreed-upon take so far is that sales will be difficult amid a deteriorating economy – every major retailer in the Bloomberg Orange Book has made mention of the competitive market for the consumer’s dwindling dollar. Target Corp. CEO Gregg Steinhafel said, “it’s clear that the holiday season will be highly promotional and that consumers will be laser-focused on value.”

Via Bloomberg Economist Rich Yamarone,

Holiday spending expectations are not exactly lofty. A Gallup poll conducted Nov. 7-10 found Americans estimated spending $704 per household on Christmas gifts this season, notably lower than the $770 they projected at this time last year. A separate survey conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling found the persistently high rate of unemployment coupled with the long duration of unemployment are still “very real challenges many people are facing.” The November poll revealed 53 percent said they would “cut back on spending, since I am worse off financially this year,” and 33 percent claimed they would “not spend at all, because I anticipate further financial distress.” Only 11 percent had intentions to spend at the same level as a year ago, while 3 percent looked to spend more.


Target’s CEO told investors last week consumer spending remain constrained. “In particular, lower and middle income households are shopping cautiously, as they work to stay within tight, very tight, household budgets, which have seen additional pressure from this year’s payroll tax increase,” he said.

Consumers simply don’t have the wherewithal to get the economy moving — real disposable personal incomes are advancing by a gradual 1.9 percent pace, while real average hourly earnings are only 1.3 percent higher than year ago levels. The household sector is limiting its purchases to necessities, like food, and retailers are well aware of this.

My colleague Matt Nolfo and I stopped by a Target in Birmingham, Alabama during a recent speaking tour. The biggest takeaway — other than a six-pack of Bud — was the enormous size of the grocery section. What used to be a few aisles of dry goods — coffee, cereal, and chips — has ballooned to a sizable dedication of square footage including frozen food, alcohol, and freshly baked produce.

Dollar Tree Inc. has been moving in this direction for several quarters. CEO Bob Sasser highlighted this during his company’s earnings report, noting comparative sales growth in the third quarter was the result of increased sales in need-based consumables. “We’re rolling out freezers and coolers at a faster pace,” Sasser said. In the third quarter Dollar Tree installed freezers and coolers in 122 additional stores for a total of 566 store installations year-to-date exceeding the company’s original plan for 550 store installations. “We now offer frozen and refrigerated product in 3,115 stores,” Sasser said.

All this food considered, maybe the year’s best seller will be fruitcake — a heavily discounted one.


Source: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Beware The ‘Head-Fake’ Taper As “Markets Have Now Discounted Their Own Dishonesty”

Submitted by James Howard Kunstler of,

The financial wires and pod-waves are all lit up these days like it was happy hour at the Lottery Winner’s Lounge.  It appears that the American economy – capital management division – has found the long-wished-for magic alternative energy source: horseshit. It is fueling the conversation all over the Web and over the senile mainstream media megaphones. One technical analyst, celebrity Tweeter Ralph Acampora of Altaira Wealth Management, actually said this week that the USA would be “energy independent by 2016.” That’s rich. We’d only have to come up with 8.5 million new barrels of oil a day, or give up driving cars altogether.

Apparently, the Federal Reserve is not just hosing down the markets with liquidity (i.e. money for nothing), but has also turned its headquarters in lower Manhattan into the world’s biggest stationary crack pipe. Meanwhile, more than a few professional observers of the financial scene say there can’t be any bubble because that’s the only thing everybody talks about and bubbles only form when nobody notices them.

That’s just not true. Plenty of people were hollering and finger-pointing about the housing bubble years before it blew up the banking system, including yours truly in a book published in 2005 (The Long Emergency). The reason there is so much anxious chatter about the current bubble is because the bubble is there for all to see, and when it pops it is sure to leave a lot more rubble on the ground than the last time — for instance, the wreckage of trust in all paper investments, which would be quite an historic financial innovation. Since the interventions and manipulations of markets and interest rates are perfectly obvious, one would have to conclude from the current sentiment that faith in the crookedness of finance has completely solidified. The markets have now discounted their own dishonesty.

The story making the rounds these days is that the USA’s industrial economy is on the rise again; that the housing market has “recovered;” that (according to Meredith Whitney) the “central corridor” of the nation (Texas to Minnesota) is the second coming of Japan in the 1960s; that we have more oil than we know what to do with; that the nation has bred a super-race of intrepid entrepreneurial risk-takers like unto no other society in history; and finally that whatever else we are or are not, America is the cleanest shirt in the laundry basket of Mother Earth.

This is all horseshit of course, being smoked in the New York Fed’s crack pipe.

Here’s what’s actually going on. The Federal Reserve can only pretend to have any option besides force-feeding “money” into Wall Street as if it were a Strasbourg Goose with Crohn’s disease. What passes through goose is a vile toxic substance called malinvestment, which turns the energies of society into activities that produce nothing of value, like hedge fund employee bonuses, NSA operations, Tesla car promotion, Frank Gehry condo towers, drone strikes against Afghani wedding parties, Obama photo ops, inflated auction prices of oil paintings, and Barney’s new Jay-Z holiday fashion collection.

The Fed makes regular noises about ending the force-feeding program (a.k.a. “quantitative easing” or “bond purchases”) issued in the recorded minutes of its Open Market Committee (FOMC). The propaganda is called “forward guidance” to give it the appearance of seriousness and rectitude, but its actual nature is more like what goes on in a Jerry Lewis movie of the 1960s — a kind of antic mugging. Lately it’s referred to as “taper talk” in reference to the threat of tapering the Fed’s purchases of US Treasury bonds and other debt paper, which runs at around $85 billion a month. Sometime soon, the Fed may announce a tiny taper of say $10 billion a month. This head-fake taper will cause the interest rates on the ten-year-bond to shoot up north of 3 percent and threaten to bankrupt the government — which is too broke to pay interest that high on the loans it takes. The markets will have a whack attack over the tiny taper. The Fed will freak out at the odor of deflationary depression and go back to full-tilt force-feeding of the sick goose.

The outcome will be some combination of a complete loss of faith in paper currency and the “assets” denominated in it, a complete loss of trust between banks that they are solvent enough to do business with each other, and a conclusive implosion of Wall Street and all the institutions in and around it, extending to the executive branch of the federal government. The sorry little appendage to all that, US economy, will be left in the cold and dark, whimpering for its mommy.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Beware The 'Head-Fake' Taper As "Markets Have Now Discounted Their Own Dishonesty"

Submitted by James Howard Kunstler of,

The financial wires and pod-waves are all lit up these days like it was happy hour at the Lottery Winner’s Lounge.  It appears that the American economy – capital management division – has found the long-wished-for magic alternative energy source: horseshit. It is fueling the conversation all over the Web and over the senile mainstream media megaphones. One technical analyst, celebrity Tweeter Ralph Acampora of Altaira Wealth Management, actually said this week that the USA would be “energy independent by 2016.” That’s rich. We’d only have to come up with 8.5 million new barrels of oil a day, or give up driving cars altogether.

Apparently, the Federal Reserve is not just hosing down the markets with liquidity (i.e. money for nothing), but has also turned its headquarters in lower Manhattan into the world’s biggest stationary crack pipe. Meanwhile, more than a few professional observers of the financial scene say there can’t be any bubble because that’s the only thing everybody talks about and bubbles only form when nobody notices them.

That’s just not true. Plenty of people were hollering and finger-pointing about the housing bubble years before it blew up the banking system, including yours truly in a book published in 2005 (The Long Emergency). The reason there is so much anxious chatter about the current bubble is because the bubble is there for all to see, and when it pops it is sure to leave a lot more rubble on the ground than the last time — for instance, the wreckage of trust in all paper investments, which would be quite an historic financial innovation. Since the interventions and manipulations of markets and interest rates are perfectly obvious, one would have to conclude from the current sentiment that faith in the crookedness of finance has completely solidified. The markets have now discounted their own dishonesty.

The story making the rounds these days is that the USA’s industrial economy is on the rise again; that the housing market has “recovered;” that (according to Meredith Whitney) the “central corridor” of the nation (Texas to Minnesota) is the second coming of Japan in the 1960s; that we have more oil than we know what to do with; that the nation has bred a super-race of intrepid entrepreneurial risk-takers like unto no other society in history; and finally that whatever else we are or are not, America is the cleanest shirt in the laundry basket of Mother Earth.

This is all horseshit of course, being smoked in the New York Fed’s crack pipe.

Here’s what’s actually going on. The Federal Reserve can only pretend to have any option besides force-feeding “money” into Wall Street as if it were a Strasbourg Goose with Crohn’s disease. What passes through goose is a vile toxic substance called malinvestment, which turns the energies of society into activities that produce nothing of value, like hedge fund employee bonuses, NSA operations, Tesla car promotion, Frank Gehry condo towers, drone strikes against Afghani wedding parties, Obama photo ops, inflated auction prices of oil paintings, and Barney’s new Jay-Z holiday fashion collection.

The Fed makes regular noises about ending the force-feeding program (a.k.a. “quantitative easing” or “bond purchases”) issued in the recorded minutes of its Open Market Committee (FOMC). The propaganda is called “forward guidance” to give it the appearance of seriousness and rectitude, but its actual nature is more like what goes on in a Jerry Lewis movie of the 1960s — a kind of antic mugging. Lately it’s referred to as “taper talk” in reference to the threat of tapering the Fed’s purchases of US Treasury bonds and other debt paper, which runs at around $85 billion a month. Sometime soon, the Fed may announce a tiny taper of say $10 billion a month. This head-fake taper will cause the interest rates on the ten-year-bond to shoot up north of 3 percent and threaten to bankrupt the government — which is too broke to pay interest that high on the loans it takes. The markets will have a whack attack over the tiny taper. The Fed will freak out at the odor of deflationary depression and go back to full-tilt force-feeding of the sick goose.

The outcome will be some combination of a complete loss of faith in paper currency and the “assets” denominated in it, a complete loss of trust between banks that they are solvent enough to do business with each other, and a conclusive implosion of Wall Street and all the institutions in and around it, extending to the executive branch of the federal government. The sorry little appendage to all that, US economy, will be left in the cold and dark, whimpering for its mommy.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Debt Is Failing as a Driver of Economic Growth


The US is heading towards a debt crisis.


Today, the US’s Debt to GDP ratio stands at over 105% (debt of $16.7 trillion on a GDP of $15.68 trillion). The only other time we’ve had more debt relative to our GDP was during WWII when the Debt to GDP ratio hit 112%:



Debt is not inherently evil. Debt that doesn’t create growth is


In the 1960s every new $1 in debt bought nearly $1 in GDP growth. In the 70s it began to fall as the debt climbed. By the time we hit the ‘80s and ‘90s, each new $1 in debt bought only $0.30-$0.50 in GDP growth.


And today, each new $1 in debt buys only $0.10 in GDP growth at best.



Put another way, the growth of the last three decades, but especially of the last 5-10 years, has been driven by a greater and greater amount of debt. As you can see, after the Crisis began in 2007, the US moved into the point of debt saturation at which each new $1 in debt generates no additional growth.


This is why the Fed has been so concerned about interest rates. With a debt load of this size, every 1% rise in the US’s debt payments means another $100 billion in debt payments.


Unfortunately for the Fed, rates will eventually rise. It is guaranteed. As you can see in the below chart, rates have fallen almost nonstop since the early ‘80s. This is not sustainable. At some point rates will rise again. I cannot state expressly when, but that point is coming sooner rather than later.




With that in mind, investors should take steps today to shield their wealth from the impact of this.


If you have not taken steps to prepare this, we have a FREE Special Report that outlines how to prepare your portfolio. To pick up a copy, swing by:



Best Regards


Phoenix Capital Research







via Zero Hedge Phoenix Capital Research

Barack Obama, Trustworthiness Plummeting, Claims He’s “Not a Particularly Ideological Person”

not ideologicalPresident Obama is fast approaching lame duck
status as the public’s opinion of him sours. Only four in ten
now think
he can effectively manage the federal
government,  and a majority (53 percent) don’t find him honest
or trustworthy. But there is one thing Americans can still trust
Obama to do,
raise lots of money
for Democrats running in elections next
year. It may not matter what Obama says at these fundraisers (even
if they’re attended by the 47 percent that still trust him) as it’s
presumably his position as president that draws donors. He doesn’t
just show up and smile, though. Sometimes he’s good for a

From Reuters:

President Barack Obama, on a fundraising swing in
Seattle on Sunday, described himself as “not a particularly
ideological person” despite ongoing political clashes with
Republicans over healthcare, the economy, and immigration

not a socialist
, he just thinks he’s always right. And
everything that’s not is Republicans’ fault. That may not make him
seem particularly ideological, but it does make him seem
particularly partisan and petty.

Follow these stories and more at Reason 24/7 and don’t forget you
can e-mail stories to us at and tweet us
at @reason247.

from Hit & Run