Japan Unveils Its Worst Current Account Deficit Ever

Any day, month, quarter, year, decade now; Goldman Sachs’ mythical J-Curve will arise from the cinder-strewn ashes of Japan’s current account. Japanese bond markets are rallying and JPY is weakening modestly after Abe’s increasingly disapproved-of government announced the worst balance of payments current account deficit on record. At JPY -592bn vs expectations of JPY -36bbn and its 5th miss in the last 7 months as economists and analysts and pretend portfolio managers just keep getting it wrong. The trade deficit plunged once again, missed expectations once again and printed at the 3rd worst deficit ever with the 16th monthly trade deficit in a row. But apart from that, the Nikkei is -1000 points from the 2013 close highs and apart from rumors of a big bank selling JPY to defend 103, the trend ain’t Abe’s friend for now…



Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/3Wyp9Xp49yA/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Sochi: What “The Safest Games Ever” Cost?

Russia is spending $51 billion on the Sochi Games; far exceeding the lavish-at-the-time $40 billion spent on China’s 2008 Summer Olympics – which, as BusinessWeek notes, had more than three time the events. However, it is Sochi Organizing Committee President Dmitry Chernyshenko’s promise that it will be “the safest games ever” that is really starting to add up in the face of suicide bombings and explosive device discoveries. As Al Jazeera shows, securing Sochi is costing twice the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and involves double the security forces of the London Olympics


Bloomberg sums it up…



Cost per event…


Securing Sochi…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/tr9lO58RwPk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Sochi: What "The Safest Games Ever" Cost?

Russia is spending $51 billion on the Sochi Games; far exceeding the lavish-at-the-time $40 billion spent on China’s 2008 Summer Olympics – which, as BusinessWeek notes, had more than three time the events. However, it is Sochi Organizing Committee President Dmitry Chernyshenko’s promise that it will be “the safest games ever” that is really starting to add up in the face of suicide bombings and explosive device discoveries. As Al Jazeera shows, securing Sochi is costing twice the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and involves double the security forces of the London Olympics


Bloomberg sums it up…



Cost per event…


Securing Sochi…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/tr9lO58RwPk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Obamacare Enrollment Explained In Three Charts

By now the distinction that “enrollment” in Obamacare does not actually mean coverage should be painfully clear: one still has to pay, and according to a recent analysis up to 50% of “enrollees” in any given state have not paid, which means the White House’s number of 2.1 million sign ups through December 28 is vastly overstating the reality (especially if one ignores the 5+ million of torn up, lost insurance policies as a result of Obamacare). But even if one clearly delineates what is meant by “enrollment” in the most epic failure of a ponzi scheme to ever emerge from a developed nation (with a recently disclosed penchant for Big Brother-yness), what conclusions can one draw about the current participants in obligatory, socialized insurance as most recently disclosed by the administration? Here is the summary: only 24% of all new insured are in the targeted 28-34 age group; only 21% of participants will get no subsidy (which means 79% will be subsidized), and finally more women (54%) than men have signed up.

The above in charts, with commentary from Bloomberg:

About 30 percent of new enrollees are under 35. White House officials say that’s an acceptable mix, and they expect more young people to come on board closer to the March 31 deadline. “We think that more and more young people are going to sign up as time goes by, based on the experience in Massachusetts,” Gary Cohen, deputy administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, said on a conference call with reporters. “We’re actually very pleased with the percentage that we have right now, and we expect that percentage to increase.”

Most of the people who bought coverage on the exchanges this fall got subsidies to help them afford the premiums. That’s in contrast to the first month of the program, when less than one-third of buyers were subsidized. People earning up to four times the poverty rate—as much as $96,000 a year for a family of four—can get help buying coverage.

The numbers released today don’t count people who bought health plans off the exchanges. Given the website’s technical problems, people buying insurance who earn too much for subsidies may have bypassed healthcare.gov entirely and purchased plans from brokers or directly from insurance companies. The government doesn’t yet have data on how many people got coverage directly.

Under Obamacare, insurers can’t charge men and women different rates—or, as Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius put it, “Starting in 2014, being a woman is no longer a preexisting condition.” That generally resulted in lower prices for women compared with insurance markets where underwriting by gender is allowed, so it’s not surprising women signed up in greater numbers.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/MjpxORzFrcM/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Monday Humor: Portland Pimp Sues Nike For “Dangerous Weapon”-ized Trainers

While McDonalds “coffee is hot” warning labels and litigation was a farce of lowest-common-denominator American exceptionalism; SirGriorgio Clardy, a Portland pimp, is suing Nike for not specifying that his trainers could be used as a dangerous weapon. As NBC News reports, Clardy is seeking $100 million from the Oregon sportswear company after he was sentenced to 100 years in prison for brutally beating a ‘john’ with his sneaker (apparently unaware of their potential for danger when one stomps on the face of another human being).



Via NBC News,


Sirgiorgio Clardy, 26, claims Nike should have placed a warning in the shoes warning consumers that the kicks have the potential to be used as a dangerous weapon, according to The Oregonian newspaper. Clardy is seeking $100 million for what he believes was the shoe manufacturer’s oversight.


In June, Clardy repeatedly stomped on the face of a client with his Jordan Nike shoes when the man refused to pay Clardy’s prostitute. The man required stitches and plastic surgery after the beating.


Clardy was sentenced to 100 years in prison for beating the man as well as attacking an 18-year-old prostitute so violently that she bled from her ears.



The jury in Clardy’s most recent case called him a “dangerous offender” and classified his shoes as “a dangerous weapon” in order to assure he received the longest prison sentence possible, according to The Oregonian.


Clardy wrote a three-page complaint against Nike from the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution where he is incarcerated, reported The Oregonian. In the claim he said Nike “failed to warn of risk or to provide an adequate warning or instruction,” by not cautioning that their shoes are “potentially dangerous.”


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1iKja5n Tyler Durden

Monday Humor: Portland Pimp Sues Nike For "Dangerous Weapon"-ized Trainers

While McDonalds “coffee is hot” warning labels and litigation was a farce of lowest-common-denominator American exceptionalism; SirGriorgio Clardy, a Portland pimp, is suing Nike for not specifying that his trainers could be used as a dangerous weapon. As NBC News reports, Clardy is seeking $100 million from the Oregon sportswear company after he was sentenced to 100 years in prison for brutally beating a ‘john’ with his sneaker (apparently unaware of their potential for danger when one stomps on the face of another human being).



Via NBC News,


Sirgiorgio Clardy, 26, claims Nike should have placed a warning in the shoes warning consumers that the kicks have the potential to be used as a dangerous weapon, according to The Oregonian newspaper. Clardy is seeking $100 million for what he believes was the shoe manufacturer’s oversight.


In June, Clardy repeatedly stomped on the face of a client with his Jordan Nike shoes when the man refused to pay Clardy’s prostitute. The man required stitches and plastic surgery after the beating.


Clardy was sentenced to 100 years in prison for beating the man as well as attacking an 18-year-old prostitute so violently that she bled from her ears.



The jury in Clardy’s most recent case called him a “dangerous offender” and classified his shoes as “a dangerous weapon” in order to assure he received the longest prison sentence possible, according to The Oregonian.


Clardy wrote a three-page complaint against Nike from the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution where he is incarcerated, reported The Oregonian. In the claim he said Nike “failed to warn of risk or to provide an adequate warning or instruction,” by not cautioning that their shoes are “potentially dangerous.”


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1iKja5n Tyler Durden

Meanwhile in Spain…

Things have gotten a bit feisty in the Spanish city of Burgos, where violent protests have emerged in recent days over the decision to reduce the size of a road by half. It seems the protestors made a special point to vent their anger at a branch of Spanish bank Santander.

Don’t worry though, everything’s just fine. Nothing to see here serfs, move along. Recovery is proceeding as planned.

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Meanwhile in Spain… originally appeared on A Lightning War for Liberty on January 13, 2014.

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from A Lightning War for Liberty http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2014/01/13/meanwhile-in-spain/

The Number Of Working Age Americans Without A Job Has Risen By Almost 10 Million Under Obama

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

That headline is not a misprint.  The number of working age Americans that do not have a job has increased by nearly 10 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House. 

In January 2009, the number of "officially unemployed" workers plus the number of Americans "not in the labor force" was sitting at a grand total of 92.6 million.  Today, that number has risen to 102.2 million.  That means that the number of working age Americans that are not working has grown by close to 10 million since Barack Obama first took office.  So why does the "official unemployment rate" keep going down?  Well, it is because the federal government has been pretending that millions upon millions of unemployed workers have "left the labor force" over the past few years and do not want to work anymore.  The government says that another 347,000 workers "left the labor force" in December.  That is nearly five times larger than the 74,000 jobs that were "created" by the U.S. economy last month.  And it is important to note that more than half of those jobs were temporary jobs, and it takes well over 100,000 new jobs just to keep up with population growth each month.  So the unemployment rate should not have gone down.  If anything, it should have gone up.

In fact, if the federal government was using an honest labor force participation rate, the official unemployment rate would be far higher than it is right now.  Instead of 6.7 percent, it would be 11.5 percent, and it has stayed at about that level since the end of the last recession.

But "6.7 percent" makes Obama look so much better than "11.5 percent", don't you think?

The labor force participation rate is now at a 35 year low, and the only way that the federal government has been able to get the "unemployment rate" to go down is by removing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of the labor force every month.

Why don't they just get it over with and announce that they have decided that all workers immediately leave the labor force the moment that they lose their jobs?  That way we could have an unemployment rate of "0.0 percent" and Obama could be hailed as a great economic savior.

Of course the truth is that the employment crisis in the United States is about as bad now as it was during the depths of the last recession.

If you want a much more accurate reading of the employment picture in America, just look at the employment-population ratio.  The percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job continues to stagnate at an extremely low level.  In fact, the percentage of working age Americans that are employed has stayed between 58.2 percent and 58.8 percent for 52 months in a row…

Employment-Population Ratio 2014

Does that look like an "employment recovery" to you?

Because no matter how hard I squint my eyes, I just can't see it.

The percentage of Americans that actually have jobs should have bounced back at least a little bit by now.

But it has not happened.

And guess what?  Most people don't know this, but the U.S. economy actually created fewer jobs in 2013 than it did in 2012.  So the momentum of job creation is actually going the wrong way.

No matter how rosy the mainstream media makes things out to be, the reality on the ground tells an entirely different story.

For example, just check out the desperation that was displayed on the streets of New York City last week…

The line wrapped nearly around an entire city block on Friday as approximately 1,500 people waited in Queens for a chance to apply for a coveted union job as painters or blasters on bridges and steel structures.


The first few people on line had been there since 1 p.m. on Tuesday when the temperature in New York City was in the single digits.

The job that those desperate workers wanted to apply for only pays $17.20 an hour.

Of course that is far from an isolated incident.  Last week, I wrote about how 1,600 workers recently applied for just 36 jobs at an ice cream plant in Maryland.

We would not be witnessing scenes like these if the unemployment rate in America was really just 6.7 percent.

An article by Phoenix Capital Research does a good job of summarizing how useless the official government numbers have become…

Since 2009, we’ve been told that things have improved. The fact of the matter is that the improvement has been largely due to accounting tricks rather than any real change in reality.


Sure you can make unemployment look better by not counting people, you can claim the economy is growing by ignoring inflation, you can argue that inflation is low because you don’t count food or energy, but the reality is that all of these arguments are grade “A” BS.


We are now five years into the “recovery.” The single and I mean SINGLE accomplishment from spending over $3 trillion has been the stock market going higher. This is a complete and total failure. Based on the business cycle alone, the economy should be roaring.


What does it say that we’ve spent this much money and accomplished so little?


The word is FAILURE.


The media is lying about the economy. They have been for years. Even the BLS now admits that its methodologies are either inefficient (read: DON’T work) or outright wrong.

The cold, hard reality of the matter is that there has not been an economic recovery in this nation.

Anyone that tries to tell you that is lying to you.

And now the next major wave of the economic collapse is rapidly approaching.

The U.S. national debt is on pace to more than double during the eight years of the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve has been recklessly printing up trillions of dollars.  The long-term damage that they have done to our economy is incalculable.  But despite all of those extraordinary "stimulus" measures, the percentage of Americans that are actually working has not budged.

If we were going to have a recovery, it would have happened by this point.  In fact, this is all the "recovery" that we are going to experience.

From here on out, this is about as good as things are going to get.  As bad as you may think things are now, the truth is that this is rip-roaring prosperity compared to what is coming.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/nu0tm2tki_M/story01.htm Tyler Durden

And The Most Unexpected Correlation To The Fed’s Balance Sheet Is…

While the Fed pays lip-service to its increased transparency, the volumes of caveats and wordsmithing we exposed last week continue to surge. The problem is becoming worse for the Fed and is showing up in the oddest correlation to the Fed Balance Sheet we have found yet. As Deutsche Bank's Thorsten Slok shows, as the 'unemployment rate' approaches the 6.5% 'threshold', FOMC statements have surged in their verbiosity. Simply put, as Slok quantifies, it is becoming more and more difficult for the Fed to explain (away) what it is doing (and more and more expensive).



$6 billion per additional word… Will the taper means fewer or more words? (but as @Not_Jim_Cramer notes, Every additional word in the FOMC statement since 2008 was worth $18 Billion in equity market value.)


Remember, while the 'better' economic data provides the cover, there remain critical reasons why the Fed has to stop its QE program (or at minimum show it can reduce it) – even as the Fed itself admits to asset bubbles and risk concerns:

1. Deficits are shrinking and the Fed has less and less room for its buying


2. Under the surface, various non-mainstream technicalities are breaking in the markets due to the size of the Fed's position (repo markets, bond specialness, and fail-to-delivers among them).


3. Sentiment is critical; if the public starts to believe (as Kyle Bass warned) that the central bank is monetizing the government's debt (which it clearly is), then the game accelerates away from them very quickly – and we suspect they fear we are close to that tipping point


4. The rest of the world is not happy. As Canada just noted, the US monetary policy will be discussed at the G-20

Simply put, they are cornered and need to Taper; no matter how bad the macro data and we are sure 'trends' and longer-term horizons will come to their rescue in defending the prime dealers' clear agreement that it is time…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/KDByv72_20s/story01.htm Tyler Durden