Spot The Idiotic Central Banker Statement

With the wild world of central bankers full of double-speak, counter-factuals and well-chosen anecdotes, statements of questionable sanity are not difficult to find. However, Dennis Lockhart, who has already done his optimistic economic damage to stocks this morning just outdid himself. Speaking in his home town, the Atlanta Fed President stated confidently in the Q&A after his speech:

“One of the stupidest things a central banker could do is comment on the stock market.”

Then added:

The stock market is not “a bubble in any way”

“Stupid” indeed, Mr Lockhart…



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Merger Monday – Suntory Buys Beam for 25% Premium ($16Bn)

By Phil of Phil’s Stock World

Mergers are great market boosters.  

They make investors think everything is undervalued in a sector when one company gets bought for high cash premiums and BEAM (Jim Beam) is one of those companies many of us know and love but not, apparently, as much as the Japanese who will be taking over this 110 year-old American Icon. BEAM did not rise 30% last year, making it “cheap” vs other S&P choices and, of couse, the only thing in the World more plentiful than Free Dollars is Free Yen – so why not gobble up some assets while the gobbling’s good? 

The company’s combined portfolio of brands will include Beam’s Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark and Knob Creek bourbons; Courvoisier cognac and Sauza tequila; plus Suntory’s Japanese whiskies Yamazaki, Hakushu, Hibiki and Kakubin; Bowmore Scotch whisky; and Midori liqueur and, if you went from “yeah, I know those” to “who?” while reading that list, then you can see why Suntory values Beam’s distribution network and brand recognition as much as they do the product. 

Suntory is a 1 TRILLION Yen Company and a steady, 4% dividend payer in Japan. A move like this is another bullish signal for the markets as this is the proverbial money coming off the sidelines, when foreign companies begin buying up US companies and Japan is a prime candidate as the Nikkei was up 45% last year – making the S&P look pretty cheap to them. 

If you want to find other companies that look cheap, I suggest the S&P’s 20 Most Concentrated Hedge Fund Holdings, where BEAM was number 7. These are the companies most favored by hedge funds and it’s not the usual suspects:

The Free Money is still out there, as long as you can service a 10-year loan at 3%, any of these companies can be yours and refinancing a decade from now is the next CEOs job – especially if you are a CEO already over 55 and looking to put your stamp on your company with a big move.  

STZ, for example, is a $15Bn company at $80 a share (expect it to move higher on this news) and a series of acquisitions has run it up 110% in the last 12 months. AN is another roll-up story and JCP may seem an odd choice there but, like SHLD, their 1,104 stores are probably worth more than their $2.2Bn market cap (I still prefer SHLD, which is 50% owned by a hedge fund!). 

Following table by Baker Street Capital Management. 

SHLD is making the cut for one of my top 3 picks of 2014, now that it dropped almost 50% since Thanksgiving. Valued at $3.9Bn at $36.71 per share, if we give a $2M valuation to the companies 4,000 stores, we have $8Bn right there along with $2.5Bn worth of brands, a home service business worth $2Bn, Land’s End is a standalone at $1.4Bn, Sears Online is new and worth about $1Bn, Sears Canada and Sears Auto are good for another $1Bn and Inventory alone argues for a few Billion on the Retail side (see excellent Baker Street Report). 

At $8Bn, I was hesitant to call Sears a buy but, at $3.9Bn, a Japanese department store could make them an offer next week. We’re having a special Live Webinar today at 1pm, where we will discuss my top 3 Trade Ideas for 2014.  With SHLD, our intent is going to be playing for a buyout at $6Bn or more ($48+ per share) and it has already been placed in our Income Portfolio (from PSW Member Chat) last Friday at $36.71 with 10 of the Jan 2015 $30/45 bull call spreads at net $6. Our intention is to add short puts (IF) they fall further but, if not, then we’re already $6.71 in the money on our $6 spread with a potential gain of $9 more (150%) at $45. 

Source: Zero Hedge


Overall, we’re still “Cashy and Cautious” as the Macros are NOT matching up to the markets’ performance.   Mean reversion can be a real bitch, so there’s no harm in us keeping the bulk of our cash on the sidelines, while we wait to see if this discrepancy can hold up through earnings or not (we’re betting not).  

Long-term, you can’t fight the Fed(s) but we’re not really sure how much longer the Fed, the BOJ, the ECB, the PBOC, etc. can keep playing this game.  The Financial Times points out this weekend that peer to peer lending in China rose from $940M in 2012 to over $4Bn last year and is expected to hit $7.8Bn in 2015 and 6% of the P2P companies in China went bust last year, with many more in distress.  

“The main reasons are the intense competition in the P2P industry, the liquidity squeeze at the end of the year and a loss of faith by investors,” said Xu Hongwei, chief executive of Online Lending House.  He estimated that 80 or 90 per cent of the country’s P2P companies might go bust.

The WSJ reports that “China’s government is gearing up for a spike in nonperforming loans, endorsing a range of options to clean up the banks and experimenting with ways for lenders to squeeze value from debts gone bad.”

Write-offs have multiplied in recent months. Over-the-counter asset exchanges have sprung up as a way for banks to find buyers for collateral seized from defaulting borrowers and for bad loans they want to spin off. Provinces have started setting up their own “bad banks,” state-owned institutions that can take over nonperforming loans that threaten banks’ ability to continue lending.


China’s banks reported 563.6 billion yuan ($93.15 billion) of nonperforming loans at the end of September. That is up 38% from 407.8 billion yuan, the low point in recent years, two years earlier


India Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Fed-fueled inflation in India is likely to cost Prime Minister Singh his job as prices rose 11% in November and 9.87% in December, fueling voter anger in the World’s largest Democracy.  Despite the big boost from rising prices, GDP in India expanded just 5% last year, the slowest rate since 2003, and will probably grow at that pace in the fiscal year ending March 31, according to central bank estimates.

Our own GDP was boosted in July by a clever recalculation of the value of existing intellectual property, mostly TV and Film assets that added $560Bn to our GDP last year (3.6%).  $560Bn is the GDP of Switzerland, ranked 20th in the World.  Seinfeld alone added Billions to our GDP under the new rules and much of this fancy new math was predicated on companies like NFLX paying Billions of recurring Dollars for old TV shows.  So, as long as NFLX itself, with their p/e of 277, isn’t in a bubble – what can go wrong?  

Have I mentioned we’re Cashy and Cautious?

Click on this link to try Phil’s Stock World FREE! 


via Zero Hedge ilene

Japanese Stocks Lose All Post-Taper Gains As USDJPY Dives

The Nikkei 225 is at its ‘cheapest’ relative to the Dow Industrials in the last two months as the behcmark Japanese stock index has now lost all of its gains post the US Taper decision in mid-December. With USDJPY breaking back below 103 and the correlation between it and stocks as high as it has ever been, if BAML is right with its sub-100 target for the FX pair, then the Nikkei could be looking at 14,500 (or an 11% tumble from the highs).


Japanese stocks are back below pre-Taper levels… (leaving the NKY the cheapest to the Dow in 2 months)


as the correlation between Japanese stocks and the Yen remains as high as ever…


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

How A High Freak Algo Halted Bond Trading For 5 Seconds During Friday's Payrolls Release

It’s just sad now: with every passing day bringing new (and previously unseen) cases of high frequency trading algo-generated market halts or crashes, that none of the regulators are willing to take a stand against this market scourge that we have written about for nearly 5 years now, is a clear indication that the HFT lobby is firmly in control of what were once “capital markets” and that the retail investor is once again, the sacrificial lamb. But while it was one thing for the high freak thugs to control marginal price action through momentum ignition, quote stuffing, hide not slide, flash trades, and all the other well-known manipulative techniques which seemingly are too complicated for the SEC to figure out, in equities where things get really bad is when HFTs start crashing, or at least halting, the bond market at key market inflection points such as during the most important monthly data release, the payrolls release. This is precisely what happened on Friday, when as Nanex clearly shows, a momentum ignition algo sent the ZF (5 Year T-Note future) soaring and resulting in a 5 second – an eternity in today’s nanosecond age – trading halt during the actual release of the BLS report.

How this kind of manipulation continues without penalty, and how this same party can keep getting away with this  – recall from June, “Here Is Today’s 482 Millisecond NFP Leak, The Subsequent Gold Slam And Trading Halts In Treasurys And ES” – is just too mind-numbing to consider any more.

Here is the criminal action from Friday, in pretty charts, courtesy of Nanex:

On January 10, 2013, about 8/10ths of a second before the Labor Department released the widely anticipated Employment Situation Report, trading activity exploded in Treasury futures, sending the prices much higher in less than 1/10th of a second. The buying activity overwhelmed the 5-Year T-Note market causing a stop logic circuit breaker to trip and shut down trading for 5 seconds. During the halt in 5-Year T-Note futures, the news was officially released in Washington, D.C. – meaning that anyone wanting to trade on that news, would have to wait until the halt was lifted almost 4 seconds later (4,000,000 microseconds in high frequency trading lingo).

This isn’t the first time that Treasury futures have been halted (see also 08-Nov-2013 and 07-Jun-2013); however, before June 2013, this was an extremely rare event.

2. All Futures Trades – showing that trading activity before news release was higher than after news release!

3. March 2014 5-Year T-Note (ZF) Futures. Zoom of Chart 1.

4. March 2014 T-Bond (ZB) Futures.

5. March 2014 10-Year T-Notes (ZN) Futures.

6. March 2014 2-Year T-Note (ZT) Futures.

7. March 2014 2-Year Minus 5-Year T-Note (TUF) Futures. This contract also halted for 5 seconds (due to the halt in the 5-Year leg).

8. March 2014 Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

How A High Freak Algo Halted Bond Trading For 5 Seconds During Friday’s Payrolls Release

It’s just sad now: with every passing day bringing new (and previously unseen) cases of high frequency trading algo-generated market halts or crashes, that none of the regulators are willing to take a stand against this market scourge that we have written about for nearly 5 years now, is a clear indication that the HFT lobby is firmly in control of what were once “capital markets” and that the retail investor is once again, the sacrificial lamb. But while it was one thing for the high freak thugs to control marginal price action through momentum ignition, quote stuffing, hide not slide, flash trades, and all the other well-known manipulative techniques which seemingly are too complicated for the SEC to figure out, in equities where things get really bad is when HFTs start crashing, or at least halting, the bond market at key market inflection points such as during the most important monthly data release, the payrolls release. This is precisely what happened on Friday, when as Nanex clearly shows, a momentum ignition algo sent the ZF (5 Year T-Note future) soaring and resulting in a 5 second – an eternity in today’s nanosecond age – trading halt during the actual release of the BLS report.

How this kind of manipulation continues without penalty, and how this same party can keep getting away with this  – recall from June, “Here Is Today’s 482 Millisecond NFP Leak, The Subsequent Gold Slam And Trading Halts In Treasurys And ES” – is just too mind-numbing to consider any more.

Here is the criminal action from Friday, in pretty charts, courtesy of Nanex:

On January 10, 2013, about 8/10ths of a second before the Labor Department released the widely anticipated Employment Situation Report, trading activity exploded in Treasury futures, sending the prices much higher in less than 1/10th of a second. The buying activity overwhelmed the 5-Year T-Note market causing a stop logic circuit breaker to trip and shut down trading for 5 seconds. During the halt in 5-Year T-Note futures, the news was officially released in Washington, D.C. – meaning that anyone wanting to trade on that news, would have to wait until the halt was lifted almost 4 seconds later (4,000,000 microseconds in high frequency trading lingo).

This isn’t the first time that Treasury futures have been halted (see also 08-Nov-2013 and 07-Jun-2013); however, before June 2013, this was an extremely rare event.

2. All Futures Trades – showing that trading activity before news release was higher than after news release!

3. March 2014 5-Year T-Note (ZF) Futures. Zoom of Chart 1.

4. March 2014 T-Bond (ZB) Futures.

5. March 2014 10-Year T-Notes (ZN) Futures.

6. March 2014 2-Year T-Note (ZT) Futures.

7. March 2014 2-Year Minus 5-Year T-Note (TUF) Futures. This contract also halted for 5 seconds (due to the halt in the 5-Year leg).

8. March 2014 Ultra T-Bond (UB) Futures.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Supreme Court May Move To Rein In President Obama’s Trampling Of The Constitution

It would appear that there is even a limit for the Supreme Court as to what they will allow President Obama to get away with:


As Bloomberg reports, justices across the ideological spectrum questioned whether President Barack Obama complied with the Constitution when he appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board during a Senate break.


Via Bloomberg,

U.S. Supreme Court justices suggested they may curb the president’s power to make temporary appointments without Senate approval, as the court took up a constitutional standoff between the White House and congressional Republicans.


Hearing arguments today in Washington, justices across the ideological spectrum questioned whether President Barack Obama complied with the Constitution when he appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board during a Senate break.



A company facing NLRB sanctions, backed by Senate Republicans, says the chamber wasn’t in a recess when Obama made the appointments. Several justices today suggested they accepted that characterization.



“It really is the Senate’s job” to determine whether the chamber is in recess, said Justice Elena Kagan, one of Obama’s two appointees to the high court.



The case also may affect 1,000 decisions and orders issued by the NLRB since January 2012, when Obama made the appointments.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Supreme Court May Move To Rein In President Obama's Trampling Of The Constitution

It would appear that there is even a limit for the Supreme Court as to what they will allow President Obama to get away with:


As Bloomberg reports, justices across the ideological spectrum questioned whether President Barack Obama complied with the Constitution when he appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board during a Senate break.


Via Bloomberg,

U.S. Supreme Court justices suggested they may curb the president’s power to make temporary appointments without Senate approval, as the court took up a constitutional standoff between the White House and congressional Republicans.


Hearing arguments today in Washington, justices across the ideological spectrum questioned whether President Barack Obama complied with the Constitution when he appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board during a Senate break.



A company facing NLRB sanctions, backed by Senate Republicans, says the chamber wasn’t in a recess when Obama made the appointments. Several justices today suggested they accepted that characterization.



“It really is the Senate’s job” to determine whether the chamber is in recess, said Justice Elena Kagan, one of Obama’s two appointees to the high court.



The case also may affect 1,000 decisions and orders issued by the NLRB since January 2012, when Obama made the appointments.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Lockhart “Positive” Hawkishness Sparks Tapering Tumble In Stocks (Dow At Lows Of Year)

The Dow is -1.5% in 2014 now – at the lows of the year


It was all looking so good. NASDAQ was green for the year (so were Trannies), stocks in general were rising and everyone on TV could proclaim how well the 'market' was handling the taper. Then Dennis Lockhart spoke…


That's great news right? Wrong? Stocks didn't like it… and NASDAQ rapidly gave up its gains… Fun-durr-mentals remain in control eh? It shouldn't be a big surprise given what Goldman Sachs warned about over the weekend!

The drop actually began at around 1219ET, before Lockahrt's headlines hit Bloomberg at around 1225ET



as perhaps it was merely a coincidence that he was hawkishly positive and stocks dumped back to JPY carry levels…


Which slammed the NASDAQ off its YTD green levels…


Late last night the music may have just skipped a major beat after Goldman released a Friday evening note that is perhaps the most bearish thing to come out of Goldman's chief strategist David Kostin in over a year, (and who incidentally just repeated what we said most recently a week ago in "Stocks Are More Expensive Now Than At Their 2007 Peak"). To wit:

S&P 500 valuation is lofty by almost any measure, both for the aggregate market (15.9x) as well as the median stock (16.8x). We believe S&P 500 trades close to fair value and the forward path will depend on profit growth rather than P/E expansion. However, many clients argue that the P/E multiple will continue to rise in 2014 with 17x or 18x often cited, with some investors arguing for 20x. We explore valuation using various approaches. We conclude that further P/E expansion will be difficult to achieve. Of course, it is possible. It is just not probable based on history. 


The current valuation of the S&P 500 is lofty by almost any measure, both for the aggregate market as well as the median stock: (1) The P/E ratio; (2) the current P/E expansion cycle; (3) EV/Sales; (4) EV/EBITDA; (5) Free Cash Flow yield; (6) Price/Book as well as the ROE and P/B relationship; and compared with the levels of (6) inflation; (7) nominal 10-year Treasury yields; and (8) real interest rates. Furthermore, the cyclically-adjusted P/E ratio suggests the S&P 500 is currently 30% overvalued in terms of (9) Operating EPS and (10) about 45% overvalued using As Reported earnings.

Cue David Tepper to bring out even bigger greater fools who do believe in his 20x PE multiple "thesis." Cause if 20x works, why not 40x, or 60x, or moar?

* * *

Kostin's full "market is now overvalued" note here


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Lockhart "Positive" Hawkishness Sparks Tapering Tumble In Stocks (Dow At Lows Of Year)

The Dow is -1.5% in 2014 now – at the lows of the year


It was all looking so good. NASDAQ was green for the year (so were Trannies), stocks in general were rising and everyone on TV could proclaim how well the 'market' was handling the taper. Then Dennis Lockhart spoke…


That's great news right? Wrong? Stocks didn't like it… and NASDAQ rapidly gave up its gains… Fun-durr-mentals remain in control eh? It shouldn't be a big surprise given what Goldman Sachs warned about over the weekend!

The drop actually began at around 1219ET, before Lockahrt's headlines hit Bloomberg at around 1225ET



as perhaps it was merely a coincidence that he was hawkishly positive and stocks dumped back to JPY carry levels…


Which slammed the NASDAQ off its YTD green levels…


Late last night the music may have just skipped a major beat after Goldman released a Friday evening note that is perhaps the most bearish thing to come out of Goldman's chief strategist David Kostin in over a year, (and who incidentally just repeated what we said most recently a week ago in "Stocks Are More Expensive Now Than At Their 2007 Peak"). To wit:

S&P 500 valuation is lofty by almost any measure, both for the aggregate market (15.9x) as well as the median stock (16.8x). We believe S&P 500 trades close to fair value and the forward path will depend on profit growth rather than P/E expansion. However, many clients argue that the P/E multiple will continue to rise in 2014 with 17x or 18x often cited, with some investors arguing for 20x. We explore valuation using various approaches. We conclude that further P/E expansion will be difficult to achieve. Of course, it is possible. It is just not probable based on history. 


The current valuation of the S&P 500 is lofty by almost any measure, both for the aggregate market as well as the median stock: (1) The P/E ratio; (2) the current P/E expansion cycle; (3) EV/Sales; (4) EV/EBITDA; (5) Free Cash Flow yield; (6) Price/Book as well as the ROE and P/B relationship; and compared with the levels of (6) inflation; (7) nominal 10-year Treasury yields; and (8) real interest rates. Furthermore, the cyclically-adjusted P/E ratio suggests the S&P 500 is currently 30% overvalued in terms of (9) Operating EPS and (10) about 45% overvalued using As Reported earnings.

Cue David Tepper to bring out even bigger greater fools who do believe in his 20x PE multiple "thesis." Cause if 20x works, why not 40x, or 60x, or moar?

* * *

Kostin's full "market is now overvalued" note here


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

GoldMoney Adds Bitcoin to its Suite of Services

The explosion in the price and popularity of Bitcoin over the past six months has caused a major rift within the precious metals community. It is quite clear which side I am on, and quite frankly, I am having a hard time understanding the outright hostility toward Bitcoin from many gold and silver stackers. The disdain toward Bitcoin borders on dogmatic religious type hostility characterized by a “gold and silver or nothing” mentality, while the attitude from folks in my camp consists of a “let’s support this experiment and see how it works” mentality, while still maintaining a very positive stance on the precious metals as a store of value. As I have said many times before, gold is a store of value, while Bitcoin is primarily a disruptive technology and innovative payment system that is now in direct competition with the traditional financial system. Seeing value in one, doesn’t preclude seeing value in the other.

It appears that the folks at GoldMoney understand this, and have just announced Bitcoin cold storage as a new service.

From the the UK’s Independent: 

One of the UK’s leading precious metals storage firms is adding an altogether more unusual commodity to its vaults – Bitcoin.

GoldMoney Group, which holds $1.4 billion worth of precious metals for customers, is setting up a new business specializing in “cold” storage of Bitcoin, an increasingly popular digital currency. Netagio will encrypt Bitcoins and store them on offline storage devices in secure vaults.

continue reading

from A Lightning War for Liberty