Would Milton Friedman Have Supported Trump’s Draconian Immigration Crackdown? New at Reason

Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman was the son of Hungarian immigrants who was a great champion of immigration. Yet enemies ofMilton Friedman immigration have deployed him on their side to make the case for closing the borders. They are even using him to justify Trump’s border crackdowns. How? By taking his observation about the incompatibility of open borders with the welfare state out-of-context and repeating it like a mantra till it has assumed the air of truth.

But Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia sets the record straight about what Friedman really thought and said. “He would never have been on their side,” she concludes.

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States Bid to Lure in Amazon: New at Reason

If you’ve been to the movies recently and stayed until the very end of the massive list of names that follows the film, you may have noticed the startling number of tax credits and other subsidies being doled out to producers by states and cities. The new Avengers movie received somewhere around $30 million in credits from Georgia. Captain America received some $20 million to shoot in California.

Such gifts are unbecoming, considering each of these films grossed hundreds of millions in profits within the first few weeks of its release. But nothing beats the forehead-smacking stupidity of the governments currently throwing billions of dollars in corporate welfare at the richest man in the world, writes Veronique de Rugy.

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More and More of What We Do Depends on Government Permission: New at Reason

Do you have permit for that? If you want to keep that permit, you’d better do as you’re told. Increasingly, that’s the theme of modern America.

More and more of what we do is dependent on permission from the government. That permission, unsurprisingly, is contingent on keeping government officials happy. Rub those officials the wrong way and they’ll strip you of permission to travel the roads, leave the country, or even make a living.

That’s not a recipe for a free country, argues J.D. Tuccille. Too many activities—a growing number—have quietly transformed from rights that we quietly exercise at will into privileges requiring state approval.

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Brickbat: Taking Their Time

British Police helmetThe British government received detailed information on rape gang activity in the city of Rotherham at least as early as 2002, according to a new report, but failed to act on it for another decade, and only after the media picked up the story. More than 1,500 girls may have been sexually abused in the city between 1997 and 2013. A previous government report found police and local officials feared racism allegations if they took action because the gang members were of Pakistani descent and most of their victims were white.

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A Pennsylvania Town Wants to Force an Amish Widow to Give Up Her Outhouse

|||Rdavidthomas/Dreamstime.comAn Amish widow in Pennsylvania is at the center of a case pitting religious freedom against modern waste management.

Sugar Grove Township is attempting to force Iva H. Byler to pay monthly fines of $100 for refusing to hook up her home to the city’s public sewer, as required by the state’s Sewage Facilities Act. Byler currently uses an outhouse as her religious beliefs prevent her from using electricity, which would be required to connect to the public sewer. The town has argued that Byler has failed to satisfactorily show how a sewage connection would harm her religious liberties, and therefore must pay the fines.

In April 2017, a Warren County judge sided with Sugar Grove and ordered Byler to pay up. This decision was reversed on Friday by state Judge Patricia A. McCullough, who ruled that the state’s religious freedom law protected Byler’s right to maintain her unconnected outhouse.

In addition to Byler’s religious freedom, McCullough also argued that Byler could not possibly pay the fines as she had no source of income and relied on support from her sons, who are carpenters.

The case is part of a larger fight between Sugar Grove Township and the Old Order Amish community. Earlier in the year, the Yoder family of Warren County was ordered to connect to the public sewer. The family, which is also Old Order, was forced to do so despite the need to use electricity and foot the cost in the process. Senior Staff Attorney Sara Rose of the American Civil Liberties Union said the decision “didn’t consider the other ways that the government could have achieved its ends.”

“What we have here is a situation, perhaps one of frustration, where the township has been unable to force the Old Order Amish to connect their homes to the sewer systems which requires an electric grinder pump,” wrote Bernard Hessley, Byler’s lawyer. Hessley said the Amish community was willing to move to another town or even to New York so that they could practice their religious beliefs.

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Could Elizabeth Warren Topple Trump in 2020? New at Reason.

A recent poll shows Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts leading the 2020 Democratic presidential primary field in neighboring New Hampshire. The New York Times is following her encouragingly around early-voting Nevada. Maybe it’s time, though, to start paying some more skeptical attention to Warren.

A recent Senate speech by Warren denouncing Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, gives a flavor of what she’d be like as a presidential candidate. It’s a divisive, class-warfare approach unmoored from reality.

“For millionaires, billionaires, and giant corporations, Trump has kept his promises all the way,” Warren claims. Actually, more than a few millionaires were annoyed that Trump and the Republican Congress limited their federal income tax deduction for state and local taxes. And more than a few giant corporations are upset about Trump’s tariffs and immigration restrictions.

If Warren really wants to become President Warren, at some point she’s going to need to do something she hasn’t yet accomplished, which is explain to voters nationwide how she or her message are unlike John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, and Hillary Clinton. Otherwise she’ll wind up on that list of also-rans instead of starring in the inaugural parade, writes Ira Stoll.

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Larry Kudlow Is Bad. So Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Chartreuse Is Good: Podcast

Yeah, gigantic deficits are not good,” says director of President Trump’s National Economic Council Larry Kudlow in a clip at the top of today’s Reason Podcast, before he goes on to make ridiculous excuses for gigantic deficits. Matt Welch is somewhere in a French chateau, so today’s pod features special guest star Managing Editor Stephanie Slade, plus the usual gang of Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, and yours truly.

After digging into the deficit darkness, we turn our thoughts to the latest revelations in the Trump Russia imbroglio, as well as the politics of criticizing socialist Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We wrap up, as usual with our recommendations for stuff to read or watch or put in your face holes, which this week includes the new Mission:Impossible movie and some fancy booze from France.

Subscribe, rate, and review our podcast at iTunes. Listen at SoundCloud below:

Audio production by Ian Keyser.

Valse in D-flat major “Minute Waltz” by Chopin, played by Muriel Nguyen Xuan is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0

Further reading:

Reason‘s best headline this week: “Whirlpool Took Tariffs for a Spin, Ended Up With Tumbling Sales: Tariffs let the government pick winners and losers—but sometimes even the winners get hung out to dry.”

Scott Shackford on “Secret Carter Page Warrant Documents Released

Robby Soave on Ocasio-Cortez’s economics mistakes.

Our recommendations:

Family Ghosts podcast

Mission:Impossible – Fallout

And check out these monks who make Chartreuse!

The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge

Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

Don’t miss a single Reason Podcast! (Archive here.)

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Georgia Sheriff Buys $70K Dodge Charger Hellcat With Forfeiture Funds

Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway thinks his department’s $70,000, 707-horsepower Dodge Charger Hellcat (black with tinted windows, natch) is a perfectly normal policing tool to buy with federal asset forfeiture funds.

The U.S. Department of Justice disagrees.

The Justice Department sent a letter last week demanding that the Georgia county reimburse it for the “extravagant” muscle car, which was purchased with funds from the Equitable Sharing Program—a federal program that funnels hundreds of millions of dollars a year in asset forfeiture revenues to local and state police departments.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

Guidelines prohibit “the use of equitably shared funds for extravagant expenditures,” the [Justice Department]’s letter, dated July 10, said. “The vehicle in question is a high-performance vehicle not typically purchased as part of a traditional fleet of law enforcement vehicles.”

The feds also took issue with part of the request that stated Conway would also use the car for undercover and covert operations.

The sheriff’s office defended the claim. It said that, in addition to driving the car to and from work, Conway uses it “when he participates in field operations, covert and otherwise, with our deputies.”

Under the equitable sharing program, federal authorities may “adopt” state and local forfeiture cases and prosecute them at the federal level. Those local police departments get to keep up to 80 percent of the forfeiture revenue, while the rest goes into the equitable sharing pool and is distributed among partner departments around the country.

Civil liberties groups have long argued that the program allows local and state police to bypassstate-level restrictions on asset forfeiture. In response to growing criticism, former Attorney General Eric Holder introduced new rules limiting so-called “adoptions” in 2015.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded those rules last summer. “President Trump has directed this Department of Justice to reduce crime in this country, and we will use every lawful tool that we have to do that,” Sessions said. “We will continue to encourage civil asset forfeiture whenever appropriate in order to hit organized crime in the wallet.”

The Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office is far from the first department to get in hot water for misusing forfeiture funds, or even the first in Georgia. For example, there was the $90,000 Dodge Viper that the Camden County sheriff purchased with forfeiture funds for the department’s DARE program.

Then there was the Illinois police department that spent more than $20,000 in equitable sharing funds on accessories for two lightly used motorcycles, including after-market exhaust pipes, decorative chrome, and heated handgrips.

Between 2014 and 2016, the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security spent $112,614 in asset forfeiture funds on catering, luncheons, retail food, and banquet tickets, all of which are not allowable expenses under the Justice Department’s guidelines for the equitable sharing program.

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Hollywood Stars Defend James Gunn From ‘Cyber Nazi’ Lynch Mob

The stars of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy franchise have come to the defense of director James Gunn, who Disney fired from the films on Friday after right-wing trolls dug up some of his ill-advised Twitter jokes from years ago.

The tweets from Gunn, who directed the first two Guardians of the Galaxy films, involved violence and sexual assault against children. They’re disgusting, but they were clearly intended as gags. Making them an issue now is an act of pure retaliation against the left (Gunn is a liberal), perpetrated by far-right hypocrites who are just as committed to weaponizing PC culture as anyone on the other side of the spectrum.

Dave Bautista, who plays Drax in the Guardians films, said on Twitter Friday that Gunn is a “gentle and kind” person. Though he admitted that Gunn has “made mistakes,” he said he’s “NOT ok with what’s happening” to the director. In a pair of follow-up posts, Bautista called out the “cybernazis” responsible for getting Gunn fired:

Chris Pratt, who plays Star-Lord, didn’t directly reference Gunn, but the implicit meaning of the Bible verse he tweeted out Sunday was clear: “‘Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters. Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.’ JAMES 1:19.”

And Zoe Saldana, who stars as Gamora, was sure to point out that she loves “ALL” the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy family:

Guardians stars weren’t the only ones who expressed their support for Gunn. Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland and filmmaker Fede Alvarez also wrote that the director deserves better.

Actress Selma Blair even shared a Change.org petition urging Disney to rehire Gunn. As of Monday afternoon, more than 200,000 people had signed it.

Gunn, for his part, has apologized for the old tweets.

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Republicans Want a Tax Break For Gym Memberships. That’s a Terrible Idea.

For decades, Republicans have complained about tax code gimmicks that preference certain types of activity. In the years leading up to the recent tax bill, they often claimed to prefer a simpler, fairer system of taxation with fewer deductions and lower rates. Indeed, some prominent Republicans confidently predicted, the elimination of deductions would allow for lower rates without an overall reduction in federal tax revenue.

In practice, the GOP’s preference for a neutral tax code only goes so far. Last year’s tax law reduced or eliminated some tax breaks, but not enough to offset the reduced revenue from lower rates. And now some Republicans want to add another carveout: a tax break for gym memberships.

On the merits, it’s a weak idea with little supporting evidence. It’s a reminder that Republicans can’t seem to give up on governing through the tax code.

The bill, which is part of a package of reforms to Health Savings Accounts that has already passed the House Ways and Means Committee, would allow individuals who itemize their taxes to write off as much as $500 a year for gym memberships and fitness classes, along with an additional $250 a year for associated fitness safety expenses, as part of the medical expense deduction. Those totals would be doubled for couples and families, letting some households deduct up to $1,000 a year for gym costs.

The motivation here is to provide an incentive for exercise by providing an incentive for gym memberships. This, in theory, results in healthier people and, consequently, less spending on health care. Healthier people, less spending, and a tax break. Of course Republicans are going to love it. (Remember that time Paul Ryan posed for Time in a backwards baseball cap with a set of weights?)

But as millions of Americans with gym memberships know, having a gym membership is not the same as using it. Studies of fitness programs sponsored by health plans aren’t perfectly analogous, but they tend to back up this notion. In one look at individuals who had gym access through their health insurance plans, members averaged just 1.44 visits per week during the first year of the study, and just 1.06 visits during the second year.

That study, along with several others, also found that people who opted into an insurance plan with a gym benefit were more likely to be healthy and active already. And while studies have found that gym benefits are correlated with lower health care spending, the cost to run these programs tends to be larger than the reduction in spending.

A tax break is, of course, not exactly the same as a health insurance benefit, but broadly speaking, we should expect the results to be similar: The benefit will go mostly to healthy people who already pay for gym memberships, and any health care savings will be swamped by the cost of offering the benefit. And while the tax break might, at the margins, encourage more people to join gyms, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will actually exercise more often, especially as time goes on.

Indeed, that is what gym owners are hoping for. The business model for many gyms revolves around the assumption that many members will sign up, keep paying, but use the gym rarely if ever. Hence the sign-up fees and initial contracts, the New Year’s specials and packed weekday evenings in January that inevitably dwindle into far less crowded after-work gym floors in March and April. Running a gym is really two businesses: The first is maintaining exercise facilities for use by regulars; the second is finding ways to collect revenue from people who for all practical purposes don’t go to the gym.

So it’s no surprise that the biggest and clearest beneficiary of a tax deduction like this would be the fitness industry itself: The stock price for gym chain Planet Fitness jumped 4 percent after the bill passed in committee. It’s a corporate giveaway in the name of lower taxes and good health.

Granted, as GOP tax follies go, this is relatively minor. The bill in question may not even make it through the Senate, which is still firmly focused on its no-agenda agenda. But it also reveals how accustomed Republicans, who have always been more comfortable with tax code tweaks than with more traditional government programs, are to running inducements for favored activities through tax breaks and deductions, which end up functioning as subsidies by another name.

Republicans may truly dream of a cleaner, simpler tax code. But over time, the allure of targeted tax breaks and the day-to-day realities of interest-group politics could make that dream a bigger lift than the party can manage.

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