2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama’s Ultimate #Humblebrag: He’s “Really Good at Killing People.”

Business Insider

This will not go over well for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

According to the new book Double Down, in which
journalists Mark Halperin and John
Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President
Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing
people” while discussing drone strikes.

Peter Hamby of The Washington Post reported the moment
in his
review of the book

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/03/2009-nobel-peace-prize-winner-barack-oba

Guest Post: The Noble Lie Of Government Healthcare

Submitted by James E. Miller of The Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada,

“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

These words, spoken by U.S. President Barack Obama in various forms and iterations, have become a running joke amidst the rollout of the Affordable Care Act. All across the country, hundreds of thousands of citizens are receiving cancellation notices in the mail. The stringent requirements for insurance plans under the new edict are curtailing many individual policies. A simpleton can grasp the economics: you prohibit something, it goes away. And yet, for years prior, the White House ignored the oncoming train and is now slowly inching away from the wreckage.

This was not the unforeseen consequence of good-intentioned legislation. According to an investigative report from NBC, the Obama Administration was fully aware of the result its health care bill would have on the marketplace for insurance. A provision written in the original version of the law would have allowed for the grandfathering of existing plans that did not meet the new standards. However, the Department of Health and Human Services rewrote the stipulation to radically narrow the rule, so that an estimated “40 to 67 percent of customers will not be able to keep their policy.” Not one to be a wet blanket, President Obama continued to assuage the public and reassure everyone that their preferred insurance policy would not being going away.

This was a lie. And not one kept close-to-the-chest by a few high-level officials. House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer admitted that many in his party knew “there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage.” A presidential election and a litany of Senate seats were won based on the falsehood that America’s health insurance market would not be totally disturbed.

The admission of guilt may have ramifications for supporters of big government. In the short term, it undermines the President and the promises he makes going into the future. But voters are fickle and have a memory prone to lapses. When the subsidies start flowing, they will begin to smile again. The balancing act will be whether the boost in tax benefits outweighs being forced to pay a higher cost for what was once a cheaper product. Those who are net beneficiaries will be content while the losers may sulk but will ultimately accept the “new normal.”

The deceit behind ObamaCare is nothing new in the practice of governing. The state’s monopoly power makes it a natural target of suspicion. Even the most ardent worshiper of socialism is still wary that his nation’s controllers will turn on him. He keeps an ear out for fiction spun by his rulers but will not question larger injustice as long as he is fed well enough. Even with the preponderance of lies, there is still the naive hope “good folks” will soon come along who have a deep aversion to dishonesty. The white knight never arrives, but optimism prevails.

The happy voter is the one who refuses to grasp the obvious point that government serves as a vehicle for the worst in society to play out their violent fantasies. As Hayek put it, “the unscrupulous and uninhibited are likely to be more successful” in operating the machinery of total intimidation. It is always from the throne of authority that the worst deeds are accomplished. This includes mass aggression against property as well as the truth. The productive capacity of society is decimated enough by government’s necessarily parasitical operation; the public’s concept of verity is challenged by the various ministries of agitprop that disguise their actions as beneficial rather than schemes of plunder.

The false characterization needed to sustain Obama’s signature piece of legislation was another variation of Plato’s noble lie. In his widely heralded Republic, the classical philosopher wrote on the necessity of the few lording over the many to achieve harmonious social relationships. These “philosopher-kings” could govern best by spreading falsities that would have the “good effect” of making the underlings “more inclined to care for the state and one another.” One could call this a textbook lesson in the art of ruling over a dim and detached populace.

Perhaps the best exponent of the noble lie was the late, neoconservative king Irving Kristol, who held political theorist Leo Strauss as a strong intellectual influence. Kristol affirmed what many thinkers before him found when it comes to truth:

There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.”

In many ways, this statement is completely accurate. In a democracy, the people must be corralled. They must get behind measures that ordinarily wouldn’t receive a lick of support outside of a few special interests. The naked, unvarnished truth is a dangerous weapon against tyranny. So it must be distorted to fit the agenda of collectivists, statists, dictators, and despots. Anything will do to assure for maximum support with minimum resistance.

Had President Obama been upfront about the full ramifications of his health care edict, the public may have turned. It’s one thing to apply for and receive a subsidy. It’s another to disrupt lives and force people to take action they otherwise wouldn’t. Outside disturbances are a nuisance to common folks trying to make the best go at their lives. Like a dog with its tail between its legs, the Administration is now backtracking on its own selling point. In a recent press hearing, White House spokesman Jay Carney, the quivering apparatchik of social democracy, was quick to ignore past statements and highlight the benefits of the health care bill. He told Fox News correspondent Ed Henry,

Well, let’s just be clear, what the President said and what everybody said all along was that there were going to be changes under brought about by the Affordable Care Act that create minimum standards of coverage — minimum services that every insurance plan has to provide.

So goes the guarantee of “if you like it, you can keep it.” As progressive columnist Clarence Page admitted to radio host Hugh Hewitt, it was “one of those political lies, you know.” The promise will eventually find itself lodged somewhere in the memory hole along with the guarantee of liberty in a security state. The state itself is a great lie. It purports to be the great savior of mankind. The political class likens itself to the great deliverance from struggle and despair. The reality ends up not as rosy.

Kristol was right on one thing: not everyone accepts the truth. They will self-deceive to feel comfortable in their own skin. It is this weakness the politician will manipulate for his own aggrandizement. Honesty and truth are always a virtue. And that’s why they are wholly absent from the halls of power.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/5wJeBBuacIw/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Judge sends PTC teen to prison on cart theft charges following new arrest for sex crime

A Peachtree City teenager was sent to prison for five years after his probation was revoked Wednesday based on an alleged sex crime involving a 14-year-old girl.

Joshua Phillip Mobley, 19, of Wisdom Road, has only been charged at this point with aggravated child molestation, but Fayette County Superior Court Judge Christopher Edwards ruled there was enough evidence to determine he had violated his conditions of probation from an incident last year involving a stolen golf cart.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/judge-sends-ptc-teen-prison-cart-theft-charges-following-new-arrest-sex-crime

Tyrone to settle Post 3 race Tuesday

The time has come for Tyrone voters to have their say in the race for the Post 3 seat on the Tyrone Town Council.

Voters on Nov. 5 will choose between incumbent Councilman Ken Matthews and challenger Pota Coston.

Matthews, a disabled veteran raised in the Tyrone area, served on the Tyrone Planning Commission, the Tyrone Founders’ Day committee, is past president of the Rotary Club of Fayette Daybeak and works as a part-time Realtor.

“I envision seeing Tyrone progress in the future while maintaining the charm and beauty of a small town,” Matthews said.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/tyrone-settle-post-3-race-tuesday

PTC candidates report donations

Logsdon, Fleisch lead mayor’s pack; anti-Haddix group outpaces mayor

With Peachtree City voters on the cusp of answering political questions in Tuesday’s election, a look at the campaign disclosure forums filed by the candidates could be telling, depending on how deep you want to read into the political tea leaves.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/ptc-candidates-report-donations

Superheroes (and others) at Tyrone Town Hall

Tyrone town staff got into the Halloween spirit this week by dressing up as characters. Back row (L-R) are Jennifer Patton, Lynda Owens, Dina Rimi, Michelle Gaston, Beth Vaughn and Town Manager Kyle Hood. Front row (L-R): Sandy Beach and Dee Baker. Photo/Special.

via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/superheroes-and-others-tyrone-town-hall

Construction underway on Senoia's Gin Property

It may be a small residential development by most standards, but due to its location adjacent to downtown Senoia, the construction of six new homes on the Gin Property is significant.

Of the six new homes, five will be located on Lower Creek Trail immediately to the west of the brownstones, one of which was the Southern Living Magazine “2010 Idea House.” The sixth home will be located on Morgan Street, immediately south of the brownstones and adjacent to Southern Living’s “2012 Idea House.”

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/construction-underway-senoias-gin-property

Construction underway on Senoia’s Gin Property

It may be a small residential development by most standards, but due to its location adjacent to downtown Senoia, the construction of six new homes on the Gin Property is significant.

Of the six new homes, five will be located on Lower Creek Trail immediately to the west of the brownstones, one of which was the Southern Living Magazine “2010 Idea House.” The sixth home will be located on Morgan Street, immediately south of the brownstones and adjacent to Southern Living’s “2012 Idea House.”

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/construction-underway-senoias-gin-property

2nd Monster Golf Cart Rally deemed a success

A new golf cart-decorating tradition is taking root in Peachtree City thanks to a dedicated group of people wanting to fight against blood-based cancer.

For the second year in a row, residents turned out for the Monster Golf Cart Rally, an event raising money for the national Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Oct. 27. The idea is for participants to decorate their carts with a monster theme to scare off blood cancer.

The golf carts again took their path around Lake Peachtree to raise awareness and hope one day for a cure, according to organizer Amanda Johns.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/2nd-monster-golf-cart-rally-deemed-success

Labor commissioner talks in Senoia about employment gains

Georgia Dept. of Labor (DOL) Commissioner Mark Butler spoke to the Coweta-Fayette Rotary Club Monday night, updating the group on DOL initiatives designed to combat unemployment and boost the skills needed for the Georgia job market which is becoming increasingly high-tech.

Butler noted that, with high employment from the Great Recession and with the trust fund depleted in 2009, the state had to borrow money from the federal government to meet unemployment insurance obligations. That amount plus interest amounted to nearly $1 billion.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/11-03-2013/labor-commissioner-talks-senoia-about-employment-gains