Everyone Was Talking About A Stock Bubble… Just Before The Last Bubble Burst

One of the more painfully clueless observations made by pundits in recent weeks is that just because everyone is talking about a bubble, there can not possibly be a bubble.

Naturally, if one is tuned to only filter any bubble mentions, one will naturally have a cognitive bias of interpreting the world only through the eyes of “bubble watchers.” The flipside of course is that not everyone is a mindless member of the herd, rushing headlong into whatever precipice awaits lemmings just around the corner, and can still do simple math and recall what fundamentals looked like (as a reminder, forward multiples in 2007 looked very cheap too…before EPS for the S&P in 2008 plunged by over 50% which in retrospect would have made those forward multiples 100% higher).

But simple logic failure aside, what empirical evidence shows is that while there has been indeed a pick up in internet mentions of “stock bubble” according to Google Trends, it is still well below its prior high… hit in May 2007 and October 2007, just before and at the very peak of the last stock bubble.

We can only assume that the same pundits that somehow are getting airtime now, were the same ones who said in the summer of 2007 when the S&P had hit its prior, non-QE assisted all time high, that just because everyone is talking about a bubble there can’t possibly be a bubble…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/a8j8mbf6GgI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Goldman Reveals "Top Trade" Reco #3 For 2014, In Which Tom Stolper Goes Long The USDCAD

It’s one thing to fade broad Goldman trade recommendations (and thus trading alongside Goldman and against muppets). It is, however, a gift from god when such a trade comes from none other than the greatest (once again, if you bat 0.000 or 1.000 on Wall Street you are great in both cases) FX strategist of all time: Goldman’s Tom Stolper, whose fades over the past 5 years have generated over 20,000 outright pips. So what does Stolper see? “All told, there are a number of reasons why the Canadian Dollar has scope to weaken. Some of these have been a factor for some time but the notable weakening in the external balance, the gradual shift in the BoC communication and the prospect of Fed tapering and the associated risks all suggest that 2014 may be the year when the CAD weakens more materially after many years in narrow trading ranges. In line with our recently changed forecasts, we expect $/CAD to rally to 1.14 on a 12-month basis, with a stop on a close below 1.01. This would imply a potential return of 7% including carry.” So one Goldman 2014 Top Trade generates a total return of 7% in 12 months – and one should do this why when one can make 7% in the Russell 2000 at its current daily pace of increase of 1.0% in one week. That said, the only question is: 1.01 in how many days?

From Goldman:

Top Trade Recommendation #3: Long $/CAD on external deficits, tapering risks

A weak external position suggestive of a weakening CAD

Since the Global Financial Crisis, significant external imbalances have built up in the Canadian economy. In 2008, the current account balance fell from a surplus of 1% of GDP to a deficit of 3% – and it has remained stable at this level since then. The main reason for this has been a decline in manufacturing exports, which fell by about 30% during the crisis. Employment in the manufacturing sector declined by about 20% during the crisis and has not recovered. On the commodity export side, the rise in crude production linked to tar sands in Alberta roughly offset the decline in the value of natural gas exports. The overall trade balance in energy-related products has remained unchanged during this period.

The decline in the Canadian current account position into deficit was initially funded easily. A strong banking sector that weathered well the GFC made Canada a safe haven currency with strong portfolio inflows. Early rate hikes in 2010 created a small interest rate differential in favour of the CAD and a particularly strong reserve diversification flow into Canada also contributed to solid capital inflows. From 2008 to 2012 the Canadian BBoP (= current account + portfolio flows + net FDI) remained very strong, recording a surplus of about 2% of GDP. But this has changed in 2013.

Over the past few quarters, capital inflows have slowed rapidly, pushing the BBoP into deficit of about 1% of GDP currently. Slowing reserve diversification has almost certainly contributed to this. According to the latest COFER data, EM central bank holdings of CAD have remained broadly stable in the first half of 2013 – a trend that has likely continued since. Without continued additional reserve diversification inflows, the CAD has likely lost one of the primary funding sources for the sticky external deficit.

Low inflation and weak exports to keep policy rates low

As Robin Brooks and Mike Cahill discussed in the latest Week Ahead piece for Canada, the weakness in exports has increasingly become a concern of the Bank of Canada (BoC), together with persistent low inflation. Markets have already revised substantially their expectations for monetary policy. Cumulative rate hikes priced through the end of 2014 have declined from about 50bp in September to around 5bp currently. Our forecast is for the BoC to stay firmly on hold until the Fed starts raising rates in 2016. That said, with house prices already very elevated, as documented by Hui Shan in a recent Global Economics Weekly, it is likely that private consumption will no longer be the kind of positive impulse to the economy that it was in the past, and we expect Canada’s growth in 2014 (2.1% on our forecast) to lag behind that of the US (2.9%) for that reason. In addition, as we have been flagging, CPI inflation has been stuck at the lower end of the BoC’s 1-3% inflation target band. This could become a more material issue for the BoC should inflation not move back towards the middle of the band in coming months. Again, our baseline is for the BoC to be on hold, but since the money market curve is pricing a small chance of hikes through end-2014, we see risks here also skewed to the downside. Again, this is supportive of CAD weakness.

It is also important to highlight that the Canadian Dollar remains clearly overvalued on our GSDEER fair value model. Combined with the weak current account position, there are therefore good fundamental reasons for a weaker CAD. Should a more accommodative policy by the BoC lead to a weaker CAD, it is unlikely that policymakers in other countries would complain about an explicit attempt by the Canadian authorities to gain an unfair competitive advantage.

Combining all these factors, we see good reasons for gradual CAD weakness to persist for idiosyncratic reasons. The kind of price action consistent with external weakness is a steady drift weaker and gradual underperformance relative to other major currencies, in particular the USD.

A possible sharp acceleration on Fed tapering

The reason why the down move in the CAD could accelerate notably would be the expectation for tighter monetary policy in the US. In particular a sell-off in intermediate rates in the US could lead to a widening interest rate differential at the 5-year point in the curve of the US.

Purely from an interest rate differential angle, this would likely add a factor in favour of a rising $/CAD. There is an additional risk that the sell-off extends into the front end of the US curve in response to stronger growth, as we discussed in some detail in the outlook for 2014. The risk of this scenario materialising is also linked to the asymmetric risks to interest rates, coming from very low levels. Running our Correlation Cruncher, we find that in recent months $/CAD has been almost twice as sensitive to a move in US 2-year rates as to the Canadian 2-year rate. Therefore, and if these correlations persist, even a simultaneous sell-off in Canadian front-end rates would remain a net negative event for the CAD.

Finally, it is worth putting the risk of higher US rates into the context of the external funding needs. It will likely become more difficult for Canada to attract the necessary inflows to fund the current account deficit if bond yields rise in the US.

External deficits, reserve flows, growth and tapering

All told, there are a number of reasons why the Canadian Dollar has scope to weaken. Some of these have been a factor for some time but the notable weakening in the external balance, the gradual shift in the BoC communication and the prospect of Fed tapering and the associated risks all suggest that 2014 may be the year when the CAD weakens more materially after many years in narrow trading ranges.

In line with our recently changed forecasts, we expect $/CAD to rally to 1.14 on a 12-month basis, with a stop on a close below 1.01. This would imply a potential return of 7% including carry.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/UrTa7WUbBU4/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Goldman Reveals “Top Trade” Reco #3 For 2014, In Which Tom Stolper Goes Long The USDCAD

It’s one thing to fade broad Goldman trade recommendations (and thus trading alongside Goldman and against muppets). It is, however, a gift from god when such a trade comes from none other than the greatest (once again, if you bat 0.000 or 1.000 on Wall Street you are great in both cases) FX strategist of all time: Goldman’s Tom Stolper, whose fades over the past 5 years have generated over 20,000 outright pips. So what does Stolper see? “All told, there are a number of reasons why the Canadian Dollar has scope to weaken. Some of these have been a factor for some time but the notable weakening in the external balance, the gradual shift in the BoC communication and the prospect of Fed tapering and the associated risks all suggest that 2014 may be the year when the CAD weakens more materially after many years in narrow trading ranges. In line with our recently changed forecasts, we expect $/CAD to rally to 1.14 on a 12-month basis, with a stop on a close below 1.01. This would imply a potential return of 7% including carry.” So one Goldman 2014 Top Trade generates a total return of 7% in 12 months – and one should do this why when one can make 7% in the Russell 2000 at its current daily pace of increase of 1.0% in one week. That said, the only question is: 1.01 in how many days?

From Goldman:

Top Trade Recommendation #3: Long $/CAD on external deficits, tapering risks

A weak external position suggestive of a weakening CAD

Since the Global Financial Crisis, significant external imbalances have built up in the Canadian economy. In 2008, the current account balance fell from a surplus of 1% of GDP to a deficit of 3% – and it has remained stable at this level since then. The main reason for this has been a decline in manufacturing exports, which fell by about 30% during the crisis. Employment in the manufacturing sector declined by about 20% during the crisis and has not recovered. On the commodity export side, the rise in crude production linked to tar sands in Alberta roughly offset the decline in the value of natural gas exports. The overall trade balance in energy-related products has remained unchanged during this period.

The decline in the Canadian current account position into deficit was initially funded easily. A strong banking sector that weathered well the GFC made Canada a safe haven currency with strong portfolio inflows. Early rate hikes in 2010 created a small interest rate differential in favour of the CAD and a particularly strong reserve diversification flow into Canada also contributed to solid capital inflows. From 2008 to 2012 the Canadian BBoP (= current account + portfolio flows + net FDI) remained very strong, recording a surplus of about 2% of GDP. But this has changed in 2013.

Over the past few quarters, capital inflows have slowed rapidly, pushing the BBoP into deficit of about 1% of GDP currently. Slowing reserve diversification has almost certainly contributed to this. According to the latest COFER data, EM central bank holdings of CAD have remained broadly stable in the first half of 2013 – a trend that has likely continued since. Without continued additional reserve diversification inflows, the CAD has likely lost one of the primary funding sources for the sticky external deficit.

Low inflation and weak exports to keep policy rates low

As Robin Brooks and Mike Cahill discussed in the latest Week Ahead piece for Canada, the weakness in exports has increasingly become a concern of the Bank of Canada (BoC), together with persistent low inflation. Markets have already revised substantially their expectations for monetary policy. Cumulative rate hikes priced through the end of 2014 have declined from about 50bp in September to around 5bp currently. Our forecast is for the BoC to stay firmly on hold until the Fed starts raising rates in 2016. That said, with house prices already very elevated, as documented by Hui Shan in a recent Global Economics Weekly, it is likely that private consumption will no longer be the kind of positive impulse to the economy that it was in the past, and we expect Canada’s growth in 2014 (2.1% on our forecast) to lag behind that of the US (2.9%) for that reason. In addition, as we have been flagging, CPI inflation has been stuck at the lower end of the BoC’s 1-3% inflation target band. This could become a more material issue for the BoC should inflation not move back towards the middle of the band in coming months. Again, our baseline is for the BoC to be on hold, but since the money market curve is pricing a small chance of hikes through end-2014, we see risks here also skewed to the downside. Again, this is supportive of CAD weakness.

It is also important to highlight that the Canadian Dollar remains clearly overvalued on our GSDEER fair value model. Combined with the weak current account position, there are therefore good fundamental reasons for a weaker CAD. Should a more accommodative policy by the BoC lead to a weaker CAD, it is unlikely that policymakers in other countries would complain about an explicit attempt by the Canadian authorities to gain an unfair competitive advantage.

Combining all these factors, we see good reasons for gradual CAD weakness to persist for idiosyncratic reasons. The kind of price action consistent with external weakness is a steady drift weaker and gradual underperformance relative to other major currencies, in particular the USD.

A possible sharp acceleration on Fed tapering

The reason why the down move in the CAD could accelerate notably would be the expectation for tighter monetary policy in the US. In particular a sell-off in intermediate rates in the US could lead to a widening interest rate differential at the 5-year point in the curve of the US.

Purely from an interest rate differential angle, this would likely add a factor in favour of a rising $/CAD. There is an additional risk that the sell-off extends into the front end of the US curve in response to stronger growth, as we discussed in some detail in the outlook for 2014. The risk of this scenario materialising is also linked to the asymmetric risks to interest rates, coming from very low levels. Running our Correlation Cruncher, we find that in recent months $/CAD has been almost twice as sensitive to a move in US 2-year rates as to the Canadian 2-year rate. Therefore, and if these correlations persist, even a simultaneous sell-off in Canadian front-end rates would remain a net negative event for the CAD.

Finally, it is worth putting the risk of higher US rates into the context of the external funding needs. It will likely become more difficult for Canada to attract the necessary inflows to fund the current account deficit if bond yields rise in the US.

External deficits, reserve flows, growth and tapering

All told, there are a number of reasons why the Canadian Dollar has scope to weaken. Some of these have been a factor for some time but the notable weakening in the external balance, the gradual shift in the BoC communication and the prospect of Fed tapering and the associated risks all suggest that 2014 may be the year when the CAD weakens more materially after many years in narrow trading ranges.

In line with our recently changed forecasts, we expect $/CAD to rally to 1.14 on a 12-month basis, with a stop on a close below 1.01. This would imply a potential return of 7% including carry.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/UrTa7WUbBU4/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Yen Carry Lifts Risk Around The Globe In Quiet Overnight Trade

In a carry-trade driven world in which news and fundamentals no longer matter, the only relevant “variable” is whether the JPY is down (check) and the EUR is up (check) which always results in green equities around the globe and green futures in the US, with yesterday’s sudden and sharp selloff on no liquidity and no news long forgotten.

The conventional wisdom “reason” for the JPY underperformance against all major FX is once again due to central bank rhetoric, when overnight BOJ’s Kiuchi sees high uncertainty whether 2% CPI will be reached in 2 years, Shirai says bank should ease further if growth, CPI diverge from main scenario. Also the BOJ once again hinted at more QE, and since this has proven sufficient to keep the JPY selling momentum, for now, why not continue doing it until like in May it stops working. As a result EURJPY rose above the 4 year high resistance of 138.00, while USDJPY is bordering on 102.00. On the other hand, the EUR gained after German parties strike coalition accord, pushing the EURUSD over 1.36 and further making the ECB’s life, now that it has to talk the currency down not up, impossible. This is especially true following reports in the German press that the ECB is looking at introducing an LTRO in order to help promote bank lending. Since that rumor made zero dent on the EUR, expect the ongoing daily litany of ECB rumors that the bank is “technically ready” for negative rates and even QE, although as has been shown in recent months this now has a half-life measured in minutes as the market largely is ignoring whatever “tools” Draghi and company believe they have left.

As for everything else that is “going on” in the market, DB’s Jim Reid summarizes it perfectly: “There have certainly been more interesting weeks than this one has been so far and yesterday proved to be another fairly dull affair for markets. The lack of any key market moving developments and the Thanksgiving-shortened week is certainly not helping.” Complacency all around.

Previewing today’s main events we’ll get a deluge of US data given tomorrow’s holiday. Initial jobless claims, UofM Consumer Sentiment, mortgage applications are some of the notable ones but we suspect focus will firmly be on durable goods orders for October and the Chicago PMI for November. Expectations for these two are reasonably low with the market expecting durable goods headline to fall 2% in October from the 3.8% increase we saw in September. Chicago PMI will be an important read ahead of next week’s ISM and the market is expecting November’s print (60.0) to be nearly 6pts lower than last month. Data aside we have a 7yr Treasury auction today following a fairly decent 5yr auction yesterday.

US event calendar

  • US: Initial jobless claims, cons 330k (8:30)
  • US: Durable goods orders m/m, cons -2.0% (8:30)
  • US: Chicago PMI, cons 60.0 (9:45)
  • US: Univ. of Michigan confidence (F), cons 73.1 (9:55)
  • US: sells US$29bn 7y notes (11:30)

Overnight news bulletin from Bloomberg and Ransquawk:

  • Treasuries little changed before week’s auctions conclude with $29b 7Y notes, yield 2.065% in WI trading; noncompetitive and competitive closing times at 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. ET, respectively.
  • U.S. fixed-income markets closed for Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, close at 2pm on Friday
  • Reports that the ECB is looking at introducing an LTRO in order to help promote bank lending has failed to weigh on EUR. However, Favourable seasonal flow, together with touted real money buying EUR saw EUR/ JPY advance to its highest level since 2009 this morning.
  • German Chancellor Merkel and SPD reached grand coalition agreement, according to CDU’s Grosse-Broemer. There were also earlier reports that the new German Cabinet will not be named until mid-December according to the DPA.Ifo institute’s index of Germany’s business climate rose to 109.3 in Nov., highest since April 2012 and above all estimates in a Bloomberg survey
  • Obama’s agreement with Iran is part of a high-stakes set of diplomatic initiatives that is unnerving Middle East allies concerned that his goal is to reduce U.S. commitments in the region
  • Two unarmed American B-52 bombers flew through disputed areas of the East China Sea covered by China’s new air defense zone, a show of support for Japan as Abe seeks to expand his nation’s military
  • The Supreme Court will take up a challenge to part of Obamacare by companies claiming a religious exemption to the requirement that they provide birth- control coverage for employees
  • Sovereign yields mostly higher; EU peripheral spreads narrow as bund yields rise. Asian stocks mixed, European stocks, U.S. equity-index futures gain. WTI crude falls; copper and gold higher

Market Re-Cap from Ransquawk

Reports that the ECB is looking at introducing an LTRO in order to help promote bank lending has failed to weigh on EUR, which instead benefited from broad based JPY weakness which drove EUR/JPY above 138.00 level (highest since 2009) and also touted real money buying of EUR. Nevertheless, stocks traded broadly higher, with peripheral EU based financials among the best performing as credit spreads tightened further amid reports of a new LTRO which is said to be with a 9-12 month term. Looking elsewhere, despite the supply from Buba, Bunds traded steady, with peripheral bond yield spreads trading marginally tighter. On that note, analysts at Goldman Sachs noted that they believe that Spanish and Italian 2y spreads vs. Germany could halve in 2014, citing what they believe is market’s incorrect pricing of a potential negative ECB deposit rate, or extension of full-allotment term funding. Going forward, market  participants will get to digest the release of the latest weekly jobs report, Chicago PMI and also the weekly DoE data.

Asian Headlines

BoJ board member Shirai commented that they should stick to 2% price target now, instead of setting target in a range and that targeting an inflation range is an option once CPI tops 1%. Shirai was more cautious on GDP and CPI outlook than BoJ’s median forecast, but stated that current conditions don’t warrant additional easing.

EU & UK Headlines

German Chancellor Merkel and SPD reached grand coalition agreement, according to CDU’s Grosse-Broemer. There were also earlier reports that the new German Cabinet will not be named until mid-December according to the DPA. The agreement says individual EU states will be responsible for winding down their own banks if the common resolution fund is insufficient. Funds used by EU member states to rescue banks should be excluded from 3%/GDP deficit rule, but states may apply to the ESM should national funds be insufficient.

ECB weighing new

The IMF are discussing plans to impose upfront losses on bondholders the next time a country in the euro area requests a bailout according to unsourced reports.

Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta’s government won a confidence vote on the 2014 budget in the Italian senate with a vote of 171 to 135

German GfK Consumer Confidence (Dec) M/M 7.4 vs Exp. 7.1 (Prev. 7.0, Rev. 7.1)

Goldman Sachs sees Spanish and Italian 2y spreads vs. Germany possibly to halve in 2014
UK GDP (Q3 P) Q/Q 0.8% vs Exp. 0.8% (Prev. 0.8%) – Strongest Q/Q since Q2 2010
UK GDP (Q3 P) Y/Y 1.5% vs Exp. 1.5% (Prev. 1.5%)
Barclays month-end extensions: Euro Aggr (+0.04y)
Barclays month-end extensions: Sterling Aggr (+0.06y)

US Headlines

After setting a deadline to fix the HealthCare.gov website, Obama administration officials have offered largely inexact measures of success. That has prompted Republicans to accuse the White House of moving the goal posts.

Barclays month-end extensions: Treasuries (+0.10y)


Equities are seen up across the board this morning with the outperformer this being Colruyt following their premarket earnings. Furthermore Banco Popolare are up just over 3% following reports that the Co. are said to be holding extraordinary board meeting to discuss possible reorganisation including Credito Bergamasco Unit. Vivendi are also seeing some upside following reports that the Co. may distribute SFR shares to Co. shareholders after the Co.’s board validates demerger plan. Co. says to submit demerger plan to works councils. In terms of laggards, Accor are down around 4.50% following reports of a shake up to the Co.’s board. Solvay are also seeing some downside following reports that the Co. have cut 2016 adj. EBITDA goal to EUR 2.3-2.5bln vs. Est. 2.35bln.


Favourable seasonal flow, together with touted real money buying EUR saw EUR/JPY advance to its highest level since 2009 this morning. The cross also benefited from grind higher by USD/JPY, which remains vulnerable to downside demand given the erasure of RKO barriers. Elsewhere, USD weakness also supported GBP/USD in the first half of the trading session, which advanced to its highest level in 11-months and broke above touted barrier level at 1.6300.

Goldman Sachs 3rd Top Ten 2014 Trade is long USD/CAD; targeting 1.14

Credit Suisse now sees USD/JPY at 110.00 in 3 months and at 120.00 in 12 months


Heading into the North American open, WTI crude futures are trading in negative territory following a large build in API crude oil inventories of 6.9mln, whilst Brent crude futures trade with gains for the session in a continuation of recent trade given troubles in Libya and caused a widening of the WTI-Brent spread.

Furthermore, WTI has been trading in a tight range for the past month around the USD 93 level, below this there is little in the way of support for prices until just above the USD 90 level which was seen in June, therefore today’s DoE release could act as a catalyst to break out of this range.

SocGen revised Brent outlook down by USD 2 to USD 108/bbl in 2014, revised WTI outlook down by USD 4 to USD 99/bbl and forecast an average 2014 NYMEX natural gas price of USD 3.65/MCF. Sees gold averaging USD 1135/Oz in 2014, silver at USD 19/Oz, platinum at USD 1550/ Oz, palladium at USD 790/Oz and sees 2014 aluminium price at 1,900/T and 2015 at 1,950/T.

Iran’s Oil Minster Zanganeh has held meetings with European Co.’s in an attempt to get them back to Iran following the nuclear deal struck over the weekend.

Morgan Stanley said that Brent is unlikely to average below USD 95-100 per barrel, adding that downside risk is concentrated in 2014, 2015 and that Brent is likely range-bound over the medium term.


Jim Reid from DB concludes the overnight event roundup

Away from the equity markets, primary market activities in credit slowed down sharply ahead of Thanksgiving. Supply was on the quiet side as investors were
largely focused on month-end rebalancing given the upcoming holiday. Investors were still net buyers of bonds though, to the tune of US$383m in the US, according to FINRA TRACE data which noted that US$12.7bn of bonds were swapping hands yesterday. As we mentioned yesterday US credit spreads have had a pretty good ride since their wides in early October and we suspect the search for yield mentality will continue to prevail into year-end absence any surprises from the Fed.

Recapping the main data events of yesterday, the US risk sentiment was actually well supported early on by some positive housing data. Building permits (974k v 935k) was better than expected while the Case-Shiller home price index also rose more than consensus (+1.03% v +0.90%) in September. The Richmond Fed manufacturing survey bucked the recent trend in similar surveys with a better-than-expected headline (13 v 4) but all eyes will be on the Chicago PMI today. The consumer was the main softness in yesterday’s data flow with the confidence reading down to 70.4 v 72.6 expected. The decline
was largely driven by a drop in consumer expectations (69.3 v 72.2) although labour market related sub-indicators showed some monthly improvement.

Turning to the overnight session the Asian equities session is mixed with Chinese (+0.7%) and Hong Kong (+0.6%) markets outperforming the rest. The rally in Chinese stocks overnight also marks the first gain in five days largely driven by railway makers, brokers and defence companies. The latter was likely driven by the escalating military tension between China and the US that seems to be getting increasing press focus overnight. According to Bloomberg news two unarmed US B-52 bombers yesterday flew into a disputed air-defence zone claimed by China. The area is said to include a chain of islands in the East China Sea controlled by Japan. Pentagon said that the flights were a longplanned training mission and insisted that the US would continue to  operate in what it considers to be international air space. FT said that the Chinese were not informed of the flights. Per the Japanese government’s instructions, ANA and Japan Airlines have also stopped providing flight information to China which they did overnight as they flew through a new Chinese air-defense zone without notice.

In other overnight news, Chancellor Merkel’s CDU has reached a coalition agreement with the Social Democrats after a lengthy discussion overnight. According to the BBC the breakthrough came after 17 hours of talks with both parties reaching agreement on issues including minimum wage, a lower retirement age and changes to dual citizenship rules. Away from politics and on a less cheerful note, S&P said that the biggest US banks may have to spend another US$104bn to resolve mortgage related issues with investors and counterparties. The top end of this estimate would eliminate about two thirds of the $154.9bn litigation costs already provided for by the banks but would not erode into their regulatory capital (FT).


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/NHCaIaWk91g/story01.htm Tyler Durden

It’ll Snow-den in Time for Xmas

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Yes, it will Snow-den after all in time for Xmas perhaps this year and it will be white all around from the fall-out as the bomb hits. Edward Snowden has recently revealed that he has a secret cache of ‘doomsday’ material that will blow the world apart and the US in particular. Oh, please let it Snow on ‘em before Xmas! The National Security Agency and British Intelligence have both made unofficial comments saying that they are indeed worried about the classified material that Snowden has encrypted and stored on a data cloud. Aren’t they able to access it the poor things?

Snowden’s Doomsday

Doomsday from Snowden?

According to the Guardian newspaper that has been the mouthpiece of Edward Snowden from the very beginning, there is information concerning intelligence personnel names in both the USA and in the rest of the world as well as current former US officials. People that were informed have also been listed in the data. Apparently, Snowden has played the boys at the NSA at their own game and has encrypted the information with multiple passwords and a sophisticated form of encryption. So, it is possible to protect something so well that nobody (not even the NSA) can get their peeping-Tom eyes on it? Why didn’t they do it before? The question hardly needs answering as we all know that everybody was in on the act.

It’ll be Doomsday for Christmas from Snowden this year, but it’s not certain that Santa got that on his list when the NSA sent in their letter to the North Pole, via Russia. The passwords are in the hands of three different people and they change regularly, while remaining open for a very short time-slot each day. All very secretive and sounds like either a sect or a religion, or the Coca-Cola story. Maybe Snowden has the perfect recipe for make things go pop. If he gets arrested, caught or worse, then those three have the task of making the information available to the public.

Whether or not the cache actually exists, the NSA has declined to comment and so has British Intelligence (Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ). Whatever happens, it is most certainly Snowden’s insurance of protection from being bumped off. Remember the men in black can do whatever they like apparently. According to Obama administration officials, Snowden has enough material to keep the papers going for another two years. He has somewhere between 50 and 200 thousand documents that have been downloaded in his possession. According to estimates, there have been only some 500 documents that have actually been made public to date.

Just the tip of the iceberg.

The NSA and GCHQ had better listen up if they don’t want that top-secret information being revealed. Maybe if the names of spies are on the documents as Snowden has stated, then they will start to become more open to discussion. Snowden just got bargaining power.

Forgotten Snowden

Edward Snowden may be forgotten by the start of 2014 as other things take over our minds and the mainstream media starts to drop him from their pages.

Snowden shouldn’t be dropped and we should make sure that we still care about what the NSA and British Intelligence forces did to our rights as citizens in countries that were supposed to leave us with a minimum of privacy instead of violating that and selling it on to others. We should still care, but how many will still believe that Snowden was a traitor to his country because he told the truth? How many would have preferred not to know? How many will say ‘I knew it all along’?

There are few out there in the world that will actually stand up and shout that yes Snowden admitted what we should have been told long ago. Stop violating our rights. But by January he’ll be just a voice from the past. We will have moved on to greater, more interesting things like the post-festive season sales and how many people are spending the money they don’t actually have (including the US government). That’s far more riveting for some than knowing that our rights have been violated. It’s surprising the number of people that actually believe Snowden to be a traitor.

Those very same people condemn the sheeple for not waking up to reality, but they are so fast asleep that they have done exactly what the US state told them to do: condemn Snowden for revealing the truth. It’s the latter that are even worse than the sheeple, it might seem. The sheeple honestly don’t know they are asleep, at least. There are still 49%(October 2013) of US citizens that believe that Snowden was a traitor to their country and to hell with being monitored by their state. If Snowden does reveal the names of spies and therefore puts those people in danger, then he may just become the traitor he wasn’t meant to be, however. But, he hasn’t done it yet.

You can’t distrust the Obama administration and consider that Obama is dishonestand at the same time believe that Snowden was a traitor. Time to wake up!

Originally posted: It’ll Snow-den in Time for Xmas

 The Stooges are Running the Show, Obama |  Banks: The Right Thing to Do | Bitcoin Bonanza | The Super Rich Deprive Us of Fundamental Rights |  Whining for Wine |Cost of Living Not High Enough in EU | Record Levels of Currency Reserves Will Hit Hard | Internet or Splinternet | World Ready to Jump into Bed with China

 Indian Inflation: Out of Control? | Greenspan Maps a Territory Gold Rush or Just a Streak? | Obama’s Obamacare: Double Jinx | Financial Markets: Negating the Laws of Gravity  |Blatant Housing-Bubble: Stating the Obvious | Let’s Downgrade S&P, Moody’s and Fitch For Once | US Still Living on Borrowed Time | (In)Direct Slavery: We’re All Guilty |

Technical Analysis: Bear Expanding Triangle | Bull Expanding Triangle | Bull Falling Wedge Bear Rising Wedge High & Tight Flag




via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/xO7lgfgv9OI/story01.htm Pivotfarm

Jacob Sullum on Misconceptions About the Sandy Hook Massacre

December, less than a week after Adam Lanza murdered 20 children
and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,
Connecticut, the New York
 described his “eerie lair of violent video
games,” where he “obliterated virtual victims…until the virtual
became a reality.” The Post reported that the troubled
20-year-old “was enthralled by blood-splattering, shoot-’em-up
electronic games.”

The official report on the massacre, released this week by
State’s Attorney Steven Sedensky, paints a more complicated
picture. Senior Editor Jacob Sullum says the report casts doubt on
the significance of Lanza’s gaming habits as well as several other
theories about why he did what he did or how he could have been

View this article.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/27/jacob-sullum-on-misconceptions-about-the

Brickbat: Who'll Stop the Fire

Officials in cities
across the nation say they were caught off guard by a recent ruling
by the Environmental Protection Agency that fire hydrants must meet
new stricter lead-content rules for plumbing fixtures. Officials
say that means that hydrants and hydrant parts they have already
bought can’t be installed after Jan. 4, and manufacturers say
they’ll have to completely change the way they make them. The new
rules are supposed to reduce
lead in drinking water
, but city officials and manufacturers
note that water from fire hydrants is rarely used for drinking.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/27/brickbat-wholl-stop-the-fire

Brickbat: Who’ll Stop the Fire

Officials in cities
across the nation say they were caught off guard by a recent ruling
by the Environmental Protection Agency that fire hydrants must meet
new stricter lead-content rules for plumbing fixtures. Officials
say that means that hydrants and hydrant parts they have already
bought can’t be installed after Jan. 4, and manufacturers say
they’ll have to completely change the way they make them. The new
rules are supposed to reduce
lead in drinking water
, but city officials and manufacturers
note that water from fire hydrants is rarely used for drinking.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/27/brickbat-wholl-stop-the-fire

London's Mayor Says We Should "Thank The Super Rich"

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

If you thought you had seen it all when it comes to sob stories of the “super rich” following the comparison of the criticisms of banker bonuses to the lynching of black people in the south by AIG’s CEO in September, think again. The latest groveling, inane defense of the “super rich” comes from none other than the gatekeeper of the largest oligarch whorehouse on planet earth. The Mayor of London, Mr. Boris Johnson.

Now I warn you, do not read the following Op-Ed on a full stomach. The vapid, nonsensical, Onion-like prose may very well induce fits of nausea and uncontrolled regurgitation. This is quite frankly one of the worst things I have ever read in my life. It echoes like a sort of grandiose ass-kissing ritual one would have encountered in a Middle Age court from an aspiring manservant of the realm, desperately trying to rapidly advance a coupe of notches up the social strata of some decadent feudal kingdom. Simply put, Boris Johnson should be ashamed to show his face in public after writing such disingenuous garbage.

Now for some excerpts from the UK Telegraph:

The great thing about being Mayor of London is you get to meet all sorts. It is my duty to stick up for every put-upon minority in the city – from the homeless to Irish travellers to ex-gang members to disgraced former MPs. After five years of slog, I have a fair idea where everyone is coming from.


But there is one minority that I still behold with a benign bewilderment, and that is the very, very rich. I mean people who have so much money they can fly by private jet, and who have gin palaces moored in Puerto Banus, and who give their kids McLaren supercars for their 18th birthdays and scour the pages of the FT’s “How to Spend It” magazine for jewel-encrusted Cartier collars for their dogs.


I suspect that the answer, as Solon pointed out to Croesus, is not really, frankly; or no happier than the man with just enough to live on. If that is the case, and it really is true that having stupendous sums of money is very far from the same as being happy, then surely we should stop bashing the rich.

So he starts off right away with complete idiocy. Sure, I genuinely agree that having that much money is more of a curse than a blessing, but that doesn’t mean we should stop bashing oligarchs. Not all (but most) oligarch wealth has been created or maintained and coddled via Central Bank policies that favor their class, bailouts and crony capitalist deals. That’s why the rest of us aren’t benefiting from this phantom “economic recovery.” Perhaps he forgot the saying by Honore de Balzac:

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.”

Now back to bumbling Boris.

On the contrary, the latest data suggest that we should be offering them humble and hearty thanks. It is through their restless concupiscent energy and sheer wealth-creating dynamism that we pay for an ever-growing proportion of public services. The top one per cent of earners now pay 29.8 per cent of all the income tax and National Insurance received by the Treasury. In 1979 – when Labour had a top marginal rate of 83 per cent tax after Denis Healey had earlier vowed to squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked – the top one per cent paid only 11 per cent of income tax. Now, the top 0.1 per cent – about 29,000 people – pay an amazing 14.1 per cent of all taxes.

Of course they pay the most in taxes. Just like JP Morgan pays the most in fines. It’s a cost of business and a small price to pay to make sure the serfs don’t get too uppity. Seriously, what planet does this guy live on?

Nor, of course, is that the end of their contribution to the wider good. These types of people are always the first target of the charity fund-raisers, whether they are looking for a new church roof or a children’s cancer ward. These are the people who put bread on the tables of families who – if the rich didn’t invest in supercars and employ eau de cologne-dabbers – might otherwise find themselves without a breadwinner. And yet they are brow-beaten and bullied and threatened with new taxes, by everyone from the Archbishop of Canterbury to Nick Clegg.

So according to Boris, we couldn’t survive with oligarchs. Why not just bring back royalty? Oh wait…

The rich are resented, not so much for being rich, but for getting ever richer than the middle classes – and the trouble is that the gap is growing the whole time, and especially has done over the past 20 years. It is hard to say exactly why this is, but I will hazard a guess. Of all the self-made super-rich tycoons I have met, most belong to the following three fairly exclusive categories of human being:

It’s not hard to say exactly why the gap has widened. I’ve basically been writing about it for years. His conclusion; however, exposes his embarrassing bias.

(1) They tend to be well above average, if not outstanding, in their powers of mathematical, scientific or at least logical reasoning. (2) They have a great deal of energy, confidence, risk-taking instinct and a desire to make money. (3) They have had the good fortune – by luck or birth – to be able to exploit these talents.

I know a lot of people that demonstrate the above qualities. Many, many people, and none of them are oligarchs. So please give it a rest.

We should be helping all those who can to join the ranks of the super-rich, and we should stop any bashing or moaning or preaching or bitching and simply give thanks for the prodigious sums of money that they are contributing to the tax revenues of this country, and that enable us to look after our sick and our elderly and to build roads, railways and schools.

Now he’s totally off the deep end. I hear the Onion is looking for writers…

Indeed, it is possible, as the American economist Art Laffer pointed out, that they might contribute even more if we cut their rates of tax; but it is time we recognised the heroic contribution they already make. In fact, we should stop publishing rich lists in favour of an annual list o
f the top 100 Tax Heroes, with automatic knighthoods for the top 10.

Knighthoods. Makes a lot of sense actually since there generally seems to be a strong negative correlation between folks being knighted and being decent human beings.

If this was your attempt at continuing to inflate a oligarch housing bubble in London, congrats Mr. Johnson. Well done. Perhaps some day, you’ll receive your precious knighthood.

Full article here.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/gyThQgioBOs/story01.htm Tyler Durden

London’s Mayor Says We Should “Thank The Super Rich”

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

If you thought you had seen it all when it comes to sob stories of the “super rich” following the comparison of the criticisms of banker bonuses to the lynching of black people in the south by AIG’s CEO in September, think again. The latest groveling, inane defense of the “super rich” comes from none other than the gatekeeper of the largest oligarch whorehouse on planet earth. The Mayor of London, Mr. Boris Johnson.

Now I warn you, do not read the following Op-Ed on a full stomach. The vapid, nonsensical, Onion-like prose may very well induce fits of nausea and uncontrolled regurgitation. This is quite frankly one of the worst things I have ever read in my life. It echoes like a sort of grandiose ass-kissing ritual one would have encountered in a Middle Age court from an aspiring manservant of the realm, desperately trying to rapidly advance a coupe of notches up the social strata of some decadent feudal kingdom. Simply put, Boris Johnson should be ashamed to show his face in public after writing such disingenuous garbage.

Now for some excerpts from the UK Telegraph:

The great thing about being Mayor of London is you get to meet all sorts. It is my duty to stick up for every put-upon minority in the city – from the homeless to Irish travellers to ex-gang members to disgraced former MPs. After five years of slog, I have a fair idea where everyone is coming from.


But there is one minority that I still behold with a benign bewilderment, and that is the very, very rich. I mean people who have so much money they can fly by private jet, and who have gin palaces moored in Puerto Banus, and who give their kids McLaren supercars for their 18th birthdays and scour the pages of the FT’s “How to Spend It” magazine for jewel-encrusted Cartier collars for their dogs.


I suspect that the answer, as Solon pointed out to Croesus, is not really, frankly; or no happier than the man with just enough to live on. If that is the case, and it really is true that having stupendous sums of money is very far from the same as being happy, then surely we should stop bashing the rich.

So he starts off right away with complete idiocy. Sure, I genuinely agree that having that much money is more of a curse than a blessing, but that doesn’t mean we should stop bashing oligarchs. Not all (but most) oligarch wealth has been created or maintained and coddled via Central Bank policies that favor their class, bailouts and crony capitalist deals. That’s why the rest of us aren’t benefiting from this phantom “economic recovery.” Perhaps he forgot the saying by Honore de Balzac:

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.”

Now back to bumbling Boris.

On the contrary, the latest data suggest that we should be offering them humble and hearty thanks. It is through their restless concupiscent energy and sheer wealth-creating dynamism that we pay for an ever-growing proportion of public services. The top one per cent of earners now pay 29.8 per cent of all the income tax and National Insurance received by the Treasury. In 1979 – when Labour had a top marginal rate of 83 per cent tax after Denis Healey had earlier vowed to squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked – the top one per cent paid only 11 per cent of income tax. Now, the top 0.1 per cent – about 29,000 people – pay an amazing 14.1 per cent of all taxes.

Of course they pay the most in taxes. Just like JP Morgan pays the most in fines. It’s a cost of business and a small price to pay to make sure the serfs don’t get too uppity. Seriously, what planet does this guy live on?

Nor, of course, is that the end of their contribution to the wider good. These types of people are always the first target of the charity fund-raisers, whether they are looking for a new church roof or a children’s cancer ward. These are the people who put bread on the tables of families who – if the rich didn’t invest in supercars and employ eau de cologne-dabbers – might otherwise find themselves without a breadwinner. And yet they are brow-beaten and bullied and threatened with new taxes, by everyone from the Archbishop of Canterbury to Nick Clegg.

So according to Boris, we couldn’t survive with oligarchs. Why not just bring back royalty? Oh wait…

The rich are resented, not so much for being rich, but for getting ever richer than the middle classes – and the trouble is that the gap is growing the whole time, and especially has done over the past 20 years. It is hard to say exactly why this is, but I will hazard a guess. Of all the self-made super-rich tycoons I have met, most belong to the following three fairly exclusive categories of human being:

It’s not hard to say exactly why the gap has widened. I’ve basically been writing about it for years. His conclusion; however, exposes his embarrassing bias.

(1) They tend to be well above average, if not outstanding, in their powers of mathematical, scientific or at least logical reasoning. (2) They have a great deal of energy, confidence, risk-taking instinct and a desire to make money. (3) They have had the good fortune – by luck or birth – to be able to exploit these talents.

I know a lot of people that demonstrate the above qualities. Many, many people, and none of them are oligarchs. So please give it a rest.

We should be helping all those who can to join the ranks of the super-rich, and we should stop any bashing or moaning or preaching or bitching and simply give thanks for the prodigious sums of money that they are contributing to the tax revenues of this country, and that enable us to look after our sick and our elderly and to build roads, railways and schools.

Now he’s totally off the deep end. I hear the Onion is looking for writers…

Indeed, it is possible, as the American economist Art Laffer pointed out, that they might contribute even more if we cut their rates of tax; but it is time we recognised the heroic contribution they already make. In fact, we should stop publishing rich lists in favour of an annual list of the top 100 Tax Heroes, with automatic knighthoods for the top 10.

Knighthoods. Makes a lot of sense actually since there generally seems to be a strong negative correlation between folks being knighted and being decent human beings.

If this was your attempt at continuing to inflate a oligarch housing bubble in London, congrats Mr. Johnson. Well done. Perhaps some day, you’ll receive your precious knighthood.

Full article here.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/gyThQgioBOs/story01.htm Tyler Durden