NYT on Bitcoin: Only “Criminals” Want Anonymous Cryptocurrency

Today at The New York Times online, under the headline
Bitcoin Regulation Is Inevitable
,” this proclamation:

No one supports creating an anonymous bazaar for dealing in
drugs and other illegal goods and services—except, perhaps, the
criminals themselves.

While the rest of the piece is more or less boilerplate Bitcoin
coverage, this is an odd interjection of the old “why do you need
privacy if you have nothing to hide” canard. 

Bitcoin is technically psudenomyous, not anonymous, since there
is a record of every transaction. But the idea that no one would
want an additional layer privacy in their online purchases “except,
perhaps, the criminals themselves,” is odd.  

I talked about good reasons why ordinary people might want to
keep information about what you’re buying or selling private on
Stossel awhile back:

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1nK8OWJ

Arizona Ex-Police Officer on Medical Disability Runs Triathlons

She's a winner! The taxpayers -- not so much.From the “If you did this, not
only would you be facing jail time but your state’s attorney
general would send out a press release about it” files, a Mesa,
Ariz., police officer who is receiving monthly worker’s
compensation checks and successfully arranged for a medical
retirement is racing in triathlons.

CBS 5 in Arizona
tracked down
the maddening and maddeningly common governmental
pension bureaucratic process that allows public employees to
enhance their own retirements by claiming injuries and medical
problems that don’t pass the smell test:

One of the elite athletes who crossed the finish line in the
grueling Ironman Arizona last November is 49-year-old Audrey

She’s a medically-retired police officer who collects a worker’s
compensation check every month for an injury she said prevented her
from doing her job.

A review of Glemba’s records reveal she suffered a back and knee
injury in 1995 during a training exercise with the Mesa Police

So, according to CBS 5, she worked and raced in dozens of
events, including several triathlons, for several years subsequent
to this injury. Then in 2007 she was investigated by the police
over some inappropriate behavior:

The 2007 internal affairs investigation revealed Glemba and
members of the squad she supervised were taking photos of
themselves, the homeless and disabled, which they ridiculed with
disparaging and offensive remarks.

“They were posting all of that various photographs on walls in
different montages, and they’d make captions about who they were or
what they were doing,” said [Mesa Police Detective Steve]

The investigation ended when Glemba was fired in December of

So after she was fired, she appealed. She was briefly
reinstated, long enough for the pension board to rule that she was
medically unable to perform the tasks of her job, and then her
medical retirement was approved. And then she left again. In
addition, she’s getting $500 a month in worker’s compensation for
her injuries in addition to her medical retirement. So that’s a
pretty nice chain of events for Glemba. The television station says
that the pension board did know she was involved in these athletic
competitions prior to approving her medical retirement.

Read or watch the full piece

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1bWYuCh

Guest Post: The Warped, Distorted, Manipulated, Flipped, Housing Market

Submitted by Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform blog,

The report from RealtyTrac last week proves beyond the shadow of a doubt the supposed housing market recovery is a complete and utter fraud. The corporate mainstream media did their usual spin job on the report by focusing on the fact foreclosure starts in 2013 were the lowest since 2007. Focusing on this meaningless fact (because the Too Big To Trust Wall Street Criminal Banks have delayed foreclosure starts as part of their conspiracy to keep prices rising) is supposed to convince the willfully ignorant masses the housing market is back to normal. It’s always the best time to buy!!!

The talking heads reading their teleprompter propaganda machines failed to mention that distressed sales (short sales & foreclosure sales) rose to a three year high of 16.2% of all U.S. residential sales, up from 14.5% in 2012. The economy has been supposedly advancing for over four years and sales of distressed homes are at 16.2% and rising. The bubble headed bimbos on CNBC don’t find it worthwhile to mention that prior to 2007 the normal percentage of distressed home sales was less than 3%. Yeah, we’re back to normal alright. We are five years into a supposed economic recovery and distressed home sales account for 1 out of 6 all home sales and is still 500% higher than normal.

The distressed sales aren’t even close to the biggest distortion of this housing market. The RealtyTrac report reveals that all-cash purchases accounted for 42% of all U.S. residential sales in December, up from 38% in November, and up from 18% in December 2012. Does that sound like a trend of normalization? There were five states where all-cash transactions accounted for more than 50% of sales in December – Florida (62.5%), Wisconsin (59.8%), Alabama (55.7%), South Carolina (51.3%), and Georgia (51.3%). In the pre-crisis days before 2008, all-cash sales NEVER accounted for more than 10% of all home sales. NEVER. This is all being driven by hot Wall Street money, aided and abetted by Bernanke, Yellen and the rest of the Fed fiat heroine dealers.

The fact that Wall Street is running this housing show is borne out by mortgage applications languishing at 1997 levels, down 65% from the 2005 highs. Real people in the real world need a mortgage to buy a house. If mortgage applications are near 16 year lows, how could home prices be ascending as if there is a frenzy of demand? Besides enriching the financial class, the contrived elevation of home prices and the QE induced mortgage rate increase has driven housing affordability into the ground. First time home buyers account for a record low percentage of 27%. In a normal non-manipulated market, first time home buyers account for 40% of home purchases.     

Price increases that rival the peak insanity of 2005 have been manufactured by Wall Street shysters and the Federal Reserve commissars. Doctor Housing Bubble sums up the absurdity of this housing market quite well.

The all-cash segment of buyers has typically been a tiny portion of the overall sales pool.  The fact that so many sales are occurring off the typical radar suggests that the Fed’s easy money eco-system has created a ravenous hunger with investors to buy up real estate.  Why?  The rentier class is chasing yields in every nook and cranny of the economy.  This helps to explain why we have such a twisted system where home ownership is declining yet prices are soaring.  What do we expect when nearly half of sales are going to investors?  The all-cash locusts flood is still ravaging the housing market.

The Case-Shiller Index has shown price surges over the last two years that exceed the Fed induced bubble years of 2001 through 2006. Does that make sense, when new homes sales are at levels seen during recessions over the last 50 years, and down 70% from the 2005 highs? Even with this Fed/Wall Street induced levitation, existing home sales are at 1999 levels and down 30% from the 2005 highs. So how and why have national home prices skyrocketed by 14% in 2013 after a 9% rise in 2012? Why are the former bubble markets of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Phoenix seeing 17% to 27% one year price increases? How could the bankrupt paradise of Detroit see a 17.3% increase in prices in one year? In a normal free market where individuals buy houses from other individuals, this does not happen. Over the long term, home prices rise at the rate of inflation. According to the government drones at the BLS, inflation has risen by 3.6% over the last two years. Looks like we have a slight disconnect.


This entire contrived episode has been designed to lure dupes back into the market, artificially inflate the insolvent balance sheets of the Too Big To Trust banks, enrich the feudal overlords who have easy preferred access to the Federal Reserve easy money, and provide the propaganda peddling legacy media with a recovery storyline to flog to the willingly ignorant public. The masses desperately want a feel good story they can believe. The ruling class has a thorough understanding of Edward Bernays’ propaganda techniques.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

Ben Bernanke increased his balance sheet by $3.2 trillion (450%) since 2008, and it had to go somewhere. We know it didn’t trickle down to the 99%. It was placed in the firm clutches of the .1% billionaire club. Bernanke sold his QE schemes as methods to benefit Main Street Americans, when his true purpose was to benefit Wall Street crooks. 30 year mortgage rates were 4.25% before QE2. 30 year mortgage rates were 3.5% before QE3. Today they stand at 4.5%. QE has not benefited average Americans. They are getting 0% on their savings, mortgage rates are higher, and their real household income has fallen and continues to fall.

But you’ll be happy to know banking profits are at all-time highs, Blackrock and the rest of the Wall Street Fed front running crowd have made a killing in the buy and rent ruse, and record bonuses are being doled out to the men who have wrecked our financial system in their gluttonous plundering of the once prosperous nation. Their felonious machinations have added zero value to society, while impoverishing a wide swath of America. Bernanke, Yellen and their owners have used their control of the currency, interest rates, and regulatory agencies to create the widest wealth disparity between the haves and have-nots in world history. Their depraved actions on behalf of the .1% will mean blood.


Just as Greenspan’s easy money policies of the early 2000’s created a housing bubble, inspiring low IQ wannabes to play flip that house, Bernanke’s mal-investment inducing QEternity has lured the get rich quick crowd back into the flipping business. The re-propagation of Flip that House shows on cable is like a rerun of the pre-bubble bursting frenzy in 2005. RealtyTrac’s recent report details the disturbing lemming like trend among greedy institutions and dullard brother-in-laws across the land.

  • 156,862 single family home flips — where a home is purchased and subsequently sold again within six months — in 2013, up 16% from 2012 and up 114% from 2011.
  • Homes flipped in 2013 accounted for 4.6% of all U.S. single family home sales during the year, up from 4.2% in 2012 and up from 2.6% in 2011     

The easy profits just keep flowing when the Fed provides the easy money. What could possibly go wrong? Home prices never fall. A brilliant Ivy League economist said so in 2005. The easy profits have been reaped by the early players. Wall Street hedge funds don’t really want to be landlords. Flippers need to make a quick buck or their creditors pull the plug. Home prices peaked in mid-2013. They have begun to fall. The 35% increase in mortgage rates has removed the punchbowl from the party. Anyone who claims housing will improve in 2014 is either talking their book, owns a boatload of vacant rental properties, teaches at Princeton, or gets paid to peddle the Wall Street propaganda on CNBC.


Reality will reassert itself in 2014, with lemmings, flippers, and hedgies getting slaughtered as the housing market comes back to earth with a thud. The continued tapering by the Fed will remove the marginal dollars used by Wall Street to fund this housing Ponzi. The Wall Street lemmings all follow the same MBA created financial models. They will all attempt to exit the market simultaneously when their models all say sell. If the economy improves, interest rates will rise and kill the housing market. If the economy tanks, the stock market will plunge, creating fear and killing the housing market. Once it becomes clear that prices have begun to fall, the flippers will panic and start dumping, exacerbating the price declines. This scenario never grows old.

Real household income continues to fall and nearly 25% of all households with a mortgage are still underwater. Young people are saddled with $1 trillion of government peddled student loan debt and will not be buying homes in the foreseeable future. Dodd-Frank rules will result in fewer people qualifying for mortgages. Mortgage insurance is increasing. Obamacare premium increases are sucking the life out of potential middle class home buyers. Retailers have begun firing thousands. The financial class had a good run. They were able to re-inflate the bubble for two years, but the third year won’t be a charm. In a normal housing market 85% of home sales would be between individuals using a mortgage, 10% would be all cash transactions, less than 5% of sales would be distressed, and 40% would be first time buyers. In this warped market only 40% of home sales are between individuals using a mortgage, 42% are all cash transactions, 16% are distressed sales, 5% are flipped, and only 27% are first time buyers. The return to normalcy will be painful for shysters, gamblers, believers, paid off economists, Larry Yun, and CNBC bimbos.


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1ifxhzc Tyler Durden

Welcome Janet: Worst February Start For Stocks In 32 Years

The Nasdaq plunged by the most in over 8 months today and broke all the way back to unchanged from the December taper decision of the Fed. All major US equity indices are now negative from the time the Fed decided to slow its flow of free money. The Dow closed below its 200DMA for the first time since December 2012. The S&P 500 closed the furthest below its 100DMA since QE3 started. USDJPY was in charge and everything was higher or lower beta off of that as it broke 102 early then 101 later in the day (with the Nikkei -700 points from the day's highs). Treasuries rallied around 5bps to fresh 7-month low yields for 30Y. Gold and Silver surged, adding 1% on the day as the USD lost 0.25% on the day (led by the 1% strength in the JPY). VIX smashed to 14 month highs over 21%. Credit deteriorated but stocks are catching down.

Just 8 hours into her reign, QEeen Janet has some work to do…

"Not off the lows"



Summing up the JPY carry trade unwind… (h/t @StalingradandPoor)


This is the worst start to a month since 1982 for the Dow and S&P and the worst since records started on the Nasdaq.

The Dow Industrials slammed back under the 200DMA – lowest in over 3 months; down 3% since the taper and down over 7% in 2014

The Nasdaq is down 2.6% – its biggest drop in 8 months – its worst start to a month on record; testing the 100DMA and unchanged to Taper

The S&P dropped 2.2% – its biggest drop since June; lowest in over 3 months and well below its 100DMA – furthest below its 100DMA sicne Nov 2012.


Since the taper, major indices are all negative now…


And since the new year, they are in trouble…


USDJPY was in charge…


VIX has risen 64% on the last 2 weeks – its fastest rise since the US debt downgrade debacle in summer 2011…and the highest close since December 2012


It seems, once again, that credit investors smelled something long before the exuberant marginal stock buyer…


The USD weakened led by JPY and EUR strength…


Treasuries were well bid all day after the weak ISM data… 2s10s pushed to 228bps – its lowest in over 3 months


And commodities were very mixed with growthy oil and copper down and safe haven gold and silver up…


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: The Nikkei is down 2300 points year to date (from 16,450 to 14,160) and the Dow is down over 1200 points year-to-date (from 16,540 at the close of 2013 to 15,316 lows today)


Bonus Bonus Chart: HerbaLOL…



via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1kGPUNR Tyler Durden

Video – Sen. Ted Cruz on Obama, Drug War: "No man is above the law, especially not the president"

“Sen. Ted Cruz on Obama, Drug War: ‘No man is above the law,
especially not the president'” is the latest from Reason TV. Watch
above or click below for full text, links, and more. 

View this article.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/LIN1A2

Video – Sen. Ted Cruz on Obama, Drug War: “No man is above the law, especially not the president”

“Sen. Ted Cruz on Obama, Drug War: ‘No man is above the law,
especially not the president'” is the latest from Reason TV. Watch
above or click below for full text, links, and more. 

View this article.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/LIN1A2

Rep. Cantor Sees Obamacare’s End Coming, Christie Aide Resigns, OFA Advertises for Minimum Wage Increase: P.M. Links

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Ira Stoll on Subsidizing the Jobless To Relocate

The latest Washington policy solution to
the problem of the long-term jobless is to pay them to move
somewhere else where there are more jobs. Ira Stoll says that if
federal moving vouchers are to catch on anywhere, America may be
the place for it. So many of our forefathers moved here from
foreign lands in part for economic opportunity, and after arriving,
they or their descendants often moved again.

View this article.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1cOmPhT

Should E.U. Police Be Given Darth Vader-Like Powers to Stop Cars Remotely?

An European Union (E.U.) working group is considering
giving police remote car-stopping technology in an attempt to
eliminate high-speed car chases. Nothing says creepy like police
equipped with removed, quasi-telekinetic powers resembling Darth

The plan requires a “built in standard” for the E.U. car market
to be
by the end of the decade. In other words, all new
vehicles will require the installation of a complimentary
car-stopping technological device.

Police will
videos from removed control rooms. They will have the
ability to shut off a car’s ignition from their disconnected

In December, Statewatch, a non-profit watchdog group, uncovered
the European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services
(ENLETS) document that describes the new plan.  The ENLETS

In most cases the police are unable to chase the
criminal due to the lack of efficient means to stop the vehicle

While proposed technology could potentially improve road safety
and hobble runaway cars, the benefits of prevent car chases doesn’t
necessarily outweigh costs to car manufacturers and cuts to civil
liberties. Tony Bunyan, Director of Smartwatch,
The Telegraph:

Let’s have some evidence that this is a problem, and
then let’s have some guidelines on how this would be used.”

E.U.’s Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security
(COSI) signed off on it, meaning, as The Telegraph

, “The project has the support of senior British Home
Office civil servants and police officers.”

Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, called the measure
“incredible” and a “draconian imposition,” and issued a rallying
cry for political retaliation.

It’s hard to imagine an idea like this remaining under wraps. It
could inspire U.S. police, who have considered a variety of
controversial police-empowering tech like
GPS-tracking bullets
, and
psychic arrests
 made imaginable by Big Data and NSA bulk
data collection.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1k4XjJ6

Citigroup, And Former Fed, Economist To Take Top Treasury Post

Confirming the floating rumor from last week that yet another Wall Streeter from a bailed out bank is going to set US economic policy, moments ago the Treasury announced that indeed the Citigroup economist Nathan Sheets – the bank’s global head of international economics – will start working next week as a counsellor to U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

This is the same Sheets, who ten days ago wrote that “our empirical work presents evidence that over the next few years, 10-year U.S. Treasury yields are likely to move toward 5 percent (slightly above our projections for nominal GDP growth) and to stabilize near that level. Our work suggests that Japanese rates may be on a sharply rising trajectory as well, if policymakers there get traction in taming the deflationary demons that have plagued the economy.”

We already know why the Treasury likes him so much. Actually there is another reason why the Treasury likes him so much:


Nathan Sheets joined Citigroup as Global Head of International Economics in September 2011. In that role, he helps lead the firm’s team of economists around the  world. His own research focuses on global themes, with a particular emphasis on the position of the United States in the world economy.


Previously, Mr. Sheets worked at the Federal Reserve Board for 18 years in a variety of positions. From September 2007 to August 2011, he served as Director of the Board’s Division of International Finance and one of three Economists to the Federal Open Market Committee. He advised the Committee on macroeconomic and financial developments in foreign economies, as well as on the outlook for U.S. trade, the dollar, and global commodity prices. He also played a key role in developing the Fed’s swap line program with other central banks. From 2006-07, while on leave from the Board, he served as a Senior Advisor to the U.S. Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund.


Mr. Sheets received his B.A. from Brigham Young University in 1989 and his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993. He has published research in an array of academic journals. Mr. Sheets is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Ah yes: the Fed… and MIT of course. Recall “How A Handful Of Unsupervised MIT Economists Run The World

Some more from Reuters:

Reuters reported on Friday that the Obama administration was considering nominating Sheets to be the Treasury’s top official for international affairs, a post that has been vacant since November. Sheets’ new job as counsellor would give him a position at the Treasury from which to advise Lew until he is nominated and confirmed by the Senate.


Counsellor posts are sometimes used for this sort of holding pattern. For example, the administration’s nominee for assistant secretary for economic policy, Karen Dynan, is currently a counsellor to Lew. The Treasury official had no comment on Sheets’ nomination prospects.


If nominated and confirmed, Sheets would be a key figure in U.S. financial and economic diplomacy and would help lead international discussions on the global economy.


This would include pressing Washington’s view that China should let its currency appreciate more quickly and that Europe should act more decisively to boost economic growth.


As the Treasury’s undersecretary for international affairs, Sheets would have to field questions from emerging market nations whose markets are reeling from a dramatic reversal of money flows tied partly to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to curtail its economic stimulus.

So, in taking the “best” Citigroup idea implemented so far in the past decade, is a “bad Fed” or rather, worse Fed, on deck?

Anyway, good luck, dear former employee of Citi, the Fed and “MIT Engineer” – with EMs turmoiling you will need it.


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1ifhsbJ Tyler Durden