Joe Scarborough Slams Dems For Attacking Obama’s Policies More Than Trump’s

MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ complained in a tweet last night that the Democratic contenders onstage last night for Pt. 2 of the second Democratic debate spent more time attacking President Barack Obama’s policies than they spent attacking President Donald Trump.

He added that this is “politically stupid and crazy.”

Though Scarborough also inadvertently admitted something important: The Democratic Party of today isn’t the same party from 2016. Instead, even candidates who once believed themselves to be part of the mainstream have embraced policies that are much further to the left, largely thanks to the influence of “the Squad” and their fellow progressives, who have been gaining influence in Washington since the mid-terms.

Scarborough is probably also referring to the fact that Biden and Harris, the two front runners who participated in Wednesday night’s debate, were lightning rods for criticism.  Bill de Blasio and others got into a huge debate with Biden over health-care reform, even prompting Biden to declare these criticisms of Obamacare “malarky”.

Biden was also attacked over the 800,000 deportations that occurred during the Obama Administration, which seemed to support the Trump Administration’s argument that Trump’s supposedly “draconian” border policies are merely a continuation of the Obama years.

While the “you’re playing into Republicans’ hands!” argument is certainly compelling to some, they should probably tell Scarborough not to say the quiet part out loud.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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