A “Pro-Life Hero”? Trump Becomes First President To Speak At ‘March For Life’

A “Pro-Life Hero”? Trump Becomes First President To Speak At ‘March For Life’

After the editor of Christianity Today infuriated the president and stunned the American evangelical community by declaring that President Trump should be booted from office, the president has apparently found a way to show this critical constituency of his base that he truly is fighting for them.

According to the Washington Post, in an unprecedented move, Trump is slated to become the first sitting American president to speak at the ‘March for Life’ – an annual rally in Washington that draws hundreds of thousands of anti-abortion activists. This despite the frequent criticism leveled at the president complaining that he doesn’t respect religion, despite having appointed two conservative justices to SCOTUS and hundreds more to the federal bench.

Zero Hedge readers may remember the ‘March for Life’ as the event where CNN fabricated a story about attendees from a Kentucky Catholic high school bullying a Native American protester. The victim, a student from Covington Catholic High School, was falsely accused of confronting the protester pictured. CNN eventually settled a lawsuit filed by the student for an undisclosed sum.

Notably, Trump announced his plans on the 47th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.

The first March for Life was held in 1974, the year after the Roe v. Wade decision. It has grown to include multiple associated events, including Catholic Masses, a national prayer service, a conference and an expo, and is a major watershed event for conservatives around the country.

The rally, which will take place on the Capitol Mall, will start at noon. Trump is expected to speak at 1 pm. on Constitution Avenue between 12th and 14th streets. Since the American left is incapable of leaving well enough alone, protesters will gather and march to the Supreme Court in protest of the rally.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged that, despite Trump’s personal history, he has undoubtedly established himself as a pro-life hero by agreeing to attend the event. Previously, Republican presidents addressed the march by satellite link. Even a handful of pro-life Democrats from the south praised the president for his decision.

Hopefully, the decision will ensure that evangelicals will come out in force to vote for him in November. But the real question is: If Trump wins a second term, will he be back next year?

Tyler Durden

Fri, 01/24/2020 – 06:55

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/36tJLBK Tyler Durden

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