Uber, Lyft Shares Soar After California Voters Pass Proposition 22 

Uber, Lyft Shares Soar After California Voters Pass Proposition 22 

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 11:30

According to the Associated Press, gig economy companies Uber Technologies Inc., Lyft Inc., and DoorDash Inc. have prevailed in their expensive quest to keep drivers classified as independent contractors. 

California voters approved Proposition 22 Tuesday evening, which would exempt gig-economy companies from a state law requiring them to classify their workers as employees. The ballot measure mandates that these companies’ drivers will receive new benefits, such as hourly earnings of some sort but will not receive the full suite of employment protections that comes with normal jobs. 

Uber and Lyft, along with other gig-economy companies, spent more than $200 million to fund “Yes on 22,” the costliest ballot measure in state history. Uber and Lyft have threatened to leave the state if they lost. 

According to AP, with more than 10.8 million votes counted, Prop. 22 had 58.1% approval. 

Uber shares soared 14% while Lyft rose 15% premarket Wednesday upon the passage of Prop. 22. 



“The reaction from investors Wednesday reflects not just the stakes in California but also expectations of what will happen elsewhere. Officials in New York, Illinois, and other states have also considered bolstering labor protections in the gig economy,” Bloomberg noted. 

Backers of Prop. 22 included  Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Doordash, other gig-economy companies, the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Police Chiefs Association, and the California NAACP.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, activist group Gig Workers Rising, California Teachers Association, and Service Employees International Union were among some of Prop. 22’s opposition. 

Passing of Prop 22. means Uber and Lyft will remain California-based companies. As for the gig economy workers, they must continue to operate as independent contractors who are not entirely entitled to all of the standard employment protections. 

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2GvITFG Tyler Durden

Johnny Rotten Slams Arrogant News Anchor; “We’re Bored Of Your Left-Wing Twaddle”

Johnny Rotten Slams Arrogant News Anchor; “We’re Bored Of Your Left-Wing Twaddle”

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 11:10

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

In a morning interview in Britain, former Sex Pistols frontman John Lydon, aka Johnny Rotten, defended his support of President Trump, and slammed a news anchor for not understanding why Trump is popular with working class people.

“I’m working-class English, it makes complete sense to me to vote for a person who actually talks about my kind of people,” Lydon noted.

“Trump’s not a politician. He’s never claimed to be. How unusually, exceptionally wonderful is that for people like me?” the punk icon added.

“We’re bored of your intellectual left-wing ideas. You talk twaddle. Everything you do, you just miss the point, of who the general public are…” Lydon lectured the anchor, Susanna Reid.

When Reid attempted to interrupt Lydon he yelled “LET ME FINISH!”

When Reid tried to suggest that Trump’s “rudeness” could be a factor in the election result. Lydon roared back

“It does NOTHING for these people. NOTHING.”


While Lydon is British, he also has US citizenship, meaning he was eligible to vote in the election.

Last month, Lydon declared that “Joe Biden is, in all practicality, senile, and delinquently senile.”

“My wife has Alzheimer’s — I know the symptoms,” Lydon said in the BBC interview.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3mK4PMK Tyler Durden

Global COVID-19 Cases Decline As German Spread Slows; UK Braces For More Restrictions: Live Updates

Global COVID-19 Cases Decline As German Spread Slows; UK Braces For More Restrictions: Live Updates

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 10:57


  • Global daily cases decline
  • Germany’s “R” rate declines back below “1”
  • BoJo set to push through more restrictions
  • Hungary minister sickened
  • Bulgaria tops 4k COVID cases
  • South Korea confirms another 118 cases
  • Indonesia reports 3,356

* * *

Once again, the number of new cases reported globally declined in the 24 hours to Tuesday, according to Johns Hopkins and Bloomberg. But while the rate of spread in Germany dropped back below 1 on Wednesday morning, most of its European neighbors, including the UK, Italy, Sweden, Hungary and the Netherlands have all moved to impose new restrictions this week.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg drew attention to hospitalizations in the US, where Florida is in the lead with 16% of beds filled by COVID-19 patients.

Source: Bloomberg

The biggest story on Wednesday morning was the drop in Germany’s “R” rate, which fell below 1 for the first time since Oct. 30 as the country recorded 7,533 new cases in the 24 hours to Wednesday morning, a decline from more than 17k a day earlier.

In the UK, Boris Johnson is set to push fresh coronavirus lockdown rules through Parliament on Wednesday as he faces down rebels in his own party. The new rules will take effect at midnight, enforcing the closing of pubs, gyms and non-essential shops in England, and restricting social contact between households. The prime minister announced the month-long measures on Saturday after data showed the pandemic exceeding the worst-case projections of his scientific advisers.

Yesterday, the FDA warned about inaccuracies tied to rapid antigen tests like the Abbott Labs test approved for emergency use, saying that the test has been shown to produce ‘incorrect’ positive results.

Here’s more news from overnight and Wednesday morning:

India reported 46,253 new cases, in line with a slowdown in daily infections over the past three weeks. The country reached a peak of more than 97,000 daily cases in mid-September, putting it on track to overtake the U.S., but with the slower rate of new Indian cases and resurgent numbers in America, that now looks unlikely for some time. Still, India has just kicked off its festival season — culminating in Diwali on Nov. 14 — and large-scale celebratory events planned across the country could re-ignite the spread of infection (Source: Bloomberg).

New cases in Bulgaria jumped to a record 4,041 with the number of daily deaths rising to 63. The Balkan country’s Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who is recovering at home from the virus himself, has said that the government isn’t planning a nationwide lockdown for now but vowed to raise the wages of medical workers (Source: Bloomberg).

Australia showed more signs of recovery, with household spending surging by a record 6.5% last quarter, led by cafes and clothing and footwear stores as Covid-19 restrictions in much of the country were unwound. The growth was partly restrained by a 4.2% decline in Victoria state, which only released its capital Melbourne from lockdown last week (Source: Bloomberg).

Hungary’s foreign minister has tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving in Thailand, according to AP. Peter Szijjarto and his delegation had just come from Cambodia, where he met with Prime Minister Hun Sen and other officials on Tuesday. The minister and the Cambodian leader were pictured together maskless. Cambodian officials say the delegation members all tested negative prior to their departure (Source: Nikkei).

Indonesia reports 3,356 new coronavirus infections on Wednesday, taking its total number of cases to 421,731, data from the country’s COVID-19 task force shows. There are 113 more deaths, taking total fatalities to 14,259. As of Wednesday, 353,282 people had recovered from the virus in Indonesia, the data showed (Source: Nikkei).

South Korea confirms 118 new coronavirus cases, up from 75 a day ago. The country’s total infections have reached 26,925, with 474 deaths (Source: Nikkei).

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/38czAWn Tyler Durden

Jo Jorgensen Heading Toward Second-Best Result in Libertarian Party History


With most of the Electoral College map filled out as of 9:30 a.m. ET the morning after election day, Libertarian Party (L.P.) presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen had already received the second-highest number of votes in her party’s 49-year history: 1.58 million and counting.

Jorgensen, a psychology lecturer at Clemson and 1996 running mate of L.P. stalwart Harry Browne, is currently at 1.14 percent of the national vote, a tick above the party’s second- and third-best showings: Ed Clark’s 1.06 percent in 1980, and Gary Johnson’s 0.99 percent in 2012.

With votes still being tallied and nails still being bitten in several battleground states, Jorgensen’s vote total currently exceeds the margin between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in three states: Michigan (+0.87 percentage points, with 90 percent of ballots counted), Wisconsin (+0.51, with 97 percent counted), and Nevada (+0.27, with 87 percent).

Though 1.14 percent marks a steep drop-off from Gary Johnson’s 3.28 percent in 2016, there are several reasons for the L.P. to see the glass half-full in these results. For one, Jorgensen beat every other third-party and independent candidate in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (Sorry, Kanye.) The Libertarian is quintupling Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins’ current totals of 0.23 percent.

Around 57 percent of all voters who selected neither Democrat nor Republican for president in both 2012 and 2016 chose the Libertarian; this year that share will be jacked up closer to 69 percent. With massive leads in party registration, number of elected officials (including a freshly elected member of the Wyoming state house), and ballot access, the L.P. over the past decade has become the third party in the United States.

All this with a candidate who has significantly lower name recognition than 2008 nominee Bob Barr, the former Republican congressman who switched back to the GOP (as did his Las Vegas pitchman running mate Wayne Allyn Root) after winning just 0.4 percent of the vote.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/3jWJrSK

Jo Jorgensen Heading Toward Second-Best Result in Libertarian Party History


With most of the Electoral College map filled out as of 9:30 a.m. ET the morning after election day, Libertarian Party (L.P.) presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen had already received the second-highest number of votes in her party’s 49-year history: 1.58 million and counting.

Jorgensen, a psychology lecturer at Clemson and 1996 running mate of L.P. stalwart Harry Browne, is currently at 1.14 percent of the national vote, a tick above the party’s second- and third-best showings: Ed Clark’s 1.06 percent in 1980, and Gary Johnson’s 0.99 percent in 2012.

With votes still being tallied and nails still being bitten in several battleground states, Jorgensen’s vote total currently exceeds the margin between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in three states: Michigan (+0.87 percentage points, with 90 percent of ballots counted), Wisconsin (+0.51, with 97 percent counted), and Nevada (+0.27, with 87 percent).

Though 1.14 percent marks a steep drop-off from Gary Johnson’s 3.28 percent in 2016, there are several reasons for the L.P. to see the glass half-full in these results. For one, Jorgensen beat every other third-party and independent candidate in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (Sorry, Kanye.) The Libertarian is quintupling Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins’ current totals of 0.23 percent.

Around 57 percent of all voters who selected neither Democrat nor Republican for president in both 2012 and 2016 chose the Libertarian; this year that share will be jacked up closer to 69 percent. With massive leads in party registration, number of elected officials (including a freshly elected member of the Wyoming state house), and ballot access, the L.P. over the past decade has become the third party in the United States.

All this with a candidate who has significantly lower name recognition than 2008 nominee Bob Barr, the former Republican congressman who switched back to the GOP (as did his Las Vegas pitchman running mate Wayne Allyn Root) after winning just 0.4 percent of the vote.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/3jWJrSK

Here’s Why Deutsche Bank Just Threw In The Towel On Its Dollar Short

Here’s Why Deutsche Bank Just Threw In The Towel On Its Dollar Short

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 10:40

And so the massive tide on the reflation trade begins to turn.

In the first of many reports to hit this morning, Deutsche Bank’s FX strategist became the first currency strategist to throw in the towel on his 2-month call for a weaker dollar which was based on expectations of a Blue Wave, and says that “with the US election outcome extremely uncertain” he is changing his view and turning neutral as he “no longer sees a compelling narrative of dollar weakness into year-end for three reasons.”

He lists his reasons below:

  • First, whoever wins the White House, the odds of a structural shift towards easier fiscal policy in the US have dramatically declined. Should the Democrats lose the Senate (the risk of this now appears high) and unified government becomes impossible, this would make agreement on sizeable fiscal expansion more difficult. Wider twin deficits and reflationary steepening in the US yield curve was an important driver behind our negative dollar view and this has been put on hold.

  • Second, the risks of a protracted contested election outcome appear significant. The market is likely to be most concerned by genuine uncertainty on the vote margin rather than political uncertainty relating to a refusal to concede. At the time of writing, the margins on numerous key states are very narrow (Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin) or uncertain (Pennsylvania, Michigan), leading to a risk of protracted recount and litigation battles. This could last well into December.

  • Third, and beyond the election, the COVID winter wave has proven quicker and bigger than we thought. Europe is already on “soft” lockdown and the US numbers are likely to get worse. There is a significant risk that protracted election uncertainty leads to a politicization of COVID containment measures accompanied by an inability to provide fiscal support.

In all, the DB strategists sees the risks as “skewed towards a deterioration in COVID outcomes, an absence of fiscal support, persistent institutional uncertainty and broader negative growth surprises in the US in coming weeks.”

Usually, this environment would usually be associated with a weaker currency, however the dollar is unique in its behaviour as a safe haven and a counter-cyclical asset: it has weakened over the last six months as equities have rallied and the yield curve has priced reflation. It follows then, that deflation and risk-aversion, even if originating in the US, could be dollar positive according to the Deutsche Banker.

All in, Saravelos does not see good risk reward in shorting the dollar anymore, “especially against EM FX” adding that the JPY and gold may also be “one of the few” beneficiaries of a highly uncertain environment.

One look at the market shows that while traders agreed with Saravelos in the early hours after the election, the drift lower since then means that the net effect on the dollar from the “uncertainty”, and the collapse of the Blue Wave is, as of this moment… nothing at all.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2JqVISD Tyler Durden

Talk about a landslide

Well that wasn’t exactly the landslide we were promised.

Obviously there are a lot of unknowns right now. But regardless of who ends up being declared (or ruled) the winner, there are a few things you can count on:

The nation will remain divided. About 50% of the voting population will be even angrier than before. Conflict will likely escalate, along with peaceful protests.

Governments at various levels, including state and local, will continue to make take on dangerous quantities of debt and make financial decisions that are incredibly costly over the long-term.

Raging mob, whether in the streets or on Twitter, will continue to advocate taking what you have earned, and forcing you to abide by their absurd restrictions on thoughtcrime.

These issues weren’t literally on the ballot. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a landslide victory all on your own.

As I wrote yesterday, every step you take in crafting a Plan B is a vote for yourself. And with enough votes for yourself, there is no way you can’t win, regardless of what happens in the world.

Plan B’s are different for everyone because we are all in unique situations, and we assess the threats to our livelihoods and families differently.

Do you live in an urban area, and need to escape riots and strict lockdowns?

Or are you looking to protect yourself against the rise of antifa and Socialism in your country?

Well, if you feel the pressure to find a backup plan for a place to live, you have lots of options.

This could range from moving to the countryside, or going across state borders, or leaving the country entirely.

For some, having a second home in the woods is sufficient protection. Others will want a second citizenship across an ocean.

And through each door, you will find other doors. For example– you can gain second citizenship in a number of ways, from ancestry, naturalization, investment, even marriage or adoption.

When it comes to economic fears, there is also a range of Plan B solutions.

Inflation is going to be much less destructive if you own gold and silver; it might even increase your wealth.

But even then, you have more options– if your home is in the path of peaceful protesters, you may want to consider storing precious metals at a private, secure facility overseas.

This also gives you yet more available choices, like borrowing against your precious metals using a peer-to-peer lending system which can give you liquidity when you need it.

And then there are countless other ways to store value outside of money– art, collectibles, even vintage firearms.

Some people may be concerned about feeding their family if supply chains slow down. We already saw a preview earlier this year as many food processors had to close down due to Covid.

(And the CEO of the largest pork producer in the US warned there may be meat shortages as a result of Covid.)

In this case, productive land where you can grow food might be attractive. Land can also be an excellent store of value, or an income generator.

Other people might be concerned about rising tax rates, especially at the state and local level.

But when it comes to lowering your taxes (or protecting yourself against higher taxes), yet again there are branching paths of opportunities.

Unwilling to uproot and move? You could still benefit from a solo 401(k). That structure also protects you against problems with Social Security, which now looks like its key trust funds will run out of money in 2029.

Do you have large capital gains? It’s not too late to take advantage of Opportunity Zones.

Ready to pack your bags and seek greener pastures? Consider Puerto Rico, where you can lower your tax bill to just 4%.

Or move to a foreign country and earn your first $107,600 tax-free through the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. Double that amount if you are married, plus add tens of thousands of dollars more for housing benefits.

The possibilities are endless. And again, many of these tactics may just plans, i.e. you might not actually need to move… but have everything ready in case you ever pull the trigger.

The more of these Plan B items you check off your list, the more secure you will feel. And all you have to do is start. Just take the first step.

If you’re in line for citizenship through ancestry, make an appointment at the nearest consulate. That’s a vote for yourself.

Buy a few ounces of gold or silver, and there’s another vote. Begin your compost pile, plant a fruit tree, or start to learn a second language.

Each of those is a vote for yourself.

You may be shocked to find that the next election won’t worry you in the least because you’ve already achieved a landslide victory for yourself.

You’ve created a rock solid Plan B, taken your power back, and are prepared for whatever comes your way. All it takes is one vote at a time.


from Sovereign Man https://ift.tt/328bQ23

WTI Holds Gains After Big Crude Draw, Gasoline Demand Slides

WTI Holds Gains After Big Crude Draw, Gasoline Demand Slides

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 10:35

After some notable volatility overnight, oil prices are higher ahead of this morning’s official inventory data as OPEC+ talks on delaying a January oil-output increase gathered momentum.

This week’s inventory and production data will be heavily influenced by Hurricane Zeta which caused the shut-in of around 85% of Gulf crude production.


  • Crude -8.01mm (-600k exp)

  • Cushing +981k

  • Gasoline +2.45mm (-1.1mm exp)

  • Distillates -577k (-2.4mm exp)


  • Crude -7.998mm (-600k exp)

  • Cushing +936k

  • Gasoline +1.541mm (-1.1mm exp)

  • Distillates -1.584mm (-2.4mm exp)

After last week’s surprise build and API’s surprise draw, analysts expected a modest draw in official crude stocks, but instead got a 8mm barrel draw (same as API) – the most since August…

Source: Bloomberg

Gasoline supplied (implied demand) seems to be stubbornly stuck around 10% below average, and mobility data is not showing any signs of improvement.

Source: Bloomberg

Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Energy Analyst Vince Piazza:

Storms coming through the Gulf of Mexico — temporarily crimping volume and flows — can offer intermittent aid for balances amid rising concerns about demand weakness and a tenuous economic backdrop. Oil production is recovering to above 11 million barrels a day due to a rebound in completion crews, while a crude-export increase may be temporary and storage levels could actually be rising, with Cushing about 79% full.

Given Hurricane Zeta’s impact, last week’s production data is likely to be fnorked as it dropped 600k b/d…

Source: Bloomberg

WTI was trading around $38.20 ahead of the print…

Notably, China may be helping (taking advantage of low prices), as the communist country raised its monthly American crude purchases 21% to 21.4m bbl in September, keeping its spot as the top buyer for the fifth month,according to U.S. Census Bureau and EIA data compiled by Bloomberg.

As Bloomberg Intelligence’s Energy Analyst Fernando Valle warns, the return of lockdowns in Europe is a threat to U.S. refiners, as gasoline imports on the East Coast could rise in coming weeks. Several, including PBF Energy and CVR Energy, have announced plans to idle units in the next few months in a bid to ease supply, primarily of diesel. Inventories remain a major concern and there needs to be a demand-led recovery to restore balance to refined-product markets.”

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2TTznPS Tyler Durden

‘Purple Rain’ – Polls Were “Hilariously, Tragically Wrong”

‘Purple Rain’ – Polls Were “Hilariously, Tragically Wrong”

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 10:25

Authored by Michael Every via Rabobank,

Writing a Daily after an election is usually quite clear cut: with sleepy eyes, you describe who won and who lost. In this case, at time of writing, it isn’t so clear. So what can we say?

First, as had been alluded to many times, the polls were hilariously, tragically wrong. As someone on Twitter quipped: “He’s called Nate Silver because his calls always come in second.”

This was not a Biden +7,8,9 or 10 election. Instead it is a nail-biter. Second, we have not seen a Blue Wave – but Democratic turnout was up impressively in some locations and among some demographics. Third, we have not seen a Red Wave – but Republican turnout has been even more impressive, especially in rural areas, and among Hispanic and black voters, at least relative to 2016.

So if we don’t have a Blue Wave or a Red Wave, what do we have? Purple rain. At time of writing Fox News had, controversially, given 800K votes remained on the table, called Arizona for Biden, “flipping” that key state from 2016 and seeing betting odds follow. However, Trump had taken Florida and Ohio and Texas, and sat very well-placed in North Carolina, with Georgia somewhat less certain but still requiring a huge Democratic swing among remaining pockets to flip too.

Both presidential candidates therefore now look to the Rustbelt (and Nevada) for victory – and there Trump has so far outperformed even his 2016 vote totals in rural areas, while inner-city turnout has been mixed, and questions over early voting totals, suggesting there is a clear path to 270 electoral college votes for the incumbent, should that trend continue, as well as for Biden if it is not. (And notably for the pollsters, Wisconsin had a Trump lead with only 25% left to count, when the last major poll had had Biden +17; by contrast, Minnesota looks set to go for Biden). There is also one scenario where we could see an Electoral College draw 269-269.

Yet at this point it appears that several Rustbelt states have decided to stop counting the vote, for various reasons, or that they will not declare a winner imminently. This opens the door to the dreaded uncertainty and delay, to appearances in court, as well as to conspiracy theories about murky electoral shenanigans, which the web is already now full of.

Biden has already spoken, claiming he is confident, sees a way to win, and to “keep the faith”; Trump has tweeted: “We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the election.”

It’s still too early to draw any clear conclusions other than that the real loser of this election has been most of the polling profession. However, we can see that this is a deeply-divided and almost evenly-divided country, just now divided in different ways.

For example, it appears we have indeed seen a major class realignment within the US. Starr County, Texas is 95% Hispanic with a median income of just USD17,000: it went Clinton +60 in 2016, but only Biden +5(!) in 2020; conversely, many suburban ‘red’ districts, and perhaps states, have moved ‘blue’. As noted, red plus blue is purple; and as we also saw a record turnout from both sides, underlining renewed interest in the electoral process, lots and lots of purple.

Meanwhile, it seems the Republicans will likely retain the Senate and the Democrats the House.

The market reaction so far has been clearer. Long US bond yields tumbled (30-year as much as-18bp), reversing the reflationary Blue Wave pre-election move; the USD rallied strongly, but this has since been partially reversed; and, like a young puppy, equities seem to be happy whatever is going on just as long as they are involved. So bonds up, stocks up, and the USD net up: and the whole world looking at the US – seems both sides have combined to make America great again.

Overall, however, it’s looking like a nail-biting day ahead.

Meanwhile, even though this is not an equity-focused Daily, one must mention the dramatic suspension yesterday of what was supposed to be the looming USD35bn Ant Financial IPO in Shanghai and Hong Kong. It seems that politics is something markets need to pay attention to all over, not just in the US.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3l0VWOc Tyler Durden

ISM Services Slumps To Weakest Since May, Job Growth Slows

ISM Services Slumps To Weakest Since May, Job Growth Slows

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/04/2020 – 10:05

Despite yesterday’s positive survey data on manufacturing, analysts expected a mere stabilization in the Services surveys from ISM and Markit, but the message was mixed…

  • Markit Services PMI BEAT – 56.9 vs 56.0 prior vs 54.6 prior

  • ISM Services MISS – 56.6 vs 57.5 exp vs 57.8 prior

And all that despite ‘hard’ data weakening in recent months..,

Source: Bloomberg

According to Markit, optimism about business levels in one year’s time improved to the strongest since April 2018 principally amid hopes of an end to the COVID-19 crisis and additional stimulus during the pandemic

ISM Services was the only outlier against optimism in the survey data…

And despite the drop, ISM respondents were almost uniformly optimistic…

And who says there’s no inflation…

Commenting on the latest survey results, Chris Williamson, Chief Business Economist at IHS Markit, said:

“Growth of business activity accelerated markedly in October, indicating that the underlying health of the US economy continued to recover at the start of the fourth quarter. While fourth quarter GDP will invariably fail to match the strong rebound seen in the third quarter, the economy looks to be continuing to grow at an above-trend rate.

“Encouragingly, future business optimism showed a record surge, pulling prospects for the year ahead up to the highest for more than two years. Hopes of a brighter outlook were pinned on a vaccine ending the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming year and additional stimulus supporting the economy in the meantime.”

The only non-silver-lining was that employment growth softened to a three-month low amid some reports of fewer requirements due to excess capacity.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/32dFjYf Tyler Durden