Buchanan: Winners And Losers From The Ukraine War

Buchanan: Winners And Losers From The Ukraine War

Authored by Pat Buchanan,

“There never was a good war or a bad peace,” wrote Ben Franklin at the end of the American Revolution.

But that depends on the war-makers and the causes for which they fight.

Six months into the war in Ukraine, launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 24, when he could not get the U.S. or Kyiv to rule out admission of Ukraine to a NATO alliance aimed against Russia, who appear to be the winners and who the losers?

While Russia has made gains in the east of Ukraine, the Donbas and in the South adjacent to Crimea, captured Mariupol, and turned the Sea of Azov into a Russian lake, its losses have been massive.

The invading Russian army of February was stopped in its tracks outside Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv. That army failed to capture Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv, close to the Russian border. It failed to capture Odessa, the third largest city and Ukraine’s major port on the Black Sea.

According to Western sources, Russia has suffered 75,000 to 80,000 casualties and is desperately recruiting, even in prisons, to find troops to replace the dead and wounded lost in Ukraine.

Putin wants to expand his army by an additional 137,000 troops.

The flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, the cruiser Moskva, has been sunk. A thousand tanks and armored personnel carriers have been destroyed.

The reputation of the Russian army as a near-invincible force in any land war in Europe has been shattered.

Politically, Russia has isolated itself from much of Europe, been hit with severe sanctions and watched as Europe and NATO unite against it.

Sweden and Finland have abandoned their historic neutrality to become the 31st and 32nd members of NATO.

Is Ukraine then the winner of this war?

After all, the war that the Ukraine of Volodymyr Zelenskyy has fought against a larger Russia for its freedom, independence and territorial integrity has won the admiration of much of the world.

Yet, in two clashes with Russia, in 2014 and 2022, Ukraine has lost 20% of its territory in its east and south, and Kyiv is not going to retrieve these lost lands before winter comes.

But if Russia has been badly bled and Ukraine has suffered irretrievable losses of land and soldiers, who then are the winners?

And who benefits from a continuation of this war, which will bring thousands more dead and wounded Russians and Ukrainians?


Is this new Cold War II with Russia, into which we appear to have plunged, in the national interest of a United States that so welcomed the peaceful end of the old Cold War three decades ago?

Of what benefit to the U.S. is the sending of troops to the Baltic republics? Are we stronger, safer, more secure, now that we have committed to fight Russia to defend the 830-mile Finnish-Russian border, something no Cold Warrior of an earlier era would have dreamt of doing?

Are we better off because all the nations of the Warsaw Pact and three republics of the old USSR are now NATO allies for whose independence we are committed to fight Russia?

Is the revival of the Sino-Soviet pact, aimed at the West in the 1950s and now aimed at NATO and our Asian allies, something we should welcome? Have not our own post-Cold War policies contributed mightily to reviving the old Cold War Russia-China alliance against us?

Where President Richard Nixon appeared to split Mao’s China from Russia, this generation of American leaders appears to have restored that hostile duopoly.

Putin was a Russian KGB agent during the Cold War. Now every member state of the former Warsaw Pact and three constituent republics of the USSR of that era are NATO allies of the United States.

This is the new Cold War. Is Putin alone responsible for igniting it?

Perhaps highest among our goals in the first Cold War with Russia was the avoidance of a hot war that could escalate to a nuclear war and destroy both nations.

Now that we are again in a hostile state of relations with Moscow as we were then, how can this be the result of a successful foreign policy?

In the first Cold War, Eastern Europe and the Baltic States were accepted as satellites of the Soviet Union. Communism had been imposed upon them all after World War II.

But that was not a cause for military conflict between us.

When we brought virtually all of Eastern Europe into NATO, we were the ones, not Putin, who made their independence of Moscow and alliance with the West a matter for which we committed ourselves to go to war.

As Russians and Ukrainians kill one another in the Donbas, and hatred of Russians for Americans grows, how is that good for the USA?

Perhaps we ought to invest as much time and energy trying to end this war as we do to defeat and humiliate Russia, which will not bring us peace.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 06:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/qb7N5Oz Tyler Durden

Ukraine Outraged Turkey Opened Straits For Russian Ship Carrying S-300 System

Ukraine Outraged Turkey Opened Straits For Russian Ship Carrying S-300 System

Ukraine has voiced its anger with Turkey over allegedly allowing a Russian cargo ship through the Bosphorus Strait laden with weapons days ago, summoning the Turkish ambassador to lodge a formal complaint.  

The Ukrainian foreign ministry complained that a Russian “warship” was allowed passage in violation of the Montreux Convention – as the diplomatic note verbalized to Turkey’s ambassador to Ukraine Yagmur Ahmet Guldere said, “according to the provisions of the Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits from 20 July 1936, the specified vessel falls under the definition of a warship for the purposes of this Convention.”

Answers are being demanded over the specific items a Russian cargo ship was carrying, identified as the Sparta II, when it traversed the Bosphorus from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.

According to widespread reports, which appear to have originated via open source analysts, including the Israeli private intelligence firm ImageSat Intl., Russia sent an S-300 anti-air battery from the Syrian coast back to Russia for possible use in Ukraine

The ship is purportedly carrying the battery for the S-300 surface-to-air missile system (SAM) through the strait, which Turkey closed to warships since Russia’s initial invasion. Side-by-side satellite images tweeted by Israeli private intelligence firm ImageSat Intl. showed the former position of the S-300 battery in Syria, and the same location without the battery.

Naval News confirmed the ship’s passage with a time-stamped image of the vessel in the narrow strait as it passed by Istanbul. The ship was already on a US Treasury black list, given that it “is understood to be owned by Oboronlogistika, which in effect means the Russian Ministry of Defense.”

“The ship has specifically been added to the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanction list. The crew is civilian, but it’s cargo is often military,” the maritime report noted.

Some observers are speculating that Russia needs the additional systems it has for years deployed in northwest Syria, particularly near Latakia, as it must reposition additional forces and hardware to repel Ukraine’s fresh counteroffensive efforts focused on the south. 

Information in Reuters showed that the Sparta II departed Syria’s coast on August 20, and maritime monitor Refinitiv Eikon indicated the vessel is now in Novorossiysk, a Russian Black Sea port close to Crimea.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 05:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Lu2wUHA Tyler Durden

Nuclear Power Is Staging A Remarkable Comeback

Nuclear Power Is Staging A Remarkable Comeback

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via OilPrice.com,

  • As governments around the world struggle with a seemingly insurmountable energy crisis, policymakers are reconsidering nuclear energy as a possible solution.

  • Natural gas prices continue to break record highs, making the clean and reliable nature of nuclear power increasingly interesting for governments.

  • While the IEA has highlighted the importance of nuclear power in combatting climate change, increasing extreme weather events could actually undermine nuclear power.

Faced with an unprecedented energy crisis, governments in the West are rethinking their long-held positions on the role of nuclear power generation, setting the stage for what could be the biggest energy source ‘comeback’ story of recent times. 

Support for nuclear has grown in recent months as policymakers see nuclear energy as an alternative to the most expensive gas countries have ever paid to import, and as a zero-emission electricity source that would help keep climate ambitions and targets alive.

Even Japan and Germany, which had vowed to reduce or phase out nuclear power as a source of electricity in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in 2011, are now considering using nuclear power for longer.

In the United States, the recently adopted Inflation Reduction Act extends tax credits and funding to nuclear power plants, while California is looking to keep its last operating nuclear power plant open beyond the planned closure deadline set for 2025. 

Keeping old nuclear plants operational beyond their original expiry date is not always easy due to the safety concerns associated with extending the lifetime of facilities. Yet, faced with new challenges and unattractive alternatives, governments are increasingly willing to compromise when it comes to solving energy shortages.

Perspectives are changing amid a global energy shortage and sky-high natural gas prices, especially in Europe and Asia, which are scrambling for non-Russian gas supply after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Putin’s weaponization of gas pipeline deliveries to Europe. 

IEA: Nuclear Power Set For Comeback

“The policy landscape is changing, opening up opportunities for a nuclear comeback,” the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a June 2022 report.

According to the IEA, nuclear is well-placed to help decarbonize the electricity supply. Without nuclear power, net-zero by 2050 will be much harder to achieve, the agency said. 

Also, “extending nuclear plants’ lifetimes is an indispensable part of a cost-effective path to net zero by 2050,” the IEA says, adding that such extensions need substantial investment but they generally yield a cost of electricity that is competitive with wind and solar in most regions. 

Moreover, momentum is building behind small modular reactors which have lower costs and risks compared to traditional nuclear power plants, according to the IEA. 

Still, nuclear power will need strong policy and incentive support from governments to ensure the safe and sustainable operation of nuclear plants and to mobilize the necessary investments including in new technologies, the agency noted. 

Germany, Japan Reconsider Role Of Nuclear In Power Supply 

Some Western U.S. allies, including Japan and Germany, have signaled they could reconsider the role of nuclear energy to ensure more electricity and potentially make up for lower gas supply amid Russian cuts in Germany’s case, and high LNG prices in Japan’s case. 

Germany is debating whether to end nuclear power generation at the end of 2022, as planned, in light of the gas crisis. Germany has three remaining nuclear power plants, and they should be shut by the end of this year under a plan the country adopted to stop the use of nuclear energy following the Fukushima disaster. In early August, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz signaled that “it could make sense” to keep nuclear power plants operating. However, such a move could be difficult because many parties, including the Greens that are part of the coalition government, firmly oppose extending nuclear power generation beyond 2022. 

In Japan, in a major U-turn last week, the government now wants to restart more nuclear plants that were idled after Fukushima and is interested in developing small nuclear reactor technology, amid an energy crisis that has led to calls on consumers to conserve energy this summer.  

The U.S. Backs Nuclear With Inflation Reduction Act

In the United States, the Inflation Reduction Act – the Biden Administration’s major legislation to tackle climate change – recognizes the key role nuclear will play in achieving net-zero emissions. The Act allows new production tax credits (PTCs) for existing nuclear plants, as well as “technology-neutral credits” for clean energy, including for clean hydrogen production using nuclear-generated electricity.

Last year, nuclear accounted for 19% of U.S. electricity generation, and was the single largest source of zero-emission power supply, ahead of wind power generation with 9.2%, per EIA data.

“The IRA’s support for existing nuclear generators, advanced nuclear energy projects, and development of advanced nuclear fuel will enable nuclear energy to contribute significantly to US climate goals, and in doing so, will establish capabilities that can be exported to enhance climate efforts worldwide,” Stephen S. Greene, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, wrote earlier this month. 

Also this month, California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed extending the lifetime of the state’s only operational nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, through 2035 – ten years after the planned closure date of 2025. The power plant currently supplies around 17% of California’s zero-carbon electricity supply and 8.6% of California’s total electricity supply, the draft proposal says. Without nuclear power, California could struggle to keep the lights on in summer heat waves after 2025.  

Climate Change Could Challenge Nuclear Plant Lifetime Extensions 

As heatwaves and other extreme weather events become more frequent, intense heat and droughts could challenge the life extension of old nuclear power plants. Case in point: in France, where nuclear power generation accounts for around 70 percent of the electricity mix, EDF warned early this summer that nuclear power generation in France would be reduced as high temperatures of rivers Rhone and Garonne make them too hot to cool reactors.   

In Florida, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rescinded in February this year a 2019 license to Florida Power & Light to extend the lifetime of two 50-year-old reactors for another 30 years, ordering a new environmental review, including potential risks that climate change could pose. 

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 05:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/IATWZew Tyler Durden

Netherlands’ Admin Capital Is First City To Seek “Temporary Exemption” From EU Sanctions Against Russia

Netherlands’ Admin Capital Is First City To Seek “Temporary Exemption” From EU Sanctions Against Russia

Remember when Europe showed Putin who’s boss when it demonstrated virtue-shattering solidarity with Ukraine by committing economic suicide and imposing sanctions on most Russian energy exports?

Well, a little over six months later, Europe is facing a historic economic and social catastrophe thanks to energy hyperinflation which has been unleashed just as the ECB is set to hike rates into a frigid winter recession. Worse, not only have western sanctions have been an unmitigated disaster, the pain has been compounded by the fact that Russia is enjoying a new Golden Age for its oil exports (as the WSJ describes in “Russia Confounds the West by Recapturing Its Oil Riches“).

So having realized just how meaningless and futile the sanctions were, Europe’s “virtue-shattering solidarity” is starting to shatter, and one by one, participants in the unbreakable alliance are quietly hoping to sail away from the European Titanic before it loses all power.

Take the Dutch city of The Hague – the country’s administrative and royal capital – which last Thursday said it would ask for a “temporary” exemption of EU sanctions against Russia, as it struggles to find a replacement for its contract with Russian gas supplier Gazprom in time, according to Reuters.

The Hague, which lost its existing access to Russian gas after the Ukraine invasion, has to find a new supplier of gas to replace its existing agreement with Gazprom. The city said it held an EU-wide tender in June and July, but failed to attract any bids from potential suppliers. Spoiler alert: it will find suppliers… it will just have to pay a lot more, something which apparently nobody in Europe realized back in February when everyone threw themselves off the sanctions cliff.

Individual talks with suppliers were certain to lead to an agreement, alderman Saskia Bruines wrote in a letter to the city council, but not before the Oct. 10 deadline.

“We will ask for an exemption for our current arrangement until Jan. 1 2023 to guarantee the safety of supply and to facilitate negotiations,” she said, adding that she was confident the delay would be granted, as The Hague had fulfilled the condition of holding a timely tender without a positive result.

However, she added that any new contract set to enter into effect on Jan. 1 would be significantly costlier than the city’s current arrangement with Gazprom. In other words, despite going back to square one, the Dutch metropolis will now have to spend order of magnitude more.

The Hague is one of many Dutch municipalities that have an energy contract with Gazprom, but is the first to indicate it will ask for an exemption to the sanctions. If granted what it seeks, expect every single other European municipality to follow suit.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 04:15

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3RkOA9M Tyler Durden

German Green Party Minister Calls For Tax On Meat

German Green Party Minister Calls For Tax On Meat

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Even as the people of Germany struggle with a serious cost of living crisis, they are being told by a Green Party minister that there should be a new tax on meat.

Yes, really.

With Germans already facing soaring food inflation and energy bills as a result of gas shortages caused by the war in Ukraine, the last thing they need is another tax to pay.

But that doesn’t seemingly concern Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir (Greens), who complained that people were eating the wrong food.

“We should eat less meat overall and make sure it comes from animals that are kept in a species-appropriate manner,” said Özdemir, adding that the country should be “adapting meat consumption to planetary boundaries and for the sake of our health.”

“It is healthier, good for the climate, and helps the global food situation because areas get freed up that we previously needed for cultivating animal feed,” the minister asserted.

Özdemir said that too much cheap meat was being produced, vowing to address this apparent problem with a new tax on meat products.

The agenda to levy a new tax on meat in the name of alleviating climate change has long been a desire of globalist technocrats.

Back in March, Bloomberg News received a massive backlash for offering ‘tips’ to Americans who might struggle with the rising cost of living which included letting their pets die and eating lentils instead of meat.

As we reported earlier this year, a group of environmental economists in Germany demanded that huge taxes be imposed on meat products to fight climate change, with calls for beef to be 56 per cent more expensive.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Despite insisting that everyone else reduce their living standards and ration their meat eating to save the planet, during last year’s Cop 26 summit, attendees enjoyed a menu full of animal-based dishes that were at least double the carbon footprint of the average UK meal.

Another Green Party official recently caused controversy by suggesting Germans use washcloths instead of taking showers, as well as buying expensive eco-heating systems that are unaffordable for the average person.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/9LElKx8 Tyler Durden

Brickbat: Wear Protection

Student wearing a mask

Western University, a public university in London, Ontario, has announced that all students and employees and some visitors to campus must be fully vaccinated and have at least one booster for COVID-19. The school is also requiring that students and faculty wear masks in classrooms. Some students are protesting the mandates, which were announced after many of them had already paid their tuition for the upcoming session.

The post Brickbat: Wear Protection appeared first on Reason.com.

from Latest https://ift.tt/OPM5tWd

Swiss Politicians Petition For Country To Keep Nuclear Power

Swiss Politicians Petition For Country To Keep Nuclear Power

Switzerland is the latest country to get on board the “nuclear power before country-wide blackouts” trend, following in the recent footsteps of countries like Germany. In fact, a group of Swiss politicians has launched a petition with the intent of revising the country’s energy policy to keep nuclear as part of the mix, as a way to guarantee having enough power going forward. 

The country had planned to close its 5 nuclear reactors after a decision was made post-Fukushima in 2017. it has already shut down one reactor. 

Now, politicians are trying to gather the 100,000 signatures necessary for a referendum to change the country’s constitution and prevent nuclear from being shut out. Outcomes can take years to be put into effect after signatures are gathered, Reuters wrote this week

The politician group, called “Stop Blackouts” said this week: “Until recently, Switzerland had safe and virtually CO₂-free electricity production: the environmentally and climate-friendly combination of hydro and nuclear power is to be abandoned for no reason at all.”

President of the committee Vanessa Meury said: “We cannot do without nuclear power plants.” 

Like Germany, Switzerland is also dealing with potential energy shortages as a result of the Russian war in Ukraine. It has already mulled the idea of four hour regional blackouts in the case of shortages. 

As we noted days ago in a piece by Felicity Bradstock at OilPrice.com, an unjustified fear of nuclear energy is preventing the industry from moving forward.

It pointed out that despite a lack of public understanding of nuclear technology, meaning that it can sometimes be confused with nuclear weapons, there was a general optimism around nuclear energy when it first emerged several decades ago. It seems that the current negative public perception of nuclear power stems mainly from the nuclear disasters that were seen around the world in real-time. 

Although relatively few died during these incidents compared to deaths worldwide from other energy operations, the incidents were widely televised and the fear of the unknown spread rapidly. 

The piece also postulated that perhaps the only way to improve public perception of nuclear energy is through re-education that highlights the relative safety of the technology compared to other energy operations.

In addition, as the public and international organizations put pressure on state governments to go green, better marketing of nuclear energy could help shift the public perception, as people begin to see the carbon-free energy source as necessary for a green future. However, for now, governments are feeling the mounting pressure to ‘get it right’, with the potential for any mishap to add to the long-term demonization of nuclear power. 

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 02:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/ioNG2S1 Tyler Durden

South African Supreme Court Rules Anti-White “Kill The Boers” Song Is Not Hate Speech

South African Supreme Court Rules Anti-White “Kill The Boers” Song Is Not Hate Speech

Authored by Denis Albert via Remix News,

The Equality Division of the Supreme Court in South Africa has ruled that the song “Kill the Boers” was not a case of “hate speech.” The hateful song, which celebrates the killing of Dutch settlers in South Africa, is protected by freedom of expression and must be left to the political debate within society, according to the court.

The song says, among other things, “The cowards are afraid. Shoot the Boers, shoot, shoot.” The case was brought before the court by the organization AfriForum, an advocacy group for the minority White population living in the country, reported the South African news portal IOL.

EFF wants to dispossess Boers in South Africa

In particular, the AfriForum group accused the left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party under its president, Julius Malema, of playing the song at their rallies and thus calling for violence against the Boer population, which is the term used for the Dutch population in the country. One of the political goals of EFF is the expropriation of large White landowners. However, according to the court, AfriForum could not prove that the song’s lyrics were intended to harm people despite the line: “The cowards are afraid. Shoot the Boers, shoot, shoot.”

EFF criticized the organization, stating that AfriForum was trying to give the impression that there was a “White genocide” in the country. In addition, AfriForum is based on a “racist narrative,” they said, according to which all Black people are irrational and therefore willing to kill because of a song.

“The attempt by the racists to erase the cultural element of the liberation struggle in South Africa has failed miserably,” emphasized EFF spokesman Sinawo Thambo.

Since the end of apartheid, Black gangs have repeatedly murdered White farmers and their families in South Africa. Often, the victims are raped or tortured before being murdered. Their goal is to drive the Boers out of the country and transfer their land holdings to Blacks.

South Africa is beset by crime and features one of the highest rape rates in the world. An estimated 115 rapes occur every single day, and that figure has remained more or less consistent for the last 10 years. Murder and violence are also endemic, leaving many Whites and Indians scared to travel outside their gated communities. Blacks are the biggest target of crime in the country, as they make up the vast majority of the population, but Whites are often seen as being either wealthy or legitimate targets due to apartheid, making them targets for crime.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 02:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/S0Cgyvw Tyler Durden

Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates

Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us

All people seek to control their environment to a certain degree. They want a reliable level of management over their world, and to remove whatever doubts they might have about their survival in the future. If they can, people will take measures to remove any potential pain or struggle and establish a life of perpetual comfort. The easy road is the dream for most, and in order to get it human beings see power as a formidable tool.

I’m exploring this common condition because I want to make it clear that almost ALL PEOPLE desire power to a degree. Sometimes this even means controlling the actions of others to prevent them from disrupting the oasis of comfort we construct around us. Sometimes there are destructive people that we feel we are forced to inhibit and cage in self defense. And still other times, we try to control those around us out of irrational fear.

The tyrannical mindset is not exclusive to the Stalins, Maos and Hitlers of history, it is a deep rooted shadow that lurks in the majority of us at times. It is this condition that political tyrants try to exploit to their advantage, because no authoritarian government can ever be successful without the help of millions of little tyrants supporting them. They find a way to feed our desire for control and predictability while simultaneously enslaving us.

The point is, tyrants need us. We all have a little dash of tyranny in our souls; we are linked, but we are different.

This is not to say that order in itself is evil or that social structures are inherently oppressive. People need boundaries because not all people are good or sane; some are vicious, some are lazy, some are crazy, some are incompetent and some are dishonest and they drag the rest of us down. Anarchy is not the solution, but neither is totalitarianism. It’s all about who sets the boundaries and how.

This is where we uncover a specific human element that is obsessively attracted to control, not because they are afraid, and not because they want comfort, but because they enjoy the feeling of power. They are addicted to it. I’m speaking specifically about narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths; they are members of our species but they are lacking the key psychological traits that make us human, such as empathy, conscience, imagination, love and shame. In almost every case of government gone wrong it is because these types of people were able to slither into positions of authority and take advantage.

Despite the exaggerated depictions in movies and TV, your average psychopath is not all that complex or interesting – The fact of their existence is interesting, but as people they tend to be boring. The idea of them is fascinating because they are a biological anomaly, an evolutionary mistake or maybe a spiritual deformity. Around 1% of any given population is prone to psychopathy and an even smaller percentage are high functioning psychopaths that are adept at hiding their monstrous natures.

Most average psychopaths eventually end up in prison or involved in an endless succession of life failures. They can’t get it together and maintain relationships and build a normal life because they are too self obsessed and dangerous and eventually the people around them notice. These types of people are what I would call the “little tyrants.” They seem to rise to the surface of society when times are desperate; when people are distracted by crisis is when psychopaths feel it’s safe to show their true natures.

For example, during the covid pandemic lockdowns and the government attempts to introduce draconian vax mandates the little tyrants were everywhere. They just appeared out of the ether and swirled around the authoritarian vortex like it was a feeding frenzy. They took pleasure in the opportunity to order others around about masks and vaccines and “social distancing,” even though none of these measures made ANY difference whatsoever to the spread of covid or the rather minor median Infection Fatality Rate of 0.23%.

They were being tossed scraps from the table of power and they savored every minute of it. The real science wasn’t on their side, but they didn’t care; the media and the government were on their side and that’s all that mattered. They were happy to be used as weapons against other citizens that just wanted to be free.

Beyond the symbiotic (or maybe parasitic) relationship between big tyrants and little tyrants, there are a set of standards that have to be met for tyranny to be successful:

Destruction Of Choice

At the core of tyranny is the removal of choice. Centralization is all about eliminating options for the public while telling them their lives will be streamlined, easier and safer. If people have options outside the establishment system or ideology then they might question the validity of the power structure. They might ask themselves “What if there is a better way than this?”

And, since there is always a better way than fear and slavery, tyrants have to engage in a constant war with all alternative ideas and principles. The only way they can be sure that people won’t rebel someday is to erase the existence of choice. Not only that, but they have to convince the masses that to even suggest another choice is sacrilegious and dangerous. The system must become absolute in all things and in every area of daily life.

Create A False Moral Paradox

Freedom is slavery – Ignorance is strength. It’s the old Orwellian paradox that perverts the meaning of words and deeds to justify tyranny. An extension of this twisted way of thinking is the religion of the “greater good”; the idea that all evils are justified as long as the “greater good” is accomplished. But what is the greater good? It’s anything the tyrants say it is; usually anything that helps them to gain more power. One would think that a “good” that is “greater” would entail more freedom and less fear, not less freedom and more fear.

As a part of the tactic of removal of choice, tyrants often create a fake moral conundrum in which people are told that their freedom is actually harmful to others, therefore their freedoms must be taken away “for the greater good.” Again, the covid medical tyranny experiment was built completely around this argument. What if your choice to not wear a mask, to not stay locked in your house and to not take a questionable vaccine harmed hundreds or thousands of others? Doesn’t that justify taking your choices away? These claims are complete fantasy, of course, but in the heat of a national panic people can be led to believe that the false paradox is real.

Obsessive Compulsive Expansion

As noted, tyrants are usually psychopathic personalities, and a part of this mindset is the compulsion to expand and devour. Like a growing amoeba, or that creature from the movie ‘The Blob.’ Their hunger for control is never sated, they will always want more.

People will be told that they are only losing one freedom, or two freedoms, or that their freedoms will be restricted “for a short time.” This is always a lie. Once tyrants gain new power they will hold onto it obsessively as if it is oxygen and without it they might die. And, then they will seek more powers because what they have is never enough. A friend of mine once described it this way:

Piled before the tyrant is a feast of kingly proportions, like a Thanksgiving Day feast flowing across his dinner table. You sit quietly without access to the table, but in your hands you do hold a little crust of bread. This is all you have and you cradle it carefully because it must be made to last. And even though the tyrant’s belly is full and he has more than he could possibly ever eat in a lifetime, all he can think about is YOUR little crust.

All he wonders about day and night is why you have that crust when it should be his. He grinds his teeth frothing in desperation for your meager meal. Then one day he decides he will not stop until your bread crust is in his hands while you starve. This is now his mission in life – To take your crust and crumbs and leave you with nothing. Any other outcome would be unimaginable.

He not only wants to steal your crust, but he wants to see your despair when he does it. He wants you to know he has your last meal, and he wants to see the pain in your face when he takes it away. Then, he wants you act like you love him for it.

This is how the mind of a psychopath works. Why do their brains function this way? There are many theories but no one really knows for certain. The majority of evidence suggests that they are actually born the way they are; with no conscience and no counterbalance to the madness.

The bread crust story is a metaphor, but it illustrates how psychopathic authoritarians view various freedoms – They are pieces of life that tyrants cannot tolerate you having in your possession. It drives them insane to know you have that little spark of light and joy in your hands and they scheme and plot and scream and wail and claw until they can get it away from you.

Tyranny Cannot Be Defeated Unless It Is Understood

There will be people out there that make the common ignorant argument that all of this is an exercise in futility because it doesn’t “address solutions.” There are many solutions to authoritarian systems, I have been writing about them for over 16 years now. We can talk all day about decentralization and localism and organization and revolution, but none of that matters unless we understand how our enemies think and the tactics they use. If we do not know them we cannot defeat them.

They are not complex and they are not necessarily ingenious but they are relentless and their simple methods can sometimes be very effective. Underestimating their obsession with control would be disastrous. That said, the one thing they value more than power is their own lives, and (if we’re going to address solutions) until these people are made to understand that their lives could be the cost of their compulsions they will never stop. There is no reasoning with them. There is no diplomacy or compromise. There is no middle ground. They will continue to take until the losses they face outweigh the gains of treachery. Knowing their mindset brings us several steps closer to shutting them down.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/31/2022 – 00:05

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/uwbAXIV Tyler Durden

US Army Grounds Entire Fleet Of Chinook Helicopters After Reports Of “Engine Fires”

US Army Grounds Entire Fleet Of Chinook Helicopters After Reports Of “Engine Fires”

WSJ reported one of the US Army’s top heavy-lift helicopters was grounded in the last 24 hours due to a risk of engine fires. 

US officials said the Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter fleet (about 400 helicopters) had been grounded after numerous engine fires were reported. One of the officials said no injuries or deaths occurred during any of the incidents. They said the latest occurred a few days ago. 

The US Army Materiel Command grounded the fleet of CH-47s “out of an abundance of caution.” Officials have narrowed down more than 70 helicopters that contained a part that could be the source of the fires. 

An Army spokeswoman told WSJ the defected part is causing fuel leaks that sparked “a small number of engine fires among an isolated number” of the helicopters. She said maintenance crews are taking steps to resolve the issue. 

“The grounding was targeted at certain Boeing Co.-made models with engines manufactured by Honeywell International Inc.,” WSJ said, citing one of the US officials.

Neither officials nor spokeswoman gave a timetable when the Army’s workhorse for transporting troops and heavy items on the modern battlefield would be back in the air. 

The grounding comes two weeks after the US Air Force returned its Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II to the air. The USAF’s 349 stealth jets were grounded due to a faulty component in the ejection seat that could endanger pilots during emergencies. 

Also, the USAF grounded all 52 of its CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft two weeks ago due to mechanical issues. As for the Marines Corps, the service kept its fleet of Ospreys operational. 

Earlier in the summer, three military aircraft in three separate incidents crashed in one week in Southern California. 

Tyler Durden
Tue, 08/30/2022 – 23:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/GW74hfK Tyler Durden