Brickbat: No Shirt, No Service


Officials with California’s East Side Union High School District have placed a teacher on leave after he was seen teaching a virtual math class while not wearing a shirt, a violation of a school dress code he’d reminded students about just days earlier. Elizabeth Avila said her daughter, a freshman at Silver Creek High School in San Jose, “started feeling uncomfortable. She couldn’t concentrate on the topic because all she was seeing was this old man on camera in her bedroom.” Superintendent Chris Funk would not release the man’s name. “I will say that the behavior is unacceptable, unprofessional and violates several district policies,” Funk said.

from Latest –

WFP Requests $5 Billion In Emergency Funds To Prevent ‘Famine Of Biblical Proportions’

WFP Requests $5 Billion In Emergency Funds To Prevent ‘Famine Of Biblical Proportions’

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 04:15

Readers may recall we outlined months back how the COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk of famine across the world’s more impoverished regions (see: Hunger Pandemic: Visualizing COVID-19’s Effect On Global Food Insecurity). 

While virus cases and deaths dominate headlines, other humanitarian crises also need attention, that is, an emerging “famine of biblical proportions” that threatens much of the world, United Nations World Food Program (WFP) Director David Beasley told TASS News last weekend in an interview. 

Beasley said the WFP is requesting $5 billion in emergency funds within the next six months that will help in the effort to thwart a global famine. 

“All the data we have, including WFP’s forecast of an 80% increase in the number of food-insecure people – from 140 million before the pandemic to 270 million by the end of this year – points to a real catastrophe, a famine of biblical proportions, “he said.

The dramatic rise in the number of people who don’t have the means to feed themselves because of depressionary unemployment, supply chain breakdowns, and crop failures is set to cause long-term economic damage that could prevent a vibrant economic recovery. 

Beasley said, “it is clear that social tensions will escalate, migration will increase, conflicts will expand, and hunger can affect those who have not experienced it before.”

David Beasley

Even in the US, a developed world economy, tens of millions of folks have gone hungry, now relying on government aid and food banks for survival. He noted that countries in the 2008 financial crash with a “stronger social protection system” were less impacted by famine. 

WFP projections show significant increases in malnourished people in Latin America, countries in Eastern and Central Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, had a doubling of the number of people going hungry in a short period. 

“World hunger is already sky-high, and if we do not act immediately, many will die, children will suffer the consequences of malnutrition for many years to come, and the whole world will be thrown back, having lost all the gains in the fight against hunger of the last decade. Will be incredibly high, we need to act quickly and wisely, balancing immediate relief and long-term recovery,” Beasley said.

He added: “WFP’s mission is to provide food to 138 million people in 2020, the largest humanitarian operation in history. And this unprecedented crisis requires an incredible amount of money.” 

In a separate food insecurity report from June, the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, warned the world is on the brink of the worst food crisis ever witnessed in the post-World War II era. 

All of this makes you wonder if the famine warnings are just hype or if the virus-induced downturn has really sent the world into years of crisis. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Risks From Missing School Are Worse For Kids Than Virus: UK Medical Officers

Risks From Missing School Are Worse For Kids Than Virus: UK Medical Officers

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 03:30

Authored by Alexander Zhang via The Epoch Times,

Missing out on their education poses much bigger risks to children than catching the CCP virus, the UK’s chief medical officers have said in a joint statement in support of the government’s decision to reopen schools after the summer holidays.

In an unusual move, the chief medical officers and deputy chief medical officers of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales issued a “consensus statement” on Saturday on the risks and benefits of schools reopening following lockdown measures imposed in March to curb the spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, also known as the novel coronavirus.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Upminster, east London, on Aug. 10, 2020. (Lucy Young/pool/AFP via Getty Images)

“Our overall consensus is that, compared to adults, children may have a lower risk of catching COVID-19 (lowest in younger children), definitely have a much lower rate of hospitalisation and severe disease, and an exceptionally low risk of dying from COVID-19,” the chief medical officers said in the statement.

“This has to be set against a certainty of long-term harm to many children and young people from not attending school,” they said, adding “a lack of schooling increases inequalities, reduces the life chances of children and can exacerbate physical and mental health issues.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson joins a socially distanced lesson during a visit to Bovingdon Primary School, near Hemel Hempstead, on June 19, 2020. (Steve Parsons – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

“The international real-world evidence suggests that reopening of schools has usually not been followed by a surge of COVID-19 in a timescale that implies schools are the principal reason for the surge,” the chief medical officers pointed out.

In a BBC interview aired on Sunday, professor Chris Whitty, the UK’s chief medical adviser and England’s chief medical officer, said the chances of children dying from COVID-19 are “incredibly small,” but missing lessons “damages children in the long run.”

“Many more were likely to be harmed by not going than harmed by going [to school],” he said.

Chief Medical Officer for England Chris Witty speaks during a press conference about the CCP virus inside 10 Downing Street in London on March 9, 2020. (Alberto Pizzoli /pool/AFP via Getty Images)

A new study released by Public Health England on Sunday shows CCP virus outbreaks and infections in schools are rare.

Since year 1, 2, and 6 pupils returned to school in June amid the initial easing of the lockdown measures, only 0.01 percent of pre-schools and primary schools had an outbreak, all of which were successfully contained and just 70 children and 128 staff were affected.

Schoolchildren have a higher risk of catching the flu or being involved in a road accident than catching the CCP virus, England’s deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries told Sky News on Monday.

On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a direct appeal to parents to return their children to the classroom when schools reopen next week.

“It’s vitally important that we get our children back into the classroom to learn and to be with their friends,” he said in a statement, as “nothing will have a greater effect on the life chances of our children than returning to school.”

Earlier this month, Johnson said reopening schools in September is a “moral duty” and a “national priority.”

“Keeping our schools closed a moment longer than absolutely necessary is socially intolerable, economically unsustainable and morally indefensible,” he wrote in The Mail on Sunday.

England’s Children’s Commissioner also said schools should be “first to open, last to close” in any future UK lockdowns, even at the expense of other sectors.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

1 In 3 Cars Worldwide Is Produced In China

1 In 3 Cars Worldwide Is Produced In China

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 02:45

Almost one in three – or 32 percent – of all cars produced worldwide in 2019 came out of China.

As shown in numbers by the automobile manufacturers’ association OICA, the world manufactures less cars than it did in 2014, but, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, several Asian markets actually were able to grow their production volumes.

Infographic: One in Three Cars Worldwide Is Produced in China | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

India exhibited one of the biggest increases – almost 15 percent in five years to 3.6 million cars annually.

The biggest decrease in production hit the ailing U.S. car industry, which lost 40 percent of its domestic production between 2014 and 2019.

Germany also make less cars at home, but German manufacturers like Volkswagen are a part of the rising Chinese production. In 2019, the Chinese market accounted for around 39 percent of Volkswagen’s total sales. Shifting production sites are only one aspect of the internationalization of the car industry.

Know-how also migrates with production, with established manufacturers entering into joint ventures with Chinese or other Asian companies, which usually include technology transfer.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“This Is Insane”: Kenosha Melts Down As Cars Smashed, Buildings Torched And Looters Run Wild In Second Night Of Unrest

“This Is Insane”: Kenosha Melts Down As Cars Smashed, Buildings Torched And Looters Run Wild In Second Night Of Unrest

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 02:30

Anarchy broke out on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin Monday as protesters squared off with National Guardsman in the second night of unrest over the shooting of a reportedly unarmed black man by police on Sunday.

Two protesters stand with raised fists as a garbage truck burns behind them (via the Daily Mail)

The night was documented by journalist Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) with photos via the Daily Mail (EPA).

Tear gas was deployed in an attempt to clear protesters who had gathered in front of the Kenosha County courthouse, while Gov. Tony Evers deployed 125 members of the National Guard to assist local law enforcement.

A woman taunts law enforcement in front of the Kenosha County courthouse (via the Daily Mail)

Massive fires were set throughout the city, including car dealerships, a Department of Corrections administrative building, and an office furniture company.

A city garbage truck burns

In a now-viral video, 29-year-old Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back while attempting to enter his car during an altercation with police. He is currently in serious condition in a Milwaukee hospital, according to the Daily Mail – which notes that in Blake was charged with resisting arrest and carrying a concealed weapon in 2015 after he pulled a gun at a local bar in Racine.

Meanwhile, details have emerged about Blake’s criminal past, including a recent arrest for sexual assault.

According to online records, Kenosha County prosecutors charged Blake with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse. –Daily Mail

In addition to the fire and destruction, mass looting ensued – including a Mattress store which was then burned to the ground.

Meanwhile, armed private citizens stood guard outside a local gas station to protect it from looters.

On Monday, tensions flared after a Monday press conference with Mayor John Antarmian was moved from a park to inside the city’s public safety building, according to Fox News, which notes that “Hundreds of protesters rushed to the building and a door was snapped off its hinges before police in riot gear pepper-sprayed the crowd, which included a photographer from The Associated Press.”

Evers and a number of other Democrats condemned the shooting. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called for “an immediate, full and transparent investigation” and said the officers “must be held accountable.”

“This morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force,” he said, just over two months before Election Day in a country already roiled by the recent deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky. “Those shots pierce the soul of our nation.”

Republicans and the police union accused the politicians of rushing to judgment, reflecting the deep partisan divide in Wisconsin, a key presidential battleground state. Wisconsin GOP members also decried the violent protests, echoing the law-and-order theme that President Trump has projected during his campaign. –Fox News

For more on-scene coverage, we highly recommend giving Gutenschwager a follow.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Belarus ‘Apocalypse Now’: Gun-Toting Lukashenko Goes Full Colonel Kurtz As Protests Grow

Belarus ‘Apocalypse Now’: Gun-Toting Lukashenko Goes Full Colonel Kurtz As Protests Grow

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 02:00


On August 23rd, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko began presumably cosplaying Colonel Walter E. Kurtz from Apocalypse Now (or presumably Kurtz from the novel Heart of Darkness, depending on preference). With protesters in front of the presidential palace and calling for him to give up power and organize new elections, he arrived with the presidential helicopter.

Notably, the embattled president was wearing a bulletproof vest and had an automatic rifle in his arms. This can be seen on the footage below:

He could have also had no shirt on and only worn a bulletproof vest, but it appears that he has overlooked that detail.

There are several other videos of Lukashenko in the airplane, getting off it. Also of Lukashenko’s son – Nikolai, who is 15 years old.

He was also given an assault rifle by his father and was wearing a bulletproof vest. There are also security guards and soldiers protecting him.

“Col. Kurtz” from Apocalypse Now

Later on, a photograph was released of the crisis center showing Lukashenko, his son, and presumably a presidential press secretary. Those are all of the members in the crisis center present at the event, as can be seen on the photograph below.

The Independence Palace in Minsk was closed off with a cordon of security personnel. Lukashenko went to the barricades to thank the troops for protecting him.

He thanked the security officials:

“Thank you, you are handsome!,” he said

“We are with you until the end!,” they replied, in a ridiculous exchange.

And it would appear that not all of this is without reason. Reportedly, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus recorded an attempt to violate Belarusian airspace from Lithuania. This was reported in the department’s Telegram channel.

According to the ministry, the “provocation” took place on 23rd August at 19:30 in the village of Volkovschina, Oshmyany region, which borders Lithuania.

“A probe of eight balloons with anti-state symbols was launched from the adjacent territory,” the message said.

As such, it appears that the Baltic states believe that Belarus under Lukashenko is so far ‘lost’ that it is like North Korea and needs opposition leaflets dropped from across the border.

The flight of balloons was suppressed without the use of weapons thanks to the crews of MI-24 helicopters from the air defense forces on duty, the Defense Ministry said.

And to reinforce the notion that no external pressure is being exerted on Lukashenko and his aides, approximately 50,000 people formed a human chain from Vilnius to the Belarusian border to express solidarity with protests in the neighboring country.

The president of the “Baltic superpower” was present to support the expression of solidarity to the Belarusian opposition.

This also took place on August 23rd, which is the anniversary of when in 1989 over a million people formed a human chain spanning Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to demand an end to the Soviet occupation.

An air balloon took off from Cathedral Square and take a 15-metre long Belarusian flag into the sky. It is also not the actual Belarusian flag, but the white-red-white flag used by opposition.

The Freedom Way was followed by a concert and TV marathon in the courtyard of Medininkai Castle. A fundraiser collected money for the BY Help organisation that “has been helping injured, detained and persecuted Belarusians and their families since 2017.”

“Freedom is not only a fundamental human right but also a nation’s fundamental right. It’s also a daily commitment to defend it from any attempt on it by those who would replace freedom with darkness, oppression ands fear,” said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda.

“Thirty years ago Lithuania broke its shackles of oppression by forming the Baltic Way with its Latvian and Estonian brothers and showing the world that we are free and, first of all, free in our spirit,” he said.

“Today, time has come for our Belarusian brothers to say the dear word ‘Freedom’.”

No foreign meddling at all…

Lukashenko and his government clearly demonstrate that they are not going to submit to the foreign pressure and surrender the power to the pro-Western opposition. Meanwhile, the political and security situation in the country has been deteriorating.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Belarus ‘Apocalypse Now’: Gun-Toting Lukashenko Goes Full Colonel Kurtz As Protests Grow

Belarus ‘Apocalypse Now’: Gun-Toting Lukashenko Goes Full Colonel Kurtz As Protests Grow

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 02:00


On August 23rd, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko began presumably cosplaying Colonel Walter E. Kurtz from Apocalypse Now (or presumably Kurtz from the novel Heart of Darkness, depending on preference). With protesters in front of the presidential palace and calling for him to give up power and organize new elections, he arrived with the presidential helicopter.

Notably, the embattled president was wearing a bulletproof vest and had an automatic rifle in his arms. This can be seen on the footage below:

He could have also had no shirt on and only worn a bulletproof vest, but it appears that he has overlooked that detail.

There are several other videos of Lukashenko in the airplane, getting off it. Also of Lukashenko’s son – Nikolai, who is 15 years old.

He was also given an assault rifle by his father and was wearing a bulletproof vest. There are also security guards and soldiers protecting him.

“Col. Kurtz” from Apocalypse Now

Later on, a photograph was released of the crisis center showing Lukashenko, his son, and presumably a presidential press secretary. Those are all of the members in the crisis center present at the event, as can be seen on the photograph below.

The Independence Palace in Minsk was closed off with a cordon of security personnel. Lukashenko went to the barricades to thank the troops for protecting him.

He thanked the security officials:

“Thank you, you are handsome!,” he said

“We are with you until the end!,” they replied, in a ridiculous exchange.

And it would appear that not all of this is without reason. Reportedly, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus recorded an attempt to violate Belarusian airspace from Lithuania. This was reported in the department’s Telegram channel.

According to the ministry, the “provocation” took place on 23rd August at 19:30 in the village of Volkovschina, Oshmyany region, which borders Lithuania.

“A probe of eight balloons with anti-state symbols was launched from the adjacent territory,” the message said.

As such, it appears that the Baltic states believe that Belarus under Lukashenko is so far ‘lost’ that it is like North Korea and needs opposition leaflets dropped from across the border.

The flight of balloons was suppressed without the use of weapons thanks to the crews of MI-24 helicopters from the air defense forces on duty, the Defense Ministry said.

And to reinforce the notion that no external pressure is being exerted on Lukashenko and his aides, approximately 50,000 people formed a human chain from Vilnius to the Belarusian border to express solidarity with protests in the neighboring country.

The president of the “Baltic superpower” was present to support the expression of solidarity to the Belarusian opposition.

This also took place on August 23rd, which is the anniversary of when in 1989 over a million people formed a human chain spanning Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to demand an end to the Soviet occupation.

An air balloon took off from Cathedral Square and take a 15-metre long Belarusian flag into the sky. It is also not the actual Belarusian flag, but the white-red-white flag used by opposition.

The Freedom Way was followed by a concert and TV marathon in the courtyard of Medininkai Castle. A fundraiser collected money for the BY Help organisation that “has been helping injured, detained and persecuted Belarusians and their families since 2017.”

“Freedom is not only a fundamental human right but also a nation’s fundamental right. It’s also a daily commitment to defend it from any attempt on it by those who would replace freedom with darkness, oppression ands fear,” said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda.

“Thirty years ago Lithuania broke its shackles of oppression by forming the Baltic Way with its Latvian and Estonian brothers and showing the world that we are free and, first of all, free in our spirit,” he said.

“Today, time has come for our Belarusian brothers to say the dear word ‘Freedom’.”

No foreign meddling at all…

Lukashenko and his government clearly demonstrate that they are not going to submit to the foreign pressure and surrender the power to the pro-Western opposition. Meanwhile, the political and security situation in the country has been deteriorating.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Women Beaten By Spanish Cops For Not Properly Wearing Face Masks

Women Beaten By Spanish Cops For Not Properly Wearing Face Masks

Tyler Durden

Tue, 08/25/2020 – 01:00

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A video clip out of Spain shows a police officer beating two woman with a truncheon because they are not properly wearing their face masks.

The footage shows two women involved in a confrontation with the female officer, who beats them across the arms and upper body.

One of the women appears to have suffered a serious injury to her arm as a result of the blows.

Although the women are wearing face masks, they appears to have committed the sin of letting them slip from fully covering their faces.

The police officer does not appear to be wearing a mask at all.

Spain has been one of the most draconian countries in Europe when it comes to the enforcement of coronavirus rules.

Numerous beaches across the country are being patrolled by police surveillance drones to enforce mask wearing and social distancing

During the actual lockdown, Spanish police were handing out €2,000 euro fines for “disrespecting a police officer” and people were also arrested for going “too frequently” to the grocery shop.

However, there still appears to be more resistance to a second lockdown in Spain compared to other European countries, largely because the country’s economy is extremely dependent on tourism.

* * *

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via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The RNC Can’t Figure Out Where It Stands on Criminal Justice Reform


Speakers at the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention tried to navigate two competing messages on the criminal justice system. One was that Joe Biden was an architect of mass incarceration and lock-em-up policies, which Donald Trump rightfully rolled back. The other message was that only Republicans will stand up for police and the law.

Sen. Tim Scott (R–S.C.), the only black Republican in the Senate, assailed Joe Biden for his role in the 1994 crime bill and creating sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine.

“Trump fixed many of the disparities that Biden created and made our system more fair and just for all Americans,” Scott said, referring to the passage of the 2018 FIRST STEP Act.

Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones, venturing into hyperbole, claimed that Trump “ended once and for all the policy of incarceration of black people.” (Although the legislation did result in the release of several thousand federal inmates, it did not abolish the federal prison system, Reason regrets to report.)

But at the same time that speakers were lauding Trump for criminal justice reforms that rolled back some of the laws that Biden helped pass, they were making constant references to riots, violent criminals being let loose on the street, and the threat of antifa mobs coming to your suburban neighborhood once the Marxist Democrats defund the police.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., said that “what happened to George Floyd was a disgrace.”

However, Trump, Jr., continued: “We can not lose sight of the fact that police are American heroes. They deserve our appreciation. No matter what Democrats say, we know that when we call 911 we don’t want our call to go to voicemail. Defunding the police is not an option.”

Backing the blue has been one of the centerpieces of Trump’s “LAW AND ORDER!” reelection campaign. Trump’s campaign released a 2nd term agenda Sunday night, seeking to put to rest questions of what exactly, if anything, the president and Republicans stand for. The list of about 50 bullet points includes five under the heading “Defend Our Police.”

  • Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
  • Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
  • Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
  • Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
  • End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial

The Republican Party decided to forgo releasing a party platform this year, instead simply saying it supports Trump’s agenda. So this thin gruel, along with speeches at this week’s RNC, are what constitute the Republican positions on criminal justice.

The section on bail is the most interesting, if confusing. States and counties control their own bail policies. It’s unclear what, if anything, the Trump administration could do about it. Criminal justice reform advocates across the country have fought cash bail in recent years, most notably and controversially in New York. Republicans have latched on to those efforts to ban cash bail, which traps poor people in jail based simply on their inability to pay, to say that Democrats want to let dangerous criminals out of jail—never mind the presumption of innocence.

Although it will probably come to nothing but more culture war fodder, the inclusion of a pro-cash bail item in Trump’s 2nd term agenda is a clearer sign of the Trump administration’s priorities on criminal justice than a bill signed two years ago.

from Latest –

The RNC Can’t Figure Out Where It Stands on Criminal Justice Reform


Speakers at the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention tried to navigate two competing messages on the criminal justice system. One was that Joe Biden was an architect of mass incarceration and lock-em-up policies, which Donald Trump rightfully rolled back. The other message was that only Republicans will stand up for police and the law.

Sen. Tim Scott (R–S.C.), the only black Republican in the Senate, assailed Joe Biden for his role in the 1994 crime bill and creating sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine.

“Trump fixed many of the disparities that Biden created and made our system more fair and just for all Americans,” Scott said, referring to the passage of the 2018 FIRST STEP Act.

Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones, venturing into hyperbole, claimed that Trump “ended once and for all the policy of incarceration of black people.” (Although the legislation did result in the release of several thousand federal inmates, it did not abolish the federal prison system, Reason regrets to report.)

But at the same time that speakers were lauding Trump for criminal justice reforms that rolled back some of the laws that Biden helped pass, they were making constant references to riots, violent criminals being let loose on the street, and the threat of antifa mobs coming to your suburban neighborhood once the Marxist Democrats defund the police.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., said that “what happened to George Floyd was a disgrace.”

However, Trump, Jr., continued: “We can not lose sight of the fact that police are American heroes. They deserve our appreciation. No matter what Democrats say, we know that when we call 911 we don’t want our call to go to voicemail. Defunding the police is not an option.”

Backing the blue has been one of the centerpieces of Trump’s “LAW AND ORDER!” reelection campaign. Trump’s campaign released a 2nd term agenda Sunday night, seeking to put to rest questions of what exactly, if anything, the president and Republicans stand for. The list of about 50 bullet points includes five under the heading “Defend Our Police.”

  • Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
  • Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
  • Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
  • Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
  • End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial

The Republican Party decided to forgo releasing a party platform this year, instead simply saying it supports Trump’s agenda. So this thin gruel, along with speeches at this week’s RNC, are what constitute the Republican positions on criminal justice.

The section on bail is the most interesting, if confusing. States and counties control their own bail policies. It’s unclear what, if anything, the Trump administration could do about it. Criminal justice reform advocates across the country have fought cash bail in recent years, most notably and controversially in New York. Republicans have latched on to those efforts to ban cash bail, which traps poor people in jail based simply on their inability to pay, to say that Democrats want to let dangerous criminals out of jail—never mind the presumption of innocence.

Although it will probably come to nothing but more culture war fodder, the inclusion of a pro-cash bail item in Trump’s 2nd term agenda is a clearer sign of the Trump administration’s priorities on criminal justice than a bill signed two years ago.

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