Trump To Investors – Buy The F**king Dip!

Trump To Investors – Buy The F**king Dip!

It should not come as a huge surprise but shortly after the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped over 1000 points – among its biggest daily drops in history, President Trump has quickly tweeted that all is well, buy the dip…

Trump began by calming investor angst:

“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart.”

Ok, but cases and deaths are going exponential outside of China? Ignore that Trump says, because:

“Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Or put another way – Buy The Fucking Dip!

Which is odd considering the S&P and Dow lost their year-to-date gains, and global stocks suffered one of their worst days in the last decade…

We really shouldn’t mock because the last time he issued one of these ‘buy the fucking dip’ tweets was on Christmas Day 2018 amid the bloodbathery… and it turned out to be a great trade!

And don’t forget when President Obama called the 2009 bottom… saying on March 3rd 2009 that now is a good time for investors with a long-term perspective to buy stocks.”


Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/24/2020 – 16:56

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Vanessa Bryant Sues Helicopter Operator For Wrongful Deaths

Vanessa Bryant Sues Helicopter Operator For Wrongful Deaths

On the day of the memorial/celebration of life for the basketball superstar, Kobe Bryant’s widow filed a wrongful death lawsuit on Monday against the aviation company that was operating the helicopter that crashed in California last month, killing her husband, their 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and seven others (including the pilot), reported Bloomberg

Vanessa Bryant filed the suit against Island Express Helicopters and Island Express Holding Corp. seeking compensatory and punitive damages, according to the complaint.

“Defendant Island Express Helicopters’ breach of its duty and negligence caused the injuries and damages complained of herein and Plaintiffs’ deceased, Kobe Bryant, was killed as a direct result of the negligent conduct of Zobayan for which Defendant Island Express Helicopters is vicariously liable in all respects,” the lawsuit read.

Kobe, Gianna, and seven others (including pilot Ara Zobayan) were in the Sikorsky S-76 helicopter when it crashed into a hillside, around the Burbank and Van Nuys area in Los Angeles last month. The chopper was traveling at about 176 miles per hour when it slammed into the hillside.

The pilot, Zobayan, was named in the suit as a “direct result of the negligent conduct” that led to the deaths of everyone on board. He was previously disciplined in 2015 for breaking federal flight rules and received counseling. It’s believed poor visibility due to dense fog was the cause of last month’s incident. 

A public memorial to celebrate Kobe and Gianna Bryant is underway on Monday afternoon.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/24/2020 – 16:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Harvard Professor Says 40-70% Of People Worldwide Will Be Infected With Covid-19

Harvard Professor Says 40-70% Of People Worldwide Will Be Infected With Covid-19

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Harvard epidemiology professor Marc Lipsitch says that the coronavirus will not be containable and that 40-70 of people worldwide will be infected.

In an article entitled You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus, the Atlantic explains how the coronavirus is particularly dangerous because it may cause cause no symptoms at all in many carriers of the infection.

According to Harvard epidemiology professor Marc Lipsitch, this contributes to his prediction that coronavirus “will ultimately not be containable.”

“Lipsitch predicts that, within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19,” reports the Atlantic.

The professor clarifies that this doesn’t mean all of those victims will become seriously ill and that “many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic.”

Lipsitch’s “very, very rough” estimate (banking on “multiple assumptions piled on top of each other”) was that 100 or 200 people in the U.S. were infected. That’s all it would take to seed the disease widely…

As The Atlantic noted, even if Lipsitch’s estimates were off by orders of magnitude, they wouldn’t likely change the overall prognosis.

“Two hundred cases of a flu-like illness during flu season – when you’re not testing for it – is very hard to detect,” Lipsitch said.

“But it would be really good to know sooner rather than later whether that’s correct, or whether we’ve miscalculated something. The only way to do that is by testing.”

However, given the increasingly stringent measures being taken outside of China to stop the spread of the virus, including in Italy where people are being prevented from leaving towns, one wonders how severe the panic will be if there is a massive global pandemic.

As we highlighted earlier, with over 220 cases reported in Italy, store shelves in some areas of the country are already beginning to empty.

Meanwhile, a World Health Organization adviser says that coronavirus could be the widely feared ‘Disease X’ that experts have been warning about for years.

“Whether it will be contained or not, this outbreak is rapidly becoming the first true pandemic challenge that fits the Disease X category, listed to the WHO’s priority list of diseases for which we need to prepare in our current globalised society,” wrote Prof Marion Koopmans.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/24/2020 – 16:27

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Covid-19 Contagion Sparks Carnage As Stocks Wipe Out All 2020 Gains

Covid-19 Contagion Sparks Carnage As Stocks Wipe Out All 2020 Gains

Well, that escalated quickly…

As stocks finally woke up from their complacent sleep and began to catch down to the reality in bonds, FX, and commodities…

Source: Bloomberg

The most ironic thing about all of this utter cognitive dissonance over deadly-virus supply-chain disruptions is that China is actually outperforming US and Europe since the crisis really began…

Source: Bloomberg

High-tech, small cap Chinese stocks surged overnight as large cap stumbled…

Source: Bloomberg

South Korean stocks crashed as the virus counts exploded higher (today’s drop was biggest since Oct 2018)…

Source: Bloomberg

But as Italian news escalated, things escalated and all European equity indices fell back into the red…Italian stocks crashed over 5% – the worst day since June 2016’s Brexit vote…

Source: Bloomberg

And ugly day in US markets today as complacency finally snapped…

Nasdaq Composite saw its biggest point loss in history (bigger than during the dotcom collapse) and Dow saw its 2nd biggest point drop in history (1175pts on 2/8/18).

Technical levels saw some support with Nasdaq bouncing at its 50DMA…

S&P 500 closed red for 2020…

Dow bounced and tried hard but failed to hold 28,000 at the close…

VIX surged to its highest since Jan 2019, topping 26…

Airlines crashed to their lowest since October with the biggest daily drop since June 2016…

Source: Bloomberg

Bank stocks were battered as rates plunged, biggest daily drop since Aug 2018…

Source: Bloomberg

FANG stocks suffered their worst day since Dec 2018

Source: Bloomberg

Treasury yields tumbled today but after the 1430 jerk lower in gold, bonds were sold…

Source: Bloomberg

30Y Yields crashed to record lows…

Source: Bloomberg

And while 10Y yields did not make a record intraday low, it got very close…

Source: Bloomberg

And the yield curve crashed to its flattest since early October…

Source: Bloomberg

Traders are in full panic – Please Fed Save Us – mode, pushing expectations to 2.3 rate cuts now in 2020…

Source: Bloomberg

The Dollar mirrored Friday’s trading in an odd pattern…

Source: Bloomberg

Yuan has fallen to a key level…

Source: Bloomberg

Cryptos were sold overnight…

Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin slipped back below $10k…

Source: Bloomberg

PMs were positive today and crude and copper sold hard…

Source: Bloomberg

Gold has a strong day but was clubbed like a baby seal around 1430ET margin call time


Gold and JPY fell together then tracked each other perfectly, as if The BoJ decided that record lows in JPY against gold was time to step in…

Source: Bloomberg

Additionally, gold in yuan is very close to its record highs…

Source: Bloomberg

WTI plunged to a $50 handle injtraday before being magically levitated in the afternoon…

Gold is leading year-to-date, with bonds close behind and the USD higher…but stocks ended red…

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, some might say today’s collapse came right on time…

Source: Bloomberg

Or was this crash exacerbated by the surge in Sanders over the weekend?

Source: Bloomberg

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/24/2020 – 16:21

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The Great Bernie Freakout

Could we really be just eight days away from an eight-month dirge of Bernie vs. Trump? Probably not, but that’s no reason for political/media professionals not to panic over the Democratic frontrunner’s purported Castro apologetics, coercive economics, Trump similarities, popularity ceilings, down-ballot jeopardizing, and even Russian stoogery.

All of which and more are analyzed and occasionally mocked on today’s Reason Roundtable podcast, featuring Peter Suderman, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Matt Welch, and a pinch-hitting Elizabeth Nolan Brown. Also discussed: California’s idiotic public policies, President Donald Trump’s loyalty purges, the difference between Russian “interference” and “influence,” and Midwestern canned clam dip. You can take the gal out of Ohio (or Minnesota), but…

Audio production by Ian Keyser and Regan Taylor.

Music credit: ‘Sneaky Bass Latina’ by Jimmy Fontanez/Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions

Relevant links from the show:

Bernie Sanders Defends Pro-Castro Comments,” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus. He’s on Track To Win the Democratic Presidential Nomination,” by Peter Suderman

Bloomberg Goes for Brokered Convention,” by Eric Boehm

Bernie Sanders’ Troubling Agenda,” by Veronique de Rugy

Bloomberg Disses Sanders’ Socialism: ‘Other Countries Tried That. It Was Called Communism and It Just Didn’t Work,’” by Christian Britschgi

America’s Two Major Political Parties Are Melting Down. But the Two-Party System Remains Strong,” by Eric Boehm

The Socialist Delusions of Bernie Sanders,” by John Stossel

California Bill Would Require Occupational Licenses for Porn Actors, Strippers, Cam Girls,” by Christian Britschgi

L.A.’s Plan To Solve Its Homeless Problem Is a Mess,” by Zach Weissmueller

Review: The Current War: Director’s Cut,” by Kurt Loder

from Latest –

Israel’s Prime Minister To Explore Marijuana Legalization

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said his government is exploring the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, following a model similar to Canada’s. Justice Minister Amir Ohana “has begun work on the issue, and he will head a committee including professionals and Oren Leibovich, chairman of the [pro-legalization] Green Leaf Party, that will investigate importing the Canadian model for regulation of a legal market in Israel,” Netanyahu tweeted in Hebrew.

That announcement met with considerable skepticism on Twitter. Some users, The Jerusalem Post notes, “joked that cannabis is needed to have faith in what he says.” Netanyahu, who is struggling to remain in power after two indecisive parliamentary elections in April and September, faces voters once again next month, just two weeks before his trial on corruption charges is scheduled to begin.

Still, it is notable that Netanyahu seems to think legalization would be a popular move, and his tweet also touted his plan to expunge “tens of thousands” of criminal records related to marijuana possession. He said prosecution of cannabis consumers “is a burden on the courts” and causes “unnecessary suffering to many.”

Netanyahu recently took up the cause of Naama Issachar, a young Israeli woman who received a seven-year prison sentence after she was caught with nine grams of cannabis while changing flights in Moscow. Issachar was released from prison last month, thanks to diplomatic intervention by Netanyahu’s government.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Leibovich, the Green Leaf Party leader, welcomed the prime minister’s interest in legalization. “I believe that this week we made a significant step on the path to a legal cannabis market in Israel,” he said. “I think this is something that should have been done a long time ago, and I appreciate the prime minister who paid attention, met with me, heard me, and made the right decision.” Leibovich said he made overtures to every party, but Netanyahu was the only politician who showed any interest.

Medical marijuana has been legal in Israel since the early 1990s. Under a partial decriminalization policy that took effect last year, recreational consumers caught with up to 15 grams (half an ounce) of marijuana are subject to a fine of 1,000 shekels (currently $292). The fine is doubled for a second offense, while third-time offenders receive probation, possibly coupled with treatment or additional sanctions, such as suspension of their driver’s licenses. Criminal charges are possible, at the discretion of police, only after a fourth offense.

If Israel actually legalized the recreational market, it probably would be the fourth country to do so at the national level. Uruguay legalized marijuana in 2013, followed by Canada in 2018. Mexican legislators are working on a bill to establish a legal market, which they are supposed to pass by the end of April to comply with a 2018 Supreme Court ruling that deemed marijuana prohibition unconstitutional. In the United States, marijuana is still completely prohibited under federal law, although 11 states have legalized recreational use, including 10 that allow commercial production and distribution.

from Latest –

Judge Rules Businesswoman Must Remove Dresses From Her Home

E-commerce has allowed people to operate businesses from their own homes, provided local zoning ordinances don’t get in the way.

In Virginia this past Friday, the Fairfax County Circuit Court ruled that Marietta Grundlehner had to stop selling dresses online from her Springfield townhouse and get rid of any remaining inventory at her home.

The decision, which comes after two years of wrangling with code enforcers, is financially devastating for Grundlehner, who says her dress business earned her $30,000 a year she now might have to go without.

“It’s terrifying to think, ‘How am I going to make my car payment. Am I going to lose things like car insurance because I can’t pay them?’ There are so many things I pay for with that money that I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Grundlehner told local ABC affiliate WJLA.

Grundlehner, according to a petition she started on, started selling clothing from LulaRoe, a multi-level marketing business, out of her home several years ago to supplement her income from her day job as a teacher. Wanting to spend more time with her young son, she decided to make it a full-time gig.

This, apparently, was illegal. Fairfax County’s zoning code allows home businesses, but it forbids storing, displaying, or selling inventory from a residence unless those wares are also manufactured on-site. And Grundlehner purchased finished products from LulaRoe before reselling them via the internet.

Grundlehner was able to operate her business in peace for several years. But in January 2018, someone dimed her out to county code enforcers. Like many local governments, Fairfax County doesn’t actively seek out code violations to stop, instead responding to complaints made by residents.

“We don’t go out looking for people who are in violation. Someone in her community, someone in any community that has an issue, calls our code compliance department,” Fairfax County Supervisor Dan Storck told WJLA. The county receives fewer than 200 such complaints each year; most, he said, turn out either to be resolvable quickly or not to be violations at all.

That wasn’t the case with Grundlehner. She told WJLA that she first got a home occupation permit in April 2018, after consulting with zoning inspectors. But since the underlying nature of her home business was still illegal, this offered her little protection and she continued to receive notices of violation.

At a hearing Friday, Grundlehner was told she had to cease selling clothes from her home and get rid of her inventory within five business days.

For now, Grundlehner is hoping the county will change its zoning code to let her business continue.

Grundlehner’s situation is similar to the case of Lij Shaw, a Nashville musician whose home studio business was targeted by code enforcers after an anonymous tipster informed them that Shaw was having musicians over to record, in violation of the city’s prohibition on client visits to home businesses.

Shaw has been fighting for his right to continue operating his home recording studio ever since. In 2017, he sued the city, arguing that its ban on client prohibitions violated Tennessee’s state constitution.

Shaw is being represented by the Insitute for Justice and by Tennessee’s Beacon Center. A lower court dismissed his lawsuit in October, and he is currently appealing it.

Home businesses are rarely flat-out banned in the U.S. Instead, home business owners find themselves tripped up by antiquated restrictions on what commercial activities they can and cannot do from their homes. Changing these laws is often an uphill battle against entrenched neighborhood groups who see the strict separation of residential and commercial spaces as essential to preserving their quality of life.

As the internet allows people to do more and more business from their homes, these kinds of home business restrictions will kneecap entrepreneurs trying to make a living through the creative use of their property.

from Latest –

Critical Thinking Has Never Been More Important

There are several reasons I spend so much time discussing and analyzing the current state of affairs. The primary motivation, aside from a drive to share personal opinions and spread awareness, is to encourage people to think critically. I don’t want readers to agree with everything I say, I want people to become inspired to think for themselves.

The ruling class doesn’t want you to think, they want you to simply accept the nonsensical stories they tell you. By contrast, I don’t want readers to blindly accept any of my conclusions, rather, I want my work be a case study on how to deploy independent logic and insight to a variety of topics and situations.

While I haven’t discussed the 2020 presidential campaign much here, I comment on it quite a bit over at Twitter, and people often ask why I discuss the circus at all. The reason isn’t because I expect a politician to come save us and make everything right again, but because the establishment response to populist-type candidates is so instructive.

continue reading

from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Great Bernie Freakout

Could we really be just eight days away from an eight-month dirge of Bernie vs. Trump? Probably not, but that’s no reason for political/media professionals not to panic over the Democratic frontrunner’s purported Castro apologetics, coercive economics, Trump similarities, popularity ceilings, down-ballot jeopardizing, and even Russian stoogery.

All of which and more are analyzed and occasionally mocked on today’s Reason Roundtable podcast, featuring Peter Suderman, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Matt Welch, and a pinch-hitting Elizabeth Nolan Brown. Also discussed: California’s idiotic public policies, President Donald Trump’s loyalty purges, the difference between Russian “interference” and “influence,” and Midwestern canned clam dip. You can take the gal out of Ohio (or Minnesota), but…

Audio production by Ian Keyser and Regan Taylor.

Music credit: ‘Sneaky Bass Latina’ by Jimmy Fontanez/Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions

Relevant links from the show:

Bernie Sanders Defends Pro-Castro Comments,” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus. He’s on Track To Win the Democratic Presidential Nomination,” by Peter Suderman

Bloomberg Goes for Brokered Convention,” by Eric Boehm

Bernie Sanders’ Troubling Agenda,” by Veronique de Rugy

Bloomberg Disses Sanders’ Socialism: ‘Other Countries Tried That. It Was Called Communism and It Just Didn’t Work,’” by Christian Britschgi

America’s Two Major Political Parties Are Melting Down. But the Two-Party System Remains Strong,” by Eric Boehm

The Socialist Delusions of Bernie Sanders,” by John Stossel

California Bill Would Require Occupational Licenses for Porn Actors, Strippers, Cam Girls,” by Christian Britschgi

L.A.’s Plan To Solve Its Homeless Problem Is a Mess,” by Zach Weissmueller

Review: The Current War: Director’s Cut,” by Kurt Loder

from Latest –

Israel’s Prime Minister To Explore Marijuana Legalization

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said his government is exploring the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, following a model similar to Canada’s. Justice Minister Amir Ohana “has begun work on the issue, and he will head a committee including professionals and Oren Leibovich, chairman of the [pro-legalization] Green Leaf Party, that will investigate importing the Canadian model for regulation of a legal market in Israel,” Netanyahu tweeted in Hebrew.

That announcement met with considerable skepticism on Twitter. Some users, The Jerusalem Post notes, “joked that cannabis is needed to have faith in what he says.” Netanyahu, who is struggling to remain in power after two indecisive parliamentary elections in April and September, faces voters once again next month, just two weeks before his trial on corruption charges is scheduled to begin.

Still, it is notable that Netanyahu seems to think legalization would be a popular move, and his tweet also touted his plan to expunge “tens of thousands” of criminal records related to marijuana possession. He said prosecution of cannabis consumers “is a burden on the courts” and causes “unnecessary suffering to many.”

Netanyahu recently took up the cause of Naama Issachar, a young Israeli woman who received a seven-year prison sentence after she was caught with nine grams of cannabis while changing flights in Moscow. Issachar was released from prison last month, thanks to diplomatic intervention by Netanyahu’s government.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Leibovich, the Green Leaf Party leader, welcomed the prime minister’s interest in legalization. “I believe that this week we made a significant step on the path to a legal cannabis market in Israel,” he said. “I think this is something that should have been done a long time ago, and I appreciate the prime minister who paid attention, met with me, heard me, and made the right decision.” Leibovich said he made overtures to every party, but Netanyahu was the only politician who showed any interest.

Medical marijuana has been legal in Israel since the early 1990s. Under a partial decriminalization policy that took effect last year, recreational consumers caught with up to 15 grams (half an ounce) of marijuana are subject to a fine of 1,000 shekels (currently $292). The fine is doubled for a second offense, while third-time offenders receive probation, possibly coupled with treatment or additional sanctions, such as suspension of their driver’s licenses. Criminal charges are possible, at the discretion of police, only after a fourth offense.

If Israel actually legalized the recreational market, it probably would be the fourth country to do so at the national level. Uruguay legalized marijuana in 2013, followed by Canada in 2018. Mexican legislators are working on a bill to establish a legal market, which they are supposed to pass by the end of April to comply with a 2018 Supreme Court ruling that deemed marijuana prohibition unconstitutional. In the United States, marijuana is still completely prohibited under federal law, although 11 states have legalized recreational use, including 10 that allow commercial production and distribution.

from Latest –