U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest “Cruel, Inhuman” Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen Civilians In A Wedding

Imagine, if you will, that you and your 15 closest unarmed, civilian friends are celebrating a young couple who has just started their lives together, and are on your way to their wedding party, when all of a sudden a remote-controlled US killing machine drops several air-to-surface tactical missiles on your group and kills you before you have a chance to blink. Macabre as it sounds, this is precisely what happened in the conflict-torn (courtesy of the CIA) republic of Yemen last month when a US drone mistakenly killed 15 people.

The US justification: the 15 civilians were mistaken for an Al Qaeda convoy (good thing this was not in Syria, where such an Al Qaeda convoy would have received US arms and funding), and in keeping with the US “superpower” walkthrough, the missiles were launched first, and questions would be asked later if ever. And while this happens daily around the globe (remember: they hate America for its freedoms, not because it rains hellfire on civilians without reason), this time the United Nations human rights watch actually had the temerity of calling out the US on its latest act of mass murder.

Reuters has the full story:

United Nations human rights experts told the United States and Yemen on Thursday to say whether they were complicit in drone attacks that mistakenly killed civilians in wedding processions this month.


The independent experts questioned the legitimacy of drone attacks under international law and said the governments should reveal what targeting procedures were used.


Local security officials said on December 12 that 15 people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy. The officials did not identify the plane in the strike in central al-Bayda province, but tribal and local media sources said that it was a drone.


Stressing the need for accountability and payment to victims’ families, the U.N. statement issued in Geneva said that two attacks, on two separate wedding processions, killed 16 and wounded at least 10 people.


If armed drones are to be used, states must adhere to international humanitarian law, and should disclose the legal basis for their operational responsibility and criteria for targeting,” said Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

Poor Yemen, unclear that others’ sovereignty does not matter to the US, voiced a feeble protest: “Yemen cannot consent to violations of the right to life of people in its territory,” he added.” Good luck with non-consenting.

However, it was the UN that surprised onlookers with one of the harshest condemnations of what is essentially unaccountable murder by an American remote-control plane, controlled from thousands of miles away:

Juan Mendez, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern about the legitimacy of the airstrikes. Each state was obliged to undertake due investigation into the reported incidents, including their effect on civilians, he said.


A deadly attack on illegitimate targets amounts to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment if, as in this case, it results in serious physical or mental pain and suffering for the innocent victims,” Mendez said.

Wait, so cruel, inhuman and degra…. oh look, another all time high for the S&P! Quick BTFATH, and ignore all this irrelevant “stuff.”


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/uVo2hVw2zoY/story01.htm Tyler Durden

How Debtors' Prisons Are Making A Comeback In America

Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg,

Apparently having 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of its prisoners simply isn’t good enough for neo-feudal America. No, we need to find more creative and archaic ways to wastefully, immorally and seemingly unconstitutionally incarcerate poor people. Welcome to the latest trend in the penal colony formerly known as America. Debtors’ prisons. A practice I thought had long since been deemed outdated (indeed it has been largely eradicated in the Western world with the exception of about 1/3 of U.S. states as well as Greece).

From Fox News:

As if out of a Charles Dickens novel, people struggling to pay overdue fines and fees associated with court costs for even the simplest traffic infractions are being thrown in jail across the United States.


Critics are calling the practice the new “debtors’ prison” — referring to the jails that flourished in the U.S. and Western Europe over 150 years ago. Before the time of bankruptcy laws and social safety nets, poor folks and ruined business owners were locked up until their debts were paid off.


Reforms eventually outlawed the practice. But groups like the Brennan Center for Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union say it’s been reborn in local courts which may not be aware it’s against the law to send indigent people to jail over unpaid fines and fees — or they just haven’t been called on it until now.


The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law released a “Tool Kit for Action” in 2012 that broke down the cost to municipalities to jail debtors in comparison with the amount of old debt it was collecting. It doesn’t look like a bargain. For example, according to the report, Mecklenburg County, N.C., collected $33,476 in debts in 2009, but spent $40,000 jailing 246 debtors — a loss of $6,524.

Don’t worry, I’m sure private prisons for debtors will soon spring up to make this practice a pillar of GDP growth.

Many jurisdictions have taken to hiring private collection/probation companies to go after debtors, giving them the authority to revoke probation and incarcerate if they can’t pay. Research into the practice has found that private companies impose their own additional surcharges. Some 15 private companies have emerged to run these services in the South, including the popular Judicial Correction Services (JCS).


In 2012, Circuit Judge Hub Harrington at Harpersville Municipal Court in Alabama shut down what he called the “debtors’ prison” process there, echoing complaints that private companies are only in it for the money. He cited JCS in part for sending indigent people to jail. Calling it a “judicially sanctioned extortion racket,” Harrington said many defendants were locked up on bogus failure-to-appear warrants, and slapped with more fines and fees as a result.


Repeated calls to JCS in Alabama and Georgia were not returned.


The ACLU found that seven out of 11 counties they studied were operating de facto debtors’ prisons, despite clear “constitutional and legislative prohibitions.” Some were worse than others. In the second half of 2012 in Huron County, 20 percent of arrests were for failure to pay fines. The Sandusky Municipal Court in Erie County jailed 75 people in a little more than a month during the summer of 2012. The ACLU says it costs upwards of $400 in Ohio to execute a warrant and $65 a night to jail people.


Mark Silverstein, a staff attorney at the Colorado ACLU, claimed judges in these courts never assess the defendants’ ability to pay before sentencing them to jail, which would be unconstitutional.

Full article here.

On a related note, I strong suggest everyone read the following article from The Atlantic called: I Got Myself Arrested So I Could Look Inside the Justice System.

You’ll never see the “justice” system in the same light again.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/LqUUiGJAsJI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

How Debtors’ Prisons Are Making A Comeback In America

Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg,

Apparently having 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of its prisoners simply isn’t good enough for neo-feudal America. No, we need to find more creative and archaic ways to wastefully, immorally and seemingly unconstitutionally incarcerate poor people. Welcome to the latest trend in the penal colony formerly known as America. Debtors’ prisons. A practice I thought had long since been deemed outdated (indeed it has been largely eradicated in the Western world with the exception of about 1/3 of U.S. states as well as Greece).

From Fox News:

As if out of a Charles Dickens novel, people struggling to pay overdue fines and fees associated with court costs for even the simplest traffic infractions are being thrown in jail across the United States.


Critics are calling the practice the new “debtors’ prison” — referring to the jails that flourished in the U.S. and Western Europe over 150 years ago. Before the time of bankruptcy laws and social safety nets, poor folks and ruined business owners were locked up until their debts were paid off.


Reforms eventually outlawed the practice. But groups like the Brennan Center for Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union say it’s been reborn in local courts which may not be aware it’s against the law to send indigent people to jail over unpaid fines and fees — or they just haven’t been called on it until now.


The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law released a “Tool Kit for Action” in 2012 that broke down the cost to municipalities to jail debtors in comparison with the amount of old debt it was collecting. It doesn’t look like a bargain. For example, according to the report, Mecklenburg County, N.C., collected $33,476 in debts in 2009, but spent $40,000 jailing 246 debtors — a loss of $6,524.

Don’t worry, I’m sure private prisons for debtors will soon spring up to make this practice a pillar of GDP growth.

Many jurisdictions have taken to hiring private collection/probation companies to go after debtors, giving them the authority to revoke probation and incarcerate if they can’t pay. Research into the practice has found that private companies impose their own additional surcharges. Some 15 private companies have emerged to run these services in the South, including the popular Judicial Correction Services (JCS).


In 2012, Circuit Judge Hub Harrington at Harpersville Municipal Court in Alabama shut down what he called the “debtors’ prison” process there, echoing complaints that private companies are only in it for the money. He cited JCS in part for sending indigent people to jail. Calling it a “judicially sanctioned extortion racket,” Harrington said many defendants were locked up on bogus failure-to-appear warrants, and slapped with more fines and fees as a result.


Repeated calls to JCS in Alabama and Georgia were not returned.


The ACLU found that seven out of 11 counties they studied were operating de facto debtors’ prisons, despite clear “constitutional and legislative prohibitions.” Some were worse than others. In the second half of 2012 in Huron County, 20 percent of arrests were for failure to pay fines. The Sandusky Municipal Court in Erie County jailed 75 people in a little more than a month during the summer of 2012. The ACLU says it costs upwards of $400 in Ohio to execute a warrant and $65 a night to jail people.


Mark Silverstein, a staff attorney at the Colorado ACLU, claimed judges in these courts never assess the defendants’ ability to pay before sentencing them to jail, which would be unconstitutional.

Full article here.

On a related note, I strong suggest everyone read the following article from The Atlantic called: I Got Myself Arrested So I Could Look Inside the Justice System.

You’ll never see the “justice” system in the same light again.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/LqUUiGJAsJI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

S&P 500 Should Hit Goldman's June 2014 Target Some Time Tomorrow

To think it was just two weeks ago, on December 13, when the S&P was being supported by the “Independence Day” barrier of 1776. It was also on that day that Goldman’s strategist David Kostin updated his most recent forward S&P500 price targets for both 6 months ahead (i.e. June), and December 31, 2014. The numbers were 1850 and 1900 respectively.

What is just a little bit concerning, is that the S&P, following yet another 10+ point move today on what can only be characterized as “hilarious” volume, will hit Goldman’s S&P500 June price target some time tomorrow (or maybe today if the NY Fed trading desk sends the VIX to a 10, or single-digit, handle).

What is even a little bit more concerning is that applying the Birinyi rule of forecasting, the S&P will hit Goldman’s full year 2014 price target by Wednesday, or the latest Friday of the first week of 2014.

One just has to sit back and laugh at what the central planners have done.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/D9xw27g9UtI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

S&P 500 Should Hit Goldman’s June 2014 Target Some Time Tomorrow

To think it was just two weeks ago, on December 13, when the S&P was being supported by the “Independence Day” barrier of 1776. It was also on that day that Goldman’s strategist David Kostin updated his most recent forward S&P500 price targets for both 6 months ahead (i.e. June), and December 31, 2014. The numbers were 1850 and 1900 respectively.

What is just a little bit concerning, is that the S&P, following yet another 10+ point move today on what can only be characterized as “hilarious” volume, will hit Goldman’s S&P500 June price target some time tomorrow (or maybe today if the NY Fed trading desk sends the VIX to a 10, or single-digit, handle).

What is even a little bit more concerning is that applying the Birinyi rule of forecasting, the S&P will hit Goldman’s full year 2014 price target by Wednesday, or the latest Friday of the first week of 2014.

One just has to sit back and laugh at what the central planners have done.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/D9xw27g9UtI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The World's Industry Leaders: Which Companies Dominate Their Sectors

When it comes to screening for stocks, one traditionally uses CapIQ, Factset or the Bloomberg Terminal. However, in a welcome development, the Bloomberg website has launched its own free screener of companies titled the Bloomberg Industry Leaderboard, which this day and age of visual learning, has the added benefit of breaking down the data in an easily digestible, visual format. It allows the sorting of industry leaders by virtually every economic metric of relevance, and while it will never replace paid screeners, it does provide a useful first step in understand who the world leaders in any given industry are.

The big picture breakdown can be seen on the chart below.

Those who wish to analyze the underlying Industry Leaderboard data, can do so here.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/-SJfwvBzY-M/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The World’s Industry Leaders: Which Companies Dominate Their Sectors

When it comes to screening for stocks, one traditionally uses CapIQ, Factset or the Bloomberg Terminal. However, in a welcome development, the Bloomberg website has launched its own free screener of companies titled the Bloomberg Industry Leaderboard, which this day and age of visual learning, has the added benefit of breaking down the data in an easily digestible, visual format. It allows the sorting of industry leaders by virtually every economic metric of relevance, and while it will never replace paid screeners, it does provide a useful first step in understand who the world leaders in any given industry are.

The big picture breakdown can be seen on the chart below.

Those who wish to analyze the underlying Industry Leaderboard data, can do so here.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/-SJfwvBzY-M/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Asia’s Richest Man, Li Ka-shing, Invests in Bitpay

If this is true, it is a stunning piece of news for the Bitcoin economy. According to the South China Morning Post, Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing has made an investment of an undisclosed amount in BTC payment processor Bitpay, a company I have highlighted on these pages on several occasions.

From the South China Morning Post:

Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing has invested in BitPay, the digital currency equivalent of PayPal, through his venture capital company, Horizons Ventures.

A spokeswoman for Horizons Ventures said the group would not comment on the details of the investment.

BitPay said it was “fortunate to have the benefit of many supportive investors, including Horizons Ventures”.

BitPay, founded in May 2011, handles transactions for 14,000 companies across 200 countries. About half are in the United States, with 25 per cent in Europe and 25 per cent in the rest of the world.

Simply incredible.

Full article here.

In Liberty,

 Follow me on Twitter.

Asia’s Richest Man, Li Ka-shing, Invests in Bitpay originally appeared on A Lightning War for Liberty on December 26, 2013.

continue reading

from A Lightning War for Liberty http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2013/12/26/asias-richest-man-li-ka-shing-invests-in-bitpay/

What Could Go Wrong Here?

We wondered previously what happens when there are no more greater fools to sell to? But, US investors have turned the euphoria dial to 11 this week as the percent bullish is the highest since the peak in Fall 2007 and bears are at their lowest percentage since Spring 1987. Thus, the Bull-bear spread (based on AAII’s survey) has never been wider (and don’t forget, even Cliff Asness knows the unbridled idiocy of the ‘money-on-the-sidelines’-meme).


And remember, we don’t need to worry about record high margin debt as along as stocks keep going up…

As – over the long-term – the bull-bear spread has never been wider (by a long way)…


h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/Kg_7r8onRSQ/story01.htm Tyler Durden

GM: Momentum Stock Candidate 2014

By EconMatters


Momentum Stocks

Every year on average there are at least 4 momentum stocks that capture Wall Street`s fancy and all the fund managers pile into these names. Hedge funds realize this investing phenomenon and try to figure out which names are going to be the chosen ones this year so they can ride along the coattails of the institutions, pension funds and money managers. These stocks are the absolute best stocks to invest in from a risk and return standpoint because you are riding along with the smart money, the crowd and every other technically based buy program as these stock charts are an investor`s paradise.


Impossible to Short Momentum Stocks in Heart of Momentum Run

The shorts come in at various times thinking these names are overdone on valuation concerns and they get their head handed to them, or shorts more specifically, causing additional fuel for the upside trek to higher monthly highs in the stocks. In essence, these stocks are ‘un-shortable’ and short sellers need to recognize what constitutes a Momentum Stock on Wall Street just as much as longs because failure to do so is just like committing investor suicide.


Notable Momentum Stocks

Notable Momentum Stocks in the past have been Blackberry (BBRY), Crocs, Inc. (CROX), Google Inc. (GOOG), Apple Inc. (AAPL), First Solar, Inc. (FSLR), Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Inc. (POT), Sears Holdings Corporation (SHLD), and Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX).


2013 Momentum Stocks

This past year for 2013 the momentum stocks were Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA), priceline.com Incorporated (PCLN), Google Inc. and The Boeing Company (BA). One look at these charts can tell the investor why identifying next year`s momentum stock candidates is so important from an investment strategy. It is very helpful to be aligned with all the players on the right side of the investment.


Drivers for GM being a Momentum Stock

Here are some of the reasons why I think General Motors Company (GM) makes for a good momentum stock candidate in 2014. First, the government has finally exited their stake in the company freeing up institutional investors to start acquiring a sizable position in the automaker now that GM is no longer influenced by the government`s jurisdiction.



The second factor is that several other notable players like Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital Management, L.P. have started talking up the name recently, and when Hedge Funds start talking the old adage where there is smoke, there is fire applies here. GM is being talked about in the investment community which includes conferences, meetings, seminars and money raising initiatives. Big players raise money around investment ideas, and I think GM is one of these names.


Relaxing Oil Export Ban is Bad News for US Consumers


The third factor is the broader economy seems to be slowly getting better with the jobs environment improving each quarter; this bodes well for new vehicle sales.


The fourth factor is now that the government is no longer involved with management influence in regards to decisions, GM can be more aggressive in driving the profit factor, and they should be able to pursue more aggressive business practices which generate better quarterly results year over year on a comparison basis.


The fifth driver for the stock is the way it is trading relative to the broader market, and while the broader market has exhibited some weakness mainly on the risks associated with the FOMC meeting this week, GM has been hanging in there quite strong and fighting against this overall recent market weakness. This is a very bullish sign, and it usually means that investors think there is considerable long-term value in the stock so they aren`t selling, and other players like institutions are probably holding this stock up because they are in the acquiring mode on any weakness in the stock. Again, this is what an investor wants to see in a stock, how well it trades against the broader market.


Potential Concerns

One potential concern is that GM has sold a lot of automobiles over the last three years, and if there is one factor to watch it is how many more customers there are in the broader economy that need to upgrade to a new vehicle this year. I have seen just an amazing number of those Chevrolet Camaros on the streets, and I wonder if GM could run into some tough comps on certain product categories, and market and product saturation issues. This is something to monitor as a possible concern, and to follow in the quarterly presentations by the company.




The other possible concern is that GM is up about 18% in 6 months, and 61% in 2013. However, the stock is only up 17% over a five year time period, and the government yielded considerable influence during this period both from a management perspective and an ownership stake in the company.


My thesis is that with the government being a net seller on the market, this has limited GM`s upside, and now that longer term investors have acquired these shares, the company is set to really take off in 2014 like some of the Momentum Stocks of the past 5 years.


Price Targets

However, all that being said my initial price target for the stock is $65 a share sometime over the next six months, and maybe as soon as this April. I also have my mid-term price target at $80 a share towards the end of 2014. Some of this depends upon what the overall stock market is doing, but I am assuming in this analysis that GM holds up better, probably outperforms the overall broader market.


Acquiring GM Position & Entry Points

Thus, this is my first Momentum Stock candidate for 2014 in General Motors Company and I would recommend buying this stock if possible on a slight pullback, in the $38 a share range would be a great entry price. However, I have been watching this name, and the investor may not get the chance to get into the stock on a pullback, so beware of that possibility. Sometimes good stocks that everybody is interested in don`t offer ideal pullback entry points, regardless I would recommend acquiring a position before 2014 begins in the investing universe.




Article Update


We wrote this article prior to the Ford 2014 Profit Downgrade, which sent GM shares lower just below $40 a share before rebounding higher, but it seems investors are worried that Ford`s troubles may be hinting of broader concerns in the vehicle marketplace. The question for investors is whether these concerns are Ford specific or have broader implications for the rest of the automakers? The next quarterly earnings calls should shed some light on this subject, and give possible clues for investors.  However, GM the stock has definitely underperformed the broader market once the Ford news came out, something to watch before putting new money to work in the stock.


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