Boston Bomber May Dodge Death Penalty as Justice Department Preps for More Executions


A federal court has overturned the death penalty sentence for convicted Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, citing jury biases.

The ruling doesn’t necessarily mean that Tsarnaev won’t be executed. It does mean that Tsarnaev will receive a new penalty-phase trial.

Tsarnaev was convicted and sentenced to death for his role in 2013’s bombing of the Boston Marathon, where three were killed and more than 200 injured. He carried out the attack with his brother Tamerlan, who was killed later in a confrontation with police.

Tsarnaev didn’t fight to show his innocence so much as to avoid the death penalty. He conceded his role in the bombing, but his attorneys attempted to portray Tamerlan as the mastermind, radicalizing and pushing Tsarnaev into participating in the attack.

The jury didn’t buy it, and Tsarnaev was sentenced to death in 2015. Tsarnaev’s attorneys had asked for the venue for the trial to be changed, moving it out of the Boston area, but was denied. That turned out to be a problem. On Friday, a panel of judges with the U.S. Court of Appeals First Circuit determined that the judge overseeing the trial did a terrible job evaluating jurors for bias for the sentencing phase. Two jurors, for example, were seated despite having posted very strong opinions about the bombing on social media. One juror had retweeted a post calling Tsarnaev a “piece of garbage” but had told the judge she had not made any comments about the case.

Ultimately, the three-judge panel determined that U.S. District Judge George O’Toole did not properly identify and prevent prejudice from influencing Tsarnaev’s sentencing. And so, because of that, they’ve tossed out the death sentence and called for a new jury and a new sentencing trial. The Justice Department has the option to appeal to the full court instead of accepting a panel’s ruling; it could even try to take it to the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely no chance here for Tsarnaev to go free. He is still convicted of the major charges against him (though the ruling did toss three weapons-related charges for technical reasons related to the changing definitions of what constitutes a “crime of violence” under federal law). But the Sixth Amendment guarantees the accused a right to an “impartial jury,” and there’s documented evidence that did not happen in the sentencing phase.

Until this year, the federal government hadn’t executed a prisoner since 2003. But last month President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr restarted federal executions. Over the course of four days in July, the Department of Justice executed three men who had convicted of capital murder: Daniel Lewis Lee, Wesley Ira Purkey, and Dustin Lee Honken.

The Justice Department has now scheduled two more executions for August and another two in September. On Friday, as a federal court was ordering a new sentencing hearing for Tsarnaev, the Justice Department announced that William Emmett LeCroy and Christopher Andre Vialva, both previously sentenced to death for murder, have been scheduled for lethal injections in September.

from Latest –

Silver Just Had Its Best Month In 40 Years: Here Are July’s Best And Worst Performing Assets

Silver Just Had Its Best Month In 40 Years: Here Are July’s Best And Worst Performing Assets

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/03/2020 – 13:22

When looking at the torrid market performance in July, Deutsche Bank’s Jim Reid notes that silver (+35%) had its best month since December 1979 while the dollar the worst for a decade. US equities had a good month in spite of rising virus caseloads due to a strong earnings season relative to expectations, especially in tech towards the end of the month. YTD Silver, Gold and the NASDAQ have been the three best performers while at the bottom of the leaderboard Brent, WTI and European Banks are all down at least 30%.

Below we present some of the key highlights from Deutsche Bank’s July 2020 performance review

While July proved to be another decent month for risk assets, it was the performance of two other assets in particular which caught the eye. The first was Silver, which had its strongest month since December 1979. The second was the weakness in the USD, which ended with the USD spot index dropping by the most in a single month since September 2010.

Indeed the impact of the latter was fully felt when looking at returns in USD terms, with 36 of the 38 assets in DB’s sample finishing with a positive total return. In local currency terms, that number dropped to a still-impressive 30 assets. As markets move into August, typically a more subdued month for volumes but perceived to be a weaker month for risk, the focus remains on the reopening of economies on the one hand and signs of rising cases in certain countries on the other.

First, let’s look at silver, which rallied +34.0% during July, pushing it straight to the top of Deutsche Bank’s YTD leaderboard with a +36.6% advance. Gold also had a strong month, in part helped by the tailwind of the weaker USD, rising +10.9% for its biggest monthly gain since February 2016. In fact it was a good month for
commodities all round, with Copper (+5.7%), Brent (+5.2%) and WTI (+2.5%) also up, while the broader commodity index gained +4.1%.

As mentioned, the other big mover was the USD with GBP, EUR and the JPY strengthening +5.5%, +4.8% and +2.0%, respectively, versus the greenback. EM FX also gained +2.1%. In USD terms, that move saw equity markets in Europe post gains of anywhere from 1% to 5% (with the exception of European Banks, which returned -0.8%) with the STOXX 600 up +3.9%; however, in local currency terms returns were flat to -4%.

As for US equity markets, it was another strong month for the tech sector with the NASDAQ returning +6.9% while the S&P 500 finished with a total return of +5.6%. It was more of a mixed story in Asia with the Shanghai Comp returning +12.0% in local currency terms while in contrast the Hang Seng returned just +1.5% and the Nikkei -2.6%.

Finally, as for bond markets, another month of declining yields and in some cases record-low yields meant returns were anywhere from +0.4% for Gilts to +1.7% for BTPs. Again, the weaker USD propelled USD returns last month, up to +6.7% for BTPs and +5.5% for Bunds. For completeness Treasuries returned +1.2%. Last but not least, it was a similar story for credit, where in local currency terms USD outperformed EUR by 1-2 percentage points, with USD HY outperforming IG.

A quick recap of where things stand YTD. In local currency terms 18 of the 38 assets in our sample have a positive total return while in USD terms that number rises to 20. Silver, Gold and the NASDAQ have been the three best performers while at the bottom of the leaderboard Brent, WTI and European Banks are all down at least 34%.


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Q3 GDP Now Seen Surging 20% By Atlanta Fed

US Q3 GDP Now Seen Surging 20% By Atlanta Fed

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/03/2020 – 13:18

One day after the BEA reported last Thursday that US GDP crashed an annualized 32.9% in the second quarter, the biggest drop since the great depression…

… the Atlanta Fed published its first GDPNow “nowcast” estimate for the third quarter, which came in at a relative subdued 11.9%, and far below sellside consensus estimates of an 18% print in the third quarter.

Perhaps shamed by Wall Street optimism, just one day business later the Atlanta Fed moments ago announced that its latest revision as of Aug 3 pushed up its Q3 GDP estimate by a whopping 65%, and its GDPNow model now estimates that real GDP growth in the third quarter of 2020 is 19.6%. The reason for the massive repricing? This morning’s Manufacturing ISM Report (which beat expectations) and construction spending report (which missed badly).

Following the latest data, the nowcasts of third-quarter real personal consumption expenditures growth and third-quarter real GDP investment growth increased from 14.4% and -1.7%, respectively, to 22.4% and 11.1%, respectively. Also, the nowcast of third-quarter real government spending growth increased from 5.7% to 6.8%.

If the Atlanta Fed is correct, the annualized Q3 GDP print would be the highest on record.

Of course, it goes without saying that if Congress fails to roll over the emergency unemployment benefits which expired last month – and which as we previously noted are instrumental in the record 25% of personal income that is funded by the US government…

… Q3 GDP will end up being another unmitigated disaster.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Safety, Liquidity, Or Return – Why Cash Is An Important Hedge

Safety, Liquidity, Or Return – Why Cash Is An Important Hedge

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/03/2020 – 13:05

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

Over the past few months, we have been writing a series of articles highlighting our concerns of increasing market risk.  Here is a sampling of some of our more recent posts on the issue.

The common thread among these articles was to encourage our readers to evaluate the current market “risks” and take some relevant actions. To wit:

“There remains an ongoing bullish bias that continues to support the market near-term. Bull markets built on “momentum” are very hard to kill. Warning signs can last longer than logic would predict. The risk comes when investors begin to “discount” the warnings and assume they are wrong.

It is usually just about then the inevitable correction occurs. Such is the inherent risk of ignoring risk.

In reality, there is little to lose by paying attention to “risk.”

The current deviation between the stock market, the economy, corporate profits, and earnings suggests something isn’t quite right.

“While the rally off the March lows has been substantial, there is still a vast disconnect between the markets and the underlying economic fundamentals. Given the divergence was driven by unprecedented monetary policy, the eventual reversion could be climatic.”

Equity prices are currently outpacing expectations for near-term profits, forming a price-earnings melt-up akin to what was seen in the late 1990s. Furthermore, the S&P 500’s price-sales ratio is also flashing a similar warning.

The Difficult Part

Despite many clear warnings that suggest that current risk outweighs the reward, investors fail to act due to the “Fear Of Missing Out.” (aka FOMO) I recently received an interesting email which makes this point clearly:

“The market is going higher and will continue to do so indefinitely, as long as the Fed is injecting liquidity into the market. If you are removing risk, you are missing out.”

As stated above, the most significant risk to investor capital is “ignoring the risk”

Just because you see a bear in the woods, and choose to ignore it, doesn’t mean it will ignore you. 

“The reason we suggest selling any rally is because, until the pattern changes, the market is exhibiting all traits of a ‘topping process.’ As the saying goes, a market-top is not an event; it’s a process.” – RIA

It’s Your Brain

There are several psychological factors which make managing risk extremely difficult:

  • Investors are slow to react to new information (they anchor), which initially leads to under-reaction but eventually shifts to over-reaction during late-cycle stages.

  • The “herding” effect ultimately drives investors. A rising market leads to “justifications” to explain over-valued holdings. In other words, buying begets more buying.

  • Lastly, as the markets turn, the “disposition” effect takes hold, and winners are sold to protect gains, but losers are held in the hopes of better prices later. 

In our portfolio management practice, technical analysis is a critical component of the overall process. It carries just as much weight as the fundamental analysis. As I have often stated:

“Fundamentals tell us WHAT to buy or sell. Technicals tell us WHEN to do it.”

Currently, our analysis suggests there is a deteriorating technical backdrop, combined with our outlook for continued disappointment in earnings and corporate profits recovery.

Such suggests that we reduce equity risk modestly, and further increase our cash hedge, until there is more “clarity” with respect to where markets are heading next.

This brings me to the most important point.

The 3-Components Of All Investments

In portfolio management, you can ONLY have 2-of-3 components of any investment or asset class:  Safety, Liquidity & Return. The table below is the matrix of your options.

The takeaway is that cash is the only asset class which provides safety and liquidity. Obviously, the safety comes at the cost of return. This is basic.

But what about other options?

  • Fixed Annuities (Indexed) – safety and return, no liquidity. 

  • ETF’s – liquidity and return, no safety.

  • Mutual Funds – liquidity and return, no safety.

  • Real Estate – safety and return, no liquidity.

  • Traded REIT’s – liquidity and return, no safety.

  • Commodities – liquidity and return, no safety.

  • Gold – liquidity and return, no safety. 

You get the idea. No matter what you chose to invest in – you can only have 2-of-the-3 components. Such is an important, and often overlooked, consideration when determining portfolio construction and allocation. The important thing to understand, and what the mainstream media doesn’t tell you, is that “Liquidity” gives you options. 

I learned a long time ago that while a “rising tide lifts all boats,” eventually, the “tide recedes.” I made one simple adjustment to my portfolio management over the years, which has served me well. When risks begin to outweigh the potential for reward, I raise cash.

The great thing about holding extra cash is that if I’m wrong, I simply make the proper adjustments to increase the risk in my portfolios. However, if I am right, I protect investment capital from destruction and spend far less time ‘getting back to even.’ Despite media commentary to the contrary, regaining losses is not an investment strategy. 

8 Reasons To Hold Cash

1) We are speculators, not investors. We buy pieces of paper at one price with hopes of selling at a higher price. Such is speculation in its purest form. When risk outweighs rewards, cash is a good option. 

2) 80% of stocks move in the direction of the market. If the market is falling, regardless of the fundamentals, the majority of stocks will decline also.

3) The best traders understand the value of cash. From Jesse Livermore to Gerald Loeb, each believed in “buying low and selling high.” If you “sell high,” you have raised cash to “buy low.”

4) Roughly 90% of what we think about investing is wrong. Two 50% declines since 2000 should have taught us to respect investment risks.

5) 80% of individual traders lose money over ANY 10-year period. Why? Investor psychology, emotional biases, lack of capital, etc. Repeated studies by Dalbar prove this. 

6) Raising cash is often a better hedge than shorting. While shorting the market, or a position, to hedge risk in a portfolio is reasonable, it also merely transfers the “risk of being wrong” from one side of the ledger to the other. Cash protects capital and eliminates risk. 

7) You can’t “buy low” if you don’t have anything to “buy with.” While the media chastises individuals for holding cash, it should be somewhat evident that without cash you can’t take advantage of opportunities.

8) Cash protects against forced liquidations. One of the biggest problems for Americans  is a lack of cash to meet emergencies. Having a cash cushion allows for handling life’s “curve-balls,” without being forced to liquidate retirement plans.Layoffs, employment changes, etc. are economically driven and tend to occur with downturns that coincide with market losses. Having cash allows you to weather the storms.


Importantly, I want to stress that I am not talking about being 100% in cash.

I am suggesting that holding higher levels of cash during periods of uncertainty provides both stability and opportunity.

With the political, fundamental, and economic backdrop becoming much more hostile toward investors in the intermediate term, understanding the value of cash as a “hedge” against loss becomes much more important. 

Given the length of the current market advance, deteriorating internals, high valuations, and weak economic backdrop, reviewing cash as an asset class in your allocation may make some sense.

Chasing yield at any cost has typically not ended well for most.

Of course, since Wall Street does not make fees on investors holding cash, maybe there is another reason they are so adamant that you remain invested all the time.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Gun Stocks Bang Higher As July Background Checks Jump 79%

Gun Stocks Bang Higher As July Background Checks Jump 79%

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/03/2020 – 12:51

Firearms stocks moved higher on Monday after gun background checks rose 79% in July year-over-year amid violent protests which have gripped major cities across the United States. That said, the number of checks was lower than all-time records set in March and June.

Shares in Ruger and Smith and Wesson enjoyed gains of more than 5% and 9% respectively on Monday, while taser manufacturer Axon Enterprise were up more than 5%.

The FBI ran over 3.6 million background checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) last month – the third-highest on record, behind 3.9 million checks in June and 3.7 million checks in March.

Guns have been flying off the shelves since the May 25 killing of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes – an incident which triggered nationwide protests against the police and racial inequality, which have devolved into violence and property destruction in major cities as well as several suburbs.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Face Masks Confuse Facial Recognition Technology


Americans can’t agree on whether face masks are a good way to reduce the threat of transmitting COVID-19. We’ve even turned mask-donning into a symbol of partisan affiliation; those who would make them compulsory everywhere face off against those who refuse them under all circumstances. But we should at least be able to agree that face coverings are a great way to defeat the surveillance stateespecially now that the U.S. government has conceded that masks confuse the hell out of facial recognition technology.

“Using unmasked images, the most accurate algorithms fail to authenticate a person about 0.3% of the time,” the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a federal agency, reported last week. “Masked images raised even these top algorithms’ failure rate to about 5%, while many otherwise competent algorithms failed between 20% to 50% of the time.”

Notably, the NIST test focused on one-to-one matching of a face against a single photo, as you might do to unlock a cellphone or at a passport checkpoint. One-to-one systems are carried out under conditions of near-ideal lighting and camera placement, and so are more reliable than one-to-many matches of faces against databases that are conducted during surveillance of public places. Masks should be expected to be even more effective at increasing failure rates of one-to-many facial recognition systems.

“The more of the nose a mask covers, the lower the algorithm’s accuracy,” the NIST report adds of the digitally simulated coverings used in the study. “The study explored three levels of nose coverage—low, medium and high—finding that accuracy degrades with greater nose coverage.”

Perhaps more surprisingly, black masks turned out to defeat matching algorithms more thoroughly than did light-blue masks. The researchers speculate that very dark and very light masks might confuse cameras’ automatic light-exposure controls. So, the ninja look isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, it’s also practical from a privacy perspective.

The NIST report confirms fears voiced in a May 22 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) notice that people could take advantage of mask-wearing to defeat surveillance efforts. Part of the recent BlueLeaks hack of law enforcement documents published by Distributed Denial of Secrets, the notice warned:

We assess the widespread use of masks for public safety could likely continue to impact the effectiveness of face recognition systems even after federal or state mandates for their use are withdrawn as portions of the general population will likely continue to voluntarily wear face coverings in public even after restrictions on social gatherings are lifted or until an effective COVID-19 vaccine is publicly available.

The notice also talked of other means of defeating facial recognition technology, including blue and green lasers to blind cameras, “clothing or accessories with images of faces, license plates, or pixelated images” to confuse algorithms, and specialized hats and other accessories that emit infrared light that can wash-out camera images.

I’ll add here that I performed a casual experiment with an infrared flashlight clipped to the visor of a baseball cap, and my face was mostly obscured by a white blob on the image transmitted by a home-security camera.

Some clever entrepreneurs have deliberately targeted the market for surveillance-defeating fashion, producing dazzling eyeglasses and distracting clothing intended to drive facial recognition technology to distraction. The tactic is apparently effective, although perhaps at the price of making people look a bit like Elton John impersonators.

Now you can add to the list of effective anti-surveillance tools the fabric masks that some jurisdictions require us to wear in the name of  public health.

That government officials are going to end up awfully conflicted over whether to mandate or forbid masks in the years to come is obvious from the case of Hong Kong. Last October, the Hong Kong government banned the wearing of facial coverings in public places because pro-democracy demonstrators had adopted them to deter surveillance efforts by Chinese authorities. Now, the same officials require the wearing of masks in public places as part of efforts against the pandemic.

It’s hard to be a control freak.

Similar concerns prevail in the U.S. as federal and state law enforcement agencies convert databases from sources including the U.S. State Department and state motor vehicle departments into a treasure trove of images against which to match surveillance of public places. As of last summer, the FBI had compiled a collection of 640 million faces to peruse.

Government officials may promote mask-wearing now but, as the DHS notice demonstrates, they’re already worried about the effect that normalizing facial coverings has on high-tech surveillance programs. It could be frustrating to spend years developing sophisticated algorithms, and networks of cameras connected to vast databases, only to see the expensive effort thwarted by the popularization of the bandit look.

That’s not to say that face masks are necessarily an absolute check on surveillance. As the NIST report points out, concealing the face to one extent or another reduces the reliability of facial recognition technology, but it doesn’t completely eliminate matches.

Some security companies—particularly those serving China’s police state—claim that their facial recognition technology can work around masks by matching images of people’s eyes. “But the system struggles to identify people with both a mask and sunglasses,” Reuters reports.

NIST plans to assess such mask-accommodating technology in the near future.

“We have begun by focusing on how an algorithm developed before the pandemic might be affected by subjects wearing face masks,” says Mei Ngan, an author of the report. “Later this summer, we plan to test the accuracy of algorithms that were intentionally developed with masked faces in mind.”

NIST also plans to test one-to-many searches to assess the impact of face masks on surveillance of public places.

For privacy-minded people who are skeptical of public health arguments in favor of face masks, the pandemic may prove to be less of a reason to wear face coverings than an excuse to do just that. And we may as well throw in sunglasses and a hat, just to be sure.

from Latest –

A Very Blessing Through All One’s Days

When I was a high school senior looking at schools, I visited Yale for a student weekend. I didn’t end up at Yale, but a plaque I saw in the Jonathan Edwards College dining hall made a deep impression on me. I don’t know who Robert Chapman Bates was, but his words influenced the course of my life. As I’m about to start my 28th year as a professor (and my 15th at St. John’s), his quote still rings true for me. Here it is, for all the other professors who follow this blog. Happy new semester, everyone:

But if you can’t help it, do go into teaching

For it is the only profession I know of

In which even discouragement and defeat are sweet;

In which the unattained goal is a reward;

In which the not-complete failure is a triumph

And a very blessing through all one’s days.

— Robert Chapman Bates, Fellow of this College 1933-1942

from Latest –

Some clear thinking on gold at its all-time high

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a fan of Bruce Lee.

I was probably about four years old when I first watched one of his movies. And I was instantly hooked. The guy was legendary.

As a teenager, I learned more about how he lived, and I began to admire his tenacity, discipline, and relentless pursuit of self-improvement… qualities that I endeavored to attain.

I remain a fan to this day. In fact there’s even a Bruce Lee mural on the wall at our office in Chile.

So when I had the opportunity to purchase some of Bruce Lee’s artwork a few years ago– sketches that he drew with his own hand– I jumped at the chance.

It cost me around $8,000… but it was the best money I ever spent. I had it professionally framed and hung in my home, and it’s probably my most prized possession.

I doubt I’ll ever sell it. But it’s the only asset that I allow myself to be sentimental about.

In everything else related to money, I force myself to be unemotional. I don’t fall in love with prospective investments, nor do I have an emotional attachment to businesses that I own.

You hear this a lot with entrepreneurs, who often refer to their companies as ‘their baby’.

I don’t have that view. Bruce Lee aside, I’m willing to sell any asset for the right price… especially if someone is willing to pay far more than what I think it’s worth, or what it could be worth in the future.

And this brings me to gold.

The price of gold is now at an all-time high in nearly every major currency, including US dollars. On Friday, in fact, gold briefly passed $2,000 per ounce, and it’s still hovering near that figure now.

A lot of people have an emotional attachment to gold… a borderline fanaticism.

I don’t. I write about gold quite frequently. But I’m not a ‘gold bug’.

My views on gold are unemotional, grounded in a rational understanding of gold’s advantages, and the disadvantages of the financial system. I’ve written about this extensively.

But one important thing to understand about gold is that it can be very difficult to value.

I can much more easily value a business like Apple, or private company that I own. The analysis is never perfect, but I can project future cash flows and market-based asset prices, and derive an appropriate value for what an asset is worth.

But gold does not intrinsically generate cash flow like a business or rental property, so that analysis doesn’t work.

People often try to predict the price of gold by examining certain financial benchmarks.

For instance, in theory there are some loose relationships between the gold price and the money supply. But these relationships are far from perfect.

The previous peak for gold was in 2011 when it reached around $1900. The gold price then fell for more than four years, reaching a low of around $1,000 in December 2015.

Yet during that 4+ year period, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet increased 70% from $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion, and M2 money supply in the US increased 30% from $9.5 trillion to 12.3 trillion.

Gold should have performed well from 2011 to 2015 given all the money the Fed was printing. Yet instead the gold price fell.

There’s another theory that gold prices increases because the dollar is weak. But this relationship is also far from perfect.

In the summer of 2018, I wrote note to our readers suggesting that it was a good time to buy gold, and that the price could double over the next few years.

At the time, the gold price was around $1200. But the ‘Dollar Index,’ i.e. the standard financial benchmark for the US dollar’s relative strength, was around 94.

Today gold is at a record high– up more than 60% since I wrote that article. Yet the dollar index is almost exactly the same– 93.8.

But if the theory is true, the gold price should be the same as it was in summer of 2016.

Finally, there’s a theory that the gold price is correlated with ‘real interest rates’, i.e. the rate of interest after adjusting for inflation.

This relationship is also far from perfect; real interest rates in 2011 and 2012, for example, were negative. Yet the gold price was falling.

Real rates in 2017 were rising. But the gold price was also rising. So this theory is also flawed.

The bottom line is that there’s no magic formula to tell us what the gold price should be. Dollar weakness, real rates, and money supply are all useful indicators. But they’re not predictors.

It’s fair to say, for example, that gold is still undervalued right now relative to recent growth in the Feds balance sheet.

Or that, over very long periods of time as central bankers print money and create inflation, gold tends to keep up.

After all, gold has a 5,000 year track record of holding its value against inflation.

In the short-term, however, the biggest driver of gold prices ironically seems to be emotion… specifically negative emotions like fear and mistrust.

Few people buy gold because they’re happy. Some forward-thinking central banks and investors may buy gold when it’s cheap because they understand its value and potential.

But for the most part, the price rises when people lose confidence in the financial system, in their government, in their central bankers, or in each other.

And that’s what we’re seeing now.

Nearly every government around the world looks incompetent and heavy-handed against the Coronavirus.

Central bankers seem desperate.

Banks are sitting on trillions of dollars of losses, while regulators have actually asked the public ‘please do not withdraw your money.’

And social cohesion has practically collapsed. People are ripping each other apart over masks, social justice, political views, and just about everything else.

It’s hard to have trust and confidence at a time like this. And that’s been a key driver of the gold price.

If you own gold, congratulations. You’ve done well. But don’t be emotional about it.

A record high milestone like this is a good time to check your outlook; be rational and determine whether you want to buy, sell, or hold at this level.

Being rational means being able to see all sides of an issue.

You could easily make a strong case that the fear, uncertainty, and desperation could continue for quite some time. And that, long-term, gold continues to make sense.

You could also make a case that, given how quickly gold has risen in price, a short-term correction may be in order. Or that some of the fear subsides if a Covid vaccine is produced.

Remember that great quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald– “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”


from Sovereign Man

Face Masks Confuse Facial Recognition Technology


Americans can’t agree on whether face masks are a good way to reduce the threat of transmitting COVID-19. We’ve even turned mask-donning into a symbol of partisan affiliation; those who would make them compulsory everywhere face off against those who refuse them under all circumstances. But we should at least be able to agree that face coverings are a great way to defeat the surveillance stateespecially now that the U.S. government has conceded that masks confuse the hell out of facial recognition technology.

“Using unmasked images, the most accurate algorithms fail to authenticate a person about 0.3% of the time,” the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a federal agency, reported last week. “Masked images raised even these top algorithms’ failure rate to about 5%, while many otherwise competent algorithms failed between 20% to 50% of the time.”

Notably, the NIST test focused on one-to-one matching of a face against a single photo, as you might do to unlock a cellphone or at a passport checkpoint. One-to-one systems are carried out under conditions of near-ideal lighting and camera placement, and so are more reliable than one-to-many matches of faces against databases that are conducted during surveillance of public places. Masks should be expected to be even more effective at increasing failure rates of one-to-many facial recognition systems.

“The more of the nose a mask covers, the lower the algorithm’s accuracy,” the NIST report adds of the digitally simulated coverings used in the study. “The study explored three levels of nose coverage—low, medium and high—finding that accuracy degrades with greater nose coverage.”

Perhaps more surprisingly, black masks turned out to defeat matching algorithms more thoroughly than did light-blue masks. The researchers speculate that very dark and very light masks might confuse cameras’ automatic light-exposure controls. So, the ninja look isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, it’s also practical from a privacy perspective.

The NIST report confirms fears voiced in a May 22 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) notice that people could take advantage of mask-wearing to defeat surveillance efforts. Part of the recent BlueLeaks hack of law enforcement documents published by Distributed Denial of Secrets, the notice warned:

We assess the widespread use of masks for public safety could likely continue to impact the effectiveness of face recognition systems even after federal or state mandates for their use are withdrawn as portions of the general population will likely continue to voluntarily wear face coverings in public even after restrictions on social gatherings are lifted or until an effective COVID-19 vaccine is publicly available.

The notice also talked of other means of defeating facial recognition technology, including blue and green lasers to blind cameras, “clothing or accessories with images of faces, license plates, or pixelated images” to confuse algorithms, and specialized hats and other accessories that emit infrared light that can wash-out camera images.

I’ll add here that I performed a casual experiment with an infrared flashlight clipped to the visor of a baseball cap, and my face was mostly obscured by a white blob on the image transmitted by a home-security camera.

Some clever entrepreneurs have deliberately targeted the market for surveillance-defeating fashion, producing dazzling eyeglasses and distracting clothing intended to drive facial recognition technology to distraction. The tactic is apparently effective, although perhaps at the price of making people look a bit like Elton John impersonators.

Now you can add to the list of effective anti-surveillance tools the fabric masks that some jurisdictions require us to wear in the name of  public health.

That government officials are going to end up awfully conflicted over whether to mandate or forbid masks in the years to come is obvious from the case of Hong Kong. Last October, the Hong Kong government banned the wearing of facial coverings in public places because pro-democracy demonstrators had adopted them to deter surveillance efforts by Chinese authorities. Now, the same officials require the wearing of masks in public places as part of efforts against the pandemic.

It’s hard to be a control freak.

Similar concerns prevail in the U.S. as federal and state law enforcement agencies convert databases from sources including the U.S. State Department and state motor vehicle departments into a treasure trove of images against which to match surveillance of public places. As of last summer, the FBI had compiled a collection of 640 million faces to peruse.

Government officials may promote mask-wearing now but, as the DHS notice demonstrates, they’re already worried about the effect that normalizing facial coverings has on high-tech surveillance programs. It could be frustrating to spend years developing sophisticated algorithms, and networks of cameras connected to vast databases, only to see the expensive effort thwarted by the popularization of the bandit look.

That’s not to say that face masks are necessarily an absolute check on surveillance. As the NIST report points out, concealing the face to one extent or another reduces the reliability of facial recognition technology, but it doesn’t completely eliminate matches.

Some security companies—particularly those serving China’s police state—claim that their facial recognition technology can work around masks by matching images of people’s eyes. “But the system struggles to identify people with both a mask and sunglasses,” Reuters reports.

NIST plans to assess such mask-accommodating technology in the near future.

“We have begun by focusing on how an algorithm developed before the pandemic might be affected by subjects wearing face masks,” says Mei Ngan, an author of the report. “Later this summer, we plan to test the accuracy of algorithms that were intentionally developed with masked faces in mind.”

NIST also plans to test one-to-many searches to assess the impact of face masks on surveillance of public places.

For privacy-minded people who are skeptical of public health arguments in favor of face masks, the pandemic may prove to be less of a reason to wear face coverings than an excuse to do just that. And we may as well throw in sunglasses and a hat, just to be sure.

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A Very Blessing Through All One’s Days

When I was a high school senior looking at schools, I visited Yale for a student weekend. I didn’t end up at Yale, but a plaque I saw in the Jonathan Edwards College dining hall made a deep impression on me. I don’t know who Robert Chapman Bates was, but his words influenced the course of my life. As I’m about to start my 28th year as a professor (and my 15th at St. John’s), his quote still rings true for me. Here it is, for all the other professors who follow this blog. Happy new semester, everyone:

But if you can’t help it, do go into teaching

For it is the only profession I know of

In which even discouragement and defeat are sweet;

In which the unattained goal is a reward;

In which the not-complete failure is a triumph

And a very blessing through all one’s days.

— Robert Chapman Bates, Fellow of this College 1933-1942

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