The Biggest Fraud Ever, Part 2: The Vaccine Swindle

The Biggest Fraud Ever, Part 2: The Vaccine Swindle

Tyler Durden

Fri, 07/31/2020 – 00:00

Authored by Barry Norris via Argonaut Capital,

Read Part 1 here…

It was originally assumed that only those who had previously been infected by the virus and developed an antibody response had any immunity, hence the initial focus on testing for the presence of these antibodies as well as infection. However, studies of antibodies in formerly infected patients demonstrated accuracy issues which subsequently could be explained instead by the antibodies’ rapid decay in recovering patients.  The often disappointingly low levels of antibodies in population samples is often used as evidence that herd immunity is not a realistic goal without a vaccine.

This is not correct.

At the end of May there was a significant breakthrough in understanding of COVID antibodies which was not widely reported: a Swiss study from Zurich led by Professor Onur Boyman demonstrated that a large proportion of the population had a natural immunity through existing antibodies on the mucous membrane (IgA) or cellular immunity (T cells), likely to have been acquired through previous exposure to coronaviruses such as influenza or the common cold (the absence of exposure to previous coronavirus is now thought to explain the opposite effect in 1918).

The study found that that the presence of (IgG and IgM) antibodies generated on infection which tests had previously focused on, were NOT in fact required to defeat the virus and that existing (IgA and T cell) antibodies that gave a natural immunity. Moreover, the population with this natural immunity was demonstrated to be five times greater than those with the IgG and IgM antibodies on which tests had hitherto focused. If this could be substantiated, then the population already exposed to COVID would also be five times greater than previously assumed. In other words, if a population sample showed 10% had IgG and IgM antibodies (which might be subject to decay) then it was likely that at least half of the population had already been exposed to COVID.

It followed that antibody studies that measured only IgG and IgM that were now predicting population-based mortality risk of 0.1% to 0.5% (lower than the 1% in the elderly population aboard the Diamond Princess) could be even further reduced by a factor of five to 0.02% to 0.1% and the level of symptomatic exposure from 20% to below 5% (consistent with the flu season ironically predicted by Fauci in March). Not only would this mean a further similar reduction in the estimated true mortality rate but it meant that there were far fewer people in the population who had never had exposure to the virus, so a far lower number who could potentially catch the virus in the future.

In short, the infamous herd immunity was much closer than previously realised.

Fig 7. Sweden’s curve flattens without lockdown

This explained why, by July, the virus had all but disappeared in populations like Sweden, New York (Fig. 7) and Wuhan (which reportedly tested its entire population of 11 million and found only 300 cases, all of which were asymptomatic) which were significantly affected by a “first wave”: if the ratio of those with IgA and T cell antibodies to IgG and IgM antibodies across population was confirmed at a factor of five then if 20% of the population had traditional IgG and IgM antibodies (such as New York with 21% and London with 17%) then the virus died out because there was simply no one left for it to infect. It followed that the virus could only survive in population samples where testing showed the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies was below 20% (and allowing for their decay probably well below).

Nobel Prize winning biological scientist Michael Levitt had already come to the same conclusion based on a different approach: he predicted that the virus would “burn out” when it had infected 15-20% of the population though based on a pattern predicted by the “Gompertz curve” which indicated that the number of deaths after the peak is roughly double those from before resulting in Levitt accurately predicting the number of Chinese and Swedish deaths, months in advance. Levitt has recently bravely predicted that US COVID will “be done in 4 weeks [25 Aug] with a total reported death below 170,000”, compared to 149,000 today.

Boyman’s theory on “IgA and T Cell immunity” explained the accuracy of Levitt’s “Gompertz curve” predictions and this was now being backed up by the empirical evidence which showed that the populations which were hit hardest with high initial rates of infection and mortality, were the ones where the virus had almost disappeared.  

Almost none of this was reported by a media which choose instead to attach the misnomer “second wave” to outbreaks of COVID infection in populations which had not yet experienced any meaningful “first wave”: the Sunbelt states in the US, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan. The irony was that the vulnerability of populations which had not yet seen meaningful infection outbreaks and therefore the fallacy of lockdown had already been predicted by Levitt and Giesecke. It was also logical that population groups where IgG and IgM antibodies were still significantly below 20% would continue to see infections.

COVID had become particularly political in the US. Despite the anomalously poor Democratic New York and New Jersey records on COVID mortality (Fig. 6), there was  hysterical reporting of rising infections, from very low levels, across Republican states (Florida, Texas and Arizona) which had largely avoided severe lockdown restrictions.

Fig 6. The Swedish Anomaly?

The same rising trend could also be observed in Democratic California which had been subject to lockdown but was largely avoided in Republican Georgia which was notable in its lockdown defiance (Fig. 10). The suspicion remains that infections will continue to rise irrespective of lockdown until populations have reached herd immunity at which point the virus will largely disappear. The anomalously high death rates of New York and New Jersey could be explained by their being affected at a much earlier stage before better understanding of hospital treatment and curtailment of infection in care homes . As hard as the lockdown fanatics looked, there was no correlation of infections or mortality to lockdown policy.

Fig 10. Analysis of US states and coronavirus

It was a clear misnomer to label rising reported infections in the US sun belt as a “second wave” if these states had never suffered from a “first wave” and rises in infection rate were a predominantly caused by more widespread testing of mostly younger people testing positive for COVID with no symptoms. It must also be borne in mind that “case numbers” are simply people reported as testing positive for COVID, almost entirely without symptoms, with no commensurate leap in hospitalisations or mortality, which has been conveniently ignored as not fitting the narrative. This also led to doubts about whether test results were being accurately reported with reports that some clinics were not reporting negative test results and others reporting cases as simply “probable infections” with individuals having some of the symptoms of COVID but not having been tested.

We must also note that although infections in Arizona, Florida and Texas have seen a similar spike to that witnessed in New York, the mortality remains mercifully lower to a substantial degree (90%) (Fig. 11) which can only be explained by rising testing of a younger population median (since the hospitalisation rate is also lower), better hospital treatment and an improved care home policy (at which New York and New Jersey were anomalously poor). Although we should clearly expect mortality rates to rise in the sun-belt states from very low levels, it is likely that overall mortality remains well below New York levels and beings to taper off when infections begin to peak (which according to Levitt is still a few weeks away).

Fig 11. COVID “first wave” infection curve of AZ/FL/TX similar to New York but mortality 90% below

We should also expect the mortality rate to reduce further as hospital treatment has evolved. We now know that invasive use of ventilators in fact caused COVID deaths which was particularly unfortunate given the initial scandalous news reports on their initial shortage and in the US questionable financial incentives for nursing staff to use ventilators. Doctors have also realised that the specific cause of death in many cases is pulmonary embolism, which can be treated though cheap and well-established blood-thinning medication. Several studies have also shown early intervention with the use of zinc and malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in combination has an immediate significantly reduced hospitalisation rate, of up to 80% and mortality by 50%. There is a great irony that the mortality rate could be reduced to almost zero by proven inexpensive drug combination, though this is not necessarily in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry which would prefer there to be a need for costly new drugs and vaccines.

Yet inexplicably we still hear the daily groupthink catechism that the only “long-term solution” to beating COVID is a vaccine, often without any understanding of the historic limitations of vaccines particularly in the immunisation against coronaviruses (there is still no vaccine against the common cold and vaccines against influenza are patchy in their effectiveness).

A significant obstacle to a successful vaccine is the rapid degradation of IgG and IgM COVID antibodies meaning that even a successful  vaccine might not give any benefit for longer than a few weeks. As the CEO of world leading testing company Roche Diagnostics recently commented:

“What appears to happen is that people do lose antibodies over time. And that of course poses the question, will vaccines actually work if you lose antibodies”.

Reports of successful antibody responses amongst healthy adults in vaccine trials should be viewed with more scepticism. It is also almost certain that any antibody response would be more difficult in population samples with impaired immune systems that are most at risk from COVID. Even an efficacious vaccine might have to be ramped in dosage that would be intolerable to those most likely to benefit from vaccination.  Leading Swiss epidemiologist Pietro Vernazza has demonstrated that the high-risk group is least likely to respond to the vaccine since their immune system is already impaired.  Whilst it is possible for vaccine trials to demonstrate antibody responses, whether these will have any practical lasting benefits in reducing COVID mortality risk which are tolerable for the population group most at risk from COVID is unlikely.

Vaccines hastily developed, rushed to market without proper trials by panicked governments ready to throw money at any promising trial candidate, creates a clear moral hazard for pharmaceutical companies and a public healthcare risk which might rival the virus itself.  We remain sceptical of biotech companies raising equity on tricked up trials, only never to deliver medication that has any practical application, or insiders dumping stock after supposedly promising “game changing” data, or even worse mandatory vaccination of a population on the basis of an erroneous assumption that herd immunity hasn’t already been reached, with the potential for dangerous and unnecessary side-effects in population groups who would otherwise (if they had not already been exposed to COVID) have been asymptomatic.

There is a notable discrepancy between binary expectations that a vaccine will solve COVID and the definition of success for those involved in developing a vaccine. According to Sarah Gilbert, who leads the Oxford Astrazeneca experimental vaccine:

“We need a vaccine with a high level of efficacy against disease, which also has a significant impact on virus transmission. It doesn’t need to cure you… We want a vaccine to stop people from going to hospital and dying. If you can do that, I think people will be pretty happy”

In other words, Gilbert’s definition of “success” was mitigation rather than cure, which better hospital treatment is already achieving anyway.

There is a more fundamental question of whether a vaccination program for the entire population is at all desirable, given that most of the population has a natural immunity, only a small cohort develops symptoms, an even smaller cohort at risk of hospitalisation and the best estimate of mortality risk from COVID now almost statistically insignificant. We are probably already at the stage in terms of hospital treatment whereby no one who does not already have existing comorbidities should die from COVID. If any vaccine does not stop transmission and comes with side-effects which may be dangerous (and could potentially cause a mortality risk where one was previously absent, such as the potential neurological damage caused to children from the vaccinations against “swine flu” a decade ago) it has to be asked whether the exclusive promotion of the vaccine solution by the pharmaceutical industry (and the advice of potentially compromised public health officials like Fauci) is now more likely to end up an investment swindle.

We now know that there was no credible “science” behind lockdown and whilst its imposition may have originally been motivated by the precautionary principle, the perpetuation of the “Spanish Flu” narrative has been a uniquely destructive, particularly considering the exclusion of healthcare provision for non-COVID illness, prolonged absence of child education, and the well-documented economic devastation. Although our understanding of COVID is by no means complete, we now know that its mortality risk can be best mitigated by the management of infection within the care home and hospital environment, better immediate treatment of hospitalised patients and sensible social distancing measures. None of this required lockdown. Nor does it require a vaccine.

The degree of intentionality behind the actions taken by governments, the media and the pharma industry is an unknown, but this continued perpetuation of that narrative in contrast to the empirical evidence is arguably the biggest fraud of all.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Here Are The Top Highlights From Ghislaine Maxwell’s Unsealed Court Records

Here Are The Top Highlights From Ghislaine Maxwell’s Unsealed Court Records

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 23:40

Dozens of exhibits related to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed Thursday evening, providing insight into allegations against the financier and his purported ‘madam,’ as well as other high-profile individuals, including Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and several other people whose names one can only guess (and the internet has).

The documents, related to a 2015 civil defamation lawsuit against Maxwell by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, were ordered to be released on July 23 by US District Judge Loretta Preska – which also included flight logs from Epstein’s private jets, as well as police reports from the multiple locations where Epstein maintained residences.

Among the findings:

Bill Clinton was allegedly on pedo island with ‘2 young girls’

Sordid details from alleged sexual encounters

Virginia Giuffre asked Comey’s FBI for evidence in their possession, and was ignored.

Of course:

Maxwell was in communication with Epstein in January of 2015 – contradicting her claim that she hadn’t been in touch with him in more than a decade.

Alan Dershowitz is mentioned several times (and has gone to great lengths to defend himself – suggesting on multiple occasions that this very document release would in exonerate him).

Dersh defends:

Epstein accuser(s) allegedly had to have sex with this guy

And former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D)

Other speculative mentions (redacted): Prince Andrew, Jean Luc Brunel, and more.

Trump is in the clear (which we’ve known for some time):

And some food for thought…

Check back for more…

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Militant Antifa Group Urges Deadly Violence Against Feds

Militant Antifa Group Urges Deadly Violence Against Feds

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 23:20


Over the weekend there were multiple shootings at “mostly peaceful” demonstrations across the US.

These tragic shootings follow an ongoing campaign of agitation, targeted political violence, and organized insurgency.

And while DNC leaders like Congressman Nadler claim this violence is “just a myth“, it is unquestionably escalating in frequency, intensity, and organization.

The latest example of this escalation comes from the Columbia, SC based far-left militia group, Civil Defense Corps. According to their website, they are actively recruiting “former infantry” and will be using these armed “Reserve Units” to “investigate hate crimes and threats against minorities as well as the LGBTQ+ community”. The group claims to be a 501(c)3 and even has a somewhat formal application process. In addition to general employment information and professional references, there are four questions for the applicant. The first two are “Are you comfortable around firearms?” and “What is your opinion on MAGA?”.

Unfortunately, this group does not stop at just recruiting armed anti-Trump extremists, they also actively use their social media accounts to coordinate offline harm. In a recent Facebook post (archive), they encouraged their followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face”.

On their Instagram page (archive), they openly flaunt their proclivity towards militancy and their affiliation with the domestic terrorist movement, Antifa.

The Facebook page (archive) of the leader of this militia group, Walid Hakim, is littered with Communist iconography and Black Lives Matter logos. And after encouraging his Facebook followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face” using his Civil Defense Corps account, he later used his personal account to encourage people to attend an upcoming protest at South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) in downtown Columbia, SC.

So what else do we know about this group? Well, they have generated some local press in which they were referred to as a “Leftist Peace Group” and they claim (archive) to have the “vocal support” of the Mayor of Columbia, Stephan Benjamin.

The Mayor’s office did not immediately respond when we reached out to confirm his support of this far-left militia group.

*  *  *

The mission of Far Left Watch is to investigate, expose, and combat the far-left and the institutions that empower them. Every dollar you contribute empowers us to be a more efficient and effective watchdog organization.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Pentagon Admits Risk Of ‘Mistakenly’ Firing Land-Based Nuclear Missiles In Rare Memo

Pentagon Admits Risk Of ‘Mistakenly’ Firing Land-Based Nuclear Missiles In Rare Memo

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 23:00

The Pentagon has made a not-so-comforting admission that its nuclear arsenal is subject to errors and ‘mistakes’ — namely the potential for land-based missiles carrying nukes to be fired by mistake.

The almost unheard of public acknowledgement of such a danger, which it should be noted (if not already obvious) could trigger global nuclear apocalypse, actually came as part of an argument for why the DoD nuclear weapons program needs much more funding and a ‘restart’:

The Trump administration, in a closely held memo to lawmakers this spring, justified developing the first new U.S. atomic weapon since the Cold War by citing vulnerabilities and risks in the current nuclear arsenal that are rarely or never acknowledged in public.

In an unclassified five-page white paper sent to Congress in May, the Pentagon and the Energy Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, or NNSA, affirm a point they have long minimized: the dangers of land-based missiles ready to launch minutes after a warning of enemy attack.

August 5, 2019 explosion near Achinsk, Russia. Via AP

Recall that in late May of this year it was revealed that the White House is actually mulling conducting the first US nuclear test since the end of the Cold War. The last was conducted 28 years ago.

Administration officials suggested it would send a strong “message” to Russia and China at a moment landmark Cold War era nuclear arms reduction treaties are unraveling, and at a moment the US hopes to revise New START to account for China’s high tech arsenal.

“The document, which was obtained by CQ Roll Call and has not previously been disclosed, makes the fullest case yet for the $14 billion W93 submarine-launched atomic warhead program and its MK7 reentry vehicle, which would cost several hundred million more dollars,” Roll Call reports.

Citing a “variety of risks” in the current nuclear arsenal and launch processes, officials described that “the W93 warhead must be funded, starting in fiscal 2021, because of what it described as perils and vulnerabilities in the Navy’s inventory of sub-launched weapons, as well as in the Air Force’s land-based missiles and bombers.” Fear of a false or accidental fire stem from the US nuclear systems being originally designed to launch minutes after a perceived enemy nuclear attack.

Via Flickr

Such arguments, even if made behind the scenes among US technicians and scientists, rarely if ever make it into the media or official reports subject to the public eye.

Further,’s Jason Ditz makes a salient point: “If this argument proves successful, it may also encourage the Pentagon to slip flaws into their future designs as a way to ensure that they can get more funding for an ultimate successor.”

But it remains that over the past decades there hasn’t been any observable major nuclear ‘accidents’ on the scale that this new Trump admin memo envisions as possible.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms?

One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms?

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 22:40

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.”

– James Madison

We have become one nation under house arrest.

You think we’re any different from the Kentucky couple fitted out with ankle monitoring bracelets and forced to quarantine at home?

We’re not

Consider what happened to Elizabeth and Isaiah Linscott.

Elizabeth took a precautionary diagnostic COVID-19 test before traveling to visit her parents and grandparents in Michigan. It came back positive: Elizabeth was asymptomatic for the novel coronavirus but had no symptoms. Her husband and infant daughter tested negative for the virus.

Now in a country where freedom actually means something, the Linscotts would have the right to determine for themselves how to proceed responsibly, but in the American Police State, we’ve only got as much freedom as the government allows.

That’s not saying much.

Indeed, it’s a dangerous time for anyone who still clings to the idea that freedom means the right to think for yourself and act responsibly according to your best judgment.

In that regard, the Linscotts are a little old-school in their thinking. When Elizabeth was asked to sign a self-quarantine order agreeing to check in daily with the health department and not to travel anywhere without prior approval, she refused.

I shouldn’t have to ask for consent because I’m an adult who can make that decision. And as a citizen of the United States of America, that is my right to make that decision without having to disclose that to somebody else,” said Elizabeth. “So, no, I wouldn’t wear a mask. I would do everything that I could to make sure that I wouldn’t come in contact with other people because of the fear that’s spreading with this. But no, I would have just stayed home, take care of my child.”

Instead of signing the blanket statement, Elizabeth submitted her own written declaration:

I will do my best to stay home, as I do every other time I get sick. But I cannot comply to having to call the public health department everytime that I need to go out and do something. It’s my right and freedoms to go where I please and not have to answer to anyone for it. There is no pandemic and with a survival rate of 99.9998% I’m fine. I will continue to avoid the elderly, just like PRIOR guidelines state, try to stay home, get rest, get medicine, and get better. I decline.

A few days after being informed that Elizabeth’s case was being escalated and referred to law enforcement, the Linscotts reportedly found their home surrounded by multiple government vehicles, government personnel and the county sheriff armed with a court order and ankle monitors.

“We didn’t rob a store,” Linscott said.

We didn’t steal something. We didn’t hit and run. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

That’s the point, of course.

In an age of overcriminalization—when the law is wielded like a hammer to force compliance to the government’s dictates whatever they might be—you don’t have to do anything wrong to be fined, arrested or subjected to raids and seizures and surveillance.

Watch and see: just as it did in China, this pandemic is about to afford the government the perfect excuse for expanding its surveillance and data collection powers at our expense.

On a daily basis, Americans are already relinquishing (in many cases, voluntarily) the most intimate details of who we are—their biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world.

COVID-19, however, takes the surveillance state to the next level.

There’s already been talk of mass testing for COVID-19 antibodies, screening checkpoints, contact tracing, immunity passports to allow those who have recovered from the virus to move around more freely, and snitch tip lines for reporting “rule breakers” to the authorities.

As Reuters reports:

As the United States begins reopening its economy, some state officials are weighing whether house arrest monitoring technology – including ankle bracelets or location-tracking apps – could be used to police quarantines imposed on coronavirus carriers. But while the tech has been used sporadically for U.S. quarantine enforcement over the past few weeks, large scale rollouts have so far been held back by a big legal question: Can officials impose electronic monitoring without an offense or a court order?

More to the point, as the head of one tech company asked, Can you actually constitutionally monitor someone who’s innocent? It’s uncharted territory.”

Except this isn’t exactly uncharted territory, is it?

It follows much the same pattern as every other state of emergency in recent years—legitimate or manufactured—that has empowered the government to add to its arsenal of technologies and powers.

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.

It doesn’t even matter what the nature of the crisis might becivil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”as long as it allows the government to justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.

It’s hard to know who to trust anymore.

Certainly, in this highly partisan age, when everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to police brutality to football is being recast in light of one’s political leanings, it can be incredibly difficult to separate what constitutes a genuine safety concern versus what is hyper-politicized propaganda.

Take the mask mandates, for example.

Currently, 19 states have not issued mask mandates in response to rising COVID-19 infection numbers. More than 30 states have enacted some form of mask requirement. A growing number of retailers, including Walmart, Target and CVS,  are also joining the mask mandate bandwagon. Georgia’s governor, in a challenge to mask requirements by local governing bodies, filed a lawsuit challenging Atlanta’s dictate that masks be worn within city limits.

In some states, such as Indiana, where masks are required but there are no penalties for non-compliance, government officials are urging people to protect themselves but not to get into confrontations over masks or turn into snitches.

In other states, such as Virginia, the Nanny State is using more strong-handed tactics to force compliance with mask mandates, including the threat of fines, jail time, surprise inspections of businesses, and complaint hotlines that encourage citizens to snitch on each other. Officials in Las Vegas deployed 100 “compliance ambassadors” to help educate and enhance enforcement of the state’s mask mandate. One couple in Knoxville, Tenn., took mask-shaming to new heights when they created a Facebook page to track compliance by businesses, employees and customers.

In Miami, “residents now risk a legal penalty if they venture into public without a face mask. The city has assigned at least 39 police officers to make sure that residents are following the city’s mandatory mask ordinance. Offenders will be warned but, if they refuse to comply, they will be fined. The first offense will cost $100 and the second another $100. With a third — God forbid — the offender will be arrested.

These conflicting and, in some cases, heavy-handed approaches to a pandemic that has locked down the nation for close to six months is turning this health crisis into an unnecessarily politicized, bureaucratic tug-of-war with no clear-cut winners to be found.

Certainly, this is not the first crisis to pit security concerns against freedom principles.

In this post-9/11 world, we have been indoctrinated into fearing and mistrusting one another instead of fearing and mistrusting the government. As a result, we’ve been forced to travel this road many, many times with lamentably predictable results each time: without fail, when asked to choose between safety and liberty, Americans historically tend to choose safety.

Failing to read the fine print on such devil’s bargains, “we the people” find ourselves repeatedly on the losing end as the government uses each crisis as a means of expanding its powers at taxpayer expense.

Whatever these mask mandates might be—authoritarian strong-arm tactics or health necessities to prevent further spread of the virus—they have thus far proven to be uphill legal battles for those hoping to challenge them in the courts as unconstitutional restrictions on their right to liberty, bodily autonomy, privacy and health.

In fact, Florida courts have upheld the mask ordinances, ruling that they do not infringe on constitutional rights and that “there is no reasonable expectation of privacy as to whether one covers their nose and mouth in public places, which are the only places to which the mask ordinance applies.”

Declaring that there is no constitutional right to infect others, Circuit Court Judge John Kastrenakes concluded that “the right to be ‘free from governmental intrusion’ does not automatically or completely shield an individual’s conduct from regulation.” Moreover, wrote Kastrenakes, constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government “do not absolve a citizen from the real-world consequences of their individual choices, or otherwise allow them to wholly skirt their social obligation to their fellow Americans or to society as a whole. This is particularly true when one’s individual choices can result in drastic, costly, and sometimes deadly, consequences to others.”

Virginia courts have also upheld mask mandates.

These court decisions take their cue from a 1905 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws.

In other words, the courts have concluded that the government has a compelling interest in requiring masks to fight COVID-19 infections that overrides individual freedoms.

Generally, the government has to show a so-called compelling state interest before it can override certain critical rights such as free speech, assembly, press, privacy, search and seizure, etc. Most of the time, the government lacks that compelling state interest, but it still manages to violate those rights, setting itself up for legal battles further down the road.

We can spend time debating the mask mandates. However, criticizing those who rightly fear these restrictions to be a slippery slope to further police state tactics will not restore the freedoms that have been willingly sacrificed on the altar of national security by Americans of all political stripes over the years.

As I’ve warned, this is a test to see how whether the Constitution—and our commitment to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights—can survive a national crisis and true state of emergency.

It must be remembered that James Madison, the “father” of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the fourth president of the United States, advised that we should “take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.

Whether or not you consider these COVID-19 restrictions to be cause for alarm, they are far from the first experiment on our liberties. Indeed, whether or not you concede that the pandemic itself is cause for alarm, we should all be alarmed by the government’s response to this pandemic.

By government, I’m not referring to one particular politician or administration but to the entire apparatus at every level that conspires to keep “we the people” fearful of one another and under virtual house arrest.

This is what we’ve all been reduced to: prisoners in our skin, prisoners in our homes, prisoners in our communities—forced to comply with the government’s shifting mandates about how to navigate this pandemic or else.

Right now, COVID-19 is the perfect excuse for the government to wreak havoc on our freedoms in the name of safety and security, but as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, don’t believe for a minute that our safety is the police state’s primary concern.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Billboard Ad Revenue Collapses As Americans Stay Home 

Billboard Ad Revenue Collapses As Americans Stay Home 

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 22:20

The unintended consequence of Americans driving less because of the virus pandemic has resulted in a collapse in billboard advertisement revenue, reported Bloomberg

Researcher Magna Global said 2Q20 billboard ad revenue is projected to plunge 40% from a year earlier. 

Wall Street estimates Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc. and Outfront Media Inc., some of the largest outdoor advertising companies, could post upwards of 50% revenue declines for 2Q. 

Current revenue growth estimates for the industry show depression in 2020 and revival in 2021. However, 2021 estimates are too optimistic. 

During lockdowns, with tens of millions of Americans confined to their couches, advertisers abandoned billboards for online advertisements. This pressured advertising companies, likely resulting in an environment where outdoor advertising remains depressed through the back half the year. 

Consultancy firm KPMG International noted, the other week, “social-distancing measures” have “dramatically cut the amount of miles Americans travel by car.” 

KPMG estimates a 10% permanent reduction of the almost 3 trillion miles driven each year, and vehicle ownership is expected to slump in the years ahead. 

The report states, the new normal could be as many as “14 million fewer cars” on US highways. Fewer cars on roads are bad news for outdoor advertising companies. 

Shown below, Atlanta’s rush-hour congestion was eliminated during lockdowns. 

TomTom Traffic data shows Atlanta’s rush-hour congestion has disappeared through July.  

Rush-hour is also non-existent in New York City. 

The overall conclusion is that advertisers will shift away from outdoor advertising spending for online options as millions of Americans stay home for various reasons, if that is because of permanent job loss or remote work, this is all terrible news for companies that own billboards. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Rickards: Americans Should Fear The “Anarchy From Above”

Rickards: Americans Should Fear The “Anarchy From Above”

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 22:00

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

Chesterton – G.K. Chesterton – once wrote of “anarchy from above.”

Anarchy. The word implies a mob amok. Anarchy implies violence. And chaos.

Anarchy implies the murder of law, of order… both borne away by the whirlwind.

American cities have been scenes of anarchy.

How else would a fellow explain Minneapolis police taking to their heels — and abandoning their base to the fiery mob — who proceeded to set it ablaze?

How else would he explain Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (presently defunct)… or “antifa’s” siege of Portland, Oregon (ongoing).

It is anarchy from below. Yet as Chesterton noted:

“It isn’t necessary that anarchy should be violent; nor is it necessary that it should come from below.”

“A Government May Grow Anarchic as Much as a People”

Thus he concludes, gravely, sternly, presciently:

“A government may grow anarchic as much as a people.”

That is, it may impose anarchy from above

Governments have shuttered America’s restaurants, ale houses, barber shops, nail salons, gymnasiums, arenas, beaches… and all places of public resort.

Governments have ordered churches to scatter their flocks — and bolt their doors.

And has the Grim Reaper called on a loved one recently?

Then you may have been unable to pay your last respects. That is because governments restricted graveside sendoffs to a handful of bereaved.

These are the grim but necessary costs of containing a pandemic, we have been told.

Yet the same governments that barred you from your sister’s funeral, that locked you out of Sunday service… have blessed the mightiest mass gatherings we have ever encountered.

We refer of course to the George Floyd protests.


15-26 million Americans swarmed the streets… each one a potential plague-spreader… in over 2,000 cities… in all 50 states of this union… plus the District of Columbia.

Authorities not only permitted these disease incubators to infest the streets — they waved them in.

That is, certain Americans can swarm in their thousands, in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands, in their millions… yet others cannot gather in their dozens to worship almighty God or plant a relative.

Reduce it to its essence. And this is what you must conclude:

The rules are arbitrary. The rules are capricious. The rules war against logic itself.

The rules likewise war against justice itself…

The umbrella of law must cover all alike. Else it is not law. It is anti-law, a travesty of law, a bonfire of law.

It is anarchy from above…

“Arbitrary Distinctions”

Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute:

The lockdown mandates employed mind-numbingly arbitrary distinctions. Wine stores and pot dispensaries were deemed “essential” and thus allowed to stay open; medical offices were required to close. Large grocery stores got the green light; small retail establishments with only a few customers each day were out of luck. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer notoriously used her red pen within megastores to bar the sale of seeds, gardening supplies, and paint.

Next we come to the “excesses” of the protests:

Government officials, having shut down commerce due to unblemished ignorance of how markets work, now enabled the torching and looting of thousands of businesses due to the shirking of their most profound responsibility: protecting civil peace.

Blue state governors and mayors ordered law enforcement to stand down or use at most (in New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s words) a “light touch” with the rioters…

Most remarkably, public officials overtly admitted to choosing the forms of assembly that would be allowed based on the content of the protesters’ speech. Mayor de Blasio explained that protests over “400 years of American racism” are not the same as a “store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services.” While the store owner or worshipper may be “understandably aggrieved,” he conceded, their grievances must still be suppressed in the name of coronavirus safety. Not the grievances of the protesters and rioters, however.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy congratulated the Black Lives Matter activists and distinguished them from mere “nail salon” entrepreneurs protesting their ongoing business stasis. The two are in “different orbits,” Murphy said.

“A Nightmare Marriage of Anarchy From Above… With Anarchy From Below”

The activist and the nail salon entrepreneur may inhabit “different orbits.”

Yet the virus circles in both. And in vastly greater quantities — we must assume — in the protesters’ circle.

Why then is the activist exempt from the rules that bind and chafe the nail salon entrepreneur?

The result is a nightmare marriage of anarchy from above… with anarchy from below.

Ms. MacDonald:

They engineered the destruction of trillions of dollars of wealth, through thoroughly arbitrary decision making. And then they stood by as billions more dollars of work burned down. Public order and safety, equal treatment under the law, stability of expectations… have been decimated.

Not Just the Blue State Politicians

Ms. MacDonald butchers and scourges blue state politicos.

And our applause is like thunder.

Yet The Daily Reckoning’s political stance is aggressively, ruthlessly, militantly neutral…

We level our darts at liberals, at conservatives, at progressives, at moderates.

That is because they all invade our peace and dignity in one form or other — as well as our wallet.

And we remind you that red state officials have also imposed arbitrary economic lockdowns and antisocial distancing dictates.

These bipartisan assaults on enterprise have yielded up to 150,000 “deaths of despair.”

These are killings by suicide, by drink, by drug, etc.

How many Americans has the virus murdered?

145,000… as the official figure runs.

Anarchy From the Very Top

Yet we have failed to mention the arbitrary, chaotic and lunatic policies of the United States government — and its central bank.

The federal budget deficit exceeded $863 billion in June alone. As our former colleague David Stockman notes…

The entire public debt was $863 billion in 1980. The federal government had required 192 years and 39 presidents to scale that inglorious height.

Thus in 30 days, David shrieks, the government of the United States borrowed nearly two centuries worth of debt.

This year’s deficit may near or exceed $5 trillion.

The Federal Reserve — meantime — has unleashed monetary bedlam…

“Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats”

It has fabricated $3 trillion in four months’ space. It may fabricate $7 trillion more by year’s end if our sources are accurate.

And who can say what additional skullduggeries it will get up to?

Are We the People granted a vote on any of it?

Wealth manager Tim Price:

Our entire central bank controlled financial system is based on the premise that unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats should be able to direct individuals’ consumption and production behavior from ivory tower conclaves.

And so it goes. And so it goes.

Here we stand in July, Anno Domini 2020…

America confronts anarchy from above, anarchy from below, anarchy to the left, anarchy to the right…

Anarchy in every direction…

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Rumors Of Structural Faults ​​​​​​​” – China’s Three Gorges Dam Could Be Nearing collapse

“Rumors Of Structural Faults ​​​​​​​” – China’s Three Gorges Dam Could Be Nearing collapse

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 21:40

Concerns are rising that China’s Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest dam, could be on the verge of collapse triggering a devastating 250-foot tidal wave that would wipe out cities, reported The Sun

Satellite image via NASA shows water moving through the Three Gorges Dam in mid-June. 

A major concern, after several weeks of raging floodwaters rushing through the dam at 60,000 cubic meters per second, is that part of the structure has shifted under enormous pressure, potentially jeopardizing the structural integrity of the dam.

Rumors of structural faults in the walls of the 14-year-old dam have grown as heavy rains deluged the swollen Yangtze River.

China’s secretive leaders – already facing a backlash over the Covid-19 pandemic which started in Wuhan in Hubei Province – have played down the threat.

But authorities are said to have quietly ordered the evacuation of 38 million Chinese in the threatened zone – equating to more than half the population of the UK.

Heavy rainfall is forecast to continue to pound the Yangtze River basin in the coming days after localized floods claimed at least 141 lives. – The Sun

Dam operators, quoted by local media, said there are two weeks before reservoirs around the dam reach maximum level. Floodgates were used earlier this week to discharge excess water but still not enough to lower water levels. 

China’s state-run Global Times quoted a local official that said the structure is “safe and in good condition.”

A CGI video published on Twitter showed a potential scenario of the dam collapse, would flood cities along the Yangtze River. 

We’ve recently highlighted speculation the dam could be set to fail.  

Three Gorges Dam Overview 

If a structural failure of the dam results in flooding conditions downstream, the Communist Party of China has a new scapegoat to blame the faltering economy, and or has the ability to wash away all the virus evidence in Wuhan, including the biosafety lab. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Do Plaintiffs from Conservative Cultural/Religious Groups (e.g., Muslims) Have More Right to Proceed Pseudonymously in Sex Assault Lawsuits??

From Doe v. Neverson, a nonprecedential opinion decided today by the Eleventh Circuit (Judges Wilson, Jordan & Anderson):

The plaintiff, proceeding as “Jane Doe,” appeals the district court’s denial of her motion to proceed under a pseudonym in her sexual assault and battery action against Tremaine Aldon Neverson. Ms. Doe claims that proceeding under her real name would bring great shame to her and her family due to their religious beliefs, as well as subject her to online bullying and harassment….

Ms. Doe alleges that Mr. Neverson, an internationally acclaimed musical recording artist, sexually assaulted her while the two were partying at a nightclub in Miami on January 1, 2018. Specifically, Ms. Doe alleges that Mr. Neverson invited her to a nightclub after they spent New Year’s Eve celebrating together at the house of hip-hop mogul Sean “P. Diddy” Combs on Star Island. Upon arriving at the nightclub, Ms. Doe accompanied Mr. Neverson to a VIP table, where he forcefully placed his hand under her dress and attempted to insert his fingers into her vagina without her consent.

Doe tried to sue Neverson pseudonymously:

Ms. Doe argued that she should be permitted to proceed under a pseudonym because she will be required to disclose matters of the “utmost intimacy,” including Mr. Neverson’s sexual assault. She further asserted that she comes from a devout Muslim family from Trinidad, and the nature of the allegations would bring shame to her and her family because of their cultural and religious traditions.

In addition, Ms. Doe argued that if her identity were publicized, she and her family would be subject to online bullying, harassment, and threats. She claimed that because Mr. Neverson is a well-known music artist, this lawsuit “has made national news and has been picked up by multiple blogs and websites including The Shade Room,” and that “The Shade Room’s Instagram post of the story garnered nearly 80,000 likes and received over 7,000 comments.” She further asserted that using a pseudonym would not prejudice Mr. Neverson because she would provide him with her real name under a protective order so that he could conduct discovery and build a defense….

She also attached examples of comments made by readers of The Shade Room’s post, such as:

  • “Just another female tryna get some money from a celebrity”;
  • “Man get tf outta here … where she at #LeaveTreyAlone #ThirstTraps”;
  • “I know someone can pull up Diddys 2017 New Year’s Eve photos let’s find out who this chick is roomies”;
  • “how much would it have been if he killed the same person …”;
  • “Y’all Gon stop lying on my man, I’m ready to fight!”; and
  • “She lying. Idc who it is. She lying.”

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 10(a) requires that “every pleading” in federal court “must name all the parties.” Although this creates a “strong presumption in favor of parties proceeding in their own names … the rule is not absolute.” A party may proceed anonymously by establishing “a substantial privacy right which outweighs the ‘customary and constitutionally-embedded presumption of openness in judicial proceedings.'” …

[T]he “first step” [in the weighing] is to consider whether the party seeking anonymity “(1) is challenging government activity; (2) would be compelled, absent anonymity, to disclose information of the utmost intimacy; or (3) would be compelled, absent anonymity, to admit an intent to engage in illegal conduct and thus risk criminal prosecution.” … [W]e have also considered “whether the plaintiffs were minors, whether they were threatened with violence or physical harm by proceeding in their own names, and whether their anonymity posed a unique threat of fundamental unfairness to the defendant.” …

[I]n denying Ms. Doe’s motion, the district court reasoned that “by filing the lawsuit, [Ms. Doe] should have appreciated that the case could result in a public trial in which she would have to appear, her identity would be made public and she would have to be questioned. Consequently, the protective order [Ms. Doe] proposes would only serve to postpone the inevitable.”

It is true that the analysis of whether a plaintiff may proceed anonymously may change at different stages of the litigation. See Lawson v. Rubin (E.D.N.Y. 2019) (vacating order that initially allowed the plaintiffs to proceed under pseudonyms before trial because a different balance of interests comes into play at the trial phase when the jury will have to resolve critical issues of credibility). See also Does I thru XXIII v. Advanced Textile Corp. (9th Cir. 2000) (“We recognize that the balance between a party’s need for anonymity and the interests weighing in favor of open judicial proceedings may change as the litigation progresses.”). But it is incorrect to assume that Ms. Doe cannot proceed at trial under a pseudonym. For instance, in Francis we held that, subject to First Amendment concerns, women who were videotaped engaging in sexual conduct when they were minors were entitled to proceed anonymously at trial. The district court therefore erred in concluding that proceeding under a pseudonym is only “postpon[ing] the inevitable.”

{As Ms. Doe notes, the vast majority of civil cases are settled or dismissed before trial. One option available to the district court is to allow Ms. Doe to proceed under a pseudonym for now, subject to review at future stages in the litigation upon a motion from Mr. Neverson.}

Second, the district court concluded that Ms. Doe failed to show that the allegations involve matters of the utmost intimacy. In doing so, it rejected Ms. Doe’s argument regarding the shame the allegations would bring to her and her family due to their religious beliefs, relying on cases that hold that “personal embarrassment” is not enough to warrant proceeding anonymously in sexual assault cases. The district court is correct that “personal embarrassment” alone does not justify proceeding under a pseudonym.

But … in other cases, we have held that “social stigma” is sufficient to warrant proceeding anonymously. As we have explained, “[c]ourts have permitted plaintiffs to proceed anonymously in cases involving mental illness, homosexuality, and transsexuality” because “the social stigma attached to the plaintiff’s disclosure was found to be enough to overcome the presumption of openness in court proceedings.”

Here Ms. Doe does not just allege that the sexual assault allegations in this case might result in “personal embarrassment.” Instead, she asserts that because she is from a “devout Muslim family,” the “very nature of her allegations would be sufficient to bring harm to [herself] and shame to her family under the cultural/religious traditions that her family practices.” She supported this claim with her declaration, in which she attests that she seeks to proceed under a pseudonym in part because she “come[s] from a strict Muslim household where under [their] cultural beliefs and traditions such a sexual assault would have the tendency to bring shame and humiliation upon [her] family.” The district court erred by treating Ms. Doe’s motion as merely alleging personal embarrassment, without accounting for what she actually alleged or considering our social stigma cases.

We also note that, under our precedent, the district court may have too easily discounted evidence that Ms. Doe would be subject to threats and harassment if she were required to proceed under her real name. In Stegall, we held that the district court had to allow the plaintiffs to proceed under a pseudonym in their suit challenging prayer in school, explaining that there was evidence that the plaintiffs “may expect extensive harassment and perhaps even violent reprisals if their identities [were] disclosed[.]” That evidence consisted of local newspaper reports of public reaction to the lawsuit voiced at a school board meeting, which included threats such as “Christians must beat the evil out of these people.” As noted earlier, here Ms. Doe submitted an example of a website post about this lawsuit and eight threatening or harassing comments made by Mr. Neverson’s fans. In today’s digital age, Ms. Doe’s evidence seems similar to the news report we relied on in Stegall….

Now some courts have indeed concluded that people generally are entitled to sue pseudonymously when they are alleging sexual assaults, because those can be embarrassing for many victims. Courts have also concluded that people can sue pseudonymously when they would have faced serious public hostility, though I think that category has to be sharply limited. There’s much to be said for generally adopting such rules, regardless of the group to which the plaintiff belongs.

But here the court’s reasoning seemed to focus in large part specifically on the embarrassment and social stigma stemming from the reactions of her cultural and religious community. This suggests that the same objection brought by a nonobservant Christian or an atheist, who nonetheless felt the risk of the normal social stigma that may accompany public revelation of one’s (even involuntary) sexual contacts, might be rejected.

I understand the appeal of this approach: If the pseudonymity discussion should turn on the magnitude of the stigma that the plaintiff would face if identified, then it may be that people in different groups would face different levels of stigma.

But I’m skeptical of courts’ ability to fairly and accurately decide the cultural norms of various groups. How do you compare the likely “shame and humiliation” that a Trinidadian Muslim woman might feel from being identified as a victim of sexual assault with the shame and humiliation that might be felt by, say, an Irish-American Catholic woman (perhaps not by her family, but by herself)? Or the shame and humiliation that might be felt by a man who is claiming to have been the victim of a sexual assault by another man, and claims that in his circle such victimization is seen as particularly shameful?

Here, the plaintiff relied just on her declaration, but understandably there might be reason to doubt such statements by the plaintiff—even if the plaintiff is sincere, it’s human nature to spin such matters, even subconsciously, in one’s own preferred direction, especially when one is talking about matters of degree. (How devout is “very devout”? How “strict” is one’s “Muslim household”? In how many people’s eyes would the revelation produce “shame and humiliation” for the family?) Presumably one could try to bring in other people who are in the same community, so they can speak to whether the “sexual assault would have the tendency to bring shame and humiliation upon [plaintiff’s] family,” but who aren’t so close to the plaintiff that they are likely to be consciously or subconsciously biased in favor of giving the testimony she wants. But I doubt that this will be likely to yield consistently fair and accurate results.

The law does sometimes have to make similar subtle judgments, perhaps most analogously in deciding whether someone has a sincere religious belief that would entitle him to a religious or conscientious exemption (e.g., from the draft). But that at least calls for a yes-or-no judgment about what this particular person believes is right or wrong, rather than a judgment of degree about how some number of fellow community members will perceive things.

In any event, that’s my tentative reaction—I’d love to hear what others think.

from Latest –

Domestic Violence More Than Doubled Under Lockdowns, New Study Finds

Domestic Violence More Than Doubled Under Lockdowns, New Study Finds

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 21:20

Authored by John Miltimore via The Foundation for Economic Education,

The unintended consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns have been severe: mass unemployment, increased drug overdoses and suicides, and widespread social unrest are but a few of them.

Last week, the National Bureau of Economic Research released a paper detailing another: increased domestic violence.

Analyzing government-mandated lockdowns in India, researchers Saravana Ravindran and Manisha Shah found evidence of a 131 percent increase in complaints of domestic violence in May 2020 in “red zone districts,” or districts that experienced the strictest lockdown measures, relative to districts that had less strict measures (“green zones”).

The researchers, who used a difference-in-differences empirical strategy, found the increase in domestic violence complaints was consistent with a surge in Google search activity for terms related to domestic violence over the same period.

The authors’ findings “contribute to a growing literature on the impacts of lockdowns and stay-at-home policies on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The findings, which also found a decline in reported sexual assaults because of decreased mobility, are similar to those from research that found lockdowns led to a 100 percent increase in intimate partner violence calls in Mexico City. A study analyzing data from police departments in four US cities showed smaller increases in domestic violence, 10-27 percent, during lockdown periods.

Globally about one-third of women experience “intimate partner violence” (IPV), which negatively impacts female earnings, labor participation, earnings, mental health, and household consumption.

The global increase in domestic violence during the lockdown period has received relatively little attention, though CNN recently reported on the increase south of the US border.

In Mexico, federal lawmakers shut down most of its economy on March 23, urging people to stay indoors. Activists told the network the action spurred “an onslaught of domestic violence,” and data show 911 calls for domestic violence are up 44 percent from the same time the previous year.

“The lockdowns triggered violence in so many ways,” Perla Acosta Galindo, Director of Más Sueños A.C., a women’s community center, told CNN. “People can’t work, there’s alcoholism, overcrowding; it’s a lot.”

To some degree, the COVID pandemic has been portrayed as a morality play. Some would have you believe those who care about people support lockdowns; those who don’t care about people oppose them. We’re presented with false choices: we can support the economy or protect American lives.

These types of arguments only serve to divide. They can also obscure a basic truth: there are human costs to lockdowns, besides the economic ones, that can ravage lives just as badly as any disease.

The Washington Post, for example, recently reported on ”a hidden epidemic within the coronavirus pandemic”: drug overdoses. One Ohio coroner said he can’t process the bodies fast enough.

“We’ve literally run out of wheeled carts to put them on,” Anahi Ortiz told the paper.

Statistics suggest the trend is national in scope. Data from the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program show that overdoses were up 18 percent in March, 29 percent in April, and 42 percent in May from the same periods the previous year.

These statistics should come as no surprise. Social scientists have been writing about the deadly consequences of social isolation for years.

It’s not just higher stress levels, disrupted sleep patterns, and altered immune systems. One 2015 study determined that social isolation substantially increased the risk of stroke (32 percent) and heart disease (29 percent).

Social isolation is also linked to suicide. While there is no comprehensive 2020 data on suicides, anecdotal evidence suggests many are struggling to cope with quarantine life. In May, during the peak of the lockdowns, one California doctor told local media his hospital has seen “a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”

As the French economist Frédéric Bastiat stressed, every policy, “produces not only one effect, but a series of effects.” The immediate and intended effects are what he calls “the seen,” while the indirect, unintended consequences are “the unseen.” “The seen” usually gets all the attention, while “the unseen” often goes neglected.

In this case, “the seen” are the victims of the virus and those who hopefully avoid spreading or catching the disease because of the lockdowns. They are, without a doubt, worthy of our care and attention.

But we also must not ignore “the unseen”: the millions of human beings who, as a result of the lockdowns, have become victims of domestic violence, drug overdoses, depression, suicide, and more.

As Antony Davies and James Harrigan wrote, “The uncomfortable truth is that no policy can save lives; it can only trade lives.” It may one day be determined that the lockdowns saved more lives than they destroyed, although recent evidence suggests the correlation between lockdown severity and COVID-19 deaths is weak. But let’s not underestimate the devastating human toll of this policy.

The lives ruined or snuffed out by the lockdowns deserve better than that. They deserve to be seen.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden