No, Trump Can’t Delay the Election


Despite what he suggested in a Thursday morning tweet, President Donald Trump does not have the authority to cancel or postpone the 2020 general election. And if the election doesn’t take place for some reason, Trump would have to leave office in January.

Let’s back up. In case you haven’t seen it already, here’s the grenade the president tossed into the news cycle this morning (and has now “pinned” to the top of his Twitter profile):

Both sentences of the president’s tweet are inaccurate, but let’s take the second part first, since that’s the bit that threatens to blow a gigantic hole in 230-plus years of American democratic tradition. Election dates are set by the U.S. Constitution, by Congress, and by the states—the president has literally no authority over it.

When it comes to picking the president, there’s actually no constitutional requirement for a popular election at all. What the constitution does say is that Congress gets to pick the date by which the states must choose their presidential electors—that is, the 538 members of the electoral college. Under current law, that date is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

How the states pick those electors is up to each state legislature to decide. “While every state currently chooses its electors through popular election—where votes cast for presidential candidates are counted as votes for the electors pledged to those candidates—a state legislature could decide to select electors itself if it determined elections were infeasible,” the Congressional Research Service (CRS) noted in a March report about elections during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Indeed, it was common for legislatures to select electors without popular elections until the mid-1800s.”

The CRS reports that some state constitutions allow governors to postpone elections for emergencies, but there is no provision in the U.S. Constitution allowing federal officials to change the date unless Congress changes the law or a constitutional amendment is passed. But that’s never happened during wars, pandemics, or other national emergencies—there is no reason to think it should happen this year.

In fact, some Republicans in Congress are already rejecting the idea.

Just for fun, here’s what would happen if enough states—presumably red states—were to cancel or postpone the election, and therefore no candidate won an outright majority in the electoral college, according to that same CRS report.

In that case, the election would be decided by the House of Representatives at the start of its next term: January 6, 2021. But the current House term expires on January 3. If, hypothetically, all elections were canceled or postponed and there was no new Congress to meet on January 6, the CRS report says, that doesn’t change the fact that the incumbent president’s term ends at noon on January 20th.

“There are no provisions of law permitting a President to stay in office after this date, even in the event of a national emergency, short of the ratification of a new constitutional amendment,” according to the CRS.

In that absolute worst-case scenario, the presidential order of succession would come into play. There would be no elected vice president, so Mike Pence is out of the running. If there was a functioning House of Representatives, the new Speaker of the House would become president. If that person could not serve, the president pro tempore of the Senate—currently Sen. Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa), though that could change before January—would become the nation’s chief executive.

The bottom line: Trump can’t cancel or postpone the election, and even if the election doesn’t take place for some reason, he can’t legally remain in office.

What about the other part of Trump’s Thursday morning bombshell tweet? For starters, he suggests that there is some difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting when they are actually the same thing. Some states require that you provide an excuse when you ask for an absentee ballot, but most have now switched to no-excuse absentee balloting—otherwise known generally as “mail-in voting”—in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Either way, the process for voting is the same: you get a ballot, you fill it out, and you mail it back.

There are also a handful of states that have switched to conducting elections entirely by mail, and none of them have seen increases in voter fraud—something that is incredibly rare no matter how elections are conducted.

Regardless of what you call it or how many people participate, there’s little indication that voting by mail is some sort of scheme to defraud Republicans. Colorado is one of the states that recently switched to all-mail balloting, and the system was set up by a then-Secretary of State Wayne Williams—a Republican.

An analysis of voting patterns conducted by the Brennan Center, a legal nonprofit housed at New York University’s law school, found that that the people most likely to vote by mail in 2016 were white voters over the age of 65—a key Trump demographic.

It’s true that some states are likely to be overwhelmed by the number of absentee ballots cast this year—a month after its primary election, New York is still counting votes cast by mail—but Trump’s attempt to delegitimize mail-in voting is likely only hurting him and his party. Indeed, in June, Politico reported that registered Democrats in Florida had requested roughly 300,000 more absentee ballots than registered Republicans—a gap that the state’s Democratic Party chairman attributed to Trump’s success at tamping down Republican enthusiasm for voting by mail.

The simplest explanation for Trump’s bizarre tweet on Thursday morning is that he’s a deeply unpopular incumbent—as even he has recently admitted—who trails in the polls and doesn’t see an easy way to turn things around. Calling to delay the election, even as he is also insisting that it is safe for schools to open, comes off as hypocritical, weak, and politically self-defeating.

It’s always been obvious that Trump didn’t care to learn about the actual limits or powers of the office he holds. If he had, he would already know how ridiculous this all sounds. He’s making excuses for losing before the game is even over. It’s not dictatorial. It’s just kind of pathetic.

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D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Tells Retailers To Call the Cops on Customers Who Don’t Wear Masks


D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is advising retailers to call the police if they catch shoppers without face coverings in violation of her mask order.

Bowser’s mandateextended on July 22—requires that all persons wear a mask outside of their residence when they will be interacting with someone “for more than a fleeting time” and that “businesses, office buildings, and other establishments open to members of the public” post signage to apply that rule internally.

Videos have gone viral of shoppers across the country resisting such rules. A woman at a North Hollywood Trader Joe’s threw a fit after store attendants requested she don a mask: “Democratic pigs!” she screamed. She later claimed he was “yelling in self-defense.”

Bowser was explicit about what shopkeepers should do if they encounter anyone who flouts her own mandate. “They should call the police and the police will enforce it,” she said during a press conference yesterday.

Two things can be true: Masks are an effective tool in curbing the spread of COVID-19, and we don’t need armed agents of the state policing that behavior.

If there was ever a time when politicians should understand the latter, it’s now. The debate around police reform took center stage just last month following the late-May killing of George Floyd, who died after a former Minneapolis police officer dug his knee into Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes. Floyd was suspected of using a fake $20 bill.

Bowser herself has been supportive of efforts to improve the criminal justice system, having signed a police reform bill last week. “Black Lives Matter is very critical of police. They’re critical of me,” Bowser said shortly after renaming the street across from the White House ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza’ and commissioning a Black Lives Matter (BLM) road mural. “That doesn’t mean that I don’t see them and support the things that will make our community safe.”

Siccing police on mask-deniers is probably not the best approach to upholding her end of the bargain.

Bowser isn’t the only mayor to use cops for a mask mandate. Police in Miami have reportedly set up “mask traps,” issuing $100 tickets to those who violate the area’s mandatory order. “One woman, Johanna Gianni, says she removed her mask in the parking lot of a Publix grocery store in North Miami Beach, when a police officer approached her and wrote her a ticket for not wearing a mask,” writes Christian Britschgi. “Gianni told the Herald the parking lot was nearly empty and that she felt set up by police.”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, a Republican, explained his reasoning in a Washington Post op-ed, in a co-byline with Vin Gupta, an assistant professor of health metrics sciences and pulmonary/critical care medicine at the University of Washington Medical Center. “In short, warnings to anyone not wearing a mask need to be backed up with the threat of fines and, for chronic offenders, even arrest,” the two write. “There is no time to waste on half-measures.”

Disregarding Bowser’s order carries up to a $1,000 fine, as well as possible prosecution in D.C. Superior Court. Notably, it “shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty.” Police are similarly not required to wear them while out on patrol.

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Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate, Dies from Coronavirus Complications


Herman Cain, the pizza magnate who ran for president as a Republican in 2012, has died from COVID-19 complications, according to his official Twitter account and website. Cain was 74:

Cain had been in the hospital since earlier in July after testing positive for COVID-19. While it’s not certain where Cain was infected, he was a notable attendee at a rally for President Donald Trump’s re-election in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in late June and was photographed there not wearing a mask. Several Trump advance staffers there also tested positive for the coronavirus.

Cain was well known as a candidate for his “9-9-9” income tax proposal, a flat tax that replaced all current federal taxes with a 9 percent income, sales, and corporate tax. He was also a businessman, running Godfather’s Pizza, then later serving on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Read here how Reason summarized Cain’s platform and positions in 2011, such as they were. In a way, Cain was a precursor to Trump: a businessman with populist conservative views who attempted to use his lack of experience in politics as an advantage rather than a liability, and who spoke with almost comedic bluntness even when it resulted in people mocking him.

For about two weeks in October and November of 2011, Cain was actually the frontrunner for the Republican Party’s nomination. The volatile nomination process back then saw nearly every candidate briefly take the lead in the primary race to challenge President Barack Obama’s second term. Republican voters ultimately settled on Mitt Romney.

Trump had considered nominating Cain to a vacant seat on the Federal Reserve Board in 2019. But after it became clear that Cain did not have enough support to secure the nomination, he withdrew his name, claiming he didn’t want to have to give up his business interests in order to serve.

Cain is survived by his wife, Gloria; two children; and several grandchildren.

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Almost 30 Million Americans Went Hungry Last Week As Recovery Stalls 

Almost 30 Million Americans Went Hungry Last Week As Recovery Stalls 

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 12:25

A depressionary perfect storm continues to crush households as tens of millions of Americans are reporting they didn’t have enough to eat last week (the seven days through July 21). 

Bloomberg cites the Census Bureau’s latest weekly Household Pulse Survey, revealing almost 30 million Americans went hungry last week. About 23.9 million of 249 million respondents said they had “sometimes not enough to eat.” Around 5.42 million indicated they had “often not enough to eat.” This is the highest total of hungry Americans in the survey since early May, which was around the time when food bank lines across the country were swamped with jobless and hungry folks.  

h/t Bloomberg

Last Sunday, we noted food bank lines reemerged in Baltimore as the crisis in households persists. 

Tens of millions of folks are going hungry in mid-July as the recovery stalled in late June. At the same time, a fiscal cliff is hitting where $600-a-week federal unemployment benefits are now expiring. Another stimulus bill is set to be rolled out in the near term, but Republicans and Democrats are at odds over how large the next round should be. 

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said both parties are “nowhere close to a deal,” one day before the fiscal cliff hits. This would undoubtedly lead to a decline in overall consumption. 

“This follows a deep recession resulting from the pandemic, which put millions of Americans out of work. Unemployed Americans have been receiving an extra $600 per week benefit, which is set to expire at the end of July as Congress debates a new relief package,” Bloomberg said. 

To make matters worse, millions of Americans behind on rent payments, now face imminent eviction as an eviction moratorium expired last Friday. The disagreement on Capitol Hill about another round of stimulus means no imminent moratorium extension which could lead to an eviction wave, more massive than 2008. 

The Trump administration can pretend all they want that the economy is on the verge of re-booming for reelection purposes, pointing to the stock market of how great everything is, but everyday Americans are suffering amid the worst depression since the 1930s. 

More concerning still is the fact that, as permanent job losses affect millions, the Republican establishment may be forced (politically – in an election year) to embrace leftist doctrine (universal basic income and all its socialist overtones), just to avoid social unrest among yet another section of America (and a landslide loss in November). This has already angered Tea Party conservatives, and is perhaps among the reasons why gold is soaring to record highs as the dollar sinks.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Over 100 Police Agencies Ditch Agreement To Guard DNC

Over 100 Police Agencies Ditch Agreement To Guard DNC

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 12:05

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

The Associated Press reported Tuesday that more than 100 police agencies across the country have ditched previous agreements to provide security for the Democratic National Convention, scheduled to take place in Milwaukee in August.

The report notes that the move by cops is a reaction to Democrat responses to the anti-police unrest that has raged throughout the Summer.

“They were concerned with directives placed on the police department, including not allowing tear gas or pepper spray,” said Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales.

“It is apparent there is a lack of commitment to provide the Milwaukee Police Department with the resources it needs to ensure the safety of peaceful protesters, attendees, citizens and police personnel,” noted Wisconsin, Franklin Police Chief Rick Oliva.

“I can not send personnel if they are not properly equipped or will not be allowed to engage in appropriate actions which would ensure their safety,” Oliva added.

“I understand that use of chemical irritants and pepper spray is serious and those are to be used only when legally justified. But when you take that out of the continuum that doesn’t leave the officers much other than getting harmed or using deadly force and that’s not good for any officer or the public,” Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson also warned.

The reaction of police is hardly surprising given that Democrats have introduced reforms to hamper police, and even expressed support for calls to defund the police.

Democrat Ilhan Omar (MN) even described police as a “cancer,” adding “we are saying we don’t want your damn reforms.”

“The Minneapolis Police Department is rotten to the root, and so when we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer, and we allow for something beautiful to rise, and that reimagining allows us to figure out what public safety looks like for us,” Omar said during a speech at a protest in June.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Yale Epidemiologist Accuses Fauci Of ‘Misinformation Campaign’ Against Hydroxychloroquine; FDA Chief Notes Positive Studies

Yale Epidemiologist Accuses Fauci Of ‘Misinformation Campaign’ Against Hydroxychloroquine; FDA Chief Notes Positive Studies

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 11:45

With the science behind the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat COVID-19 far from settled, more than a few people have noted the aggressive campaign against the widely-prescribed anti-malaria drug.

The anti-HCQ push has infected Silicon Valley as well – as tech giants have been labeling pro-hydroxychloroquine content as ‘misinformation’ – most recently banishing a press conference by a group of doctors touting the drug from just about every platform.

To that end, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch has accused Dr. Anthony Fouci of waging a “misinformation campaign” against the drug, according to Just The News.

On Tuesday during an interview on “Good Morning America,” Fauci further downplayed the drug’s purported benefit, claiming that “the overwhelming prevailing clinical trials that have looked at the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine have indicated that it is not effective in [treating] coronavirus disease.

Risch, however, is sharply criticizing Fauci’s approach to evaluating the drug’s effectiveness, arguing that repeated trials and tests have shown that it is markedly effective at treating COVID-19 so long as it is administered properly. 

On Tuesday, Risch went further, charging in an interview with Just the News that Fauci is perpetrating a “misinformation campaign” in his opposition to the drug. 

Fauci “has been maintaining a studious position that only randomized controlled trial evidence has any value,” Risch said, “and everything else he calls anecdotal.” –Just The News

In a Newsweek Op-Ed published last week, Risch called HCQ “the key to defeating COVID-19,” and said it was particularly effective in conjunction with one of two antibiotics and zinc, saying it has “shown to be highly effective.”

Risch said the drug could save 100,000 lives if widely deployed.

Meanwhile, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Hahn noted that some medical observational studies “suggest a benefit” to the drug, also according to Just The News.

So the FDA looks at all what we call ‘the totality of data,’” Hahn said in a Tuesday morning radio interview with Florida radio host Drew Steele. “There are observational studies that suggest a benefit. There are five randomized trials that did not show a benefit to hydroxychloroquine, both in the prophylactic setting and in the treatment — both early and late.” –Just The News

More recently, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) announced that he would be taking “zinc, erythromycin and hydroxychloroquine” after being diagnosed with COVID-19 on Wednesday.

If you’re looking for those positive studies, click into this thread:

And for an even longer thread on positive reports involving HCQ, click this tweet:

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate, Dies from Coronavirus Complications


Herman Cain, the pizza magnate who ran for president as a Republican in 2012, has died from COVID-19 complications, according to his official Twitter account and website. Cain was 74:

Cain had been in the hospital since earlier in July after testing positive for COVID-19. While it’s not certain where Cain was infected, he was a notable attendee at a rally for President Donald Trump’s re-election in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in late June and was photographed there not wearing a mask. Several Trump advance staffers there also tested positive for the coronavirus.

Cain was well known as a candidate for his “9-9-9” income tax proposal, a flat tax that replaced all current federal taxes with a 9 percent income, sales, and corporate tax. He was also a businessman, running Godfather’s Pizza, then later serving on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Read here how Reason summarized Cain’s platform and positions in 2011, such as they were. In a way, Cain was a precursor to Trump: a businessman with populist conservative views who attempted to use his lack of experience in politics as an advantage rather than a liability, and who spoke with almost comedic bluntness even when it resulted in people mocking him.

For about two weeks in October and November of 2011, Cain was actually the frontrunner for the Republican Party’s nomination. The volatile nomination process back then saw nearly every candidate briefly take the lead in the primary race to challenge President Barack Obama’s second term. Republican voters ultimately settled on Mitt Romney.

Trump had considered nominating Cain to a vacant seat on the Federal Reserve Board in 2019. But after it became clear that Cain did not have enough support to secure the nomination, he withdrew his name, claiming he didn’t want to have to give up his business interests in order to serve.

Cain is survived by his wife, Gloria; two children; and several grandchildren.

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Gold – The Sine Qua Non Investment

Gold – The Sine Qua Non Investment

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 11:25

Authored by Egon von Greyerz via,

The global financial system has for half a century undergone an act of contortion that few believed was possible. This has led to a warped system with fake money and false markets.

Just like the picture on the below, few understand how the world can be in such a contorted position. Or is it all an illusion?

Let’s be clear, it is not just an illusion but a totally deluded and twisted system that can never be bent back into a natural shape again without destroying many vital parts.


You wonder where Veritas, the Roman goddess of truth is in all of this. Few people have realised that she has always been there throughout history although not many have noticed her in recent years. In the financial system, gold has always told the truth even when governments try to suppress or manipulate it. All financial systems have over time been destroyed by greed. Not a single fiat currency has survived in its original form.

It was Nixon (not a truth teller) who demolished the current system. Once the gold standard was abolished in 1971, it has been a free for all money printing bonanza for 50 years.


Since August 2019, the Fed and the ECB have orchestrated a crescendo of QE, requiring ever more fake money in a futile attempt to stop the inevitable collapse. As the world is now in the very end game of the current currency system, there had to be a vicious catalyst to finish it off. Sadly that came in the shape of a pandemic which the world is coping extremely badly with.


In the beginning, every country thought that they would not be affected. And once they were, they didn’t take it seriously. Also Trump initially thought that the US was too strong and mighty to be severely affected. But neither more debt nor more weapons can beat the invisible CV enemy.

The few countries that did take early stringent measures have so far escaped with much less damage. What is scandalous in this globalist era is that there has been no cooperation between countries in how to treat CV-19. It shows that all these glorious unions, like the EU for example, only work in normal times. When a crisis starts it is every man and country for himself.

The hope is now that a vaccine will solve it all. Firstly, history tells us that vaccines always take longer to develop and test than hoped. So two years seem a minimum before we have any certain results. And even so, the success rate so far of these type of vaccines are normally less than 30%.

In the meantime the number of cases and deaths worldwide are increasing rapidly. And we still have the risk of a second wave. In Spain for example it seems to have started already. I doubt that the world and the world economy will function normally a year from now.

Whatever the course the pandemic takes in the next few months, it has already had major effects on the world. Firstly there is the loss of lives and the long term effects of the disease for survivors that are often severe and chronic. Then we have permanent loss of jobs, businesses closed with major sectors like leisure and travel which will never get back to where they were. Same with retail, town centres, offices etc. And world trade will contract substantially for a very long time.


On top of the above problems, is the financial system that was already bankrupt before CV. The combination of massive printing of fake money, credit expansion to unsound debtors and bad debts will be the death knell for the system.

Accelerated money printing will ensue in a desperate attempt by governments and central banks to save the world. But printing worthless money will of course have no positive impact. Instead we will see the end of the currency system as all currencies fall to their intrinsic value of ZERO.

Governments and central banks are doing a stellar job in withholding the truth about the destruction of their country’s money. All currencies are down 98-99% measured in gold since the Fed was created in 1913. But also since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the US dollar, the Canadian, British, Australian and Swedish currencies are all down 98-99%. – See Chart below.

And if we look at the last 20 years since 2000, all currencies except for the Swiss franc are down 82-88% in real terms or gold.

No wonder that governments don’t tell their people that they are totally destroying the currency and the economy. The trend has been clear for over 100 years and accelerated since 1971 and turned exponential since 2000.


Again, history tells us the truth (Veritas is always present) but more than 99% of the population swallow the lies that governments and central banks feed them with. It is really so simple, history tells us where to look for the truth and what will happen next and gold reveals governments deceitful actions in destroying the currency and the economy.

So with two simple factors – history and gold – we can find the truth. That governments will not let the people know the truth is obvious. The truth is their biggest enemy. When any honest person becomes a politician, he turns into a spinner of yarns and a liar. In this sense, a central banker is also a politician.


But most people don’t want to hear the truth because it is uncomfortable. I and a few others have been standing on a soapbox for 20 years warning people about the destiny of the financial system and the importance of gold.

When one of my daughters got married 18 years ago, I even told the 150 guests to buy gold – quite an unconventional part of a father of the bride speech! But then I have never been accused of being conventional. Still, I doubt that a single person who attended bought gold then or has since.

Instead people invest in stocks, since they always go up. But no one has told stock investors that is has been a very poor investment. Virtually nobody knows that the Dow for example is down 70% against gold since 1999 (excluding dividends). No conventional journalist or analyst will ever mention this. They are just too lazy to check out the real facts.

The Dow – Gold ratio is today 14, having been 45 in 1999. It went down to 6 in 2011, corrected up until 2018 and has now resumed the downtrend. In 1980, Dow-Gold reached 1 to 1. The long term trend (not shown) projects a target 0.5 to 1. This means that the Dow is likely to fall at least 95% from here in real terms or gold.

So stock investors including the recent retail investor mania are in for a total shock as stocks and the economy collapse together.


Finally a word about the gold price. This week it broke the 2011 all time high of $1,920. I have never considered the $1,920 level important. Since gold has in the last couple of years made new highs in all other currencies, it was always clear that the high for gold in dollars would be breached. Only surprising that it took 11 years.

But we must remember that gold is not going up but the dollar is collapsing. Just this century the dollar has lost 85% of its value in real terms – gold.

As the dollar reaches its intrinsic value of zero in the next few years, it is obviously totally meaningless to measure gold in dollars since the price in worthless fiat currency will be infinite.

Instead we can be certain that gold will maintain its purchasing power as it has over 5,000 years. But due to the overvaluation of most assets and the undervaluation of gold, gold is likely to perform much better than just keeping up with purchasing power. The shortage of physical gold and the failure of the LBMA system and gold futures markets will be major factors in this as I discussed last week.

It is fascinating that only 0,5% of global financial assets are invested in the only asset that has held its purchasing power in history. In the next few years investors, from retail to institutional, will all want gold. GOLD will be the SINE QUA NON investment that everyone wants to own.

Future gold supply will be extremely limited and demand massive. So the only way to get hold of gold will be at prices which will be multiples of the current price, even measured in today’s money. But remember to hold physical and don’t store one ounce within the bankrupt financial system.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Has “Settle For Biden” Become The Official Democratic Campaign Slogan For 2020?

Has “Settle For Biden” Become The Official Democratic Campaign Slogan For 2020?

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/30/2020 – 11:05

What better way to get the Democratic party “fired up” for what is increasingly looking like Hillary 2.0 than to put up a website encouraging them to “settle” for the party’s nominee?

Enter the folks at Settle For Biden. 

Yes, it’s a real campaign and no, it doesn’t appear to be a joke. You can now head over to to check out the Democratic party’s latest brain child, which appears to be a campaign acknowledging the same message the organization tacitly put out back in 2016: we know our candidate sucks. 

The website reads: “If Biden wasn’t your first choice this primary season, but you’ll do anything to get Trump out of office, Settle for Biden is for you. Join us in our mission to (begrudgingly) put Joe in the White House.”

The site denotes that Settle For Biden is an organization comprised of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supporters who are simply hell bent on getting Trump out of the White House – regardless of who the Democratic candidate is. The mission statement reads: “Settle for Biden is a progressive grassroots organization comprised primarily of former Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren supporters. We firmly believe that Donald Trump is an existential threat to the future of our people, our nation, and our planet.”

It continues with brutal honesty: “We don’t like all of Joe Biden’s policies but we recognize that he is running on the most progressive platform in American history and that not supporting him would literally endanger the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans.”

In addition to its mission statement, it offers a half-assed endorsement of Biden, stating: “Former Vice President Biden will be prepared on his first day in office to restore America’s place in the global sphere. He will be prepared to bring about the unity we need in the wake of recent civil unrest spurred by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the countless other unarmed Black Americans killed by police in this country.”

“Joe Biden will restore the United States’ place in the world,” it continues. “He will be a president for every American, not just those who voted for him. Joe Biden will be a president who won’t keep us up at night. And right now, that’s the least the American people can possibly ask for.”

Yeah, if he can remember what day it is. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden