Violent Chaos Breaks Out In Hong Kong: Police Stations Set On Fire, Triads Beat Protesters, City Paralyzed

The situation in Hong Kong is rapidly deteriorating, with violence breaking out in seven locations Monday afternoon as the citywide strike continues. 

White shirted ‘triad’ members beat protesters (via SCMP)

What were supposed to be peaceful sit-ins in different districts turned into riots, “with Wong Tai Sin and Harcourt Road seeing the most intense confrontations as protesters kneel instead of flee, to shield themselves while tear gas rounds and sponge grenades rain on them,” according to SCMP

Protesters threw a suspected gasoline bomb at police after first being attacked by bricks.

Riot police used crowd control measures in at least five locations – targeting those filing the streets. 82 people were arrested for offences including rioting, unlawful assembly, assaulting a police officer, obstructing police and possession of offensive weapons. 

Fighting broke out between protesters and local residents, while reports of ‘white shirted’ men believed to be triad gang members began beating protesters as the evening devolved. 

Protesters started a fire at the Tuen Mun police station after spray painting its wall with profanities: 

In response to the unrest, Cathay Pacific airlines canceled over 150 flights and urged passengers to postpone non-essential travel according to CNN

Cathay Pacific urged customers not to fly Monday and Tuesday, and said it would waive fees for rebooking. Shares in Cathay plunged more than 4% during trading Monday.

The airline is the city’s flagship carrier. It flies about 34 million passengers every year and serves nearly 200 cities around the world from its hub at Hong Kong’s international airport.

Hong Kong Airlines, a smaller carrier, said it has canceled 32 flightsUnited Airlines said its flights were unaffected.

More than 2,300 aviation workers took part in the strike, including 1,200 Cathay cabin crew and pilots, according to the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions.

Service was suspended for more than an hour Monday morning on the Airport Express, which is a line that zips people between the airport and the city center in under 25 minutes. –CNN


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Don’t Blame Bad Parenting for the Death of 6-Year-Old Carla Neems

Carla Neems, a month shy of turning seven, was scootering home from school when she was hit by a garbage truck and killed.

A two-year inquest was held. Last week, the coroner, Tim Scott, finally issued his report. He blamed the parents, saying it was “unacceptable” that the girl was allowed to get home without them—because every heart-wrenching child tragedy, no matter how unpredictable or rare, must be deemed the fault of a bad mom or dad.

So here’s the story. It took place in New Zealand. Carla was coming home from school, which is about half a mile from her home. She had done this daily with her sisters, who are eight and ten, for a year. On May 2, 2017, she was with an older friend until the very last bit of the trip, which she made by herself. When she scootered in front of the truck, less than a block from her home, the driver didn’t see her. He has been acquitted of reckless driving.

The parents are not getting off that easy.

Coroner Scott declared, “I do not accept that it was acceptable for Carla to go to and from school in the care of her older siblings—and part of the way home alone. The siblings were too young to be vested with that responsibility. Sadly the confidence that Mr. and Mrs. Neems had about Carla’s road safety was misplaced and flies in the face of what happened.”

The problem is this: In the wake of any tragedy, it’s easy to say, “If only X hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t be mourning today.” That can make it feel as if  “X” is so inherently and (in retrospect) inevitably dangerous that it should never be allowed. When the coroner says the parents’ trust in Carla “flies in the face of what happened,” he is saying they should have known this was going to happen.

This is a cruel twist of the knife. It is also wrong. If a child falls down the stairs and dies, does that “fly in the face” of parents who thought it was okay to raise kids in two-story houses? Would the coroner call them reckless? If a child slips in the tub, does that “fly in the face” of parents stupid enough to believe it was okay for their child to take a bath?

There is no such thing as a completely risk-free life. It is unfair and cruel to blame parents for trusting the odds—for not living every second as if an anvil was about to fall on their heads.

And yet the news site Stuff has praised the coroner’s declaration, saying it will save lives:

Maybe Scott could have found more compassionate words to comfort a grieving family; maybe he felt a need to draw a line in so much unnecessary death and shock people out of their complacency.

Who is complacent when it comes to the death of a child? In fact, we are so completely shaken by this development that we have to immediately turn it into a lesson so that we don’t have to stare into the abyss that is cruel fate. And that is exactly how the Stuff editorial proceeds: “Carla’s death is not meaningless; it has inspired an honest assessment of risk that will hopefully save many lives.”

In one sense—the design of garbage trucks—that may be true. Assessors came to realize the trucks have a blind spot and have since worked to eradicate it. They’ve also made the trucks even more visible. This is great news. But a coroner stating that children should not be allowed to venture outside on their own until age eight or nine, even when parents believe they should be allowed to do so, is alarming. It’s a hallmark of paranoia, not prudence.

At Let Grow, we believe in teaching kids to take care on the streets, to stop, look, and listen, and to check both ways. We also love reflectors, and lights and bells on bikes. But when it comes to blame, we believe in mourning with the Neems, rather than cruelly pretending this was their fault.

from Latest –

8chan: Another Mass Shooting, Another Internet Purge

Authored by Kit Knightly via,

This is the third “mass casualty event” in less than a year that was immediately followed up by censorship of the internet

Last year, after the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the new social-media platform Gab was attacked in the press and bullied off the internet.

Earlier this year, following the Christ Church mosque attack, New Zealand briefly totally blocked access to several websites.

Yesterday, two men allegedly killed 30 people at a store in Dayton Ohio, and a mall in El Paso Texas.

Today 8chan has been totally shut down.

If you don’t know what 8chan is, well it’s like 4chan but without the sense of decency. If you don’t know what 4chan is, it’s like reddit went off its medication.

Both places could be, can be, kinda gross. But they could – can – also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. If you cut off the ugly parts it’s not “free speech” anymore. This is something we all know, but the media is trying to force us to forget.

The boot-licking justification of this move was, of course, spear-headed by The Guardian8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes

The hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers in the media are happy to pretend this is about “hate” and “safety”, which is obviously not true.

Take the thrust of the Guardian article:

8chan…why is a website linked to such a high death count allowed to exist on the open internet?

Wouldn’t this question be better asked of

Or maybe one of these…

Hell, going by this absurd definition of “death count” – meaning, apparently, “someone who allegedly posted there, allegedly committed a crime” – then all Facebook and twitter have staggering “death counts”.

Known war criminals use twitter every single day.

The alleged Christ Church shooting was live-streamed on Facebook (but it was 8chan that got blocked).

The Guardian itself published an opinion piece, a week ago, written by Alastair Campbell. A man with a body count 50,000x higher than the Texas shooting. That’s an El Paso every day for 137 years.

This isn’t about hate, they’re fine with hate. This isn’t about blood, they love blood.

8chan was no more hateful or bloody than any website on that list, so what was the real problem with it?

It was anonymous, fringe and uncontrollable.

It was free. Now it’s not. Any one of us could be next.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Here Comes The “Extreme Negative Gamma” Selling Avalanche

Last Friday, when describing the period which he called “the most manic 36 hours of trading in my 18 year career“, Nomura’s Charlie McElligott hit the nail on the head as to the two main reasons why risk assets are tumbling today alongside the dramatic spike in the VIX:

  1. Dealers were clearly “Short Gamma” in Index / ETF at the start of the month, and
  2. Dealers are clearly “Short Vol” in-bulk, thanks to the “50 Cent” VIX upside flows which have been trading in SIZE over the past few weeks.

In addition to dealers being off side, McElligott cautioned that systematic VIX Roll-down players in recent weeks had also reapplied significant size to the “Short Vol” trade, as per VIX futures positioning—thus, with the curve again “inverted,” they will be forced / unemotional hedging of these front-end shorts in UX1 and UX2 (none of this is surprising to those who read our piece from last weekend which found that, contrary to conventional wisdom, stocks were actually massively overbought across the board, according to JPMorgan data).

So fast forward to today, when after a hectic weekend, Charlie can soon tack on another 24 hours to “the most manic period”, because as he writes in his blitz post-mortem this morning, risk and safe haven assets are undergoing “extreme moves”, following the Chinese retaliation “double-whammy”, which initially spooked markets on the Sunday reopen, as reports stated that 1) Beijing had asked state-owned firms to suspend US crop purchases and 2) allowed the Yuan to plunge to the weakest level in more than a decade (offshore currently at 7.084)—both direct spites to the US administration, as the agricultural purchases and currency management were top priorities for the White House

While there has been debate whether the PBOC engineered or merely encouraged the overnight devaluation, semantics aside, the Nomura quant notes that the Yuan freefall has reinvigorated the “worst fears” of outright currency warfare across global CBs in “beggar thy neighbor” fashion (Japanese MoF official Takeuchi said he is watching FX markets “with a sense of urgency,” while S.Korean FX authority called the USDKRW moves “excessive, abnormal”), with the Yuan in-and-of-itself capable of triggering a global disinflationary impulse (Iron Ore in Singapore tumbled -7.0% overnight).

Looking ahead, McElligott expects the PBoC to use fixings, capital controls and potentially FX swaps with local banks (deter USD buying) in order to manage the Yuan and prevent full-fledged capital outflows / market breakdown, while at the same time try to minimize the depletion of FX reserves (as opposed to ’15 – ’16), although judging by the surge in cryptos this morning, Beijing’s bitcoin firewall has some very serious holes in it.

Further, as the Nomura quant points out, MNI has a PBoC “advisor sources” piece out stating that that the central bank may allow Yuan to weaken further if the US continues to play tough in trade negotiations; However, depreciation should be limited for now as authorities would step in to to limit heavy selling should it pose a threat to financial markets or trigger capital outflow.

There was a modest improvement in risk sentiment around at 530am ET, following headline reports from Chinese state TV that:


And while Bloomberg since clarified that it was private purchasers who stopped buying US soybeans over uncertainty in the China – US trade relationship, the “risk-off” wave has returned, oblivious of any attempt to mitigate the selloff as all eyes are now solely on the USDCNH which continues to rise, and was last trading at 7.08, leaving the PBOC with little ammo to fix the USDCNY below 7.00 on Tuesday.

As a result, the “risk-off” was extreme and as Nomura notes, has largely held:

  • 10Y UST nominal yields plunged to near 3-year lows;
  • Red Eurodollars exploded higher once-again as the cross-asset hedge of choice (Z0 +17bps at the highs of the session, largest cumulative 3d upside move since 11/01/11 @ +3.5SD);
  • Receiving across the board in Swaps via Banks- and Gamma Hedgers- as we broke-out to new multi-year levels;
  • Yen and Swiss Franc power ‘bid’ as the best performing G10 FX;
  • And as US Real Yields collapsed and the Yuan cratered, we saw Gold- and Crypto- rip higher overnight—as there is no central bank on the other side to devalue

And here comes the bad news for the dip buyers who are hopeful that the ES slide below 2,900 will form a floor to risk: as McElligott cautions, from the key risk-sentiment bellwether that is US Equities, not only did Dealer options positions in S&P- and Nasdaq- both shift “Short Gamma” by midweek (each now EXTREME with Negative $Gamma percentile rank for SPX @ just 12th %ile and QQQ @ 8th %ile), but the feedback loop on the gap lower has now triggered CTA Trend model deleveraging in each as well.

In short, that massively overbought position that we – and BofA over the weekend – warned about, is now being massively sold, which in turn is causing even more selling in a feedback loop as margined positions are force-stopped out, or as those deeply versed in trading vernacular call it, we are having a breakout of “negative gamma”:

  • The CTA model’s S&P position below 2946 (spot currently WELL-through at 2900) sees a signal cut from +100% to +66%, triggering deleveraging; the next “sell” level is at 2830, where the model would flip “Short” at a -59% position, and “Max Short” under 2714
  • The Nasdaq position already reduced on Friday below 7732 to see the signal decline from +100% to +66%; the next “sell” level is7375 where we would flip to outright “Short”
  • Russell is already -59.4% Short, more selling under 1515 to get to get to “Max Short”
  • Internationally, HSI CH and Nikkei are both back “Short” already, while Eurostoxx will deleverage & “flip Short” under 3308

And visually, this is what the extreme negative gamma that McElligott has been warning about looks like:

No wonder that Charlie picked the following title for his note today: “Never get caught “short gamma” in August.”

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Trump Slams China’s “Currency Manipulation” After PBOC Denies Competitive Devaluation

Following the collapse of the yuan overnight…

President Trump has escalated his rhetoric against China’s interventionsit lack-of-intervention, blasting “China dropped the price of their currency to an almost a historic low. It’s called ‘currency manipulation’…”

Then Trump added – clearly pushing Powell to do more: “Are you listening Federal Reserve? This is a major violation which will greatly weaken China over time!”

Trump’s response comes shortly after PBOC’s Yi Gang wrote:

Recently, some new situations have emerged in the international economic situation and trade frictions, and market expectations have also undergone some changes. Affected by this, many currencies have depreciated against the US dollar since August, and the RMB exchange rate has also been affected to some extent. This fluctuation is driven and determined by the market.

As a responsible big country, China will abide by the spirit of the G20 leaders’ summit on the exchange rate issue, adhere to the market-determined exchange rate system, not engage in competitive devaluation, and not use the exchange rate for competitive purposes. Use the exchange rate as a tool to deal with external disturbances such as trade disputes. All along, the People’s Bank of China is committed to maintaining a stable and balanced RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. This effort is believed to be obvious to all.

At present, China’s economy is stable and progressing, and its economic growth ranks among the top in the major economies, showing great resilience, potential and room for maneuver. The balance of international payments is balanced, foreign exchange reserves are sufficient, and there are more and more hedge enterprises in the foreign exchange market. The spread between China and major developed economies is in a suitable range and can support the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate.

The People’s Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange will maintain the stability and continuity of foreign exchange management policies and guarantee the legitimate and legitimate use of foreign exchange by market players such as enterprises and individuals. We will deepen reform and opening up in the foreign exchange sector, further enhance the level of liberalization and facilitation of cross-border trade and investment, and serve the development of the real economy and the new pattern of comprehensive national opening up.

Whether it is from the fundamentals of the Chinese economy or from the balance of market supply and demand, the current RMB exchange rate is at an appropriate level. Although the RMB exchange rate has fluctuated due to recent external uncertainties, I am confident that the RMB will continue to be a strong currency. The People’s Bank of China has full experience and ability to maintain the smooth operation of the foreign exchange market and keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level. 

When China devalues the yuan (or allows the market to devalue the yuan), it exports deflation to the rest of the world which is the ominous threat that central banks have been so vigorously attempting to fight.

Pretty clear to everyone – currency wars begun they have – as this feedback loop pressures Powell and The Fed to cut rates further to weaken the dollar.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“We Can’t Let Them Die In Vain”: Trump Suggest Tying Background Checks To Immigration Reform After Deadly Shootings

Following this weekend’s series of mass shootings that left roughly 30 people dead, President Trump on Monday suggested passing new gun control legislation, which could be tied to immigration reform, in a reversal from his previous stance on gun control.

“Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying this legislation with desperately needed immigration reform” Trump tweeted

In a third tweet, Trump seemed to blame the “Fake News” media for the “anger and rage” that has led to these mass shootings.

On Saturday, a gunman killed 20 people and wounded dozens more during an attack at a Walmart in El Paso. Less than a day later, another gunman killed at least nine people and wounded another two dozen in a Dayton, Ohio shooting. The shootings aren’t believed to be linked. And while the first gunman was quickly exposed as a right-wing extremist, the second has been revealed to be a leftist supporter of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The disturbed young man also revealed in his social media profiles that he was a satanist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Democrats are renewing their calls for the Senate to take up the universal background check bill that the House passed earlier this year, and by the looks of it, President Trump appears to now support that measure.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

At the Democratic Socialists of America Convention, Clapping, Chatter, and Gendered Language Are Considered Triggering

Democratic socialists earned some ridicule this weekend after video clips from their annual convention—which showed attendees objecting to clapping, disruptive chatter, and the use of gendered language on grounds that all of these things were triggering—appeared online.

One person took to the podium to thank his fellow comrades for waving their hands in the air instead of clapping, since sudden, loud noises can be harmful for the easily perturbed members of the audience.

“We have a lot of disabled comrades,” he said. He reminded everyone to “avoid hissing, avoid waving banners, there’s all sorts of things.”

It’s difficult, of course, to impose total silence on a political action conference. At one point, a convention delegate interrupted another person’s speech about “defeating capitalism” to make a “quick point of personal privilege.” This delegate began by reminding the audience that he uses “he/him” pronouns, and then implored: “Guys… please keep the chatter to a minimum,” because he is “very prone to sensory overload.” Immediately after this plea, another attendee shot back with their own point of personal privilege: “Please do not use gendered language to address everyone.” This person objected to the previous speaker’s use of the word “guys.”

It is not at all uncommon to see the DSA sidetracked by infighting over unreasonable requests related to language and disability status. In my book about modern activism—Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump—I describe how the DSA’s Medicare-for-All campaign was criticized by the DSA’s disability caucus, whose members claimed that they should have ultimate authority over issues pertaining to health and wellness. It is widely believed within progressive circles that the oppressed are the sole experts on their own oppression and that deference should be given to the most marginalized groups. In practice, this creates some weird standoffs. From my book:

Since disabled people are especially affected by health care policy, the Medicare for All group had essentially failed to let disabled people be the experts on their own oppression—an intersectionality no-no.

Amber A’Lee Frost, a Medicare for All proponent and prominent DSA member known for co-hosting the left-wing Chapo Trap House podcast, hit back, accusing her critics of trying to sabotage the movement with their “pathological anti-social behavior.” This made matters much worse: The comment was perceived as an attack on the autistic community.

Frost had committed ableism. Several dozen DSA members signed a petition demanding that she “immediately remove herself from any involvement, official or unofficial, with DSA’s Medicare for All campaign, and should she not, that she be removed.” This was necessary, because intersectionality means casting suspicion on organizing efforts if these efforts do not make the marginalized the center of attention.

No one should come away from the coverage of the DSA convention with the idea that attendees did nothing but call-out each other’s pronouns, though. Listening to the livestream I heard heated discussions about significant policy issues: criminal justice reform, supporting the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.), and combating “Lex Luthor–esque scumbag Jeff Bezos.” Of all the various factions of progressive activism, the DSA is by far the most organized, and the least likely to be derailed by culturally woke signaling.

from Latest –

Global Stocks Crash, VIX Surges, Europe Tumbles As Currency War Begins

U.S. equity futures slumped, European stocks tumbled and Asian markets were in freefall on Monday, after China finally struck back in its trade dispute with America, letting its currency plunge below the key psychological level of 7 vs the USD.

This unexpected escalation by Beijing, which sent the Yuan to a level last seen in 2008, spooked a selling panic across global risk assets, sending the S&P below 2,900, and world markets in a sea of red…

… as Treasuries, gold – and yes, cryptos – led a global bond rally as investors dashed to safer assets.

“Markets had not been expecting the latest US-China trade talks to conclude with any significant breakthrough last week, but very few expected President Trump to slap 10% tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods,” said Hussein Sayed, chief market strategist at FXTM.

In addition to the yuan devaluation, Bloomberg reported that China asked state buyers to halt their US agriculture imports. China’s US Ambassador said on Friday that if the US wants to talk about trade, then so will China, and if the US want to fight, so will China, while he added that new tariffs are an irrational and irresponsible act which Beijing will take new adequate countermeasures against. The Ambassador also commented on Hong Kong protests which he said are turning out to be violent as well as chaotic and should no longer be allowed to continue.

MSCI’s All Country World Index was down 0.7% on the day. That put it down almost 2% including Friday’s loss.

European stocks tumbled to a two-month low, suffering the biggest two-day sell-off in more than three years. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index fell as much as 2.1%, bringing the combined loss with Friday to the worst since June 2016 according to Bloomberg. An index tracking European basic resources stocks slumped as much as 3.8%, erasing its gains for the year, as iron ore and copper prices take a hit amid increasing U.S.-China trade tensions. The STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources declines as much as 3.8%, before trimming loss to 2.9% at 8:30am in London, the region’s worst-performing sector on Monday.

Ahead of Monday’s plunge, European equities had already fallen 2.5% on Friday, the most since December, after the White House dangled the prospect of new tariffs over Chinese goods. Tensions escalated further today after China responded by letting the yuan tumble and asking state-owned companies to suspend imports of U.S. agricultural products.

Earlier in the session, Asian shares suffered their steepest daily drop in 10 months, with MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan sinking 2.5% to depths not seen since late January. Japan’s Topix tumbled 1.8% to lowest close since Jan. 4 as the yen surged. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index lost 2.9% after protesters moved to shut down the city with a general strike. The Philippines’ benchmark was the region’s worst performer, dropping 3%. Investors moved to risk-off mode as the U.S.-China trade war escalated after U.S. president Donald Trump ratcheted up rhetoric by saying that he could boost levies on China to a “much higher number.” To counter the threat, China asked state-owned enterprises to suspend imports of U.S. agricultural products. South Korea’s Kospi Index declined 2.6% as the won weakened below 1,200 to the greenback for the first time since Jan. 2017.

And with S&P futures were down 1.4%, sliding below 2,900, the VIX index rose to 21.2%, its highest since May 9, while Europe’s equivalent hit its highest since early January.

“We reiterate our view to scale back equity positions to strategic allocations after strong gains year to date, amid the ongoing trade-related uncertainties,” Credit Suisse analysts wrote in a note to clients.

Meanwhile, China’s headaches persisted elsewhere, as protests continued in Hong Kong in which police fired tear gas into protesters, while Hong Kong authorities expect flight cancellations and other transport disruptions as 500k protesters plan a city-wide strike. Hong Kong Chief Executive Lam said protests have brought Hong Kong to the edge and protesters are pushing it to an extremely dangerous situation, while she added she will remain in her job to try and restore order.

The good news: Hong Kong Police said there is no chance of deploying People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers in protests… at least for now. Most recently, reports that Beijing are to announce ‘something new’ regarding Hong Kong on Tuesday, an official has stated that Beijing’s position is largely unchanged., SCMP citing a source

Looking at the carnage in currencies, the biggest mover was of course the yuan, which fell past the key level of 7 to the dollar as Chinese authorities – expected to defend the currency at that level – allowed it to break through to its lowest in the onshore market since the 2008 global financial crisis. The offshore yuan fell to its weakest since international trading of the Chinese currency began. Headed for its biggest one-day drop in four years, it was last down 1.4% at 7.0744 in offshore markets.

“Over the past couple of years, China has kept the renminbi stable against the basket, but with the renminbi TWI (trade-weighted index) now testing the lower end of the range in play since 2017, investors may turn nervous, introducing another dose of volatility,” Morgan Stanley strategists wrote in a note to clients.

The currencies of other Asian economies closely linked with China’s growth prospects also dropped: a gauge of emerging-market currencies headed for its biggest drop in about a year. South Korea’s won tumbled 1.4$, its biggest one-day loss since August 2016, while India’s rupee and Mexico’s peso felt the brunt of the pain.

Developing-nation stocks fell for a ninth day, the longest streak of losses since December 2015. “There is probably more pain to come for EM currencies” given the unwinding of carry trades, reduction in growth exposure through equities and build-up in speculative wagers, Jason Daw, the Singapore-based head of emerging-markets strategy at Societe Generale SA, wrote in a report. “The strong policy signal by China has put the renminbi back in the driver’s seat; it will be a leader in the global currency cycle for the foreseeable future.”  Sterling hovered near 2017 lows at $1.2117, pressured by concerns about Britain exiting the EU without a trade deal in place.

On the other side, the Japaness yen saw its traditional safe haven bid, rising 0.7% to its highest since a January flash crash. The Swiss franc was also boosted by safe-haven demand, despite intervention by the SNB seeking to keep appreciation minimal. Trump is also eyeing tariffs on the European Union, but has yet to make a formal announcement. The euro was 0.3% higher to the dollar at $1.1137.

Meanwhile, the stock of negative yielding debt hit new record highs as Dutch 30-year government bond yields turned negative for the first time as euro zone yields sank further amid concerns about U.S.-China trade and a no-deal Brexit. U.S. 10-year Treasury yields dived 7 basis points to 1.77%, while Germany’s 10-year bund yields fell to -0.53%. The three-month to 10-year U.S. yield curve was at its most inverted in 11 years.

In geopolitical news, Iran seized an Iraq oil tanker that was allegedly smuggling fuel in the Gulf, although the Iraq Oil Minister denied any links to the tanker. Turkey plans to carry out an operation east of the Euphrates in Syria, while US and Russia have been notified.

Finally, oil extended losses with U.S crude down 1.55% at $54.8 and Brent down 1.55% at $60.92. Gold prices jumped more than 1% to their highest in more than six years, with spot gold prices up 1.1% to $1,456.51 per ounce.

US President Trump is to address the nation on Monday (10:00 ET) and suggested that more gun control may be needed following a mass shooting incident in El Paso, Texas in which 20 were killed, while there was also a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. Other expected data include PMIs. Linde and Marriott International are among companies reporting earnings.

Market Snapshot

  • S&P 500 futures down 1.3% to 2,894.00
  • STOXX Europe 600 down 2% to 370.54
  • MXAP down 2% to 152.42
  • MXAPJ down 2.5% to 491.47
  • Nikkei down 1.7% to 20,720.29
  • Topix down 1.8% to 1,505.88
  • Hang Seng Index down 2.9% to 26,151.32
  • Shanghai Composite down 1.6% to 2,821.50
  • Sensex down 1.4% to 36,616.90
  • Australia S&P/ASX 200 down 1.9% to 6,640.30
  • Kospi down 2.6% to 1,946.98
  • German 10Y yield fell 2.2 bps to -0.517%
  • Euro up 0.3% to $1.1140
  • Italian 10Y yield fell 3.9 bps to 1.19%
  • Spanish 10Y yield fell 2.2 bps to 0.224%
  • Brent futures down 1.3% to $61.11/bbl
  • Gold spot up 1.2% to $1,457.46
  • U.S. Dollar Index down 0.2% to 97.87

Top Headline News from Bloomberg

  • China responded to Trump’s tariff threat with another escalation of the trade war on Monday, letting the yuan tumble to the weakest level in more than a decade and asking state-owned companies to suspend imports of U.S. agricultural products. Trump criticized Beijing for managing its currency unfairly and failing to keep promises to buy more U.S. crops
  • The yuan plunged beyond 7 per dollar for the first time since 2008 amid speculation Beijing was allowing currency depreciation to counter Trump’s latest tariff threat. PBOC says it’s able to keep yuan stable at a reasonable and balanced level
  • Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam warned of a “very dangerous situation” as protesters moved to shut down the Asian financial hub with a general strike on Monday after a ninth straight weekend of unrest in opposition to China’s tightening grip
  • HSBC Holdings Plc confirmed its plans to eliminate jobs, axing more than 4,000 posts and warning that senior executives will be a focus of the cutbacks. “We expect this year to have $650 million to $700 million of severance costs; that involves less than 2% of our workforce,” CFO Ewen Stevenson said in a call with analysts
  • Boris Johnson has dramatically boosted public spending since taking office, fueling speculation the U.K. prime minister is preparing not only for Brexit by Oct. 31, but a general election as well. The two are likely to be linked
  • India has revoked the special constitutional status of Kashmir in a move that’s drawn protests in parliament and risks deepening the deteriorating security relationship with rival Pakistan in the disputed region
  • Turkish banks approached the Treasury about swapping some of its local-currency bonds maturing early next year with longer-dated debt as the two sides discuss ways to soften the blow of a looming financing hump, according to four people with knowledge of the matter
  • Spanish King Felipe VI said it’s best for the nation to resolve the current political deadlock before holding new elections, newspaper El Pais reported Sunday
  • Iron ore has gone from high-flier to sinking star in a matter of weeks. Copper drops to two-year low as the latest U.S. tariffs on China fueled a global market sell-off

Asian equity markets were lower across the board as the stock rout resumed from last week’s tariff announcement by US President Trump and with retaliation from China in which it asked state-run purchasers to halt US agriculture imports, while a collapse in the CNH through the 7.00 handle also exacerbated the risk averse tone. ASX 200 (-1.7%) weakened with the trade sensitive sectors such as tech and materials front-running the declines, although gold names bucked the trend on the precious metal’s safe-haven status, while Nikkei 225 (-1.7%) was pressured by a firmer currency and several disappointing earnings including Kobe Steel and Yahoo Japan. Hang Seng (-2.8%) and Shanghai Comp. (-1.6%) also slipped amid the escalation of trade tensions with underperformance in Hong Kong as protests continued and with a 500k-strong city-wide strike said to be planned which disrupted public transport and saw more than 130 flights cancelled, while the latest Hong Kong PMI data printed at a decade low due to the impact from the ongoing disorder and trade dispute. Furthermore, a miss in Chinese Caixin Services PMI added to the glum, with the selling exacerbated after the PBoC weakened the reference rate which pressured CNH to a record low against the greenback past the 7.0000 level seen by some to be a sticking-point for China and in turn, raised concerns of China weaponizing its currency. Finally, 10yr JGBs were underpinned as the widespread risk averse tone spurred safe-haven buying which saw 10yr JGB futures post a record high and the 10yr yield drop to its lowest in 3 years at around -0.2%, while T-notes also found support overnight and the BoJ were present in the market today under its massive bond buying program.

Top Asian News

  • India Seeks to Revoke Special Autonomy to State of Kashmir
  • China’s Bond Market Leverage Ratio Falls on Lower Liquidity
  • Macau’s Gaming Regulator Clamps Down on Use of AI in Casinos
  • Philippines Central Bank Chief Sees 50bps Rate Cuts Rest of Year

Major European bourses have begun the week firmly in negative territory [Euro Stoxx 50 -1.4%] following on from a downbeat Asia-Pac handover after market sentiment took a hit from dwindling trade hopes as China asked state-run purchasers to halt US farm goods imports. Additionally, the collapse of the CNH to 7.0+ status vs. the USD also added further jitters to the trade-sensitive sentiment. Indices are firmly in the red but have crawled off lows in recent trade after China State Planner dismissed President Trump’s accusation that China has not bought US farm goods, adding that US and China agreed to China will purchase 14mln tonnes of soybeans from the US, with 2mln to be loaded in August. Sectors are in the red across the board with some mild resilience in defensive sectors. To the downside, miners fare the worst amid the freefall in base metal prices due to a bleaker demand outlook in the sector as protectionism ramps up. Thus, ArcelorMittal (-4.5%), Antofagasta (-3.3%), Rio Tinto (-2.4%), and Anglo American (-3.5%) have all fallen to the foot of their respective bourses. However, Fresnillo (+4.0%) bucks the miners’ trend as the Co. benefits from the safe-haven surge in gold prices. European luxury names and the auto sectors are also bearing the brunt of the US-China trade spat with LVMH (-2.9%), Kering (-2.1%), Volkswagen (-2.7%), Daimler (-2.5%), BMW (-2.4%) and Peugeot (-3.1%) all lower as a result. In terms of individual movers HSBC (-1.0%) shares opened lower due to the surprise stepping-down of CEO Flint, despite improvements in its metrics and the announcement of a share buyback program.

Top European News

  • U.S. Imposes More Sanctions on Russia for Chemical Agent Use; Russia’s Ruble Bucks EM Rout With Sanctions More Bark Than Bite
  • U.K. 10-Year Bond Yield Slides to Record Low on Haven Buying
  • Ascom Slumps to Six-Year Low as CEO Quits, 1H Hit by Poor Demand
  • Euro-Area Growth Momentum Slides as Industry Pain Overwhelms

In FX, the Aussie has been hit particularly hard by the Yuan’s slide through 7.0000 vs the Greenback on and offshore after the PBoC raised its official mid-point fix to 6.9225 overnight from 6.8996 last Friday. However, the sharp Cny and Cnh depreciation was sparked by reports that China has halted US agricultural produce purchases in retaliation to President Trump’s fresh tariff threat, with a softer than expected Caixin services PMI not helping as the composite PMI hit a 5 month low and Hong Kong’s headline print plunged to 42.8. All this undermining broad risk sentiment and base metals like iron or, with Aud/Usd dipping under 0.6750 at worst in the run up to the RBA policy meeting overnight with options pricing in a 50 pip break even that could expose the early January 0.6715 flash crash low if the Bank firmly flags more easing after a widely anticipated pause this time round – see the headline feed and/or Research Suite for a full preview.

  • NZD/CAD/GBP – Also victims of heightened risk aversion amidst rising US-China trade tensions, with the Kiwi down though 0.6500 at one stage vs its US peer, but holding up a bit better than the Aussie ahead of Wednesday’s RBNZ rate decision that is unanimously forecast to result in the OCR being cut by a further 25 bp to 1.25%, mainly due to supportive cross-winds as Aud/Nzd reverses through 1.0400 again. Meanwhile, the Loonie is back below 1.3200 against the backdrop of retreating crude prices and with trading volumes impaired by Canada’s Civic holiday, but the Pound has gleaned some support from another UK PMI beat and by a greater margin in services compared to manufacturing and construction. Indeed, Cable has bounced from close to 1.2100 and Eur/Gbp stopped just shy of 0.9200, though remains elevated on persistent no deal Brexit concerns.
  • CHF/JPY/EUR – In stark contrast to the above, and to the overall detriment of the US Dollar (DXY losing more post-NFP momentum and sub-98.000) the Franc, Yen and Euro are all outperforming on safe-haven grounds, with Usd/Jpy probing through 106.00 and beneath a key Fib (106.06) that could be crucial on a closing basis. Usd/Chf is under 0.9750 and Eur/Usd has rebounded firmly to 1.1150 from 1.1105 even though Eur/Chf has fallen further below 1.0900 towards 1.0850 amidst mixed Eurozone services PMIs and a bleak Sentix survey.
  • EM – Regional currencies are generally weaker vs the Buck on the aforementioned risk-off environment, but once again the Try is holding up better than rivals within a 5.5490-6175 range as the Lira responds favourably to Turkish inflation data that was not as strong as expected, plus the CBRT’s RRR moves that will culminate in a net Usd2.1 bn liquidity drain.
  • CBRT says RRR for FX deposits/participation fund have been increased by 100bps for all maturity brackets, remuneration rate for USD-denominated RR,Reserve options and Free Reserves held at the CBRT had been decreased by 100bps. (Newswires)

In commodities,WTI and Brent futures are on the backfoot due to the prospect of lower global demand amid the seemingly widening gap between US and China in trade, in turn souring sentiment. WTI now straddles north of the USD 55/bbl mark while its Brent counterpart has just reclaimed USD 61/bbl after finding a base below the round figure. Looking ahead, tomorrow sees the release of the EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook, followed by the IEA Monthly Oil Report on Friday. Elsewhere, metals markets were rattled by the latest developments in the US-China saga with spot gold jumping over 1% to a peak of 1459/oz, the highest level in six years. Meanwhile, copper prices slumped to a 2-year low, but have since crawled off lows, with the red metal increasingly threatening USD 2.5/lb to the downside. Finally, Dalian Iron ore futures hit limit down after crumbling over 6% after declining below USD 100/tonne amid demand woes from the aforementioned US-China fallout, which was exacerbated by rising stockpiles of the raw material.

US Event Calendar

  • 9:45am: Markit US Services PMI, est. 52.2, prior 52.2;  Markit US Composite PMI, prior 51.6
  • 10am: ISM Non-Manufacturing Index, est. 55.5, prior 55.1
  • 1:30pm: Fed’s Brainard Speaks on the Payment System

DB’s Jim Reid concludes the overnight wrap

Friday was very nearly the last Early Morning Reid ever. I finished up writing it early as usual, got on my bike to the station and on route got hit by a car and was flung in the air and off my bike. The guy didn’t stop at a roundabout and took me out while I was nearly exiting it. What saved me was that I was so far round the roundabout that he bashed me at an angle and into the curb and didn’t run over me. I’ve got a lot of scrapes, a sprained ankle and a heavily bruised coccyx (I hope only) from my landing. Oh and a ripped pair of GAP chinos. A van behind had a dashcam so the footage is available so you can all see for yourselves how lucky I was and judge the quality of the car driving!! I’ve put the link to the clip on my Bloomberg header or let me know and I’ll send it to you.

So I feel fortunate to see this coming week in markets. Hopefully the zen feeling of just being glad to be here carries on for a while yet! After last week’s high-octane news flow, you would naturally think things will calm down from here but markets will struggle to relax given all that’s going on. Indeed the breaking news this morning that the onshore and offshore Chinese Yuan have broken through the key level of 7.0 has caused a mini shockwave through markets already in Asia and goes to show that last week’s fallout will very much continue to dictate markets in the near term. August can be quite a difficult month as negative news flow can also be exaggerated by a lack of liquidity. So be warned. Our asset allocation team led by Binky Chadha have been raising red flags of late suggesting that the S&P 500 is still well above the 2700 or so level implied by current growth indicators. The US 10y yield is pretty much in line ( link ). However as they point out, leading indicators of growth continue to point to further slowing to come, even before taking the impact of the latest escalation into account. In their view, a resolution of the trade war, and not Fed easing, is the key for a turn-up in growth. See their latest from Friday night here ( link ). There’s also an interesting piece on how systematic strategies have been the key marginal drivers of the US market, and how their equity allocations are currently very elevated.

Back to Asia where as mentioned all the focus this morning is on the moves in the FX market. Both the onshore CNY and offshore CNH have weakened to 7.0274 and 7.0772 respectively as we go to print, moves of -1.25% and -1.45%. The PBoC have said that the moves are due to tariff expectations and protectionism and that the central bank will fight against short-term speculation on the Chinese currency and stabilize market expectations. There’s been plenty of debate as to whether China would let the currency weaken past 7.0 so this is a very significant move especially as authorities had explicitly capped a move past 7.0 following the May 5th breakdown in talks. The question for the market now is what will be the response of the US administration and will they argue for currency manipulation in offsetting the impact of the tariffs.

The significance of the moves are certainly not to be underestimated and we’re already seeing a fallout at a broader asset level in markets. The biggest falls in equity markets have been for the Hang Seng (-2.89%) and Nikkei (-2.28%) while the CSI 300 and Shanghai Comp are down -1.03% and -0.81% respectively. The Kospi is also down -2.10% and ASX -1.64% while futures on the S&P 500 and NASDAQ have dropped -1.23% and -1.58% respectively. In rates, 10y JGBs immediately dropped -2.0bps to -0.197% while Treasuries have rallied a fairly incredible -7.2bps to 1.773%. Rarely have we seen such a big move in Treasuries on a Monday morning. The short end hasn’t quite rallied as much meaning the 2s10s curve is 2.7bps flatter at 13.4bps. The market is also now pricing in 59bps of cuts by the Fed by the end of this year. Meanwhile Gold is up +0.82% while the likes of WTI oil is down -1.22%. In the rest of FX the Yen (+0.55%) and Swiss Franc (+0.38%) are the notable perceived safe-haven outperformers while the likes of the South Korea Won (-1.33%) and Mexican Peso (-0.87%) have dropped. Indeed South Korea have called the move in the Won “excessive” and “abnormal” while Japan have stated that they are watching moves in the FX market “with urgency”.

It’s worth noting that this morning China also asked state-owned companies to suspend imports of US agricultural products which is clearly adding to the negative circle of newsflow while China’s Caixin services PMI was reported as dropping 0.4pts in July to 51.6 and below expectations for 52.0.

So, no time to recover from last week and already plenty to consider and in terms of events outside of the trade war this week we’ve also got US/European earnings season continuing, albeit at a reduced pace, while data highlights include the important global services PMIs (today), German factory orders (tomorrow – after the steepest fall since Sept ‘09 last month), Q2 GDP from Japan and the UK (both Friday), Chinese trade balance for July (Thursday), and China CPI/PPI (Friday). We’ll also get monetary policy decisions from the Reserve Bank of India (Wednesday) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (Tuesday) which will be important given the ratcheting up of the trade war.

In terms of other central bankers, we’ll see the return of Fed speakers after their blackout period and last week’s FOMC. St Louis Fed President Bullard will be speaking tomorrow, followed by Chicago Fed President Evans on Wednesday. Meanwhile on Thursday, the ECB will release their latest Economic Bulletin.

Earnings season continues, although at a slower pace than last week, with 62 S&P 500 companies reporting, along with a further 78 in the STOXX 600. The highlights this week include HSBC and Linde today; Walt Disney on Tuesday; Unicredit, AIG, Commerzbank, Glencore and Booking Holdings on Wednesday; Deutsche Telekom, Zurich Insurance Group and Aviva on Thursday; and Novo Nordisk on Friday. The day by day week ahead is at the end as usual.

To recap last week, equity markets sold off following a perceived disappointing Powell FOMC press conference and the escalation of the trade war, with President Trump announcing that 10% tariffs would be placed on a further $300bn of Chinese imports from September 1st.The S&P 500 declined every day last week to finish down -3.10% for the week (-0.73% Friday), while the NASDAQ fell -3.92% (-1.32% Friday) as both indices experienced their worst week of the year so far. The Dow Jones had a slightly smaller fall however, down -2.60% (-0.37% Friday). European markets were also reeling on Friday as they reacted to Thursday evening’s tariff news, with the STOXX 600 having its worst day of the year so far, losing -2.46% on Friday, bringing its losses for the week to -3.22%.

Fixed income rallied however, as investors flocked to safety and hoped for further monetary stimulus. 10yr Treasury yields fell for a 6th consecutive session on Friday, ending the week down -22.5bps (-4.8bps Friday) to their lowest level since President Trump’s election, while ten-year bund yields fell -11.9bps (-4.6bps Friday) to a fresh all-time low. German 30-year yields fell -20.4bps last week to close at +0.5bps, and at one point intra-day on Friday actually yielded negative for the first time ever. Pretty crazy really. Other safe havens also rallied last week, with gold ending the week up +1.55% while the Japanese Yen strengthened by +1.95% against the dollar, its biggest weekly appreciation since February 2018. Credit spreads widened considerably however, with indexes of cash HY spreads in the US and Europe up +26bps and +27bps respectively (+7bps and +23bps Friday). Meanwhile, in a sign that central bank easing doesn’t seem to be persuading markets on inflation expectations, or that trade wars/growth fears outweigh them, five-year forward five-year inflation swaps fell in the US and Europe last week, down by -10.6bps (-1.7bps Friday) and -13.3bps (-8.2bps Friday) respectively to reach 2.01% in the US and 1.22% in Europe.

The other main event on Friday was the US jobs report, which came almost exactly in line with expectations at +164k (vs. +165k expected), though the prior two months were revised down by -41k. The three-month average also fell to 140k, the lowest since September 2017. Earnings rose slightly above expectations at +3.2% (vs. 3.1% expected) while the unemployment rate remained at 3.7% (vs. 3.6 expected). In more positive news, the broader U6 measure that includes those underemployed fell to 7.0%, the lowest since December 2000. From Europe, the main data release was Eurozone retail sales for June, which rose by +1.1% mom in June (vs. 0.3% expected), the strongest mom gain since November 2017. The move brings the yoy change to +2.6% (vs. +1.3% expected).

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

At the Democratic Socialists of America Convention, Clapping, Chatter, and Gendered Language Are Considered Triggering

Democratic socialists earned some ridicule this weekend after video clips from their annual convention—which showed attendees objecting to clapping, disruptive chatter, and the use of gendered language on grounds that all of these things were triggering—appeared online.

One person took to the podium to thank his fellow comrades for waving their hands in the air instead of clapping, since sudden, loud noises can be harmful for the easily perturbed members of the audience.

“We have a lot of disabled comrades,” he said. He reminded everyone to “avoid hissing, avoid waving banners, there’s all sorts of things.”

It’s difficult, of course, to impose total silence on a political action conference. At one point, a convention delegate interrupted another person’s speech about “defeating capitalism” to make a “quick point of personal privilege.” This delegate began by reminding the audience that he uses “he/him” pronouns, and then implored: “Guys… please keep the chatter to a minimum,” because he is “very prone to sensory overload.” Immediately after this plea, another attendee shot back with their own point of personal privilege: “Please do not use gendered language to address everyone.” This person objected to the previous speaker’s use of the word “guys.”

It is not at all uncommon to see the DSA sidetracked by infighting over unreasonable requests related to language and disability status. In my book about modern activism—Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump—I describe how the DSA’s Medicare-for-All campaign was criticized by the DSA’s disability caucus, whose members claimed that they should have ultimate authority over issues pertaining to health and wellness. It is widely believed within progressive circles that the oppressed are the sole experts on their own oppression and that deference should be given to the most marginalized groups. In practice, this creates some weird standoffs. From my book:

Since disabled people are especially affected by health care policy, the Medicare for All group had essentially failed to let disabled people be the experts on their own oppression—an intersectionality no-no.

Amber A’Lee Frost, a Medicare for All proponent and prominent DSA member known for co-hosting the left-wing Chapo Trap House podcast, hit back, accusing her critics of trying to sabotage the movement with their “pathological anti-social behavior.” This made matters much worse: The comment was perceived as an attack on the autistic community.

Frost had committed ableism. Several dozen DSA members signed a petition demanding that she “immediately remove herself from any involvement, official or unofficial, with DSA’s Medicare for All campaign, and should she not, that she be removed.” This was necessary, because intersectionality means casting suspicion on organizing efforts if these efforts do not make the marginalized the center of attention.

No one should come away from the coverage of the DSA convention with the idea that attendees did nothing but call-out each other’s pronouns, though. Listening to the livestream I heard heated discussions about significant policy issues: criminal justice reform, supporting the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.), and combating “Lex Luthor–esque scumbag Jeff Bezos.” Of all the various factions of progressive activism, the DSA is by far the most organized, and the least likely to be derailed by culturally woke signaling.

from Latest –

Dayton Shooter Was A Pro-Satan Leftist Who Supported Warren, Sanders, Antifa And Communism

It has been a tumultuous weekend for the country, which suffered two consecutive mass shootings over the last 48 hours in both El Paso and Dayton

And while the media was eager to quickly expose the El Paso shooter as a right-wing extremist with the implication that he is merely following Trump’s belligerent rhetoric, only few details had emerged about the Dayton, Ohio shooter although we certainly understand why the mainstream media may not have rushed to make these alleged details public – because according to, the Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren (and Bernie Sanders) supporter who advocated for socialism, communism and supported Antifa.

The shooter, Connor Betts, was 24 and from Bellbrook, Ohio. His alleged social media biography started to emerge late on Sunday night, with his Twitter page stating that he described himself as: 

“he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.”

On his alleged Twitter account, he promoted Antifa and the Democratic Socialists of America:

He also appeared to be critical of President Trump’s immigration policy, using the “concentration camp” rhetoric made popular by AOC:

The account called an Antifa terrorist who attacked an ICE facility a “martyr”:

…and also retweeted pro communist Tweets:

The account wrote that he would “happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, ‘I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.'”

He also allegedly retweeted a post about “rounding up hostages” in a video game before “shoot[ing] them all in the head”:

Other posts alluded to violence with firearms:

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

On Nov. 2, 2018, the account wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.” On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, it said “F*ck John McCain.” After Trump’s 2016 election, he allegedly Tweeted “This is bad”. 

According to his former high school classmates, he was “a bully who liked to scare women.” claimed they had verified his Twitter handle “through multiple verification factors, including a matching tattoo on both a page selfie and prominent news outlets’ pictures of Connor Betts; several family linkages to the page; similar photos, including of him and the family dog, on the page and family members’ verified accounts; and references to college and growing up in Ohio and Dayton.”

By Monday morning, Twitter had suspended the account:

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden