Second Test Of Costly US Missile-Defense System Fails

In a report that raises further questions about the US’s ability to respond to a ballistic missile attack from North Korea or one of its other adversaries, CNN said the US conducted an unsuccessful missile defense test on Wednesday.

The missile, which was launched from land in Hawaii, failed to intercept an incoming target. The Pentagon is not publicly acknowledging the failure of what’s supposed to be a crucial missile defense system. CNN’s anonymous sources blamed the Pentagon’s reticence on the upcoming Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, which are slated to begin Feb. 9.



US Department of Defense officials are trying to determine what went wrong, but so far, all the Pentagon will officially say is that a test took place.



“The Missile Defense Agency and US Navy sailors manning the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Complex (AAMDTC) conducted a live-fire missile flight test using a Standard-Missile (SM)-3 Block IIA missile launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii, Wednesday morning,” Defense Department spokesman Mark Wright said.

To be sure, the missile, which is reportedly still in development, represents a key advancement in US defense capabilities as it is designed to eventually intercept the type of intercontinental range missile that North Korea has vowed to launch against the US.

The missile is used to target intermediate range missiles from adversaries – something that Trump has claimed works “97%” of the time.

Last year, the White House requested another $4 billion in funding for the Pentagon with the express purpose of improving the US’s missile intercepts along the West Coast, Alaska and Hawaii.

As Andrei Akulov of the Strategic Culture Foundation pointed out back in October, shortly after Trump made the “97%” remark, the notion that our missile defense system will be able to stymie a North Korean nuclear missile strike is a “dangerous illusion.”

The US is pushing ahead with expansion of the nation’s homeland ballistic missile defense (BMD). The effort enjoys strong bipartisan support in Congress and among experts. Many allies place a high value on BMD cooperation with the United States. However, there are ample reasons to question the efficiency of US missile defenses, especially the capability to protect against intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

It is generally believed that it takes at least four-five interceptors to hit the target. It means President Trump is off base saying the hit probability is 97%. Prior to the ICBM test, the GMD system had successfully hit its target in only ten of 18 tests since 1999. A success rate is about 56%, not 97%. But even 56% is almost certainly an overstatement, given the less-than-realistic nature of the tests.



Defense News offered more details about the missile, identifying it as a SM-3 Block IIA. The missile was fired from an Aegis Ashore test site in Hawaii.



If confirmed, it would mark the second unsuccessful test of the Raytheon missile in the past year. It also deals a setback to US missile defense efforts as North Korea makes seemingly daily progress on it goal of striking the U.S. mainland with nuclear-armed missiles.

When reached for comment by DD, US Missile Defense Agency spokesman Mark Wright declined to comment on the outcome of the test.

“The Missile Defense Agency and U.S. Navy sailors manning the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Complex (AAMDTC) conducted a live-fire missile flight test using a Standard-Missile (SM)-3 Block IIA missile launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii, Wednesday morning,” Wright said.

As we highlighted at the time, another SM-3 Block IIA test failed in June after a sailor on the destroyer John Paul Jones mistakenly triggered the missile’s self-destruct mechanism.

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Trump Reportedly Asked Rosenstein “Are You On My Team?” Ahead Of Congressional Testimony

Ignoring objections from the FBI and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, President Donald Trump is by all accounts preparing to release the controversial “FISA memo”, which was assembled by House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes.

Top Democrats – who once echoed criticisms from inside the DOJ – now admit that the memo’s contents – once said to be “fabrications” – could prompt the firings of Rosenstein and even possibly Special Counsel Robert Mueller.



And as it so happens, with the Russia collusion narrative danging by a thread and the threatening to take what remains of the Democrats credibility with it, CNN is back with – what else? – another report fueling the tired narrative that Trump has asked those around him to take “loyalty oaths” and otherwise prove their fealty. 

This time, CNN is claiming that President Trump wanted to know whether Rosenstein was “on my team” when the deputy attorney general – who appointed Mueller to run the Russia investigation in May – approached him in December about quashing Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ document demands.

Which is interesting, because the documents that were eventually turned over following months of resistance to those demands became the inspiration for the FISA memo.

But CNN doesn’t dwell on that. Instead, it moves next to Rosenstein’s incredulous response: “Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr. President,” he reportedly said.

CNN quickly reminds us that this isn’t the first time Trump’s prediliction with loyalty has been raised by the press:

The episode is the latest to come to light portraying a President whose inquiries sometimes cross a line that presidents traditionally have tried to avoid when dealing with the Justice Department, for which a measure of independence is key. The exchange could raise further questions about whether Trump was seeking to interfere in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into potential collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia and obstruction of justice by the White House.

At the December meeting, the deputy attorney general appeared surprised by the President’s questions, the sources said. He demurred on the direction of the Russia investigation, which Rosenstein has ultimate authority over now that his boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has recused himself. And he responded awkwardly to the President’s “team” request, the sources said.

“Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr. President,” Rosenstein told Trump, the sources said. It is not clear what Trump meant or how Rosenstein interpreted the comment.

Rosenstein’s meeting with the President came as Rosenstein prepared to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. Trump appeared focused on Rosenstein’s testimony, and even reportedly fed questions to members of Congress, demanding that they ask them during Rosenstein’s testimony. Rosenstein originally incurred the president’s anger when he appointed Mueller, and the president has reportedly even considered firing him in recent weeks.

On Monday, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe surprised his colleagues and the media by announcing his early exit as deputy director, saying he would instead use the remainder of his vacation time to allow him to still collect his full pension. Reports later confirmed that he was pushed out, and also that he is under an active DOJ investigation.

And if Adam Schiff’s claim during in an interview with Reuters published earlier this evening holds any weight, Rosenstein could very well be next.

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Peter Schiff Warns “They’ve Got No More Tricks Up Their Sleeves”

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Peter Schiff recently attended the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. While he was there, he did an interview with Daniela Cambone of Kitco News and Schiff said gold is going to soar.

But Schiff (who predicted the 2008 recession) also explains why he believes now may be a good opportunity to invest in physical gold.  Schiff said that the standard sentiment shared by many is that once the Federal Reserve jacks up interest rates, gold will stay level and unaffected.  But that didn’t happen. Schiff said that the yellow metal has surprised the initial expectations that it would fall when the Fed raised rates; gold has climbed 9% since the Fed hiked last month.

Gold has not really rallied. It’s been going up, right? But it’s been creeping higher. Now, everybody expected it to fall. Everybody believed that as soon as the Fed hiked rates, gold’s gonna tank. And it didn’t tank. It rallied. -Peter Schiff

Investors tend to sell the rumor of rate hikes and buy the fact when in reality, the higher interest rates are not bearish for gold. But as Peter points out, that mindset still exists in the market.

But you know, the Fed keeps raising rates a little bit, every once in a while, and everybody still believes that, well, the Fed is raising rates, so that’s bearish for gold. So, everybody expects gold to fall, yet it continues to creep higher. But I think once it overcomes some of this resistance –  it has a lot of resistance around $1,350 – and I think if we can decisively move above that and then get above $1,400, just to make sure it’s cleared out, then I think it’s off to the races.

Schiff also touched on the optimism in the markets, as he so often does, claiming still that the tax cuts won’t help much because the size of government hasn’t shrunk.  He also says the rising interest rates will suck up the benefits of those tax cuts either way.

These tax cuts are not going to provide the economic boost that everybody believes.

I think the impact of rising interest rates and rising consumer prices will more than offset whatever benefits are to be had from the tax cuts. So, I think the economy is going to be weaker despite the tax cuts. I still think we’re heading into recession.

It’s rare to have this much optimism, but there are more problems now than there’s probably ever been, yet everybody is overlooking that. So, at some point, people are going to rush into gold, and the problem is there’s no one that’s going to rush out. So the price, I think, is just going to soar. I think you’re going to see 50 or 100 dollar moves per day up in the price of gold, once we break out.

Schiff holds firm that the consequence of the Federal Reserve manipulating the economy will be the crash of the dollar.

They actually made the bubbles bigger than the ones that popped. So now, the dollar’s collapse is going to be that much bigger, because it’s now a bigger bubble with more air to come out of it. And I think they have no more tricks up their sleeves. When this happens – it’s over.”

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GOP-Chartered Amtrak Train Crashes, Corruption Charges Against Bob Menendez Dropped, Trey Gowdy, Bob Brady Announce Retirements From Congress: P.M. Links

  • One person is dead after an Amtrak train chartered to carry Republican senators and congressmen to a retreat collided with a truck in Virginia.
  • Federal prosecutors are dropping the corruption case against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) after failing to secure a conviction at trial.
  • The director of the Centers for Disease Control, Brenda Fitzgerald, resigned in the wake of a report she had purchased tobacco stock after taking the position.
  • Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Bob Brady (D-Pa.) are the latest members of the House to announce they won’t be seeking re-election.
  • The FBI said it had “grave concerns” about the potential release of a Republican memo alleging abuse of surveillance power by… the FBI.
  • The government of Australia sold off a locked filing cabinet that contained hundreds of secret documents to a secondhand store.
  • A killer whale named


is the first to mimic human speech.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for Reason’s daily updates for more content.

from Hit & Run

Starting Today, San Francisco Is Erasing Everybody’s Misdemeanor Pot Convictions

San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón announced today that his office will proactively expunge and seal the records of misdemeanor marijuana offenders, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The office will also resentence offenders who received a felony pot conviction.

Proposition 64, the 2016 referendum item that legalized recreational marijuana in California, allows pot offenders to petition for resentencing if their crime would have received a different penalty, or no penalty at all, under the new law.

Rather than wait for petitions, Gascón’s office is searching for eligible cases.

“The district attorney said his office will dismiss and seal more than 3,000 misdemeanor marijuana convictions in San Francisco dating back to 1975,” reports the Chronicle‘s Evan Sernoffsky. His office will also likely resentence “thousands of felony marijuana cases.”

A member of the California Assembly has introduced a bill that would make all Prop. 64–related expungements and resentencings automatic.

Retroactivity is a powerful tool for righting drug war wrongs, but prosecutors are often opposed to the practice. In Colorado, another state that has legalized marijuana, Assistant Attorney General Kevin McReynolds has reportedly declared that there’s “nothing irrational about holding someone accountable for a crime under the law in effect at the time.” If voters had wanted legalization to apply retroactively, he said during a 2016 hearing on retroactivity, “all they had to do was say so.”

At the federal level, the United States Sentencing Commission voted in 2014 to let tens of thousands of federal prisoners apply for retroactive sentence reductions after the commission changed the guidelines for drug trafficking.

But Congress failed to extend retroactivity to federal crack cocaine prisoners convicted before the Fair Sentencing Act passed in 2010. The new law substantially increased the amount of crack required to trigger a mandatory minimum sentence, and the failure to make it retroactive has left thousands of prisoners serving sentences that Congress has deemed excessive.

from Hit & Run

Facebook Tumbles After Daily Users Miss, Zuck Warns “Users Spending Less Time” On Site

Amid Capitol Hill hearings, shifts in the news strategy, promoting local content, kicking out Russian spies and banning bitcoin ads, Facebook managed to beat Q4 revenue expectations, with Revenue printing st $12.97BN, above the $12.55BN estimate, however EPS missed, coming in at $1.44, below the $1.95 expected as a result of the impact of tax provision on the company, which increased by $2.27 billion.

What is more concerning is that for the first time in years, facebook daily active users missed estimates:

  • Daily active users came in at 1.40 billion, just shy of the 1.41 billion expected.
  • Monthly active users came in line with expectations at 2.13BN
  • Mobile ad revenue as a percentage of total was 89%; Facebook reported that Q4 ad revenue was $12.78 billion.

Commenting on the results, Zuckerberg said that “2017 was a strong year for Facebook, but it was also a hard one. In 2018, we’re focused on making sure Facebook isn’t just fun to use, but also good for people’s well-being and for society. We’re doing this by encouraging meaningful connections between people rather than passive consumption of content. Already last quarter, we made changes to show fewer viral videos to make sure people’s time is well spent.”

But more than the DAU and EPS miss, this is why the stock is tumbling after hours, from Zuckerberg.

“In total, we made changes that reduced time spent on Facebook by roughly 50 million hours every day. By focusing on meaningful connections, our community and business will be stronger over the long term.”

In immediate reaction the stock is sharply lower, and is dragging the Nasdaq along with it.


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Dow Soars To Best January Since 1997, Bonds’ Worst Start In 25 Years

January summed up… Bonds worst January since 1992… Dow’s best January since 1997… Dollar’s worst January since 1987…

Phew… that was quite a month…

Records busted everywhere…

And the S&P is now on a 15-month win-streak (never happened before) and is up for 22 of the last 23 months – since The Shanghai Accord in Feb 2016!!

But the month ended ugly with the last few days setting up for the S&P’s worst weekly loss since 11/4/16 (the week before the election)…

Greenspan spooked stocks this afternoon…but they were rescued into the green…


The S&P 500 has had two consecutive 50bp+ selloffs this week for the first time since 2016

Notably, The Dow has dramatically outperformed Trannies in January back to a historical resistance level…


Boeing rescued The Dow by adding around 100 points of gains today…


China continues to suffer with Shenzhen and CSI-300 now down YTD…



And Volatility’s biggest monthly jump since Aug 2015’s China Devaluation Crash…


And vols across all assets spiked in Jan…


Bonds are now the most oversold since the election in Nov 2016…


Which is understandable after the worst start to a year since 1992 (based on Lehman Agg)…



Today saw the long-end rally and short-end dump as the curve flattened dramatically…


2s30s is at its flattest since Oct 2007… January is the 6th monthly flattening in a row (9 of 10 and 12 of 13)



The Dollar Index was monkey-hammered in January – its worst January since 1987

Cable is up 5% in January and the best performing major against the dollar…


Despite the dollar weakness, Copper ended the month lower (worst since Sept) as gold, silver and crude jumped…


As Gold notably outperformed Bitcoin…


Finally, it’s been an ugly month for many cryptocurrencies, but Ethereum managed to gain 45% YTD…



Bitcoin ends back below $10,000 – suffering the worst monthly loss since Dec 2013…




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This Boring British Cops Clone May Show the Future of American Mass Surveillance

BBC’s popular reality show Traffic Cops is not so far from what a stereotype-inclined American might imagine if told “it’s like Cops, but British.” It also shows a worrying future-that-might-be of mass surveillance in America.

Traffic Cops may not be a montage of helmeted and mustachioed bobbies puffing after pickpocketing orphans on cobblestoned streets. But to American eyes, the constables of Traffic Cops do seem terribly proper and polite. Compared to the show’s ever-controversial American cousin, there’s very little shouting, wrestling, cracking of skulls, or brandishing of firearms.

In fact, to Americans used to seeing copious amounts of such activities in our cop shows, Traffic Cops (and its spinoff, Motorway Cops) can seem downright boring. Sure, you get the occasional familiar chase-bail-run-tackle sequence. But thanks to strict national restrictions on engaging in high-speed chases, pursuits often end with the cops taking down a plate number and letting the fugitive drive away.

This might sound like a pleasant alternative to American civil libertarians, but there’s a sinister twist that sours the picture: mass surveillance. The really boring thing about the show is how much time the constables spend just waiting for alerts from Britain’s driver surveillance network to pop up on their squad-car screens.

Some background: Britain’s major roads are among the most heavily surveilled on earth. Every day, more than 8,500 Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) devices placed along the country’s roads and in police vehicles read and store the location of between 25 and 35 million license plates, potentially capturing more than half of Britain’s entire population of 65 million.

Driving in the United Kingdom is also regulated more heavily than in many parts of the U.S. In addition to being licensed and insured, British drivers must pay an annual per-vehicle excise tax meant to discourage private car ownership. The Ministry of Transportation is also supposed to inspect each car annually for compliance with environmental standards.

The Ministry of Transporation and the United Kingdom’s tax collection service share all their vehicle data with a vast law enforcement data management system called the Police National Computer (PNC). All private car insurers are required to do this as well.

And the PNC is connected, of course, to the ANPR network. As such, the ANPR cameras are able to determine, within moments, the license, insurance, tax, and inspection status of every car they see. When the system spots a violation, it alerts the Traffic Cops.

Occasionally, the ANPR helps the cops recover a stolen vehicle or locate a missing person. At other times it flags cars “known to be associated with drugs,” cars possessed by people with unpaid tax debt, and cars whose owners have a history of “anti-social driving,” whatever that is.

But the great majority of the infractions it uncovers seem to involve skirting the high costs of compliance with Britain’s burdensome driving regulation scheme. To judge from the show, the typical penalty seems to be a stiff fine and seizure of the car—a punishment the cops readily explain (with exquisite politeness) is imposed purely as a deterrent.

In straight-to-camera bits filmed in the backs of police cars, “outlaw drivers” often confess that they haven’t paid their road tax or renewed their inspection because they can’t afford to, but still need to drive to get to work, take children to school, and so on. The cops nod sympathetically while writing out the ticket and calling the tow truck. These encounters typically end with frustrated driver and passenger standing by the side of the road as the constable, driving off, shakes his head sadly and reminds the audience that “driving is a privilege, not a right.”

What’s perhaps most unsettling about this routine is how mundane it all is. The whole process, played out time and time again onscreen, is swift, sanitary, official, and polite. There’s an insight here on how a whole nation quietly acquiesced to such snooping. Not only is it “for your safety,” it’s just really, really dull.

Will America’s roads be this surveilled some day? Don’t assume it can’t happen. Forty-one states already use some form of license plate reader technology, often storing the data they collect in databases that other agencies can access. If those systems were to become a British-style integrated spying system, the results would probably look a lot like Traffic Cops.

from Hit & Run

Shrinkage & The Fed’s Balance Sheet Promises

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

Remember all the hullabaloo back in September about the Federal Reserve’s decision to shrink their balance sheet? Believe it or not, it was somewhat of a big deal and many strategists were warning about the lack of support for risk markets from this action.

Here is the actual announcement from the FOMC’s press release:

Effective in October 2017, the Committee directs the Desk to roll over at auction the amount of principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury securities maturing during each calendar month that exceeds $6 billion, and to reinvest in agency mortgage-backed securities the amount of principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities received during each calendar month that exceeds $4 billion. Small deviations from these amounts for operational reasons are acceptable.

At the time I wasn’t too fussed about the action as reducing a $4.4 trillion balance sheet by $10 billion a month didn’t seem all that important.

But $10 billion is just a start. The Fed’s goal is to eventually reach $50 billion a month, with the program ending in 2020 having hopefully shrunk the balance sheet to $3 trillion.

Now as Jim Bianco likes to remind his readers, no modern economy has successfully retracted their quantitative easing program and significantly reduced their balance sheet, so if the Fed actually follows through with their plan, it will be a first.

There’s all sort of hope that both the ECB and the BoJ, will also reduce their balance sheet expansion in the coming quarters. So on a net basis, global Central Banks will go from stimulating through net quantitative easing, to quantitative tightening.

Here is a chart from BofA Merrill Lynch that predicts G4 Central Bank balance sheet expansion will peak in the 1st quarter of 2018 and then gradually shrink.

Now you might believe this is a good thing, and shouldn’t affect risk markets. In fact, you might even argue that Central Bank quantitative easing is sending the wrong signal to private sector participants, and its removal will allow the economy to grow on its own naturally. That might be the case, and for those of that persuasion, you can probably stop reading now.

I don’t believe that for one second. Although the US economy is finally standing on its own, there is no doubt in my mind that quantitative easing goosed risk assets higher in the years following the Great Financial Crisis. I still remember the initial days of quantitative easing. I would start trading and then mid-morning the stock market would get a strange bid out of nowhere. For a while I couldn’t figure out why it occurred some days and not others. Eventually, I got the Federal Reserve’s Permanent Open Market Operations schedule (POMO) and noticed a direct stock market outperformance on the days when the Fed was injecting liquidity into the system through bond purchases. I don’t know how it was so direct, but after watching and analyzing the data myself, I am 100% convinced that the Fed’s POMO gave a considerable lift to risk assets.


So if I am so sure that quantitative easing caused risk assets to be bid, why hasn’t quantitative tightening caused the opposite effect? With American stocks running like they stole something, it’s tough to argue there is any relation to the Fed’s balance sheet and US stocks recently. And yeah, for a while I assumed that the ECB and BoJ’s balance sheet had overwhelmed the Fed’s scheduled shrinkage.

But then Franz Lischka wrote this terrific post in his blog My Personal Forward Guidance that illuminated the nuances of the Fed’s balance sheet reduction.

As I wrote so often, the Fed’s QT program should be pretty negative for stocks (and high yields) and be pretty positive for US Treasuries. So far, the impact has been limited. BUT, and this may sound like a completely weird statement, I claim that QT, though running for almost 4 months now, has not yet really started. That may sound strange. The Fed has claimed that it would reduce its balance sheets, or rather its security holdings by $10 billion/months from October and $20 billion from the start of January.

So, you would expect bond holdings to be down now by almost $50 billion, which would already be somewhat significant. Well, think again. If you would look at the Fed balance sheet and you wouldn’t know that the Fed claims to reduce its size, you just wouldn’t see it.

Because instead of what you would expect, security holdings since the end of September are down merely $18 billion instead of the expected $50B (the balance sheet as a whole is down by just $14 billion). Bond holdings are still higher than they were at the end of QE and within the range where they had been ever since (shaded blue area). So, all that fuzz about QT has so far been just noise. Nothing else.

How is that possible? Well, 60% of the reduction should have come from US Treasuries ($6 billion / months in Oct-Dec, $12 billion in January). And here the Fed is actually pretty close to its plan. You just have to know that in the first and last month of each quarter the bulk of US Treasuries expires on the last trading day. Holdings are down 18.4B. That’s because most of the $12B reduction planned for January will occur on Jan. 31st. (Which may become the day when QT might actually start in honest.)

The trouble lays with the MBS holdings, which should account for 40% of the reductions. ($4B in Oct-Dec, $8B from Jan). They should now be down by almost $20 billion. Instead they are UP (!!!) by $3 billion!!! Official reason is that MBS bonds usually don’t expire on a planned day, but are most of time redeemed much earlier. (Actually, most of the MBS bonds which the Fed holds have expiry dates in the 2040s. Hardly anything would expire now.) You don’t know when and how much will be redeemed early. So, the Fed relies on estimates. And “unfortunately” the Fed estimated that much more of their holdings would be redeemed than actually where and they therefore reinvested much more than they should have. By such an amount that their holdings actually increased instead of decreased. Sounds strange? Well, for me as well. Especially if that happens not just 1 months, but for 4 months running. And with that QT has still become a non-event even towards the end of its 4th month. That may now change, as the Fed’s Treasury holdings next Wednesday should fall by almost $11 billion, which then would mark the first real noticeable change in the balance sheet. And by a huge coincidence, it would be just in Janet Yellen’s final days. She has successfully started the QT program and presided over it for months. And everything was running smoothly. Do I sound suspicious? Would you blame me if I were?

Anyway, I will look with interest what will happen in the coming weeks. Will we finally see some impact from QT? Like weakening stock prices, rising credit spreads? Stronger US Treasuries and a stronger USD? We will see. And if things will get rough later on, when QT is running at $50B /months (and planned MBS reductions far too high to continuously misestimate their redemptions in such a way that it completely changes the outcome), it will be Powell’s problem, not Yellen’s.

Even though Janet Yellen had scheduled the balance sheet to already be shrinking on her last Chairing of the FOMC meeting, it turns out that the technicalities of running a $4.4 trillion balance sheet do not allow that to be quite as easily accomplished as the Federal Reserve would like. Actually, if they were serious about reducing it, they could execute a POMO that involved a pink ticket instead of a blue one. But nah… That’s never going to happen.

And I must admit, I am partial to Franz’s thinking when he argued that quantitative tightening would be positive for US treasuries. Most pundits think the opposite. They figure that if the Fed is selling treasuries (or not buying as many), then it must be negative for bond prices. But let’s think about quantitative tightening. It’s right there in the name. Monetary tightening should be positive for long term bonds as it reduces the risk of inflation – which is a long term bond holder’s worst nightmare.

Still don’t believe me? Check out this chart of US 10-year yields with quantitative easing periods highlighted.

Notice how the QE periods had rising rates? And then as soon as the QE program ended, rates plummeted back down?

Now of course it’s not that simple. There is more that goes into the pricing of rates than whether the Fed is engaging in QE or not. But the direction is clear. QE is bond negative, and I think QT will be bond positive.

What does this mean?

I have made arguments that the monetary bonfire might finally be showing signs of igniting. There is no doubt that the amount of monetary fuel poured into the system has the possibility of exploding in an incendiary melt up. And I am not backtracking from that line of reasoning. Yet I am aware that the inflation-is-coming-better-sell-bonds-and-buy-stocks trade is crowded.

And given that the Fed is about to play catchup with their quantitative tightening program, it is probably smart to be on the lookout for a surprise that catches everyone off guard. Now don’t mistake this as a change of heart about Central Banks willingness to inflate or die. That’s going to continue. But from a shorter term trading perspective, it’s likely we are going to see some opposite action for a little while.

Everyone hates the US dollar and bonds, and is completely enamoured with equities. If the Fed finally follows through with some actual quantitative tightening, market participants could be surprised with a reversal of recent trends. I don’t know if the QT will be large enough to affect the markets. But just be open to this possibility. After all, everyone was convinced quantitative easing would never work, yet here we are. Why shouldn’t quantitative tightening have the exact opposite effect?

via RSS Tyler Durden

It’s Back: “January Was The Most Volatile Month Since The Election”

If it seems like it was just two days ago that Goldman was writing about a Great-er moderation, and showing a chart of macro volatility – across virtually everything, not just stocks – reaching V-fib levels, it’s because it was.

A lot has happened inbetween, most notably that volatility which just on Sunday night was left for dead, has made a stunning comeback, leading to another note published overnight by Goldman which breaks dramatically with the previous one, pointing out that not only did the S&P just have two consecutive 50bp+ selloffs for the first time since 2016, but that – at a time when the VIX is at a 5 month high despite the near-all time high in the S&P – January has been, on a realized vol basis, the most volatile month since Nov-2016.

Below are the detailed observations from Goldman’s Rocky Fishman:

Largest drawdown in months. While hardly a sustained drawdown, the past two days’ moves mark the largest selloff since August’s 2.2% dip and the first time the SPX has sold off 50 bp or more on consecutive days since 2016 (by far the longest ever between two such events).

Strong VIX reaction. Monday’s move drew an outsized reaction of the VIX, with the spot VIX rising 2.8 points on the 67bp S&P 500 selloff (typically the VIX would rise just over 1 point on such a move). The VIX moved less on Tuesday’s larger S&P 500 move, but the still-large two-day 3.7 point VIX move leaves the VIX at a 5-month high.

Higher SPX realized volatility, large absolute moves, and higher cross-asset volatility are consistent with a higher VIX. January will end up being the most volatile month for the S&P 500 since the 2016 presidential election. A VIX in the 14’s is reasonable given January’s 9.9% realized volatility.

Furthermore, the current VIX level is on the low extreme when compared with periods when the S&P 500 has had a 7% one-month trading range. Increased volatility in rates, credit, and FX markets is also contributing to higher SPX implied vol.

Goldman’s advice? The same as Morgan Stanley‘s: hedge before the drop, not after it.

SPX hedges remain good value; implied vol is not high in the context of recent realized. Implied volatility remains well  below its historical average and at a reasonable premium to realised vol, and the SPX has traded in a wider range recently than other underlyings with higher implied volatility. Though its implied vol has risen, China stands out from this perspective: HSCEI puts are good value.

So is Goldman doubling down on its imminent correction call and is its reco to buy putsThe answer:

Although we see no catalyst for a near-term correction, substantial drawdowns within bull markets are not uncommon, so hedging is prudent. The increased implied vol level combined with a spot price that’s still up substantially YTD points toward collars as our preferred zero-premium alternative to buying puts and put spreads.

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