Trader Warns “Cutting Global Rates Doesn’t Cure Sick People”

Trader Warns “Cutting Global Rates Doesn’t Cure Sick People”

Authored by Richard Breslow via Bloomberg,

On days like today, it’s easy to fall into one of two camps.

You can either look at every move that risk makes and declare it horribly important. Portending something lasting, momentous and dispositive. And demanding to know why someone isn’t doing something to propel stocks higher. Bounces are taken as a blow struck for justice and the wholesome functioning of asset markets as they are meant to be experienced. Sell-offs are seen as unfair.

Or you can be taken as a scold for suggesting that traders, and commentators, get a grip.

This is a moment when we should accept that the calming financial measures taken by the authorities in China were wholly appropriate for their markets and everyone else should stand down.They are trying to do what they think they need to do to prevent panic in their markets and have the ability, and willingness, to do more if it isn’t enough. But that doesn’t mean every other central bank must proactively adjust policy lest their stock markets gets antsy. I wish more people would talk about whether enough is being done to eradicate the illness and what might help rather than what can be done to keep traders mollified. As an aside, traders should take comfort from measures such as travel restrictions rather than think this incites panic as some have suggested.

On Friday, Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida, while acknowledging that the virus scare is a wild card for the economic outlook, reiterated that the U.S. economy “is in a good place.” And the current interest-rate stance can keep things “humming.” This morning, ECB Vice President Luis de Guidnos said that the euro area economy’s risks are tilted less to the downside and that the bank believes that economic activity should start to accelerate in the second or third quarter of the year. It’s doubtful they just said these things to cheerlead.

And I’m sure we all take comfort that they both made clear that their institutions are monitoring the situation. Who would expect anything less. Don’t they always do that? But expecting, let alone demanding, a monetary policy response at this point is ridiculous. If S&P 500 futures open near where they are trading this morning, the index will be up small year-to-date. Not as good a start as some had hoped, but hardly a disaster.

A look at the monthly charts shows an equity market that has been moving up impulsively. Some sort of correction could hardly come as a surprise, no matter what the news. But as futures bounced overnight, right from the get-go mind you, my inbox read like catastrophe has been, narrowly, averted. And, laughably, that traders had somehow decided that the negative price action in China’s markets wouldn’t have lasting spillover elsewhere. With the subtext being, however, as long as rate cuts remain a possibility.

China is said to be reviewing its economic growth targets and may downgrade its forecast of 2020 growth. They won’t do that today, as it’s usually something officially set in March. It makes logical sense, in any case, that they give themselves a chance to evaluate the fall-out. That’s an approach traders might consider themselves. We can’t all be experts on disease control and containment.

Last Friday, the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index had a bit of a washout. Today, it’s bid and has risen right into its resistance zone 1,198 to 1,200. It’s worth watching.

Ten-year Treasury yields got close to the meaningful 1.50% level. It was big in October and will be so now. A lot of people are looking to fade the move down here. It’s a level that is very much in play. Very hard not to nibble. Equally hard to give away your protection.

But perhaps the most important market to watch for guidance will be commodities.

The Bloomberg Commodity Index looks awful.

Whether it bounces or continues on its way may be the best indicator of where we make the next move from here in everything else.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 10:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

China Seeking “Flexibility” On Phase 1 Trade Pledges As Its Economy Grinds To A Halt

China Seeking “Flexibility” On Phase 1 Trade Pledges As Its Economy Grinds To A Halt

Last night, when we reported the plunge in the yuan below 7.00 vs the dollar – traditionally a level that has been seen as triggering the US Treasury into screaming fx manipulation – we noted that it is only a matter of time before the US and China sat down to discuss just how viable the terms of the Phase 1 remain, especially with China’s economy now expected to slow below a 5% GDP if only in the short term, as the country reels from the fallout of the Coronavirus epidemic which has led to tens of millions of Chinese citizens living under mandatory or self-imposed quarantine.

We didn’t have long to wait, because moments ago, Bloomberg reported that Chinese officials “are hoping the U.S. will agree to some flexibility on pledges in their phase-one trade deal” as Beijing tries to contain the fallout from the health crisis that has infected over 17,500 and killed over 360.

The Phase 1 trade deal which was signed on Jan. 15 – just one day before China finally started reporting virus data – and is supposed to take effect in mid-February, has a clause that states the U.S. and China will consult “in the event that a natural disaster or other unforeseeable event” delays either from complying with the agreement. It’s unclear whether China has formally requested such a consultation yet, but according to Bloomberg sources the plan “is to ask for it at some point.”

As the report goes on to note, Chinese officials are evaluating whether the target for economic growth this year should be softened as part of a broader review of how the government’s plans will be affected by the deadly virus outbreak. However, so far it does not appear that the US is rushing to concede to Chinese demands, especially since Larry Kudlow last week said that the U.S. hasn’t seen any major effects on its economy from the epidemic.

“This is principally a public health problem and the pandemic of course is in China, not the U.S.,” Kudlow said Thursday in an interview on Fox Business Network. “Insofar as the economy, we see no material impact.”

Curiously, the Bloomberg report comes about an hour after the WSJ reported that the Trump administration has been granting fewer exemptions to tariffs on Chinese imports, with the approval rate recently plunging to 3% in the third round of levies from 35% in the first two.  More from the source below:

Requests for exemptions have been made by more than 4,500 companies, which typically say they have no viable or cost-effective alternatives to Chinese products. Many companies seek more than one exemption. For just the fourth round alone, more than 8,700 requests for exemptions were made by Friday, the filing deadline.

HealthWay Family of Brands filed for 11 exemptions on electronic and other parts it imports from China to build air cleaners in Pulaski, N.Y. When the U.S. Trade Representative denied all its requests, the company was forced to lay off eight of its 48 workers and sideline plans to expand, said Vinny Lobdell Jr., the company’s global president.

“We were set to build a $2 million expansion,” said Mr. Lobdell. “We had looked at bringing 30 to 40 more jobs to the area as the Intellipure product line was growing.”

With the Trump admin playing hardball with US demands for easier tariffs, it is hard to see just why he would concede, even if China were to wrap its request as a “force majeure.”

Meanwhile, the market’s verdict on the US-China trade deal remains one of pervasive skepticism, with soybean prices – one of the main commodities Beijing agreed to purchase – reflecting rising concern about weaker demand from China. Soybeans traded in Chicago were little changed after nine straight days of declines, the longest losing streak since July 2014.

And in more bad news for Beijing, if it is indeed hoping for mercy from Trump, when asked if the virus will give the U.S. more leverage in the second phase of trade discussions with the Asian nation, Kudlow said the outbreak is “completely separate from trade, jobs and all the rest.”

“This is an issue of helping them if we can, offering our assistance, engaging with them, this is a humanitarian effort on our part — nothing to do with economic rivalries,” he said.

Ironically, so far China has refused every US proposal to help with the coronavirus epidemic: one wonders why – is it to prevent US observers from seeing just how China “handles” the flood of deaths resulting from the disease, which according to numerous sources, is far, far greater than the official number, and that Chinese officials are merely rushing to burn the bodies to avoid having to specify the true cause of death, in order to keep mortality rate calculations low and prevent an even greater panic within Chinese society.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 10:31

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Democrats Gather For Iowa Caucus, Here’s What To Expect

Democrats Gather For Iowa Caucus, Here’s What To Expect

The Iowa caucuses begin tonight at 8 p.m. ET, marking the first nominating contest of the 2020 election cycle. Democrats across the states will head to their local precinct caucus locations to vote for their desired candidate to take on Donald Trump in the November election.

Via the New York Times

There are 1,678 neighborhood locations and 87 “satellite caucuses” around the world, where delegates will be chosen for the Iowa state party convention who will be sent on to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee July 13-16 to represent their candidates.

How it works

During each caucus meeting, attendees physically group themselves by candidate, in what’s known as the “first alignment.” Any candidate who fails to garner at least 15% of the vote is declared non-viable, and their supporters can either join other groups or try to appeal to others to join them. Then, a second vote known as the “final alignment” is held to determine how delegates are awarded.

On Sunday, Democratic presidential candidates competed with the Super Bowl in a last-minute bid to appeal to Iowans. And while a Saturday night pre-caucus poll which has historically shed light on where the candidates stand was canceled due to a ‘survey error,’ Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is largely seen as the frontrunner going into Mondays contest, after an Emerson College poll on Sunday showed him with 28% support followed by Joe Biden at 21%, Pete Buttigieg at 15%, and Elizabeth Warren at 14%. That said, 34% of those polled said they could change their vote.

Notably, President Trump lost the Iowa caucus in 2016.

Public polling has shown Mr. Sanders gaining ground, and he has outspent all of the other leading Democrats on television by a wide margin in recent weeks. A New York Times polling average found Mr. Sanders and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. tied for first place in the state, with each of them collecting support from about 22 percent of likely caucusgoers. Trailing them in third and fourth place were former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. –New York Times

And if Sanders takes Iowa, he will have a good shot at carrying that momentum into New Hampshire’s primary next week – where he is already considered to have the top spot – and then on to Nevada on February 22.

Via Politico (Photo: M. Scott Mahaskey)

That said, as the Times notes, “there is still widespread concern among Democratic Party leaders and center-left primary voters about the implications of nominating a self-described democratic socialist to take on President Trump.”

His chief opponents are unlikely to give way easily: Even if he is defeated here, Mr. Biden has a strong national following among moderate voters and African-Americans, while Ms. Warren retains a sizable base among educated liberals and women. And Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, is looming as a competitor in the March primary states. –New York Times

Meanwhile, 2020 candidate Mike Bloomberg – who just got into a fight with President Trump over his height, is skipping Iowa and will instead engage in a massive advertising campaign in later-voting states.

According to the betting lines, Bloomberg is gaining ground as Biden collapses, but it’s Bernie that is becoming the strong favorite to get the Dem nod…

No wonder the DNC is working so hard against him.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 10:16


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The Trouble with Tennessee’s Lethal Injection Drugs

Tennessee plans to execute three death row inmates this year, despite serious concerns about the state’s lethal injection drugs.

The inmates facing execution are Nicholas Todd Sutton (scheduled to be killed on February 20), Oscar Franklin Smith (scheduled for June 4), and Harold Wayne Nichols (scheduled for August 4). Last week, Smith’s lawyers filed a complaint detailing problems with potassium chloride, one of drugs in the state’s three-drug protocol. The drug induces cardiac arrest, but it is possible for consciousness to continue for as long as three minutes after the heart has already stopped. Meanwhile, the intravenous injection of the drug can cause a “searing, burning” sensation throughout the veins. With the administration of paralytics, execution staff and witnesses are prevented from seeing an inmate’s true reaction to the painful process.

The complaint also includes an email between state prison officials showing that the state has been aware as early as August 2018 that the drug is not mixing properly. Administered intravenously, the compounded potassium chloride will feel like rocks entering the body. It may also fail to reach the heart, meaning that the subject could die in another, even more painful way: slowly suffocated to death by the previously administered paralytic.

Smith’s attorneys also note that the state’s supply of vecuronium bromide, the paralytic in its three-drug solution, expired in November 2019. Emails included in the complaint show that the state is interested in obtaining pentobarbital as a replacement. This may be less painful than Tennessee’s current three-drug protocol, but pentobarbital was linked to a set of botched executions in Oklahoma in 2014.

At least three death row inmates have chosen to die by electric chair since 2018, believing the state’s three-drug protocol to be a worse fate.

“This whole question of how we kill our prisoners is sort of a sideshow when the system is as broken as it is,” Abraham Bonowitz, co-director of Death Penalty Action, tells Reason. “All of that really exposes the flaws of the system.”

This isn’t the first time a state has behaved improperly when faced with a limited supply of execution drugs. Arkansas, for example, rushed to execute four of its death row inmates in 2017 because its drugs were expiring. Among those killed was Ledell Lee, whom the Innocence Project and the American Civil Liberties Union now believe died for a murder that he likely did not commit. And in 2014, Louisiana tricked a hospital into providing a drug needed to carry out an execution. The state suggested that the drug was needed for a “medical patient,” leading the hospital to believe it was treating a sick inmate.

from Latest –

Court Ordered Police Officer’s Divorcing Wife to Take Down Posts Alleging Abuse and a Coverup

As I’ve noted in an earlier post, Tennessee law generally provides that courts in divorce cases must “restrain[] both parties from harassing, threatening, assaulting or abusing the other and from making disparaging remarks about the other to or in the presence of any children of the parties or to either party’s employer.” Here’s how it played out in one case, Stark v. Stark.

Pamela Stark had been a prosecutor who was married to Joe Stark, a Memphis Police Department sergeant. She petitioned for divorce, “alleg[ing] that she was injured during a physical altercation with Husband days before the complaint for divorce was filed.” She also sent an e-mail to the Mayor about the matter:

Wife’s four-page email to the mayor likewise claimed that she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Husband and a victim of misconduct by the Memphis Police Department [in the handling of the investigation -EV]. She identified her husband by name and rank and described her version of the physical altercation between them and the events that followed. Wife asked the mayor to “look into this before it goes further.”

And she posted a Facebook post:

The husband asked the court to order the post removed, arguing “that such dissemination of these allegations could cause immediate irreparable harm to Husband’s reputation and employment,” in part because “he and Wife have many mutual friends on the social media site because Wife worked as a prosecutor.” The judge agreed:

THE COURT: Counsel [referring to Pamela Stark], here’s the problem. You’re under a mutual restraining order. You are. Notwithstanding that any other—when you filed your Complaint, the restraining order was put into place. And that included not to make any disparaging comments to an employer. The mayor is his employer. Bottom line.

You can sit there and argue that you have a freedom of speech, and but the moment you sat there and said in this letter referencing your husband, that changed it. That was about him. It wasn’t about a general concern about police corruption.

The fact that, you know, another police officer was arrested yesterday or last week or last month, if you want to sit there and rant about that, have at it. But if you’re going to make references to your husband, about your husband, about your situation, then that is off limits. Bottom line.

That post shall be removed today, and a mandatory injunction will go into effect that there will be no communication with employers…. Whatever allegations have been made, we’ll deal with that in due course. But at this point involving making any further allegations in social media is completely inappropriate and is being enjoined.

The wife at first refused to take down the post, but was jailed (for four hours) until she did. Clearly unconstitutional, I think.

Unfortunately, the Tennessee Court of Appeals held (just last Friday) that Pamela Stark’s appeal didn’t use the proper procedural route for challenging the preliminary injunction and therefore declined to reach the First Amendment question. But if you ever find yourself challenging a similar Tennessee injunction in the future—or the statute that indirectly seemed to lead to it—please let me know.

from Latest –

The Trouble with Tennessee’s Lethal Injection Drugs

Tennessee plans to execute three death row inmates this year, despite serious concerns about the state’s lethal injection drugs.

The inmates facing execution are Nicholas Todd Sutton (scheduled to be killed on February 20), Oscar Franklin Smith (scheduled for June 4), and Harold Wayne Nichols (scheduled for August 4). Last week, Smith’s lawyers filed a complaint detailing problems with potassium chloride, one of drugs in the state’s three-drug protocol. The drug induces cardiac arrest, but it is possible for consciousness to continue for as long as three minutes after the heart has already stopped. Meanwhile, the intravenous injection of the drug can cause a “searing, burning” sensation throughout the veins. With the administration of paralytics, execution staff and witnesses are prevented from seeing an inmate’s true reaction to the painful process.

The complaint also includes an email between state prison officials showing that the state has been aware as early as August 2018 that the drug is not mixing properly. Administered intravenously, the compounded potassium chloride will feel like rocks entering the body. It may also fail to reach the heart, meaning that the subject could die in another, even more painful way: slowly suffocated to death by the previously administered paralytic.

Smith’s attorneys also note that the state’s supply of vecuronium bromide, the paralytic in its three-drug solution, expired in November 2019. Emails included in the complaint show that the state is interested in obtaining pentobarbital as a replacement. This may be less painful than Tennessee’s current three-drug protocol, but pentobarbital was linked to a set of botched executions in Oklahoma in 2014.

At least three death row inmates have chosen to die by electric chair since 2018, believing the state’s three-drug protocol to be a worse fate.

“This whole question of how we kill our prisoners is sort of a sideshow when the system is as broken as it is,” Abraham Bonowitz, co-director of Death Penalty Action, tells Reason. “All of that really exposes the flaws of the system.”

This isn’t the first time a state has behaved improperly when faced with a limited supply of execution drugs. Arkansas, for example, rushed to execute four of its death row inmates in 2017 because its drugs were expiring. Among those killed was Ledell Lee, whom the Innocence Project and the American Civil Liberties Union now believe died for a murder that he likely did not commit. And in 2014, Louisiana tricked a hospital into providing a drug needed to carry out an execution. The state suggested that the drug was needed for a “medical patient,” leading the hospital to believe it was treating a sick inmate.

from Latest –

Court Ordered Police Officer’s Divorcing Wife to Take Down Posts Alleging Abuse and a Coverup

As I’ve noted in an earlier post, Tennessee law generally provides that courts in divorce cases must “restrain[] both parties from harassing, threatening, assaulting or abusing the other and from making disparaging remarks about the other to or in the presence of any children of the parties or to either party’s employer.” Here’s how it played out in one case, Stark v. Stark.

Pamela Stark had been a prosecutor who was married to Joe Stark, a Memphis Police Department sergeant. She petitioned for divorce, “alleg[ing] that she was injured during a physical altercation with Husband days before the complaint for divorce was filed.” She also sent an e-mail to the Mayor about the matter:

Wife’s four-page email to the mayor likewise claimed that she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Husband and a victim of misconduct by the Memphis Police Department [in the handling of the investigation -EV]. She identified her husband by name and rank and described her version of the physical altercation between them and the events that followed. Wife asked the mayor to “look into this before it goes further.”

And she posted a Facebook post:

The husband asked the court to order the post removed, arguing “that such dissemination of these allegations could cause immediate irreparable harm to Husband’s reputation and employment,” in part because “he and Wife have many mutual friends on the social media site because Wife worked as a prosecutor.” The judge agreed:

THE COURT: Counsel [referring to Pamela Stark], here’s the problem. You’re under a mutual restraining order. You are. Notwithstanding that any other—when you filed your Complaint, the restraining order was put into place. And that included not to make any disparaging comments to an employer. The mayor is his employer. Bottom line.

You can sit there and argue that you have a freedom of speech, and but the moment you sat there and said in this letter referencing your husband, that changed it. That was about him. It wasn’t about a general concern about police corruption.

The fact that, you know, another police officer was arrested yesterday or last week or last month, if you want to sit there and rant about that, have at it. But if you’re going to make references to your husband, about your husband, about your situation, then that is off limits. Bottom line.

That post shall be removed today, and a mandatory injunction will go into effect that there will be no communication with employers…. Whatever allegations have been made, we’ll deal with that in due course. But at this point involving making any further allegations in social media is completely inappropriate and is being enjoined.

The wife at first refused to take down the post, but was jailed (for four hours) until she did. Clearly unconstitutional, I think.

Unfortunately, the Tennessee Court of Appeals held (just last Friday) that Pamela Stark’s appeal didn’t use the proper procedural route for challenging the preliminary injunction and therefore declined to reach the First Amendment question. But if you ever find yourself challenging a similar Tennessee injunction in the future—or the statute that indirectly seemed to lead to it—please let me know.

from Latest –

“Weakness Looks Broad-Based” – US Manufacturing Survey Hits 6-Month Highs (Or 3-Month Lows)

“Weakness Looks Broad-Based” – US Manufacturing Survey Hits 6-Month Highs (Or 3-Month Lows)

Just like with China’s “surprising” PMI beat, it is hard to know if the respondents for this morning’s US manufacturing surveys were interviewed before or since the coronavirus pandemic has collapsed global supply chains.

  • Markit’s Manufacturing PMI beat expectations, printing 51.9 vs 51.7 exp, but fell to 3-month lows.

  • ISM’s Manufacturing survey smashed expectations, surging back into expansion at 50.9 – highest in 6 months.

So you decide which you believe…

Source: Bloomberg

Under the hood, PMI was broadly positive…

  • Production rose to 54.3 vs 44.8; highest index since April

  • New orders rose to 52 vs 47.6; best measure since May

  • Employment rose to 46.6 vs 45.2

  • Supplier deliveries fell to 52.9 vs 54.6

  • Inventories fell to 48.8 vs 49.2

  • Customer inventories rose to 43.8 vs 41.1

  • Prices paid rose to 53.3 vs 51.7

  • Backlog of orders rose to 45.7 vs 43.3

  • New export orders rose to 53.3 vs 47.3

  • Imports rose to 51.3 vs 48.8

For context this is the biggest MoM jump in ISM since July 2013 – does that make any sense to you?

But, PMI was not, as Chris Williamson, Chief Business Economist at IHS Markit said:

US manufacturing limped into 2020, with falling exports dampening output growth and causing a pull-back in hiring. The survey data are consistent with factory production falling moderately, meaning the manufacturing sector looks set to act as a drag on the overall economy once again in the first quarter.

Weakness looks broad-based. Rising demand from households has helped support production in recent months, but January saw a marked slowing in new orders for consumer goods. Production of capital goods such as business equipment, plant and machinery meanwhile fell for the first time in almost four years, hinting at weakened business investment.

More encouragingly, business expectations for the year ahead perked up, coinciding with an easing of trade tensions and the signing of new North American and Chinese trade deals. Companies are therefore expecting the soft patch to be short-lived, though fears surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus and any further potential escalation of trade tensions could erode this optimism.”

So it seems like a global pandemic is great for US manufacturing!!!! We suspect ISM will see one of its biggest drops in Feb after the hopes of the trade deal crash on the shores of coronavirus.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 10:04

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Coronavirus Makes The Market… Impossible To Predict!

Coronavirus Makes The Market… Impossible To Predict!

Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog,

It is impossible to predict what lays ahead! The coronavirus outbreak could be a nothing burger or become a watershed event. A mountain of debt has formed over the years and whether countries and central banks can hurl enough resources at this crisis to calm a growing fear remains to be seen. It is fear versus more promises of stimulus and at some point, all bets are off. To highlight the vulnerability of the financial markets we can always turn the spotlight back upon derivatives. Hundreds of billions of dollars do not matter when we are talking about death or something like the derivative markets.

Currently, China is looking to dump a wagon full of stimulus into an already highly leveraged market to offset the toll taken from virus fear. China said that billions of dollars will start flowing into markets at the opening and the Chinese government has ordered that short-selling of shares be halted. This instability makes it important to revisit issues that have been swept under the rug or simply overlooked. For most people, the derivatives market falls into this category, partly because they don’t understand exactly what derivatives are or why this market is so important. Everyone paying attention knows that the size of the derivatives market dwarfs the global economy. Several books on derivatives have been written and the size of the derivatives market could be larger than $1.2 quadrillion. To put this in perspective it is about 20 times the size of the world economy.

Attempting to regulate and control our complex global markets is easier said than done. This can be seen in derivatives which are usually lengthy complex legally binding agreements that are very difficult to dissect and often reek with potential contagion. Derivatives fall into many categories from futures, options, credit default swaps, and any complex combinations of these. They can also be used to wager, bet, and spectate on a market move or direction. Regulation is difficult and spotty at best in that a derivative transaction in one country might be considered a simple spot trade in another. I have become convinced after studying derivatives that QE following the 2008 financial crisis may have been geared to hold up the underlying value of assets that feed into and support the massive derivative market rather than help the economy.

Derivatives Could Explode Like A Bomb!

Way back in the middle of 2014, the Bank for International Settlements revealed that the amount of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives outstanding was around 710 trillion dollars at the end of 2013. Most of that exposure is held by banks. The US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency at the time reported the exposure of US banks to derivatives totaling 237 trillion dollars. Of that, four big banks, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America accounted for over 219 trillion dollars. The staggering size of this market is beyond anything that can be comprehended.

When I tried to get more recent numbers I ran into fairly stiff resistance which I contribute to the fact nobody knows the true exposure that is difficult to assess. Hopefully, much of the derivative exposure somehow nets out so that real exposure is far less than the hundreds of trillions of dollars on the books. This is only part of a much larger market that includes hundreds of trillions of dollars in non-reported agreements and private contracts. The efforts to achieve more reporting, more platform trading and central clearing of derivatives have fallen behind because of the complexity of crafting mutually consistent regulations at the jurisdiction level, for a highly globalized market.

While This Is Not A Current Chart Note The Trend Line!

Many derivative writers should be called “too clever by half” if they think they have successfully controlled the risk or removed the implications and problems massive defaults would cause. They pump these out because they make money in the process of structuring and selling these agreements. A derivative is in many cases an insurance policy covered by collateral. Sadly, those who buy and write derivatives often play fast and loose with the value of the collateral or flat out lie about it. This moves them from an insurance policy and into the area of high risk.

Those of us skeptical of the market wonder whether the coronavirus will be dismissed as another over-hyped hysteria or devastate economies. The potential that things could get ugly does exist. If at some point, a “mob mentality” takes over logic could get tossed out the window. This is when claims their actions are for the “greater good” becomes irrelevant. Temporarily, we are on hold while events unfold around us. The window has gone dark and our vision is limited. Just remember those in government generally take care of themselves first, in their minds they are the priority. 

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/03/2020 – 09:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Poll: Capitalism Is As Popular in America as Socialism Is Unpopular

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll spends a lot of time sussing out American voters’ views on President Donald Trump’s impeachment and the 2020 election. But something else is tucked in there too: new numbers on the national mood when it comes to capitalism and socialism.

Fifty-two percent of those polled said they viewed capitalism positively, while just 19 percent said the same about socialism. In an almost mirror flip, 18 percent had a negative view of capitalism, while 53 percent viewed socialism negatively.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters was conducted last week (and has a 3.1 percentage point margin of error).

“Democratic primary voters have a net-positive impression of socialism (40 percent positive, 23 percent negative), and Dem voters ages 18-34 view it even more favorably (51 percent to 14 percent),” reports NBC. “But key general-election groups like independents…suburban voters and swing-state voters have a much more negative impression of socialism.”

The first votes for the Democratic presidential nominee are being cast in Iowa today.


A false positive drug test prompted the authorities to take an Alabama mom’s newborn, just four hours after she gave birth. The hospital “declined to comment on why [Rebecca Hernandez] was drug tested in the first place,” says NBC. But “in many parts of the state, hospitals test mothers without their consent, and tests are often done on a case-by-case basis” that winds up biased against poor women.

A 2015 investigation from ProPublica found that Alabama’s rules—aimed at stopping drug use by pregnant women and new mothers—are some of the most strict in the country.

Hernandez has since been reunited with her new son, but the experience was a “nightmare,” she told WAFF last week.

Her doctor, Yashica Robinson, said the false positive probably came from Hernandez eating a poppy seed muffin the day before she went into labor. Robinson criticized same-day drugs tests that trigger the takeaway of newborn children and said hospitals should wait on lab-confirmed results, which in this case cleared Hernandez.


Warren’s tax returns show gas-well royalties. The Wall Street Journal observes:

On her first day as President, Elizabeth Warren says she will “ban fracking—everywhere,” while putting a “total moratorium” on leases offshore and on federal lands. Ms. Warren has signed a pledge to refuse campaign contributions over $200 from the oil-and-gas industry. She’s a past sponsor of a Senate bill called the Keep It in the Ground Act.

So it’s worth noting that, for years, she and her husband reported modest income from natural-gas royalties in her native state of Oklahoma….Ms. Warren’s campaign has posted 11 years of her tax returns, which show gas income from at least 2008. That year she filed jointly with her husband, Bruce Mann, who had $872 in royalties from gas wells in Oklahoma. There are smaller amounts—a few hundred dollars—reported over the next several tax returns, before the yearly earnings stop….

“Elizabeth and Bruce sold or transferred these mineral interests to her children several years ago,” a Warren campaign spokesman said. “Her children still own them. They generated a few hundred dollars a year.” How long did Ms. Warren and Mr. Mann receive these royalties? Were the amounts larger in the past? The campaign declined to say. For context, gas wells become less productive over time.

“If you ask us, there’s nothing wrong here,” the Journal‘s editorial board adds. But “it belies the purism of her presidential rhetoric. She speaks as if oil inevitably stains everything it touches.”


  • “A recent national poll by Data for Progress found an outright majority of all voters support decriminalizing sex work,” reports the organization. “Additionally, two-thirds of voters age 18–44 support decriminalization.”
  • The best Super Bowl ad:

  • Coronavirus is causing the Chinese stock market to crater.
  • Protecting and serving:

  • A proposed judiciary ethics rule would “tighten existing guidance that lets [federal] judges belong to…but not take leadership roles” in the conservative Federalist Society and the liberal American Constitution Society. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has called this an attempt “to silence the Federalist Society.”
  • The Atlantic hyperventilates over children’s TV.

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