“I, Who Vowed To Never-Ever Short Stocks Again, Just Shorted The Entire Market”

“I, Who Vowed To Never-Ever Short Stocks Again, Just Shorted The Entire Market”

Authored by Wolf Richter via WolfStreet.com,

The setup is just too juicy.

In my decades of looking at the stock market, there has never been a better setup. Exuberance is pandemic and sky-high. And even after today’s dip, the S&P 500 is up nearly 29% for the year, and the Nasdaq 35%, despite lackluster growth in the global economy, where many of the S&P 500 companies are getting the majority of their revenues.

Mega-weight in the indices, Apple, is a good example: shares soared 84% in the year, though its revenues ticked up only 2%. This is not a growth story. This is an exuberance story where nothing that happens in reality – such as lacking revenue growth – matters, as we’re now told by enthusiastic crowds everywhere.

Until just a couple of months ago, the touts were out there touting negative interest rates soon to come to the US and thus making stocks the only place to be. Those touts have now been run over by the reality. Now they’re touting QE4 by the Fed, or whatever. And people were looking for any reason to buy.

The unanimity of it all was astounding. I’ve seen this before, but not in this magnitude.

And there is this: As stocks were surging over the past few months, investors with large gains who wanted to sell didn’t sell before year-end in order to defer that income for tax considerations. So there was reduced selling pressure from that group that would have liked to sell, and that will sell after the new year starts.

So I shorted the stock market today, December 30 – me who is on record of saying repeatedly that I would never ever short anything ever again, after the debacle of November 1999 when I shorted the most obviously ridiculous Nasdaq high-fliers a few months too early. They collapsed to near-zero, but not before ripping off my face.

But I changed my mind. The setup is just too perfect. A year ago, on December 22, 2018, as stocks had been plunging, I wrote, Nothing Goes to Hell in a Straight Line, Not Even Stocks. That turned out to be true – practically nothing goes to hell in a straight line. I expected a bounce. I didn’t expect that the bounce would be this huge. But now it’s part of the setup for shorting the market.

  • I sold short the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust [SPY] the biggest and most liquid ETF tracking the S&P 500 index. It’s up nearly 29% in 2019, from already wildly overvalued levels a year ago, despite the drop it had gone through.
  • And I sold short the Nasdaq 100 Invesco QQQ ETF [QQQ], which tracks the NASDAQ 100, the largest most liquid tech-focused ETF. It’s up 42% in 2019.

I have spoken out against shorting because the risk-reward relationship is out of whack. If you short individual stocks, the maximum gain if the shares go to zero is 100%, while the maximum loss is theoretically unlimited and can easily exceed the entire value of the bet. And betting against stocks by buying put options leads most investors to pay the premium and watch those options expire worthless.

The only way you can short stocks and make money reliably is if you have a large megaphone that is closely followed by algos, traders, and the entire financial media. You quietly take your short position in a stock and then announce it, and algos and traders react, and the shares plunge. That’s the only reliable way to make shorting work.

My little website isn’t followed by algos and can’t move markets or stocks or anything else, and that’s a good thing. I can say whatever I want, and nothing big happens as a result of it.

Shorting is socially frowned upon. It’s like you’re willfully trying to destroy people’s constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Back in 2017, NYSE Group President Tom Farley, famously told Congress, “It feels kind of icky and un-American, betting against a company.”

But I still won’t short individual stocks because they can get too crazy – especially Tesla, one of the most obvious shorts with an enormous amount of short interest outstanding. This in itself is practically a guarantee the stock cannot crash because short sellers become buyers to take profits when the price drops enough, and they put a floor under the shares. And the massive short interest makes TSLA prone to violent short-covering rallies.

This stock is a prime example of how crazy the market is. In the US, there were fewer new vehicles sold in 2019 than in 2000. Similarly, in Europe and in Japan. Even formerly booming markets, such as China and India, have now hit the skids in auto sales. For growth, every automaker needs to take market share away from other automakers – a tough game in a no-growth environment.

Tesla’s revenues fell 7.3% year-over-year in the third quarter, a steeper decline than the revenue declines at other US automakers.

At $412 a share, Tesla is valued at $75 billion. This is over three times 12-month revenues ($24 billion).

GM is valued at $52 billion. This is just 0.36 times 12-month revenues ($144 billion). By this measure of the price-to-sale ratio, Tesla, if it ever becomes profitable on an annual basis, is overvalued by a factor of 10 compared to GM.

GM at this price is still a sell, in my view. As for Tesla, in the optimistic scenario that it makes an annual profit of $1 billion, it’s shares would have to drop to $41 before they’re on the same level of overvalued as GM, and both would still be a sell at those levels.

So Tesla at the current price is one of the most obvious shorts in history. But I wouldn’t short the shares because they’re just too crazy, and because the short is too obvious.

Given how eagerly investors are betting on a big plunge, deeply out-of-the-money Tesla put options carry a big premium. For example, one contract (representing 100 shares) that expires in January 2021, with a strike price of $290, which is about 32% below today’s share price, traded today at $2,625 — another sign that Tesla has become one of the most obvious shorts out there. And that takes them off the table for me.

In terms of my SPY and QQQ short positions: they’re a trade, not a prediction of where the market will be a year from now. They represent my expectations that the market will drop enough to make this worthwhile over the next few months.

If this math is successful, and I cover those shorts with a gain, it doesn’t mean that I turned bullish on the market. On the contrary. In the larger scheme of things, stocks would have to tank a whole bunch more before I’d take a buy-and-hold position in the overall market. Happy New Year!

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 07:48

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2Qzo90H Tyler Durden

“Don’t Touch Kids You Pervert!”: Biden Middle School Gymnasium Rally Melts Down Into Chaos

“Don’t Touch Kids You Pervert!”: Biden Middle School Gymnasium Rally Melts Down Into Chaos

A Joe Biden event on Sunday at a New Hampshire Middle School gymnasium was interrupted by two protesters, who assailed ‘quid pro Joe’ with accusations of being a ‘pervert’ and making money in Ukraine.

You’ve touched kids on video, and women,” shouted one man, adding “We don’t need another old white man running for president – time to have a minority candidate,” to which Biden – who likely didn’t hear the guy, said “I agree with ya man. I agree. Nice talkin’ with you.

“You don’t touch kids ever again, the man continued. “Don’t touch kids, you pervert!” he continued, to which Biden shook his head.

Look it up,” the man told the gasping crowd. “Don’t lie to them, ‘creepy uncle biden,’ look it up!

The man was led out to a smattering of half-hearted applause from the less than energized crowd.

At another point, another man in the back shouts at Biden, “Excuse me mister Biden. How much money did you make in Ukraine?” to which (after an angry New Hampshire Democrat shouted to the protester “Is that all you got pal?”) Biden shot back “Wait, wait, wait, wait wait. I released 21 years of my tax returns. Your guy hasn’t released one, what’s he hiding?”


Another angle:

On the bright side, Joe was able to avoid calling either of them fat or ‘damn liars.’

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 04:34

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2SE1GSX Tyler Durden

Iraq Protestors Storm US Embassy In Baghdad

Iraq Protestors Storm US Embassy In Baghdad

Thousands of Iraqi protestors attacked various parts of the US embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday after US airstrikes killed dozens of Iran-backed Iraqi militia over the weekend. The attack on the embassy has been widely documented on Twitter with videos and pictures showing the destruction.

One freelance journalist recorded the moment when the angry mob chanted, “No, no to America, no, no to Israel” outside of the embassy in Baghdad’s Green Zone.

The Times of Israel’s Mina Bai tweeted a video of what appears to be part of the embassy on fire.

More videos show protestors are burning the outer walls of the embassy.

It appears thousands of protestors are currently outside the embassy chanting anti-American slogans, throwing objects over the embassy wall, and burning things at the main gate.

Protestors are attempting to storm the main gate of the embassy.

Demonstrators took a video of the embassy’s security forces behind bulletproof glass.

The US airstrike on Sunday on Hezbollah bases in Iraq and Syria were in response to attacks on US troops in the region.

ABC News said there had been no reports of any embassy staff hurt in the current rampage.

All security forces have been withdrawn to the inner areas of the embassy with US troops on top of the main embassy building with assault rifles pointed at protestors.

Reuters noted that the US ambassador and other staff members have been evacuated from the embassy. One official said few embassy protection staff remained as the risk of the compound being overrun was high.

Seven armored vehicles with 30 Iraqi troops arrived outside the embassy to assist US forces.

The White House, Pentagon, and the State Department have been silent on Tuesday morning about the embassy breach.


Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 06:28

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2Qz2821 Tyler Durden

Resolutions To See You Through a New (Election) Year

Nationalists to the right of us and progressives to the left of us sneer at the idea that people should be left alone to do their own thing. It can be a little demoralizing. But another year dawns, and with it comes the opportunity for a fresh take on the world in which we live. Yes, New Year’s resolutions are a bit of a cliché, but they can help us break bad habits and reboot our lives. What you do is up to you, of course. But you might resolve to: 

Get some perspective.

Too many of your friends and neighbors are tribal idiots, but they’re not the worst tribal idiots in recent memory, by any means. Friedrich Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom at a time when trendy thinkers agreed that free societies were a passing fad, debated whether they’d be superseded by fascism or socialism, and waged their argument in the streets and on battlefields. Anne Frank wrote her diary while hiding, ultimately unsuccessfully, from psychopathic Nazis who ruled an empire, not a website. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago documented the horrors of the forced-labor camps that were an integral part of life under Communism. And in The Girl With Seven Names, North Korean Lee Hyeon-seo described an entire country turned into a forced-labor camp. By comparison, Americans’ current fascination with brown shirt/red shirt cosplay should be taken as a warning, but it doesn’t yet rise to the heights of historical awfulness.

Work on your self-reliance.

You can’t control the world, but you do have some say over you. Instead of fretting about tough times, make sure you and yours are in the best position possible to weather them. If the economy takes a hit, are you ready to switch gears so you can keep making a living? Are you taking good care of your health so you don’t find yourself at the mercy of others’ goodwill? If you are prepared, are you in a position to help family, friends, and neighbors who might get blindsided by events?

Think about picking up a few skills that contribute to your handiness. Basic plumbing or carpentry, for example, can come in very handy for patching things up or making a few bucks. If nothing else, you’ll save yourself money on home repairs.

Get out.

It’s amazing how worries peel away when you step down a trail and realize how much of the world remains undeveloped and beyond earshot of busybodies, political campaigns, and compulsive rageaholics. But “out” can also mean the pleasant environs of a music club or a museum. We sometimes need to remind ourselves of what people can accomplish when they seek to create instead of to destroy.

Reach out.

To be honest, our relatives were always idiots; current political disagreements just change the context of disputes that were probably going to occur anyway. But they’re our idiots, so we should hold them close—it’s easier to keep an eye on them that way, too. Keep friends and neighbors near, for the same reasons.

As libertarians, we’re in a pretty good position to build bridges that the main political camps would burn if left to their own destructive devices. We’re not (usually) perceived by the big factions as existential threats. And we don’t view politics as the be-all of existence, since our goal is to dramatically reduce the role it plays in our lives. That leaves us better prepared than most to keep our social circles and communities functioning—if we put in the time and effort to nurture them. Stop arguing online and invite some folks over for a barbecue (or a happy hour if that’s more your thing), or go volunteer for a local organization that addresses issues that matter to you.

Stay firm.

Team Blue and Team Red look poised to continue alternating power and implementing terrible ideas for the foreseeable future. You can’t stop that, but you don’t have to obey, and you don’t have to lose your cool.

Resolve to take this new year in stride. You might as well, since it’s coming no matter what. Realize that it could be a lot worse, make sure you’re prepared for a rough ride, enjoy the world around you and the people in it, and stay true to yourself!

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2FaYer0

Resolutions To See You Through a New (Election) Year

Nationalists to the right of us and progressives to the left of us sneer at the idea that people should be left alone to do their own thing. It can be a little demoralizing. But another year dawns, and with it comes the opportunity for a fresh take on the world in which we live. Yes, New Year’s resolutions are a bit of a cliché, but they can help us break bad habits and reboot our lives. What you do is up to you, of course. But you might resolve to: 

Get some perspective.

Too many of your friends and neighbors are tribal idiots, but they’re not the worst tribal idiots in recent memory, by any means. Friedrich Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom at a time when trendy thinkers agreed that free societies were a passing fad, debated whether they’d be superseded by fascism or socialism, and waged their argument in the streets and on battlefields. Anne Frank wrote her diary while hiding, ultimately unsuccessfully, from psychopathic Nazis who ruled an empire, not a website. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago documented the horrors of the forced-labor camps that were an integral part of life under Communism. And in The Girl With Seven Names, North Korean Lee Hyeon-seo described an entire country turned into a forced-labor camp. By comparison, Americans’ current fascination with brown shirt/red shirt cosplay should be taken as a warning, but it doesn’t yet rise to the heights of historical awfulness.

Work on your self-reliance.

You can’t control the world, but you do have some say over you. Instead of fretting about tough times, make sure you and yours are in the best position possible to weather them. If the economy takes a hit, are you ready to switch gears so you can keep making a living? Are you taking good care of your health so you don’t find yourself at the mercy of others’ goodwill? If you are prepared, are you in a position to help family, friends, and neighbors who might get blindsided by events?

Think about picking up a few skills that contribute to your handiness. Basic plumbing or carpentry, for example, can come in very handy for patching things up or making a few bucks. If nothing else, you’ll save yourself money on home repairs.

Get out.

It’s amazing how worries peel away when you step down a trail and realize how much of the world remains undeveloped and beyond earshot of busybodies, political campaigns, and compulsive rageaholics. But “out” can also mean the pleasant environs of a music club or a museum. We sometimes need to remind ourselves of what people can accomplish when they seek to create instead of to destroy.

Reach out.

To be honest, our relatives were always idiots; current political disagreements just change the context of disputes that were probably going to occur anyway. But they’re our idiots, so we should hold them close—it’s easier to keep an eye on them that way, too. Keep friends and neighbors near, for the same reasons.

As libertarians, we’re in a pretty good position to build bridges that the main political camps would burn if left to their own destructive devices. We’re not (usually) perceived by the big factions as existential threats. And we don’t view politics as the be-all of existence, since our goal is to dramatically reduce the role it plays in our lives. That leaves us better prepared than most to keep our social circles and communities functioning—if we put in the time and effort to nurture them. Stop arguing online and invite some folks over for a barbecue (or a happy hour if that’s more your thing), or go volunteer for a local organization that addresses issues that matter to you.

Stay firm.

Team Blue and Team Red look poised to continue alternating power and implementing terrible ideas for the foreseeable future. You can’t stop that, but you don’t have to obey, and you don’t have to lose your cool.

Resolve to take this new year in stride. You might as well, since it’s coming no matter what. Realize that it could be a lot worse, make sure you’re prepared for a rough ride, enjoy the world around you and the people in it, and stay true to yourself!

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2FaYer0

EU Trade Commissioner Pokes Boris Johnson In The Eye

EU Trade Commissioner Pokes Boris Johnson In The Eye

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,

The EU is playing a dangerous and disingenuous game with the UK.

Here we go again…

The EU trade commissioner Phil Hogan tells the world Boris Johnson will cave in. What’s that supposed to accomplish?

The EU failed to learn anything from Brexit, any step of the way.

  1. Had the EU given a bone to then Prime Minister David Cameron, the referendum would have gone the other way.

  2. Had the EU not played extreme hardball with Theresa May, the UK would likely be trapped in a customs union.

  3. Now, the EU is poking a stick in Boris Johnson’s eye.

EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan says Johnson will Abandon Pledge on Brexit Transition Period.

“In the past, we saw the way the prime minister promised to die in the ditch rather than extend the deadline for Brexit, only for him to do just that,” said the recently appointed EU trade commissioner. “I don’t believe prime minister Johnson will die in the ditch over the timeline for the future relationship either,” Mr Hogan said in an interview with The Irish Times, referring to the need to negotiate the terms of the UK and EU’s future relationship within a transition period.

The former minister described as “very odd” the British government’s decision to include a clause in legislation ruling out an extension of the transition period beyond the end of 2020, suggesting the move was a political “stunt”.

“As things stand the UK wants to leave the single market and customs union. This move still baffles me because the full consequences of that decision are still not understood in the UK. Why trade a Rolls Royce for a second-hand saloon?”

Poke in the Eye

With those comments, Hogan just grabbed a stick and poked into Johnson’s eye.

Johnson made a political statement about a Brexit extension when he was not in position to deliver. It’s long over. There is no need to bring that up as a taunt.

And let’s not equate that with statements he has made since he became Prime Minister in a Blowout Victory and is now in complete control of the UK side.

Who’s the Bigger Liar?

The EU said it would never change the political declaration and it would not change the Withdrawal Agreement. In fact it did both.

So , who’s the bigger liar?

Arrogant Tones

“Why trade a Rolls Royce for a second-hand saloon?” is pure arrogance.

The EU is not a Rolls Royce. It is a mindless customs unions with masses of idiotic regulations.

Moreover, the organization is totally unwieldy, requiring 100% agreement among 27 nations to get anything done.

Deal Still Possible

Irresponsible tones makes a hard WTO fallback more likely.

However, I still expect a deal.


  • Because it is in everyone’s best interest to negotiate one.
  • The EU, especially Germany, will lose more than the UK in the event of no deal.

Straw Man Arguments

One of the things I keep reading is that it is impossible to negotiate a comprehensive agreement in a year.

I agree. But that is a strawman. Nobody pledged to negotiate a comprehensive agreement in that timeframe. The WTO allows for a basic agreement with and long as 10 years to finalize it.

Perhaps there is some small, say 6-month extension to ratify a basic deal. So what?

By the way, the chief negotiator for the EU will once again be Michel Barnier, not Hogan. Thus, it is not Hogan’s place to be running his mouth.

Delivering Brexit

As long as Johnson does not give up fishing rights or agree to let the European Court of Justice (ECJ), be the arbiter in disputes, Johnson will have delivered Brexit.

I expect that outcome and was one of the few who did all along.

My friend Pater Tenebrarum at the Acting Man Blog offered this pertinent insight in a comment to my post Labour Slaughtered, Corbyn Refuses to Admit He is the Reason.

Assuming Johnson does get Brexit done (and it seems he will), this will be the first time ever that a popular vote that went against the EU is actually respected (as opposed to “repeated until the result is to the EU’s liking”). It is actually quite a monumental event for that reason alone. And I think its importance is still underestimated. The EU now loses one of its biggest net payers. The remaining net payers henceforth will have to shoulder a far bigger financial burden to continue subsidizing the have-nots (and French farmers). I cannot imagine that this will be a friction-free affair. Particularly as the UK is bound to unleash the kind of tax and regulatory competition that is anathema to the socialist high tax “harmonizers” and centralizers running the bureaucratic Moloch in Brussels.

Counterproductive Comments

If Johnson takes offense at idiotic eye-poking maneuvers, especially if Barnier starts making similar statements, it increases the odds of not negotiating even a basic agreement.

If Hogan wants a deal, and he should, then he would be advised to shut his big mouth.

Finally, and to put Hogan’s “Rolls Royce” arrogance into proper perspective, please consider Margaret Thatcher’s Amazing Prophecy on the EU.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 05:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2FajPji Tyler Durden

Brickbat: But Trump Is the Petty One

A measure that would allow all federal judges to perform marriages in the state of New York passed both chambers of the legislature almost unanimously only to be vetoed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo said he could not in good conscience allow those federal judges to perform marriages because some of them were nominated to the bench by President Donald Trump. New York law allows state judges, legislators, the governor, some federal judges and clergy to perform marriages. “I’m certainly no fan of the judges this president is choosing to appoint—but since any New Yorker can become a minister online for $25 and legally perform weddings, I didn’t consider this to be a major issue,” said state Sen. Liz Krueger, the Democrat who introduced the bill.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2rLLsfs

Brickbat: But Trump Is the Petty One

A measure that would allow all federal judges to perform marriages in the state of New York passed both chambers of the legislature almost unanimously only to be vetoed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo said he could not in good conscience allow those federal judges to perform marriages because some of them were nominated to the bench by President Donald Trump. New York law allows state judges, legislators, the governor, some federal judges and clergy to perform marriages. “I’m certainly no fan of the judges this president is choosing to appoint—but since any New Yorker can become a minister online for $25 and legally perform weddings, I didn’t consider this to be a major issue,” said state Sen. Liz Krueger, the Democrat who introduced the bill.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2rLLsfs

These Are The Safest Cities In The World

These Are The Safest Cities In The World

The Economist Intelligence Unit has published its annual Safe Cities index, and this year’s edition includes two notable changes: Hong Kong has fallen dramatically thanks to the violent pro-democracy protest movement that has upended life in the city over the past six months. This year, HK’s rank dropped to No. 20 from No. 9 last year.

Finally, Washington DC made a dramatic leap into the top ten from the mid-20s last year.

On a region-by-region breakdown, the Asia-Pacific region continued to dominate the list, with Sydney, Seoul and Melbourne joining Tokyo, Osaka and Singapore in the top 10.

Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Toronto rounded out the top of the list, while London and New York each improved six spots to take 14th and 15th place.

The index ranks 60 cities on five continents based on several safety-related factors like digital, health, infrastructure and personal security. Rankings are based on crime rates alone, but on preparedness: do these cities have dedicated cybersecurity teams? Do they have a disaster contingency plan? Have they adopted a community-policing-based model?

“Overall, while wealth is among the most important determinants of safety, the levels of transparency – and governance – correlate as closely as income with index scores,” said Naka Kondo, the editor of the latest Safe Cities report. “The research also highlights how different types of safety are thoroughly intertwined – that it is rare to find a city with very good results in one safety pillar and lagging in others.”

It’s worth noting that Washington DC’s catapult into the top 10 is attributed mostly to changes in the Economists’ methodology.

Many of the world’s safest cities are in the Asia-Pacific region (Tokyo, Singapore etc.), but the region is also home to some of the lowest-scoring cities on the index: Yangon (Myanmar) came in at no. 58, while Karachi (Pakistan) came in at 57. Dhaka, Bangladesh, filled spot No. 56, while the Indian capital of New Delhi came in at No. 53.

Digital security was a particularly weak spot for the industry.

“APAC cities perform well across the categories of health security, infrastructure security and personal security, but their North American counterparts generally fare better in digital security, accounting for seven of the top ten cities in this category,” Safe Cities editor Kondo said.

Of course, numbers alone rarely tell the full story. Reckless behavior could leave unsuspecting tourists at risk in any of the cities listed above.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 04:15

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2QabrGA Tyler Durden

Sexual Exploitation “Epidemic” In England As Nearly 19,000 Children Identified As Victims

Sexual Exploitation “Epidemic” In England As Nearly 19,000 Children Identified As Victims

Authored by Emma Fiala via TheMindUnleashed.com,

There’s a new official epidemic in England and it can’t be tackled with increased hand washing or a new vaccine. In the past year, nearly 19,000 children have been sexually groomed, according to official numbers. But some say the real figure is much higher.

Five years ago, 3,300 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by authorities. That number rose to a shocking 18,700 in 2018-2019.

Grooming was not officially recorded as an assessment factor during referral to social care until 2013.

Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, told the Independent that the grooming of children “remains one of the largest forms of child abuse in the country.”

“Too many times, government has said it will ‘learn lessons’, yet 19,000 children are still at risk of sexual exploitation.

The government has singularly failed to tackle this issue head on. Its approach has been piecemeal and underfunded.”

According to the Independent, the Home Office has begun an analysis of data regarding the cases and will use the results to inform new policy and prevention strategies, but the Queen’s Speech did not mention anything about a public review.

The Independent also reports that investigations into grooming gangs are ongoing throughout the country. In fact, abusers in Huddersfield have already been jailed.

Sammy Woodhouse, a victim from Rotherham, told the Independent:

“You hear this bullshit line, ‘lessons have been learned’, but they haven’t learned anything.”

Woodhouse, who isn’t surprised by the newly released numbers, helped expose a sandal in 2012 that involved the abuse of an estimated 1,500 victims.

“I still hear a lot about the authorities aren’t doing things as they should. It’s not very often I hear something good and for all different reasons—if the police won’t act on reports, people feel they’re not being listened to or supported properly, or information not being shared,” Woodhouse explained.

“I’ve said for years that this country’s in epidemic when it comes to abuse and exploitation. Authorities claim it’s under control but it’s not.”

Woodhouse also noted the likelihood that many victims won’t report what is or has happened to them.

Simon Bailey, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection, says officers are “doing all we can to pursue and prosecute criminals who exploit and abuse young people” but that “more must be done to stop abuse happening in the first place.” Bailey suggests “honest conversations, education, and appropriate safeguarding.”

A spokesperson for the Home Office said:

“The Home Office is committed to tackling child sexual abuse and will leave no stone unturned in tackling this abhorrent behavior.

This is why we launched the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse to get to the truth, expose what has gone wrong and learn lessons for the future. The inquiry operates independently of government and, within its terms of reference, decides for itself what it investigates.

The inquiry is investigating institutional responses to child sexual exploitation by organized criminal networks with public hearings set for the spring of 2020.”

“We cannot allow grooming to fall out of the spotlight, because sexual exploitation always flourishes in the shadows,” Champion contends.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2SIoWyT Tyler Durden