Lukashenko Orders Military To React “Without Warning” If NATO Forces Violate Western Border

Lukashenko Orders Military To React “Without Warning” If NATO Forces Violate Western Border

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 12:15

A huge rally of tens of thousands draped in red-and-white opposition flags brought the center of Minsk to a standstill on Sunday, in what’s become a near daily occurrence for weeks since the Aug.9 reelection of 26-year ruler of Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko.

Local unrest and clashes with police, however, could easily give way to a major event along Belarus’ border, given Lukashenko on Saturday gave his boldest and most provocative order yet. Convinced that “NATO is at the gates” threatening his removal by force, he’s told his defense minister to “react without warning” to any potential border violations.

Issuing what’s essentially a “shoot to kill” order, Lukashenko said on Saturday, “There won’t be a warning. We warned them. If they violate the state border, we react without warning.

Reacting to Lukashenko’s prior assertions of a US-NATO backed ‘color revolution’ in progress, during which there’s growing momentum within Belarus for him to step down or at least hold new and “fair” elections (amid accusations his reelection to a sixth term), early last week Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg responded with, “NATO does not pose a threat to Belarus and has no military buildup in the region,” according to an official statement.

Belarus’ top brass has since claimed that NATO troops, particularly in neighboring Lithuania, are indeed headed toward the border as part of the alleged externally-driven pressure campaign

The Defense Minister reported to the President that NATO troops in Lithuania “are approaching the border, turning around and leaving.” “But we see them. If on Sunday it is [the movement of forces] in our direction if this happens, then we will act in accordance with the situation,” Khrenin said.

Major General Viktor Khrenin suggested further, consistent with President Lukashenko’s claims this past week, that the crisis is being coordinated by Washington and it’s anti-Russia European allies.

File image: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, left, speaks to high rank officers, via Belarus’ national BelTA.

Defense Minister Khrenin said in Saturday statements: “it is possible that destructive forces, supervised by the special services of Western countries, enter the territory of the western regions of Belarus, both by legal and illegal means to increase efforts to destabilize the situation.”

NATO has vehemently denied any build-up of forces near Belarus’ Western border.

Map via The Sun’

“At the same time, various provocations are possible to violate the airspace and the state border,” Khrenin added.

As we’ve underscored before there seems to be growing consensus that the Kremlin is not wedded to Lukashenko and may be through with him, yet wants a transition in a way that does not create “another anti-Russian, NATO leaning bulwark on its borders”.

But certainly any real level of NATO military threat or intervention, which at this point remains highly unlikely (aside from the possibility of “covert support” to the political opposition and people in the streets), would be met with Russia in turn getting more involved militarily along the lines of another Ukraine crisis scenario. The embattled Belarusian leader has already long hinted that Moscow has vowed as much.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Tending The Portfolio “Garden” As Winter Approaches

Tending The Portfolio “Garden” As Winter Approaches

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 11:50

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

Shortest Bear Market In History

The bulls accomplished their task this week of pushing the S&P 500 index back to “all-time” highs.

“The S&P 500 set a new record high this week for the first time since Feb. 19, surging an eye-popping 51% from its March 23 closing low of 2,237 to a closing high of 3,389 on Tuesday. This represents the shortest bear market and third fastest bear-market recovery ever.” – Yahoo

As we discuss in more detail in this week’s #MacroView, the claim is a bit of faulty as March was not a bear market, but only a correction in the ongoing bull trend.

Nonetheless, in “Close, But No Cigar,” we suspected “new highs” were likely:

“With options expiring next week, the bulls are going to attempt to push markets up. A breakout to all-time highs is entirely possible. However, the question is whether they will be able to maintain it?”

The question of maintaining record highs is going to be the challenge over the next few weeks. Historically, the months prior to an election tend to be volatile, but with the market very overbought there is a risk of a normal correction.

“With the markets overbought on several measures, there is a downside risk heading into the end of the month. These risks come from several fronts we will discuss momentarily. However, from a technical perspective, the downside risk is about 5.6% to the 50-dma and 9.4% to the 200-dma. 

Importantly, earnings season is now behind us and economic data is showing signs of deterioration along with the internals of the market. As we will discuss momentarily, after having been long-biased over the last couple of months, it is now likely time to “tend to the garden”

But first, let’s review some of the factors suggesting the “season may be changing.” 

The Market Has “Bad Breadth”

One of our primary concerns relating to the current elevation in the market has been extremely narrow participation. As Bob Farrell once quipped:

“Markets are strongest when broad, and weakest when narrow.” 

There is little doubt that markets reek of “bad breadth.”  As shown below, the market has achieved new highs with only a small percentage of the S&P 500 index participating.

This “narrowness” is a result of the “passive indexing” effect on the markets which I explained in “Bulls Chant Into A Megaphone:”

“Currently, the top-5 S&P stocks by market capitalization (AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, FB, and MSFT) make up the same amount of the S&P 500 as the bottom 394 stocks. Those same five also comprise 26% of the index alone.” 

“What investors are missing is that the top-5 stocks are distorting the movements in the overall index.

For each $1 put into each of those top-5 stocks, the impact on the index is the same as putting $1 into each of the bottom 394 stocks. Such is clearly not a true representation of either the market or the economy.” 

The two charts below show the problem a bit more clearly. Currently, the “Top-5” and “Top-10” stocks by market capitalization, are now near the largest percentage share since 1980. This far eclipses the “” era. 

Furthermore, the “Top-50” stocks owned by hedge funds (which include all of the Top-10 largest), are trading at astronomical values based on 2-YEAR forward estimates. This is occurring at a time where the advance-decline breadth on the Nasdaq stock market is deteriorating sharply. 

These are just some of the participation concerns. Investor exuberance has also reached extremes.

Signs Of Excessive Exuberance

The RIAPro sentiment gauge, which is based on actual investor positioning, is back to more extreme levels. This gauge is different from the CNN gaugeThe RIAPro gauge is based on how investors are “positioning” themselves in the market. In other words, rather than it being based on how investors “feel,” it is what they are “doing” in the market.

However, it isn’t just positioning that is at extremes. The RIAPro Technical Gauge (a weekly composite of technical measures) is also back to extreme levels. Such levels are historically coincident with short-term market corrections. 

I also pulled a few charts from Sentiment Trader which are showing more extreme levels of optimism.

(Click to enlarge. Clockwise from top left: 1) Medium-term risk indicators, 2) Dumb money confidence, 3) Large call-option buyers, and 4) Small call-option buyers.

Historically, each of these indicators tends to align with short-term market corrections, or worse.

Given a large number of confirming indicators, this is why we have decided its time to “harvest” before “winter” approaches.  

Why Investing Is Like Gardening

The biggest mistake that investors make over time is failing to manage investment risk. I have found over the years, the concept of “gardening” tends to resonate with individuals when it comes to portfolios management.

Investing has a lot of similarities to gardening. In the “Spring,” it is time to till the soil and plant your seeds for your summer crops. Of course, the ground must be watered and fertilized, and weeds pulled, otherwise the garden won’t grow. As the “Spring turns into Summer”  it’s time to harvest the bounty the garden has produced and begin to rotate crops for the “Fall” cycle. Eventually, even those crops need to be harvested before the “Winter” snows set in. 

Therefore, in order to have a successful and bountiful garden we must:

  1. Prepare the soil (accumulate enough cash to build a properly diversified allocation)

  2. Plant according to the season (build the allocation based on cycles)

  3. Water and fertilize (add cash regularly to the portfolio for buying opportunities)

  4. Weed (sell loser and laggards, weeds will eventually “choke” off the other plants)

  5. Harvest (take profits regularly otherwise “the bounty rots on the vine”)

  6. Plant again according to the season (add new investments at the right time)

Just like all things in life, everything has a “season” and a “cycle.” When it comes to the markets, the seasons are dictated by the “technical constructs” and the “cycles” are dictated by “valuations.”

Currently, as noted above, the “technical constructs” are warning us we are late into the “Fall” and “Winter” is approaching. This is why we are taking actions to “tend to our garden” now so that we will be prepared for the first “cold snap” of winter.

Tending The Portfolio Garden

Step 1) Clean Up Your Portfolio

  1. Tighten up stop-loss levels to current support levels for each position.

  2. Hedge portfolios against major market declines.

  3. Take profits in positions that have been big winners

  4. Sell laggards and losers

  5. Raise cash and rebalance portfolios to target weightings.

Step 2) Compare Your Portfolio Allocation To The Model Allocation.

  1. Determine areas requiring new or increased exposure.

  2. Calculate how many shares need to be purchased to fill allocation requirements.

  3. Determine cash requirements to make purchases.

  4. Re-examine portfolio to rebalance and raise sufficient cash for requirements.

  5. Determine entry price levels for each new position.

  6. Evaluate “stop-loss” levels for each position.

  7. Establish “sell/profit taking” levels for each position.

(Note: the primary rule of investing that should NEVER be broken is: “Never invest money without knowing where you are going to sell if you are wrong, and if you are right.”)

Step 3) Have positions ready to execute accordingly given the proper market set up. In this case, we are looking for positions that have either a “value” tilt or have pulled back to support and provide a lower-risk entry opportunity.  

The Benefits Of A Healthy Garden

Taking these actions has TWO specific benefits depending on what happens in the market next.

  1. If the market corrects, these actions clear out the “weeds” and allow for protection of capital against a subsequent decline.

  2. If the market continues to rally, then the portfolio has been cleaned up and new positions can be added to participate in the next leg of the advance.

No one knows for sure where markets are headed in the next week, much less the next month, quarter, year, or five years. What we do know is not managing “risk” to hedge against a decline is more detrimental to the achievement of long-term investment goals.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

South Korea Confirms Most New COVID-19 Cases Since March; US Deaths Drop Below 1,000: Live Updates

South Korea Confirms Most New COVID-19 Cases Since March; US Deaths Drop Below 1,000: Live Updates

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 11:25


  • US deaths below 1k
  • Cases in line with average
  • India passes 3 million
  • Global cases hit 23.1 million
  • South Korea suffers most new cases since March
  • Australia sees new cases as Victoria outbreak slows
  • Beijing reports no new domestic transmission cases for 7th day

* * *

Once again, the US reported fewer than 1,000 deaths on Saturday (998 to be exact), the latest sign that projections calling for another virus-linked surge in US mortality were way off base. The US also confirmed 45,855 new cases on Saturday, matching the 0.8% daily average increase over the previous week.

All of these data show that CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield’s announcement late last week that the outbreak in the south was slowing, and that the American outbreak was solidly on a downward trajectory, was correct.

But while the debate over mail-in voting and in-classroom education continues to rage (several colleges have already reverted to all-digital learning, and many of the nation’s largest districts are doing all- or mostly- remote learning despite Trump’s demands for in-person education).

As expected, India’s outbreak crossed the three million mark as the disease tears through the world’s second-most populous country.

Infections increased by more than 69,000, and now stand at 3,044,940. The country’s epidemic is one of the world’s fastest-growing, with more than 65,000 new infections reported every day.

Globally, more than 23.1 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 around the world, and more than 14.91 million have recovered, while at least 804,400 people have died, according to Johns Hopkins data.

South Korea is back in focus on Sunday as it continues to battle another wave of the virus, reporting 397 new infections on Sunday, its biggest tally since March, and the latest sign that these new clusters are indeed growing.

The latest numbers brings the country’s total to 17,399. And SK has recorded just over 300 deaths.

Meanwhile, Mexico reported 6,482 new infections, bringing the hard-hit country’s total to 556,216, while officials also reported 644 more deaths.

The WHO said this week that Mexico’s limited testing meant the pandemic was “clearly under-recognized,” in the country, and that many more tests should be conducted per day to better capture the scope of the country’s outbreak. Mexico isn’t alone: it’s a problem that’s also affecting a broad swath of Latin America.

Ireland’s parliament is to be recalled from its recess early as public anger grows over a scandal that’s become known as ‘#golfgate’.

Source: Al Jazeera

Moving on to Australia, the country’s Queensland state had two new virus cases the day after tightening restrictions due to an outbreak at a Brisbane youth detention center. Queensland’s case total stands at 1,105. Gatherings at homes and outdoors across the southeast of the state have been limited to 10 people, and 30 people across the rest of Queensland.

Meanwhile, New South Wales reported another 4 cases.

Australia’s biggest hot spot Victoria reported 208 new infections as a lockdown in Melbourne remained in effect. The state also reported 17 more deaths, according to Victoria’s department of health and human.

The 200+ number came after Victoria reported 182 new cases on Saturday, marking two straight days with new cases under 200.

As China declares one of its vaccine candidates ready to be used under ’emergency use’ guidelines, Russia said Sunday that it expects to produce between 1.5 million and two million doses per month of its COVID-19 vaccine by the year’s end. Eventually it will gradually ramp up production to six million doses a month, according to the RIA news agency, which cited industry minister Denis Manturov.

Meanwhile, last night, Beijing health officials reported 12 new ‘imported’ cases on Sunday, China’s 7th straight day without any local transmission.

Large-scale testing of the vaccine, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya institute, is due to start in Russia next week, and will also be carried out with partner countries around the world.

The Philippines recorded 2,378 new coronavirus infections, its smallest daily spike in nearly four weeks, but the nationwide tally rose to 189,601, still the highest in Southeast Asia.

In a bulletin, the department of health also reported another 32 deaths, bringing the Philippines’ death toll to 2,998.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The Tyranny Of Groupthink

The Tyranny Of Groupthink

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 11:00

Authored by David Stockman of Contra Corner blog, via,

The broad market (S&P 500) is trading at the highest forward PE multiples since November 1999, but the financial press is rife with mendacious piffle claiming there is no bubble. For example, in celebration of Tuesday’s all-time high on the S&P 500, one James Mackintosh of the Wall Street Journal minced no words:

Except, the Everything Bubble is in the imagination of the many investors complaining about it. First, it isn’t everything. Second, it isn’t a bubble….

Right. Supposedly, the above statement is true because energy sector stock prices are in the tank, but the market is being rationally led by the tech giants where allegedly solid prospects for earnings growth are being rewarded with higher PE multiples owing to ultra-low interest rates.

…Lower rates mean profits further in the future matter more to the share price, so companies with steady earnings no matter what the economy does are worth more. Those that are sensitive to the economy are worth less, because future earnings are expected to be hit. Growth stocks do incredibly well, because their future earnings are expected to be higher and, at least for those thought immune to economic weakness, worth more as well thanks to lower rates.

Apply this framework and there’s no bubble. U.S. stocks are more highly valued than in the past because they are dominated by big growth stocks, themselves justifiably more highly valued thanks to low rates.

The sheer laziness and conformism of today’s so-called financial journalists is a wonder to behold. When the leader of the tech growth stocks, Apple, crossed the $2 trillion market cap barrier for the first time today, thereby embodying more market cap than the entire Russell 2000 of small cap US companies, Mackintosh’s colleague at the Wall Street Journal spewed the same groupthink:

The stock has more than doubled from its March 23 low, boosted by steady demand for the company’s devices and better-than-feared results in its core iPhone business as millions of Americans work from home.

Steady sales growth is driving the string of achievements. Apple’s sales rose to $260 billion in the fiscal year ended in September from $216 billion three years prior. The company has even grown sales during the pandemic: For the quarter ended in June, they rose 11% from a year earlier to nearly $60 billion, exceeding Wall Street expectations. Earnings surged to $11.25 billion.

Apple is not a growth stock. Period.

The three-year sales gain cited by the WSJ amounted to only 6.4% per annum, but also reflects what amounts to journalistic malpractice.

That’s because the starting figure of $216 billion for Apple’s FY 2016 sales actually reflected a 7.8% decline from sales of $234 billion in FY 2015. So the four-years growth rate of sales through FY 2019 was, well, a mere 2.67% per annum.

Likewise, the 11% sales gain during the June 2020 quarter versus prior year is completely misleading. During the past four quarters, the year-over-year sales gains have been all over the lot, posting at 10.9%, 1.0%, 8.8% and 1.8% respectively. Accordingly, for the LTM period ended in June, the sales gain was just 5.7% – hardly a barn-burning growth figure.

Likewise, the purported June quarter earnings “surge” to $11.25 billion was nothing of the kind. During the 2018 June quarter, for instance, net income posted higher at $11.52 billion. The surging at issue, therefore, was one of backward motion.

In fact, the only thing about Apple which has been in a growth mode during the last five years is the company’s PE multiple, which has essentially doubled from 14X to 35X at today’s record share price.

As to the actual 5-year trend of sales and earnings growth, not so much.

Back in June 2015 Apple was valued at $715 billion on the strength of its unparalleled tech product franchise, which was reflected in $224 billion of annual sales and $50.7 billion of LTM profits.

Still, there was a reason for the modest implied PE multiple of 14.1X: Namely, the tech behemoth’s growth rate was rapidly slowing – freighted down by the inherent limits embedded in its enormous scale and the then modest expectations for earnings expansion in the immediate years ahead.

Those modest expectations were accurate. Five years later, the LTM figures for June 2020 came in at $273.9 billion of sales and $58.4 billion of net income.

Yes, the latter figure represents a lot of profits, but it embodies hardly a modicum of growth. In fact, Apple’s five-year sales growth rate was just 4.1%, while its net income growth rate clocked in at only 2.9% per annum.

Moreover, there has been no recent growth spurt to accelerate these five-year trend rates of growth. The two-year growth rates are even slower, with sales posting at 3.6% per annum and net income rising by just 2.03% per year.Wiser: Getting Beyond …Hastie, ReidBest Price: $1.07Buy New $14.14(as of 04:01 EDT – Details)

Needless to say, the doubling of Apple’s PE multiple has nothing to do with its punk five-year net income growth rate of 2.9% per annum; it’s about the Fed’s radical repression of interest rate and the resulting diversion of trillions of borrowed capital into the inflation of risk asset capitalization rates.

Nor is Apple some kind of outlier, albeit it is the monster of the tech midway. Overall, the so-called Fab Five (Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google) reflect the same multiple inflation story; and they are obviously the pile driver that is pushing the heavily ETF and indexer-driven stock market up into the nosebleed section of history.

Thus, back in June 2014, the Fab Five’s combined market cap weighed-in at $1.63 trillion and accounted for 9.5% of the overall S&P 500’s market cap of about $17.0 trillion.

Fast forward six years, and the Fab Five were valued at today’s close at $7.1 trillion, which accounts for 26% of the $27.7 trillion total market cap of the S&P 500.

So, yes, the term “pile-driver” is probably an understatement. Fully 50% of the S&P 500’s $10.7 trillion market cap gain since June 2014 is attributable to the Fab Five.

At the same time, the combined net income of the Fab Five has risen from $76.3 billion to $170.7 billion, meaning that the already frisky PE multiple of 21.4X for the group as a whole in June 2014 has now stands at 42.0X.

Obviously, averages can be misleading, but they do not lie. The composite net income growth rate of the Fab Five “growth stocks” has been just 14.4% over the past six years.

In a world which is literally unwinding at the seams owing to the Covid pandemic and a $260 trillion burden of debt, a valuation multiple equal to 42X or nearly three times the trailing growth rate makes no sense whatsoever.

That’s because the James Mackintosh groupthink cited above is marred with a mighty flaw. To wit, you can’t value earnings into the indefinite future owing to today’s ultra-low interest rates that are definitely not sustainable.

The Fed’s policy of radical interest rate repression simply defies the laws of finance and common sense because real yields are negative, and in the long-run negative real yields are an oxymoron.

The chart below is the smoking gun. Once upon a time there was meaningful daylight between the brown line (nominal yield on the benchmark 10-year UST) and the purple line (running inflation rate measured by the 16% trimmed mean CPI).

That is, even so-called risk-free US Treasury debt had a real yield of 200-400 basis points to account for taxes and a real return on investment.

But after the final leap into monetary madness commencing with the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the real yield had virtually disappeared; and then after the massive $3 trillion Fed bond-buying spree commencing in mid-March, the benchmark security of the entire global fixed income market went deeply negative in real terms.

As of the latest month, the running inflation rate clocked-in at 2.27% (June LTM) compared to an all-time low yield on the 10-year UST of 52 basis points a few weeks back.

Needless to say, when the real cost of risk-free benchmark debt is negative 175 basis points, you are not in an indefinitely sustainable steady state. You are actually courting financial disaster.

That’s especially because fiscal policy in the US and elsewhere around the world has become completely unhinged.

So unless the Fed and other central banks continue their massive bond purchases in response to this tsunami of public debt, the bond pits are heading for a train-wreck some time soon; and if the central banks continue to print at current lunatic rates, the monetary system itself will go into meltdown.

Still, the misbegotten idea that the stock market isn’t overvalued because bond prices have been massively inflated by central bank money-pumping is just one instance of the present tyranny of groupthink – called to attention by Apple’s crossing the $2 trillion market cap barrier.

In fact, groupthink is omnipresent in the the mainstream narrative and so-called news. The nearly universal belief that the Covid-lockdowns were necessary and effective and that the coronavirus can be stopped by brute-force economic and social regimentation is another case in point – underscored by a new analysis of the Swedish outcome.

The mainstream narrative, of course, is that Sweden’s no lockdown policy – the schools, restaurants, movies, gyms, malls etc. remained open – was a disastrous failure, thereby vindicating the universal quarantine approach of Dr. Fauci, Governor Cuomo and the rest of the Blue State Virus Patrol.

But that’s based on the irrelevant observation that Sweden’s overall WITH-Covid mortality rate of 56 per 100,000 is far higher than that of Norway, Finland and Denmark.

The truth is, Sweden’s mortality rate happened in the long-term care facilities, where 75% of the country’s 5,800 WITH-Covid deaths to date (August 18) have occurred, and which is neither here nor there when it comes to lockdowns of the non-elderly population.

Fortunately, a breakdown of Sweden’s WITH-covid deaths by detailed age brackets is readily available and it puts the kibosh on Dr. Fauci’s Lockdown Nation folly.

Number of WITH-Covid deaths/ Population/Rate per 100,000 by age cohort:

  • 0-9 years: 1/1.22 million/ 0.08 per 100,000;

  • 10-19 years: 0/1.19 million/ 0.0 per 100,000;

  • 20-29: 10/1.31 million/ 0.77 per 100,000;

  • 30-39 years: 16/1.37 million/ 1.16 per 100,000;

  • 40-49 years: 45/1.31 million/ 3.42 per 100,000;

  • 50-59 years: 162/1.27 million/ 12.8 per 100,000;

  • 60-69 years: 398/1.14 million/ 34.8 per 100,000;

  • 70-79 years: 1,250/.917 million/ 128.7 per 100,000;

  • 80-90 years: 2,408/.425 million/ 567.0 per 100,000;

  • 90 years plus: 1,512/.119 million/ 1,271.0 per 100,000.

So, yes, Sweden has a WITH-Covid mortality rate of 56 per 100,000 for the entire country. But 26% of those deaths occurred among the population 90 years and older, which accounts for just 1.1% of Sweden’s population.

Similarly, 67% of the deaths were among the population 80 years and older and 93% were among those aged 65 or more. By contrast, persons 65 and older account for just 19% of Sweden’s population, and the preponderant share of the latter, who have suffered serious illness or death from the Covid, were already in long-term care facilities and programs.Nudge: Improving Decis…Richard H. Thaler, Cas…Best Price: $5.26Buy New $9.75(as of 09:25 EST – Details)

Needless to say, locking down the schools, gyms, restaurants and malls does nothing for the institutionalized population of the vulnerable elderly and co-morbid. Sheltering and treating the latter in place, rather than quarantining the younger, healthier populations, is the self-evident answer.

Indeed, the virtue of Sweden’s anti-lockdown strategy virtually screams out from the schedule above. Sweden did not close its schools, yet there has been just one WITH-Covid death among its 2.4 million school age children under 20 years.

Likewise, there have been just 71 deaths among its 4.0 million prime working and consuming age population (age 20-49). That’s a rounding error mortality rate of 1.77 per 100,000. Who in their right mind would want to shutdown the economy based on such infinitesimal risks?

Stated differently, the risk of death from Covid in Sweden has been 720X higher for the largely institutionalized 90 and over population compared to the prime working age group (20-49 years); and has also been 157X higher for the entire population 65 and over than for prime workers and the population that is the preponderant patron of the social congregation sectors of the economy.

Fortunately, Sweden also has readily available data on normal, year-in-and-year-out mortality, which rate is about 862 per 100,000 for the total population. But when you breakdown these normal mortality rates by age cohort and cause of death, the insanity of Lockdown Nation become all the more apparent.

Specifically, there are about 3,429 deaths per year in Sweden from auto crashes, falls, drownings, electrocutions, poisonings and other accidents, and these account for about 4% of Sweden’s 2019 death total from all causes of 89,000.

However, when you look at mortality rates per 100,000 from accidents alone, the starling result is that the existing risk of death from accidents is far higher than from the Covid for the entire 8.4 million population under 65 years of age, and for the young and middle-aged decidedly so.

Mortality rates per 100,000 for accidents versus Covid and ratio of accident/Covid risk:

  • 0-14 years; 1.38 versus 0.06=25X;

  • 15-44 years: 12.3 versus 1.2=10X;

  • 45-64 years: 20.6 versus 15.4=1.34X;

  • 65 years & older: 115 versus 257=0.45X.

In short, when the ordinary risk of death is 10-25X greater for accidents than from the Covid for the young and working population, you don’t shutdown the economy and the main avenues of social congregation.

Due to enlightened leadership by Sweden’s health professionals and leading epidemiologists, they got it right, and now both new cases and WITH-Covid deaths have virtually disappeared.

And that’s to say nothing of the fact, that Sweden’s Q2 GDP decline of just 8.6% was far better than the double digit declines in the US and most European countries, which imposed far more draconian lockdowns.

In America, by contrast, the tyranny of groupthink on the matter has become so great that college football and in-person college classes are being closed from coast-to-coast when the risk of serious illness or death among the college age population here, like in Sweden, is virtually nil.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Horrendous” Market Breadth “Stinks To High Heaven”, Screams Imminent Risk-Off

“Horrendous” Market Breadth “Stinks To High Heaven”, Screams Imminent Risk-Off

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 10:35

With the S&P500 closing at a new all time high just shy of 3,400 on Friday, one may be tempted to think that there is a raging bull market (if one sparked by trillions in Fed liquidity, and certainly not due to economic fundamentals). Alas, one couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the series of consecutive record highs last week have been entirely on the back of just a handful of stocks as market breadth has collapsed to levels that typically precede major downward market crashes.

While we previously discussed the unprecedented market cap concentration of just a handful of companies (spoiler alert: it’s the FAAMGs with AAPL surpassing the $2 trillion barrier last week, and then adding a quick $100 billion in market cap on Friday on no news and merely due to a surge in call buying ahead of Monday’s stock split record date, which pushed the stock within inches of $500/share) consider that all of last week’s record highs in the S&P were set on negative breadth, meaning that there were more decliners than advancers.

It gets better: as the traditionally bullish and cheerful Bloomberg commentator Andrew Cinko writes, “Friday was even more outlandish in terms of narrowness” as it wasn’t a market of stocks on Friday, but just one single stock that moved the market (guess which one):

  • 87% of DJIA point gain came from Apple: (index +191pts vs AAPL’s contribution 167pts)
  • 103% of S&P 500 increase (11.7 vs 12.0)
  • 148% of Nasdaq Composite (46.9 vs 69.7)
  • 105% of Nasdaq 100 (78.1 vs 81.8)

As Cinko explains, extending an analogy we first made last week…

… it’s really the S&P1 and the reason for Friday’s dismal move “is simply math with Apple’s market cap so immense it is slowly but surely becoming the American stock market.”

That realization may prompt the index’s managers to make some sort of capitalization-weighted adjustment to give the little guys a chance, though such mathematical manipulations don’t change the fact that Apple and its mega-cap tech peers are eating the world.

Meanwhile, as we first discussed in “This Is What The S&P Would Look Like Without The 5 Megacap Tech Stocks“, Cinko notes that “we already have a solution in the equal-weighted S&P 500, which sank 1.54% last week versus a 0.72% rise for the cap-weighted version” which alone makes more sense given the negative breadth and the impact of just one stock.

As an aside, while it’s beyond the scope of this article to discuss last week’s berserk move in AAPL stock, we will note that the put-call skew in AAPL has absolutely imploded in recent days as a result of an unprecedented surge in call buying which due to positive gamma, is single-handedly pushing AAPL stock to daily record highs, which in turn leads to more call buying, pushing the stock even higher, and so on.

As a reminder, as we described first one month ago in “Goldman spot a historic inversion in the market“, “Negative skew is a relatively rare statistic for large cap names such as AMZN (where three month skew is currently at all-time lows), implying crowding in long AMZN calls.” Just replace AMZN with AAPL and you know all there is to know about what is pushing not just AAPL but the entire market higher.

But wait, there’s more.

As Larry McDonald writes in his latest Bear Traps report, “just 44, or 1.4% of the 3,068 NYSE issues traded hit new 52-week highs; on the Nasdaq, it was 137, or 4.0% of 3,450 issues traded. The indexes don’t have much company at these rarefied levels. The minuscule number of equities at 52-week highs with the index right at the highs is unprecedented and shows just how weak current breadth is.”

It gets worse: as McDonald further notes, the number of stocks trading above their 200DMA has also collapsed, from a relatively healthy 67% in February (just before the market crashed), to just 47% currently.

And while we observed above that all the upside in the market on Friday was entirely due to Apple, which helped the Nasdaq notch a 0.4% gain to a new all time high, here is just how bad it was away from Apple, where only 29% of stocks on the Nasdaq managed to close up on Friday (and 31% on Thursday), which according to McDonald “was the lowest in history, by far with 805 up and 1878 stocks down.”

Said otherwise, the Nasdaq closed not only green but at an all time high even as 70% of issues closed in the red. This was the 5th worst Advance/Decline day in the last 30 years.

What about the S&P? Here, Bloomberg’s Andrew Cinko again provides some perspective, writing that when “looking back for a five-day S&P 500 gain of 0.72% or more with median five-day breadth of 34% or less shows 24 other periods. But they do cluster, and the chart below shows only those occurrences for 1999/2000, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2014/2015 and this year.”

One can bucket the occurrences like this:

  • Post-bear market rallies that stalled: 2003, 2010
  • Bubble trouble: 1999/2000, 2008
  • Economic growth scares after a long run: 2014/2015

The problem, as Cinko notes, is that 2020’s pandemic-induced economic crash and the fastest recovery ever from a bear market might not fit into any one of the above buckets (especially with the Fed now explicitly egging on the market). It also means that, according to the Bloomberg strategist, “history is of no guide as to what to expect next in our current situation. Though I suppose one thing is clear from the chart, especially since 2010 onward: The easy ride higher is over for the time being, and churning price action is likely in store for investors until the next direction (up or down) becomes clearer.

There is less confusion when looking at the next chart courtesy of the BearTrapsReport, which highlights the top 10 large net-decliner days when the S&P 500 still closed positive: “This shows that market leadership is not only fleeting, but the index is being completely carried by a few names. Historically this points to an imminent risk-off phase in the market.”

Some more detail on the worst A/D days when the S&P closed positive (chart above):

  • #1, or the worst day since 1995, was July 17th, 2015. The S&P peaked the day after before pulling back -12.5% into the Yuan devaluation.  
  • #2 was February 23rd, 2000, a month before the dot-com peak.
  • #3 was this Thursday.
  • #4 was May 11th, 2020, market pulled back -5% in the next 3 days.
  • #5 was March 17th, 2000, a week before dot-com peak.

What does the chart above mean:

This week we had 3 days where the S&P 500 closed positive and the advance-decline line was negative. Since 1995, there was only 1 other week where this occurred in June 1997. However, this week is not comparable in our view, as the negative a/d numbers were pretty close to zero (-6, -37, -35) that’s vs. (-161, -193, -61) this week. This week’s a/d numbers were very significant in terms of size relative to history. Since 1995 there has been 287 days when SPX closed positive and the a/d was negative. However, Thursday’s -193 was the 3rd lowest ever. Tuesday’s was #7 on the list.

In short, while on every previous occasion when stocks inched higher led by just a handful of stocks, the market tumbles shortly thereafter, what is especially notable is that the last time we had a cluster of such negative A/D days with the S&P closing at all time highs was just days before the dot-com bubble burst.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Mask Mandates and the Right to Vote

Due to Covid-19, this fall’s election is likely to see record absentee voting and vote-by-mail. Many voters will nonetheless choose to vote in person at their local polling places, but questions remain about the best way to administer a voting system during a pandemic.

What can local election officials do to ensue that people are able to vote in a safe manner. Some jurisdictions are reportedly exploring moving polling places to facilities, such as stadiums, where there will be ample space for lines with social distancing. Fewer, larger polling places that can accommodate more people may also help address concerns about a shortage of poll workers in some jurisdictions.

Many state governors have imposed mask mandates in public places, particularly where people congregate. Presumably these requirements will apply at polling locations. Could such requirements be open to legal challenge? Does the legal authority to impose a mask requirement when entering a store extend to the polling place? Or would such a requirement risk unduly burdening the constitutional right to vote? Masks may not be particularly expensive, but they may still be difficult to obtain for some people, so is it constitutional to require them? Even small burdens on the right to vote may raise constitutional concerns.

I would think a mask requirement would be constitutional under Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, in which the Supreme Court upheld a photo ID requirement for voting in person. If the state’s interest in election integrity was sufficient to require a photo ID, the state’s interest in preventing the spread of Covid-19 should be sufficient to justify requiring a mask. The risk of Covid-19 is far greater than the risk of in-person voter fraud. The burden in Crawford was also deemed rather minimal, in large part because the state did not charge for identification. The burden was gong to get a qualifying ID, not paying for one.

Under Crawford, the easiest solution would be for polling locations to provide masks to those who show up to vote without one (much like many restaurants and stores do in jurisdictions with mask mandates), but this could be a significant added expense for election authorities, particularly in poorer jurisdictions. Election administration is underfunded in much of the country already, even without this added expense. Those communities that lack the resources to ensure an adequate number of voting machines are not likely to have the cash to spare for extra masks.

Easier absentee voting, early voting, and vote-by-mail would also lessen the burden of such a requirement, but not everyone can or will avail themselves of such opportunities. Presumably some share of those who wait to vote until election day are people who are less concerned about Covid-19, and who might be less inclined to wear a mask. We have all seen viral videos of people having meltdowns when asked to wear a mask to go into the supermarket. What happens when someone is denied the right to vote? If I am correct that Crawford controls (and I would be curious whether readers disagree with me on that point), I think election authorities could deny entrance to a would-be voter without a mask, particularly if masks were made available to those who come without one.

One other issue worth considering is how mask requirements may interact with local laws requiring photo ID. After all, the whole point of such requirements is to confirm the identity of the voter, and that is harder to do if the voter is wearing a mask. If a governor or state health director has imposed a mask mandate, but state election laws require photo ID, which must yield? Are would be voters required to remove their masks for the purpose of identification? (And who would want to be a poll worker under such conditions?) The risks from Covid-19 are substantially greater than the risks of voter fraud, so does that mean voter ID requirements would be trumped by mask mandates? In many jurisdictions state law may provide an answer, but I would also be curious whether there is a case that the Constitution does too.

This is another set of things election officials should think about between now and November


from Latest –

Mask Mandates and the Right to Vote

Due to Covid-19, this fall’s election is likely to see record absentee voting and vote-by-mail. Many voters will nonetheless choose to vote in person at their local polling places, but questions remain about the best way to administer a voting system during a pandemic.

What can local election officials do to ensue that people are able to vote in a safe manner. Some jurisdictions are reportedly exploring moving polling places to facilities, such as stadiums, where there will be ample space for lines with social distancing. Fewer, larger polling places that can accommodate more people may also help address concerns about a shortage of poll workers in some jurisdictions.

Many state governors have imposed mask mandates in public places, particularly where people congregate. Presumably these requirements will apply at polling locations. Could such requirements be open to legal challenge? Does the legal authority to impose a mask requirement when entering a store extend to the polling place? Or would such a requirement risk unduly burdening the constitutional right to vote? Masks may not be particularly expensive, but they may still be difficult to obtain for some people, so is it constitutional to require them? Even small burdens on the right to vote may raise constitutional concerns.

I would think a mask requirement would be constitutional under Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, in which the Supreme Court upheld a photo ID requirement for voting in person. If the state’s interest in election integrity was sufficient to require a photo ID, the state’s interest in preventing the spread of Covid-19 should be sufficient to justify requiring a mask. The risk of Covid-19 is far greater than the risk of in-person voter fraud. The burden in Crawford was also deemed rather minimal, in large part because the state did not charge for identification. The burden was gong to get a qualifying ID, not paying for one.

Under Crawford, the easiest solution would be for polling locations to provide masks to those who show up to vote without one (much like many restaurants and stores do in jurisdictions with mask mandates), but this could be a significant added expense for election authorities, particularly in poorer jurisdictions. Election administration is underfunded in much of the country already, even without this added expense. Those communities that lack the resources to ensure an adequate number of voting machines are not likely to have the cash to spare for extra masks.

Easier absentee voting, early voting, and vote-by-mail would also lessen the burden of such a requirement, but not everyone can or will avail themselves of such opportunities. Presumably some share of those who wait to vote until election day are people who are less concerned about Covid-19, and who might be less inclined to wear a mask. We have all seen viral videos of people having meltdowns when asked to wear a mask to go into the supermarket. What happens when someone is denied the right to vote? If I am correct that Crawford controls (and I would be curious whether readers disagree with me on that point), I think election authorities could deny entrance to a would-be voter without a mask, particularly if masks were made available to those who come without one.

One other issue worth considering is how mask requirements may interact with local laws requiring photo ID. After all, the whole point of such requirements is to confirm the identity of the voter, and that is harder to do if the voter is wearing a mask. If a governor or state health director has imposed a mask mandate, but state election laws require photo ID, which must yield? Are would be voters required to remove their masks for the purpose of identification? (And who would want to be a poll worker under such conditions?) The risks from Covid-19 are substantially greater than the risks of voter fraud, so does that mean voter ID requirements would be trumped by mask mandates? In many jurisdictions state law may provide an answer, but I would also be curious whether there is a case that the Constitution does too.

This is another set of things election officials should think about between now and November


from Latest –

Administrative Law in the Age of Trump

The Hastings Law Journal has published its symposium issue on administrative law in the Trump Administration. The issue features articles presented at the February symposium “Revolution or Evolution? Administrative Law in the Age of Trump: Revolution or Evolution?”

There are several interesting papers in the symposium. Here’s a listing:

from Latest –

At Least 13 Killed In Peru Nightclub Stampede Triggered By Police ‘Social Distancing’ Raid

At Least 13 Killed In Peru Nightclub Stampede Triggered By Police ‘Social Distancing’ Raid

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 10:10

In an example of COVID-19-related law enforcement gone horribly awry, 13 people were killed in a deadly stampede, as patrons tried to flee a surprise police raid on a crowded Lima, Peru nightclub on Saturday night.

At least 6 people were seriously injured, including 3 cops.

Orlando Velasco Mujica, general of the Peruvian National Police Police, told CNN that police were summoned to the Thomas Restobar in the Los Olivos district of Lima, Peru’s capital city, on Saturday evening. They were ordered to shut down an illegal party, where officials believed more than 120 people were in attendance.

Peru is struggling with one of Latin America’s deadliest and most devastating outbreaks. Strict docial distancing measures have been mandated nationwide, along with a 10 pm curfew in an effort to slow the virus’s spread.

Despite taking strict preventative measures early on, Peru has racked up more than 576,000 cases, and more than 27,000 deaths, according to JHU. The country has Latin America’s second-highest infection rate.

Peru ordered the closure of nightclubs and bars back in March, and banned extended family gatherings on Aug. 12.

According to an official statement delivered to CNN, the Ministry of the Interior reported that the police did not use “any type of weapon or tear gas to clear the premises.” When people began to flee the 2nd floor venue, they were crushed on the steep stairs.

Already, 23 people have been arrested, and officials are looking to hold the owners of the nightclub responsible.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

German Scientists Hold Live Concert For 2,000 People In Unusual Study Of How COVID-19 Spreads

German Scientists Hold Live Concert For 2,000 People In Unusual Study Of How COVID-19 Spreads

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/23/2020 – 09:45

German researchers have packed some 2,000 people into an indoor “experimental concert” in order to learn more about how COVID-19 spreads at large, chaotic venues where normally health officials would be at a loss if they wanted to initiate contact tracing.

Held in the German city of Leipzig, participants enjoyed a live concert featuring German pop star Tim Bendzko, however, it was also a tightly control scientific experiment with each fan issued glowing hand sanitizer and electronic trackers. Attendees tended to be young and healthy, and had to show a negative COVID-19 test to be part of the experiment.

All were also wearing respiratory face masks and outfitted with “contract trackers” in order to record their contact rates and distances from other participants. 

It’s part of a number of experiments designed with the ultimate end-goal of avoiding another total societal and economic lockdown like occurred last Spring.

Scientists hope to better gauge risk when it comes to large public events, also in order to present health officials and politicians with more options in terms of keeping venues open, but with restrictive health measures to prevent super-spreader events.

CNN describes of the unprecedented live experiment

Using data from the contact trackers, scientists from The University of Halle will monitor the number “critical contacts” had by each participant during specific times and locations, while the residue left by fluorescent hand gel will identify frequently touched surfaces. Researchers hope to use the data to find ways to bring big events, including sports, back safely.

Dean of the University of Halle’s medical faculty Michael Gekle emphasized, “We cannot afford another lockdown,” according to CNN. “We have to gather the data now in order to be able to make valid predictions,” he added.

Leipzig concert, Getty Images

“There is no zero risk if you want to have life. We want to give the politicians a tool in order to decide rationally whether to allow such an event or not,” he described of the valuable data that hopes to be gained. “That means they have to have the tool to predict how many additional infected people such an event will produce,” he concluded.

The Leipzig concert was actually one of three scenarios as CNN describes:

Researchers directed volunteers to run three scenarios — one that simulated a concert pre-coronavirus, a second simulating a concert during the pandemic, with improved hygiene measures in place, and a third, with reduced participants. Scientists will gather the data, apply a mathematical model, and evaluate the hygiene interventions, with conclusions ready by the end of the year.

Such large-scale experiments could also given clearer direction to professional sports globally and in the US, where multi-billion dollar leagues have been put on hold for months, or are under threat of being canceled altogether.

Image via Tekdeeps

Meanwhile, the NBA is now conducting its own ‘live experiment’ of sorts by holding the rest of its season in an isolated ‘bubble’.

Players, staff, and officials are playing under complete quarantine, with no fans or outside visitors, at Disney World and will live at a group of hotels for months as the playoffs conclude.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden