Narrative Managers Faceplant In Hilarious OPCW Scandal Spin Job

Narrative Managers Faceplant In Hilarious OPCW Scandal Spin Job

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

Imperialist propaganda firm Bellingcat has published a response to the ever-expanding OPCW scandal, and it’s got to be seen to be believed.

Before we begin I should highlight that Bellingcat is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which according to its own cofounder was set up to do overtly what the CIA had previously been doing covertly, namely orchestrating narrative management geared toward the elimination of governments which refuse to comply with US interests. NED is funded directly by the US government, which means that Bellingcat is funded by the US government via an organization set up to promote imperialist regime change agendas. Bellingcat is also funded by Open Society Foundations, another imperialist narrative management operation.

Syria has been the target of what may be the most sophisticated propaganda campaign in history, and Bellingcat has been consistently rallying behind even the most transparently ridiculous tools of this campaign. This includes the notorious Bana Alabed psyop which at its height saw CNN staging a fake, scripted interview featuring a seven year-old girl assigning blame to Bashar al-Assad for an alleged sarin gas attack in Khan Shaykhun. Bellingcat’s stellar investigative work (which has been praised in fawning puff pieces by mainstream outlets like The Guardian and The New Yorker) concluded that this obvious propaganda construct was in fact nothing other than a little girl and her mother independently composing viral tweets, giving interviews and authoring books about how the Syrian government must be toppled via western interventionism.

Bellingcat’s latest phenomenal report on how you’re supposed to think about important geopolitical disputes, titled “Emails And Reading Comprehension: OPCW Douma Coverage Misses Crucial Facts”, addresses the leaked OPCW email which was recently published by WikiLeaks and various other outlets revealing that the OPCW omitted crucial information from its Douma report which indicated that a chemical weapons attack was unlikely to have occurred. I encourage you to go and check out Bellingcat’s new masterpiece for yourself. Don’t worry about giving them clicks; that’s not where they get their money.

The first thing you’ll notice about Bellingcat’s article is that at no point does it even attempt to address the actual inflammatory comments within it, such as the OPCW whistleblower’s assertion that the samples tested where a chlorine gas attack is alleged to have occurred in April 2018 contained levels of chlorinated organic compounds which were so low that it would be unreasonable to claim with any confidence that a chlorine gas attack had occurred at all. The whistleblower writes in the leaked email to the OPCW cabinet chief that the levels “were, in most cases, present only in parts per billion range, as low as 1–2 ppb, which is essentially trace quantities.”

As we discussed previously, early skeptics of the establishment Douma narrative highlighted the bizarre fact that when the OPCW published its Interim Report in July of last year its report contained no information about the levels at which the chlorinated organic chemicals occurred. Chlorinated organic chemicals occur at trace levels in any industrialized area, so they are only indicative of a chlorine gas attack when samples test at high levels. The email said they didn’t. The OPCW omitted this in both its Interim and Final Reports.

The whistleblower told journalist Jonathan Steele that the levels found “were comparable to and even lower than those given in the World Health Organisation’s guidelines on recommended permitted levels of trichlorophenol and other COCs in drinking water.”

“Had they been included, the public would have seen that the levels of COCs found were no higher than you would expect in any household environment”, the whistleblower said.

In a new Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson, Steele explained the significance of this revelation.

“The main point is that Chlorine gas degrades rapidly in the air,” Steele said.

“So coming in two weeks later, you wouldn’t find anything. What you would find is that the gas contaminates or affects other chemicals in the natural environment. So-called ‘chlorinated organic chemicals.’ The difficulty is they exist anyway in the natural environment and water. So the crucial thing is the levels, were there higher levels of chlorinated organic chemicals found after the alleged gas attack than there would have been in the normal environment?”

“When they got back to the Netherlands, to The Hague where the OPCW has its headquarters, samples were sent off to designated laboratories, then there was a weird silence developed,” Steele continued. “Nobody told the inspectors what the results of the analysis was. It was only by chance that the inspector found out through accident earlier the results would come in and there were no differences at all. There were no higher levels of Chlorinated organic chemicals in the areas where the alleged attack had happened where there is some suspicious cylinders had been found by opposition activists. So it didn’t seem possible that there could have been a gas attack because the levels were just the same as in the natural environment.”

Bellingcat simply ignores this absolutely central aspect of the email, as well as the whistleblower’s point about the symptoms of victims not matching chlorine gas poisoning.

“In this case the confidence in the identity of chlorine or any choking agent is drawn into question precisely because of the inconsistency with the reported and observed symptoms,” the whistleblower writes in the email. “The inconsistency was not only noted by the FFM team but strongly noted by three toxicologists with expertise in exposure to CW [Chemical Weapons] agents.”

Bellingcat says nothing about these revelations in the email, and says nothing about the fact that the OPCW excluded them from both its Interim Report in July 2018 and its Final Report in March 2019, the latter of which actually asserted the exact opposite saying there was “reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon took place. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”

Bellingcat completely ignores all of these points, which are literally the only reason any of this is in the news at all, instead opting to make silly, pedantic arguments that the text of the email and the Interim and Final Reports indicate that some of the whistleblower’s concerns appear to have been partially addressed by OPCW leadership in its publications. To make this argument, Bellingcat highlights how some of the wording in the reports was changed to appear a bit less conclusive, such as changing “likely” to “possible” and changing “reactive chlorine containing chemical” to “chemical containing reactive chlorine”.

By highlighting these barely-significant changes Bellingcat attempts to spin the narrative that there was no internal OPCW coverup of its investigators’ findings at all, which is of course invalidated by the fact that its Final Report concluded that a chlorine gas attack had taken place despite the whistleblower clearly stating that there is no basis upon which to conclude this. It’s also obviously invalidated by the fact that not one but two whistleblowers have come forward, meaning they plainly do not feel as though their concerns were met.

“Ian and I wanted to have this issue investigated and hopefully resolved internally, rather than exposing the failings of the Organisation in public, so we exhausted every internal avenue possible including submission of all the evidence of irregular behaviour to the Office of Internal Oversight,” the whistleblower told Steele.

“The request for an internal investigation was refused and every other attempt to raise our concerns was stone walled. Our failed efforts to get management to listen went on over a period of nearly nine months. It was only after we realised the internal route was impossible that we decided to go public”.

“Ian” is Ian Henderson, the OPCW ballistics expert whose Engineering Assessment was leaked this past May. Henderson concluded that, contrary to what the OPCW’s Final Report strongly implies, the cylinders found at the scene in Douma were more likely to have been manually placed there, i.e. staged. The anonymous whistleblower informed Steele that all but one of the OPCW’s investigative team agreed with Henderson’s assessment. This too was left out of all OPCW reports, and Bellingcat’s piece completely ignores it, instead writing only that “Three independent analyses by experts in three different countries were carried out, and all reached complimentary conclusions: the damage at the impact sites is consistent with the cylinders having fallen from height.”

With the temerity only an NED paycheck can get you, Bellingcat argues that this vapid pedantry which has no bearing on the actual story whatsoever completely invalidates all reporting on the OPCW scandal.

“Although this letter appears to be at least superficially damaging to the OPCW, after reading the actual reports published by the OPCW it is clear that this letter is outdated and inapplicable to the final Douma report,” Bellingcat concludes.

“If the people covering this story had actually taken the time to read the letter and the FFM reports, they may well have chosen to publicize it in a very different manner.”

Google has helpfully made sure to place Bellincat’s assertive-sounding gibberish at the very top of news results which come up if you do a search for “OPCW” today:

Empire apologists have taken this ridiculous, nonsensical line of argumentation as gospel and run with it on social media, sharing Bellingcat’s embarrassing faceplant with triumphant, chest-thumping captions.

“Just so all my followers are clear, Tucker Carlson and the merry band of alt left grifter idiots trying to convince you that 1 of the 257 chemical attacks in Syria was a false flag are wrong, again, and never even bothered to read the report they say is wrong,” tweeted Newshour’s Danny Gold.

“So the letter written by the dissenting OPCW employee on Douma investigation was sent two weeks before the interim report was released and nine months before the final one. In the final one, the employee’s concerns were addressed. Where’s the cover up?” tweeted Telegraph’s Josie Ensor.

“WikiLeaks et al are lying to you in defence of the Assad regime,” tweeted odious Syria narrative manager Oz Katerji.

Media Matters For America, another narrative management firm founded by troll army commander David Brock, has also picked up Bellingcat’s ridiculous arguments and run with them in an even dumber article titled “Tucker Carlson spreads disinformation about a deadly chemical attack in Syria”.

“Despite the seemingly scandalous accusation in the leak, Carlson is misrepresenting the nature of the WikiLeaks documents and their significance,” MMFA claims. “Investigative journalists at Bellingcat found that the leaked letter was in fact referring to an ‘interim report’ issued in July of 2018, before the OPCW released its final conclusions. A side-by-side comparison shows that the concerns addressed in the letter ‘are present, or else are in modified form, in the final report.’”

Which is of course false, as explained above.

MMFA’s other claims are nothing other than simple regurgitation of the very reports that are now being invalidated by the leaks that Tucker Carlson highlighted on his show. Their entire argument boils down to “This old information is in contradiction to that new information,” which is of course the entire bloody point.

“These claims contradict and misrepresent the available evidence regarding the attack, the conclusions of multiple governments, and they are based on a Syrian and Russian misinformation campaign seeking to discredit investigators and absolve Assad of responsibility for the atrocity,” MMFA argues, linking to a 2018 BBC article saying Assad was responsible for the Douma incident, a 2018 Guardian article about the US government’s unsubstantiated claim to have secret proof of Assad’s guilt, and a 2018 Guardian article claiming that Russia is wrong about its skepticism of the western Douma narrative, respectfully.

Which is the same as saying “You’re wrong because we disagree with you. Here is evidence of our disagreeing with you last year.”

This is the best the spin masters can do, and the OPCW scandal is only going to unfold more. Should be fun.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 10:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

U.S. Life Expectancy Peaked in 2014

Life expectancy trends downward for three years in a row. A recent reversal in upward longevity trends is being driven by young and middle-aged adults, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The findings fall in line with other recent research on U.S. longevity and public health, placing the bulk of the blame for younger deaths on suicide, drug overdoses, and alcohol abuse, along with “a diverse list of organ system diseases.”

Researchers Steven H. Woolf and Heidi Schoomaker looked at U.S. mortality data published from January 1990 through August 2019. They find that U.S. life expectancy peaked in 2014, at 78.9 years old, and has been declining since.

For 2017, life expectancy was down to 78.6 years.

“The recent decrease in U.S. life expectancy culminated a period of increasing cause-specific mortality among adults aged 25 to 64 years that began in the 1990s, ultimately producing an increase in all-cause mortality that began in 2010,” they write in the JAMA paper. “During 2010-2017, midlife all-cause mortality rates increased from 328.5 deaths/100 000 to 348.2 deaths/100 000. By 2014, midlife mortality was increasing across all racial groups, caused by drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, suicides, and a diverse list of organ system diseases.”

These trends were strongest in New England (up 23.3 percent in New Hampshire, 20 percent in Maine, and 19.9 percent in Vermont) and what they term the Ohio Valley (up 23 percent in West Virginia, 21.6 percent in Ohio, 14.8 percent in Indiana, and 14.7 percent in Kentucky). “The increase in midlife mortality during 2010-2017 was associated with an estimated 33,307 excess U.S. deaths, 32.8% of which occurred in four Ohio Valley states,” the authors write.

Between 1959 and 2016, U.S. life expectancy rose from 69.9 years to 78.9 years in 2016, increasing the fastest between 1969 and 1979. Then:

Life expectancy began to advance more slowly in the 1980s and plateaued in 2011 […] The National Center for Health Statistics reported that US life expectancy peaked (78.9 years) in 2014 and subsequently decreased significantly for 3 consecutive years, reaching 78.6 years in 2017. The decrease was greater among men (0.4 years) than women (0.2 years) and occurred across racial-ethnic groups; between 2014 and 2016, life expectancy decreased among non-Hispanic white populations (from 78.8 to 78.5 years), non-Hispanic black populations (from 75.3 years to 74.8 years), and Hispanic populations (82.1 to 81.8 years).

In addition to drugs and alcohol, other lifestyle factors can be blamed for the rise in younger deaths:

Between 1999 and 2017, age-adjusted midlife mortality rates for hypertensive diseases increased by 78.9% (from 6.1 deaths/100 000 to 11.0 deaths/100 000) and for obesity increased by 114.0% (from 1.3 deaths/100 000 to 2.7 deaths/100 000).

Early studies reported increasing midlife mortality from heart disease and lung (notably chronic pulmonary) disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer disease, but the trend appears to be even broader.

As Ron Bailey pointed out yesterday, however, the JAMA study isn’t all bad news:

Some good news is that mortality rates continued to fall at the tail ends of the age distribution. Between 1999 and 2017, the infant mortality rate dropped from 736 to 567 per 100,000 births while mortality among children ages 1 through 14 declined from 22.9 to 16.5 deaths per 100,000. Older Americans are living longer too: The mortality rate among adults between the ages of 65 and 84 fell from 3,774.6 to 2,875.4 deaths per 100,000.

Considering the bulk of the decline in longevity comes from “adults with less education and in rural areas or other settings with evidence of economic distress or diminished social capital,” the authors of the study suggest things like prescription opioids are to blame. But as Bailey writes:

They fail to note the unintended consequences of the federal government mandate for an abuse-deterrent reformulation of prescription opioids that resulted in the massive rise in overdose deaths as users switched to street heroin and fentanyl.

What to do? A good start would be to end the drug war and adopt policies that enable folks to get out of the local poverty traps in which they are stuck.


Due process shouldn’t conflict with #MeToo goals. David Harsanyi calls foul on the idea that due process somehow stands in opposition to holding people accountable for sexual harassment and assault. From a Monday article (not an opinion piece!) in The Washington Post:

While the #MeToo movement brought increased public scrutiny to harassment and assault, the Trump administration’s proposal pushes the pendulum in the reverse direction by strengthening due process protections for those accused of offenses.

Writes Harsanyi:

If on the one side of the pendulum is increased scrutiny over sexual assault, then the “reverse” can’t be the right to due process. The two, in fact, aren’t even on the same pendulum. Due process concerns itself with procedure, not substance. It allows “emotionally charged conflicts,” as the Post helpfully puts it, to be adjudicated in an impartial manner. The opposite of increased public scrutiny to harassment and assault is less scrutiny, not fewer rights for the accused. It’s alarming that this even has to be debated.

More here.


The abject stupidity of the war on vaping. I’m in Spectator USA this week on the ways in which anti-vaping advocates are emulating crusaders against “Big Tobacco,” but without actually protecting anyone’s health. New York and California are both suing JUUL, for instance. A lot of politicians are keen on banning flavored vaping products (for the children, obviously), something leaders in New York City and Massachusetts voted for just last week. Meanwhile:

The American Medical Association (AMA) is now recommending a “total ban on all e-cigarette and vaping products” that aren’t classified by the U.S. food and Drug Administration as “smoking cessation” aids.

Interestingly, President Donald Trump has emerged as a rare realist when it comes to vaping. He told reporters last Friday that if the U.S. banned flavored nicotine vaping products, they were just “going to come here illegally.” Trump continued:

That’s the one problem I can’t seem to forget. You just have to look at the history of it. Now, instead of having a flavor that’s at least safe, they’re going to be having a flavor that’s poison.

It’s been black-market THC vapes causing illnesses and deaths, with most cases linked to products that used synthetic vitamin E as a filler.

To respond to that set of facts by banning flavored nicotine vaping products is like the government responding to counterfeit multivitamins killing people by banning all supplements except Riboflavin. It makes no sense.

More on the madness here.



from Latest –

Pending Home Sales Slide In October

Pending Home Sales Slide In October

A big upward revision for new home sales (to 12-year highs), and a rebound in existing home sales, were both upset by the disappointing 1.7% MoM drop in pending home sales in October.

Source: Bloomberg

Year-over-year, pending home sales rose at 3.9%, well below the 6.0% expected and the 6.3% prior level.

Only the NorthEast saw sales improve:

  • Northeast up 1.9%; Sept. fell 0.4%

  • Midwest fell 2.7%; Sept. rose 2.9%

  • South fell 1.7%; Sept. rose 2.6%

  • West fell 3.4%; Sept. fell 1.3%

And all that as mortgage rates collapsed?

Most notably, pending home sales are often considered a leading indicator of existing-home purchases and a measure of the health of the residential real estate market in coming months.


Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 10:09

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Spending Growth Weakest Since February

US Spending Growth Weakest Since February

Amid worries that the US consumer is tapped out (or maxed out), it appears that despite disappointment at no gain in income, spending rose 0.3% MoM (as expected)

Source: Bloomberg

But both income and spending growth slowed YoY (Spending growth weakest since Feb)

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, despite 30% of respondents planning to rein in their spending this holiday season, Bloomberg’s Buying Climate survey has never been higher ahead of Black Friday…

Source: Bloomberg

Of course, with credit card rates at record highs…

…all that spending what you don’t have will come at a serious cost in January.

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 10:03

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Don’t Forget about Turkey

The current political focus may be on Ukraine, but there are reasons to be just as concerned about how President Trump may have made U.S. policy toward Turkey subservient to his personal interests.

Tim Miller has a rundown on The Bulwark of what we know about Trump’s financial and other entanglements in Turkey, in addition to key events that suggest reasons for concern. The TL;DR is as follows:

Trump enabled a despot who has significant leverage over his business in a brutal ethnic cleansing of our ally, cutting an opaque sweetheart deal negotiated by the sons-in-law of Erdogan, Trump, and Trump’s business partner.

Meanwhile, Erdogan has empowered Trump’s business partner, making him Turkey’s key man in Washington, which gives him inordinate influence on the administration and ensures that the financial interests of all involved are maintained.

The relevant relationships and policies cry out for further investigation. The story here may be more complicated than the Ukraine “quid pro quo,” but it’s no less troubling.

from Latest –

Don’t Forget about Turkey

The current political focus may be on Ukraine, but there are reasons to be just as concerned about how President Trump may have made U.S. policy toward Turkey subservient to his personal interests.

Tim Miller has a rundown on The Bulwark of what we know about Trump’s financial and other entanglements in Turkey, in addition to key events that suggest reasons for concern. The TL;DR is as follows:

Trump enabled a despot who has significant leverage over his business in a brutal ethnic cleansing of our ally, cutting an opaque sweetheart deal negotiated by the sons-in-law of Erdogan, Trump, and Trump’s business partner.

Meanwhile, Erdogan has empowered Trump’s business partner, making him Turkey’s key man in Washington, which gives him inordinate influence on the administration and ensures that the financial interests of all involved are maintained.

The relevant relationships and policies cry out for further investigation. The story here may be more complicated than the Ukraine “quid pro quo,” but it’s no less troubling.

from Latest –

“A Very Racist Place”: Former Tesla Employees Paint Ugly Picture Of Company’s Buffalo Plant

“A Very Racist Place”: Former Tesla Employees Paint Ugly Picture Of Company’s Buffalo Plant

If you’re a company that wants to change the world for the better, maybe it’s best to start at your own workplace.

An explosive new report out of Buffalo reveals that Tesla’s workplaces aren’t quite the utopia that the company has sought out to create, with a former employee telling WIVB 4 that the racial tension inside of the company’s Buffalo plant got so bad that the lunchroom and assembly line became “naturally segregated”. 

The former minority worker said: “We had to sit in the back of the cafeteria, they sat up front. It wasn’t that they said we had to, but that was the aura of the place because if we went up front it was like we was out of place, everybody looking at you like we’re the side show, we’re the clowns.”

The employee called the plant a “very racist place”. In fact, a racially charged message was found in a bathroom last year and Tesla had to “scramble” to assemble a “diversity meeting” that minority workers described as “unhelpful”. The message, scribbled on a bathroom poster, said: “get rid of all the [n-word]s and Jews.”

“It was a complete joke,” said an African-American former employee about the meeting. Another former minority employee said: “I, like other workers of color, felt that the meeting about the racist note was ineffective and barely scratched the surface about the racism at the plant.”

One African American employee said she applied for a promotion but lost the job to a white female employee who was allegedly given an advantage by being briefed by her white supervisor. Eventually, a black worker got one of the promoted positions, but it was on an undesirable overnight shift that paid $6 per hour less.

Six former minority employees at Tesla’s plant in Buffalo filed discrimination complaints with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the state Division of Human Rights, the report found. WIVB interviewed two of them.

The interviews revealed a “hostile work environment” where black workers frequently heard white employees using the n-word and where white workers were promoted over more qualified minority employees. 

Assemblyman Sean Ryan, D-Buffalo, said the complaints describe an “out-of-control workforce where racism and discrimination appears to be unfettered.”

Some former employees allege that management at the factory used the company’s global layoffs in January as a way to get rid of black and Hispanic workers who complained about racism and hostility. WIVB found that Tesla had fired all six employees who complained or were included in complaints. Of the 57 employees laid off earlier this year, about 80% were minorities, the report found. 

The complaints have prompted a “pending investigation” from the Attorney General’s Office, whose lawyers have already interviewed some workers at the plant. 

“I don’t like to pull the race card, if you will. I didn’t want to jump right to race, but all in all, I feel like that’s absolutely what it was,” one former female African-American worker said. 

All six former workers who complained said they heard white co-workers making racist comments toward African-Americans and Hispanic workers. One female worker said that she often heard co-workers refer to African Americans as “lazy”. 

“The knowledge that this sort of behavior appeared to be permitted in the factory would cause me stress and anxiety during my time working there,” one Hispanic former worker said in their complaint.

One former Hispanic male worker said that he was referred to as “the lazy Puerto Rican”. 

“During my employment, I frequently heard racial epithets and slurs. Whenever I brought concerns about racist comments to my supervisor, it appeared he would consult with the white co-workers but never with any of the affected black co-workers,” he said. 

Cuomo diverted almost $1 billion in taxpayer money to fund the plant

One African-American worker said that team leaders would ask minorities to do menial tasks, like take out the trash, “while white co-workers appeared to be standing around doing nothing.”

“Months later, after white co-workers complained about the team lead’s apparent intoxication on the job, he was finally moved to a maintenance position,” one complaint said. 

“For instance, I recall myself and other black co-workers complaining about a white, female co-worker who used the n-word frequently being moved to a different division but ultimately promoted in my division to a maintenance technician,” one African American worker said. 

Another African-American male said that a black female worker told him that while showing a white co-worker a picture of her grandchild, the white co-worker referred to him as a “cute little monkey”. 

“In one incident, one of the white leads claimed in the white team lead’s defense that he’s street like that, that’s how he talks,” one former worker said.  

Recall, Tesla’s Buffalo plant was built and equipped with $959 million in state taxpayer funds. 

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 09:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Today in Supreme Court History: November 27, 1964

11/27/1964: WGCB carried a 15-minute broadcast by the Reverend Billy James Hargis as part of the “Christian Crusade” series. This broadcast gave rise to Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Commission (1969).

The Warren Court (1969)

from Latest –

Gun Sales Surge In October As 2020 Dems Unveil Gun Control Proposals

Gun Sales Surge In October As 2020 Dems Unveil Gun Control Proposals

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times,

Nearly 11 percent more guns were sold in the United States in October than a year ago, according to newly released data.

Roughly 1.2 million guns were sold this October, a 10.8 percent increase from Oct. 2018, according to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting (pdf). The firm also estimated that about 1.1 million guns were sold in September, another increase of almost 11 percent from the same month last year.

The arms industry observer said it expects sales across 2019 to reach 14 million, past the 13.8 million guns sold in 2018 but below the estimates of 14.7 million sold in 2017 and 16.6 million sold in 2016.

“Sales have definitely been brisk, especially of small concealable handguns. We also saw a spike in sales of tactical rifles like AR-15s and AK-47s, for which I think we can confidently thank Beto O’Rourke,” Justin Anderson, marketing director for the North Carolina-based Hyatt Guns, told the Washington Examiner.

O’Rourke, a former U.S. representative from Texas, shouted on the debate stage over the summer “hell yes” when asked if he’d seize guns if elected president. O’Rourke later dropped out of the race, but other candidates have said they’d focus on gun control, including former Vice President Joe Biden, who has proposed banning 9-mm handguns, a popular handgun that’s used by numerous law enforcement agencies.

It seems to me that Biden is preying upon the ignorance of his base by making such a ludicrous suggestion. Black Friday looks to be a huge day for the gun industry, building on what is already a record year for sales. In addition, with so much competition in the marketplace, retail pricing is as low as I’ve seen in over a decade. My message to consumers thinking about buying a gun: Pull the trigger!” Anderson told the Examiner.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks with the media after touring the W.H. Bagshaw Company during an exploratory trip in a Jan. 29, 2019. (Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who just joined the race, is also known for his gun control advocacy after founding the group Everytown for Gun Safety.

Jurgen Brauer, Small Arms Analytics’ chief economist, told Fox News that he doesn’t think the rhetoric from Democratic candidates “will be the overwhelming contribution to increase sales this season,” but suggested it could boost sales next year.

“These Democratic candidates hashing it out amongst themselves, there is a bit of talk in the industry and among firearms owners for what this may augur for next year or thereafter,” he said.

Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told Fox that prospective gun buyers would be aware of the looming 2020 election and the possibility a Democrat championing gun control could win.

“We’re seeing a lot of talk about people, presidential candidates or state governments wanting to severely restrict rights … Some have called for outright confiscation of guns and firearms. People are seeing that their rights are under attack … They start to make sure that they can buy the firearms that they want while they still can,” he said.

“[In] 2015, 2016 firearm sales went through the roof. It wouldn’t surprise me if we start to approach … that again if we continue to hear the rhetoric that we’re hearing.”

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 09:42

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Deutsche Sells $50 Billion Debt Portfolio To Goldman In “Bad Bank” Wind-Down

Deutsche Sells $50 Billion Debt Portfolio To Goldman In “Bad Bank” Wind-Down

So far, Deutsche Bank’s efforts to offload troubled assets included in its ‘bad bank’ have been successful. The troubled German lender has already unloaded some assets to rivals including Goldman Sachs and BNP Paribas, and now Goldman is reportedly coming back for more.

Now, Goldman’s coming back for what Bloomberg described as a “$50 billion book of assets.” According to BBG, the assets are “tied to emerging market debt,” and were housed in DB’s ‘wind-down’ unit (or the ‘bad bank’, as it’s otherwise known, which was initially set up over the summer).

It’s difficult to tell whether the sale involved part of the derivatives portfolio, since BBG doesn’t include any information about the nature of the assets being sold.

But even though DB managed to offload some of its most troubled assets, the unit still managed to book a €1 billion loss for Q3 (and there will undoubtedly be more losses as more assets are sold).

Still, investors reacted positively to the news since the toxic assets are a major obstacle to DB’s return to profitability. DB shares jumped 2% in European trade, cutting their YTD loss to 3.6%.

The asset sales are part of a broader turnaround effort announced by CEO Christian Sewing over the summer. To help reduce overhead, the bank has already begun cutting some 18,000 jobs around the world, contributing to some of the industry’s worst job losses since the financial crisis.

As the above graphic shows, when it comes to the bad bank, Sewing has promised to cut the leverage exposure, a critical risk metric used by regulators, to 119 billion euros ($131 billion) at the end of the year (from 177 billion euros as of the end of Q3). The portfolio sales are an important part of this plan.

It’s difficult to say how much this latest sale, or the earlier sales, will contribute to Sewing’s goal since notional value is different from the market value included on a balance sheet. When the unit was first set up, it was said to house €74 billion in risk-weighted assets, and there have reportedly been discussions about adding more, according to CNBC.

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 09:25

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden