How the Government Can Make Life Better in 2021


It’s the beginning of a new year. It’s almost the beginning of a new presidential administration, too. In theory, now is a perfect time for some resolutions: to start fresh, fix the mistakes of the past, or do what we never got around to doing. In that spirit, I offer some advice to the Biden administration; Congress; and state and local governments.

State and local governments should reopen schools. That many schools are still not providing in-person instruction is unforgivable. We’ve known for months now that in many scenarios, in-person instruction poses little risk to children, their teachers, and their communities. Indeed, in Germany, school closures were not associated with reduced transmission of COVID-19.

And yet, schools in counties such as mine have been closed for over 300 days, even in the face of the known high costs of online instruction. In Arlington County, where I live, failing grades at middle school and high school levels have increased by 200 percent and 26 percent, respectively.

Sadly, high school children who hoped their athletic performance would help them get into college or get scholarships have also been stuck at home. Lower-income children and those with disabilities are impacted the most, and equity of access was even used as an excuse to stop all new instruction back in March 2020.

As for Congress, it must stop being so generous with other people’s money. This extra spending creates serious economic distortions and counterproductive behavior related to unemployment benefits or bailouts.

Legislators from both parties have been fiscally reckless for years. But it has gotten worse during this pandemic under the stewardship of a Republican president who openly says that he doesn’t care about higher spending. The result is a Congress that abdicates all sense of restraint and approves large checks to Americans, whether they were professionally affected by the COVID-19 crisis or not.

The federal government is dispensing bonuses on top of unemployment insurance payments, often providing more money for not working than working. Other wasteful expenditures include repeated bailouts to airlines.

The negative consequences of this unchecked spending will be huge. The Congressional Budget Office, for instance, warned that an extension of unemployment bonuses and benefits creates disincentives to work and a slowdown of the economy. This extra spending also produces an ungodly level of debt, which academic research shows will ultimately slow economic growth. This means that future generations will both live in a slower-growth environment and face higher taxes to pay for today’s obscene spending. And this doesn’t even address the cultural distortions created by programs designed to pay people not to work.

Finally, the administration must speed up not only the distribution of existing vaccines but also the approvals of new drugs. The private sector has delivered the vaccine to fight this pandemic at a speed never before seen. As much as I fear setting the precedent that we can only be freed from destructive lockdowns once we have large-scale vaccination, it seems like the only way politicians will allow us to get our lives back. This means that vaccine distribution is a priority and needs to be accelerated.

Sadly, the government is often inept at doing the basic stuff that the private sector does on a regular basis. That’s why someone on Twitter once joked that if Amazon and Chick-fil-A were in charge of vaccine distribution, they’d have the population vaccinated in no time. There’s some truth to this. The new administration should consider leveraging the private sector for that job.

Increasing the supply of vaccines is also a priority. One way is for the Food and Drug Administration to approve new ones faster. Waiting through an endless FDA process costs many lives for no reason. The FDA could also consider authorization for giving only half a dose of the Moderna vaccine, which has been shown to provide an “identical immune response” to the standard dose.

According to the FDA, the data for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine show that “Efficacy against severe COVID-19 occurring after the first dose was 88.9%.” So the FDA should consider approving “first doses first” distribution: The priority should be giving the first dose to more people before giving a smaller group two doses.

These are only a few things I wish to see happen soon. Once that’s done, Congress and state officials can then tackle ending cronyism, reforming welfare, and ending all the regulations that make it harder for lower-income workers and minorities to work and prosper.


from Latest –

How the Government Can Make Life Better in 2021


It’s the beginning of a new year. It’s almost the beginning of a new presidential administration, too. In theory, now is a perfect time for some resolutions: to start fresh, fix the mistakes of the past, or do what we never got around to doing. In that spirit, I offer some advice to the Biden administration; Congress; and state and local governments.

State and local governments should reopen schools. That many schools are still not providing in-person instruction is unforgivable. We’ve known for months now that in many scenarios, in-person instruction poses little risk to children, their teachers, and their communities. Indeed, in Germany, school closures were not associated with reduced transmission of COVID-19.

And yet, schools in counties such as mine have been closed for over 300 days, even in the face of the known high costs of online instruction. In Arlington County, where I live, failing grades at middle school and high school levels have increased by 200 percent and 26 percent, respectively.

Sadly, high school children who hoped their athletic performance would help them get into college or get scholarships have also been stuck at home. Lower-income children and those with disabilities are impacted the most, and equity of access was even used as an excuse to stop all new instruction back in March 2020.

As for Congress, it must stop being so generous with other people’s money. This extra spending creates serious economic distortions and counterproductive behavior related to unemployment benefits or bailouts.

Legislators from both parties have been fiscally reckless for years. But it has gotten worse during this pandemic under the stewardship of a Republican president who openly says that he doesn’t care about higher spending. The result is a Congress that abdicates all sense of restraint and approves large checks to Americans, whether they were professionally affected by the COVID-19 crisis or not.

The federal government is dispensing bonuses on top of unemployment insurance payments, often providing more money for not working than working. Other wasteful expenditures include repeated bailouts to airlines.

The negative consequences of this unchecked spending will be huge. The Congressional Budget Office, for instance, warned that an extension of unemployment bonuses and benefits creates disincentives to work and a slowdown of the economy. This extra spending also produces an ungodly level of debt, which academic research shows will ultimately slow economic growth. This means that future generations will both live in a slower-growth environment and face higher taxes to pay for today’s obscene spending. And this doesn’t even address the cultural distortions created by programs designed to pay people not to work.

Finally, the administration must speed up not only the distribution of existing vaccines but also the approvals of new drugs. The private sector has delivered the vaccine to fight this pandemic at a speed never before seen. As much as I fear setting the precedent that we can only be freed from destructive lockdowns once we have large-scale vaccination, it seems like the only way politicians will allow us to get our lives back. This means that vaccine distribution is a priority and needs to be accelerated.

Sadly, the government is often inept at doing the basic stuff that the private sector does on a regular basis. That’s why someone on Twitter once joked that if Amazon and Chick-fil-A were in charge of vaccine distribution, they’d have the population vaccinated in no time. There’s some truth to this. The new administration should consider leveraging the private sector for that job.

Increasing the supply of vaccines is also a priority. One way is for the Food and Drug Administration to approve new ones faster. Waiting through an endless FDA process costs many lives for no reason. The FDA could also consider authorization for giving only half a dose of the Moderna vaccine, which has been shown to provide an “identical immune response” to the standard dose.

According to the FDA, the data for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine show that “Efficacy against severe COVID-19 occurring after the first dose was 88.9%.” So the FDA should consider approving “first doses first” distribution: The priority should be giving the first dose to more people before giving a smaller group two doses.

These are only a few things I wish to see happen soon. Once that’s done, Congress and state officials can then tackle ending cronyism, reforming welfare, and ending all the regulations that make it harder for lower-income workers and minorities to work and prosper.


from Latest –

What To Expect In 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation, & More Tyranny

What To Expect In 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation, & More Tyranny

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

– George Orwell, Animal Farm

What should we expect in 2021?

So far, it looks like this year is going to be plagued by more of the same brand of madness, mayhem, manipulation and tyranny that dominated 2020.

Frankly, I’m sick of it: the hypocrisy, the double standards, the delusional belief by Americans at every point along the political spectrum that politics and politicians are the answer to what ails the country, when for most of our nation’s history, politics and politicians have been the cause of our woes.

Consider: for years now, Americans, with sheeplike placidity, have tolerated all manner of injustices and abuses meted out upon them by the government (police shootings of unarmed individuals, brutality, corruption, graft, outright theft, occupations and invasions of their homes by militarized police, roadside strip searches, profit-driven incarcerations, profit-driven wars, egregious surveillance, taxation without any real representation, a nanny state that dictates every aspect of their lives, lockdowns, overcriminalization, etc.) without ever saying “enough is enough.”

Only now do Americans seem righteously indignant enough to mobilize and get active, and for what purpose? Politics. They’re ready to go to the mat over which corporate puppet will get the honor to serve as the smiling face on the pig for the next four years.

Talk about delusion.

It’s so ludicrous as to be Kafkaesque.

A perfect example of how farcical, topsy-turvy, and downright perverse life has become in the America: while President Trump doles out medals of commendation and presidential pardons to political cronies who have done little to nothing to advance the cause of freedom, Julian Assange rots in prison for daring to blow the whistle on the U.S. government’s war crimes

You’d think that Americans would be outraged over such abject pandering to the very swamp that Trump pledged to drain, but that’s not what has the Right and the Left so worked up. No, they’re still arguing over whether dead men voted in the last presidential election.

Either way, no matter which candidate lost to the other, it was always going to be the Deep State that won.

And so you have it: reduced to technicalities, distracted by magician’s con games, and caught up in the manufactured, highly scripted contest over which beauty contestant wears the crown, we have failed to do anything about the world falling apart around us.


Our economy—at least as it impacts the vast majority of Americans as opposed to the economic elite—is in a shambles. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Our government has been overtaken by power-hungry predators and parasites. And our ability—and fundamental right—to govern our own lives is being usurped by greedy government operatives who care nothing for our lives or our freedoms.

Our ship of state is being transformed into a ship of fools.

We stand utterly defenseless in the face of a technological revolution brought about by artificial intelligence and wall-to-wall surveillance that is re-orienting the world as we know it. Despite the mounting high-tech encroachments on our rights, we have been afforded a paltry amount of legislative and judicial protections. Indeed, Corporate America has more rights than we do.

We stand utterly powerless in the face of government bureaucrats and elected officials who dance to the tune of corporate overlords and do what they want, when they want, with whomever they want at taxpayer expense, with no thought or concern for the plight of those they are supposed to represent. To this power elite, “we the people” are good for only two things: our tax dollars and our votes. In other words, they just want our money.

We stand utterly helpless in the face of government violence that is meted out, both at home and abroad. Indeed, the systemic violence being perpetrated by agents of the government—inflicted on unarmed individuals by battlefield-trained SWAT teams, militarized police, and bureaucratic government agents trained to shoot first and ask questions later—has done more collective harm to the American people and their liberties than any single act of terror or mass shooting.

We stand utterly silenced in the face of government and corporate censors and a cancel culture that, in their quest to not offend certain viewpoints, are all too willing to eradicate views that do not conform. In this way, political correctness has given way to a more insidious form of group think and mob rule.

We stand utterly locked down in the face of COVID-19 mandates, restrictions, travel bans and penalties that are acclimating the populace to unquestioningly accede to the government’s dictates, whatever they might be (as long as they are issued in the name of national security), no matter how extreme or unreasonable.

We stand utterly intimidated in the face of red flag laws, terrorism watch lists, contact tracing programs, zero tolerance policies, and all other manner of police state tactics that aim to keep us fearful and compliant.

We stand utterly indoctrinated in the collective belief that the government—despite its longstanding pattern and practice of corruption, collusion, dysfunction, immorality and incompetence—somehow represents “we the people.”

Despite all of this, despite how evident it is that we are mere tools to be used and abused and manipulated for the power elite’s own diabolical purposes, we somehow fail to see their machinations for what they truly are: thinly veiled attempts to overthrow our republic and enslave the citizenry in order to expand their power and wealth.

It is a grim outlook for a new year, but it is not completely hopeless.

If hope is to be found, it will be found with those of us who do not rely on politicians that promise to fix what is wrong but instead do their part, at their local levels, to right the wrongs and fix what is broken. I am referring to the builders, the thinkers, the helpers, the healers, the educators, the creators, the artists, the activists, the technicians, the food gatherers and distributors, and every other person who does their part to build up rather than destroy.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, “we the people” are the hope for a better year. Not Trump. Not Biden. And not the architects and enablers of the American Police State.

Until we can own that truth, until we can forge our own path back to a world in which freedom means something again, we’re going to be stuck in this wormhole of populist anger, petty politics and destruction that is pitting us one against the other.

In that scenario, no one wins.

There’s a meme circulating on social media that goes like this:

If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti Mask. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar … and why?

Whether red ants will really fight black ants to the death is a question for the biologists, but it’s an apt analogy of what’s playing out before us on the political scene and a chilling lesson in social engineering. So before you get too caught up in the circus politics and conveniently timed spectacles that keep us distracted from focusing too closely on the government’s power grabs, first ask yourself: who’s really shaking the jar?

Tyler Durden
Thu, 01/07/2021 – 00:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

American Airlines Is Ending Support For Emotional Support Animals

American Airlines Is Ending Support For Emotional Support Animals

American Airlines is finally ending the literal circus that was becoming “emotional support animals” at airports and in airplanes nationwide. Hopefully, other airlines will follow suit.

Back in the day, there were seeing eye dogs, sheep herding dogs and cadaver dogs that were specially trained and that was it. Every good doggo was an “emotional support animal” for its owner, which is one of the best parts of having a pet: they can calm you down, they can bring joy into your life and they can be your best friend.

But if you don’t know someone that has wrapped their dog up in a military style pet-vest with the words “emotional support animal” written on it lately – as if their “specially trained” dog’s key goal is to somehow psychoanalyze you and offer you written notes on the “anxiety” you feel from capitalism or the patriarchy, versus simply eating, sleeping, farting and crapping – then you haven’t been paying attention. 

It has become an epidemic across the U.S. – people using the “emotional support” excuse to gain access for their pets on flights and in airports – where they would usually not be welcome. And once the floodgates for emotional support dogs opened up, Americans starting carting around emotional support squirrels, emotional support clowns, emotional support peacocks and entire emotional support zoos with them as they traveled. 

But American Airlines appears to have finally seen enough. The airline has made a policy change that “matches a new Department of Transportation regulation that says airlines aren’t required to treat emotional support animals as service animals,” according to CNN. The rules come into effect on January 11. 

At that point, American Airlines says it will “will no longer authorize new travel for animals that do not meet that definition, such as emotional support animals.”

Emotional support animals are supposed to be “prescribed by mental health professionals to provide comfort and support, but unlike service animals, they are not required to have training in specific tasks.”

Jessica Tyler, president of cargo and vice president of airport excellence for American said: “We’re confident this approach will enable us to better serve our customers, particularly those with disabilities who travel with service animals, and better protect our team members at the airport and on the aircraft.”

Among the airline’s concerns was that “passengers were fraudulently passing off their pets as the more loosely defined and fee-free category of emotional support animals”. 

What gave it away, guys? Was it the peacock?

Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/06/2021 – 23:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

China’s “Unrestricted War” On The United States

China’s “Unrestricted War” On The United States

Authored by Doug Dodge via,

In 1999 Colonel Qiao Liang and Colonel Wang Xiangsui wrote a book called Unrestricted Warfare.  In this book, these officers, who were both active-duty officers in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) discussed the lessons learned from the Gulf War action in 1990.  The book was published by the PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House in Beijing, which suggests official approval by the PLA Command. 

Liang and Xiangsui recall the CNN broadcast of the dead American soldier in Mogadishu and how that broadcast caused an American pullout of Somalia, changing the world’s strategic situation. 

This and other examples caused these officers to postulate another type of warfare they called unrestricted warfare, which crossed all of the spectrums of society and involved no rules.  The authors listed 15 types of new warfare to be used in order to avoid the standard military conflict.

One of these new types of warfare is called New Terror Warfare (Xiangsui, 1999), where modern technology is used to cause terror, with a lessor emphasis on violence and a greater emphasis on terror.  The book specifically mentions the Aum Shinrkiyo Cult’s attempt to use sarin in Tokyo as an example of causing terror without a lot of violence.  An example of this might be the Wuhan Virus, which came from China and has been used to cause terror throughout the world.  This virus has resulted in lockdowns of countries, people demanding others wear masks at all times, and huge violations of American citizens’ constitutional rights. 

Another new type of warfare is drug warfare, which is described as making huge profits by spreading health and social disasters in other countries. According to the New York Times, China is the largest producer of fentanyl coming into America.  The US Drug Enforcement Administration states that China and Mexico are the primary source countries for fentanyl.

A third type of new warfare is listed as smuggling warfare, which is described as throwing the markets into confusion and attacking economic order. This warfare is being conducted, along with the drug war, by the use of counterfeit articles from China being shipped to the United States.  For example, the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) seized 500,000 counterfeit masks being sent from Shenzhen, China to the United States for people to use to try and stop the spread of the Wuhan Virus.

A fourth type of new warfare is listed as economic aid warfare, described as bestowing favor in the open and contriving to control matters in secret. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is seen as an example of this warfare, where China aids other countries in return for those countries owing China, what exactly is owed is not known to the public. 

A fifth type of new warfare is cultural warfare, which is described as leading cultural trends along in order to assimilate those with different views.  This is encapsulated by China’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement.  The Black Lives Matters movement is a movement that is admittedly Marxist in its leanings and is attempting to force everyone to bow to it or face their wrath. 

Another type of new warfare is media warfare, which is described as manipulating what people see and hear in order to lead public opinion along. American media outlets, which are owned, co-opted by or indebted to China, have been distorting the story about the Wuhan virus.  The American media has been refusing to acknowledge the origins of the virus.  Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted to lying to Americans in order to manipulate their behavior.  Dr. Fauci has connections to China, including the funding of the lab where the Wuhan virus was being studied.  The media is also involved in covering up other scandals, such as the Hunter Biden money scandal

In Unrestricted Warfare, the authors specifically state, “the goal should be to use all means whatsoever… to force the enemy to serve one’s own interests.”   Obviously, the Chinese are actively engaged in various types of warfare against the United States, as shown by the examples cited.  The United States needs to decide to fight back and force the Chinese government to cease its offensive actions against us or face the consequences.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/06/2021 – 23:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Vagina Mountain” Sculpture Fuels Culture War In Brazil

“Vagina Mountain” Sculpture Fuels Culture War In Brazil

A massive concrete sculpture that looks like a vagina in Brazil has fueled a cultural war between leftists and conservatives on social media. 

The handmade 108-foot concrete sculpture, called “Diva,” was unveiled last week by artist Juliana Notari on the hillside of a former sugar mill in Pernambuco, a state in northeast Brazil. 

Notari wrote in a Facebook post that the hillside vagina was intended to spark “dialogue with issues that refer to gender issues from a female perspective combined with a cosmopocentric and anthropocentric western society.” 

“Currently, these issues have become increasingly urgent. After all, it is by changing perspective of our relationship between humans and humans and nonhuman, that will allow us to live longer on that planet and in a less unequal and catastrophic society,” she said, referencing the intolerant climate that Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency has created in Brazil. 

Notari said it took “almost 11 months” of hard work by more than a dozen people to erect the “33 meters high, by 16 meters wide and 6 meters deep, covered by armed concrete and resin” hillside vagina. 

Before long, it appears she succeeded at stirring up social media attention as tens of thousands of comments flooded the post. By Wednesday morning, 27,000 comments and 15,000 shares were seen. 

“The sex organ wasn’t created to be admired, let alone be called art,” wrote one Facebook user. “It’s tasteless and unnecessary and there’s no meaning. You did this because you knew there would be criticism and that’s what you wanted, publicity.”

“With all due respect, I did not like it. Imagine me walking with my young daughters in this park and them asking … Daddy, what is this? What will I answer?” another commenter said. 

Someone asked: “Why did only men work to create your art ?” 

A commentator called the sculpture “Vagina Mountain.” 

Bolsonaro has long criticized liberal-designed art, and last year, he attempted to unsuccessfully freeze funding for movies with LGBTQ themes.

The Western world appears locked in a culture war. This is the most evident in the US (read: here). 

Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/06/2021 – 23:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

A Timely Primer on Section 4 of the 25th Amendment

There are rumblings that President Trump’s cabinet may invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.

I am deeply grateful to Professor Brian Kalt, who wrote the definitive book on this once-obscure provision of the Constitution. He created this helpful graphic to explain how the 25th Amendment operates.

Here, I wish to break down the logistics. There are currently 15 Cabinet Members who could vote on a 25th Amendment declaration. According to Professor Kalt, acting members should be allowed to vote. Professor Anne Joseph O’Connell disagrees.

The 15 current members are:

  1. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  2. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin
  3. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller
  4. Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen
  5. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
  6. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
  7. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  8. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
  9. Secretary of HHS Alex Azar
  10. Secretary of HUD Ben Carson
  11. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  12. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette
  13. Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos
  14. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie
  15. Acting Secretary of DHS Chad Wolf

If Vice President Pence, and eight of these fifteen cabinet members, “transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” then Mike Pence immediately becomes Acting President. Because there is some debate about whether acting cabinet members can vote, it would be safe to have at least 8 confirmed cabinet members vote to remove.

At that point, Trump would “transmit[] to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists.” Thereafter, The Vice President, and the cabinet members have four days to take another vote. During that four day period, Pence remains as Acting President. If Pence and eight members of the cabinet agree that Trump is still “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” then Pence remains as Acting President.

At that point Congress has up to 21 days to determine whether Trump is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” It would take 2/3 of the House and Senate to remove Trump from office. That vote would likely fail. But, we are less than 21 days till the inauguration. In theory, Speaker Pelosi and Leader McConnell could simply run out the clock, and not bring up a vote in two weeks. On January 20 at noon, Joe Biden will take the oath of office.

In short, if VP Pence and a majority of the cabinet vote to remove Trump, there is little chance that Trump would return to the Presidency–absent another election.

I raise one possible cliffhanger. Trump could preemptively fire everyone in his cabinet who does not pledge fealty, and then use the Vacancies Reform Act to install loyalists as acting cabinet heads. That could deprive Pence of a majority. It is also possible that cabinet members may resign. There are further rumblings of possible resignations.

With resignations, Trump may also be able to appoint loyalists as cabinet members. The denominator remains 15, no matter what.

Now Trump would need help to execute that sort of Vacancies Reform Act move. I suspect White House Counsel Pat Cipollone would resign rather than help with this purge.

Stay tuned. And please email me if I made an error. I wrote this post in haste.

from Latest –

South Korean Warship Now Patrolling Persian Gulf After Iran Seized Tanker

South Korean Warship Now Patrolling Persian Gulf After Iran Seized Tanker

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

A South Korean warship sailed into the Persian Gulf on Tuesday after Iran seized a South Korean-flagged tanker in the waters.

South Korea’s defense ministry said the destroyer Choi Young was operating near the Strait of Hormuz. “It is carrying out missions to ensure the safety of our nationals,” South Korean Defense Ministry spokesperson Boo Seung Chan said of the destroyer.

South Korean Navy’s Chungmugong Yi Sun Sin class destroyer Choi Young, via The Drive/RIMPAC

South Korea has approximately 300 members of an anti-piracy unit that have been operating in the region since last year and are reportedly on board the Choi Young destroyer.

According to The Drive, among its weapons systems include the following

The primary armament on these ships are Mk 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) arrays, with each of the destroyers having a total of 64 cells. These can be loaded with a mixture of U.S.-made Standard Missile 2 Block IIIA surface-to-air missiles or South Korean-designed Hyunmoo-3 land-attack cruise missiles, as well as the Korean Anti-Submarine Rocket (K-ASROC), also known as the Red Shark, an anti-submarine weapon that has a homing torpedo as its warhead. We don’t know what the Choi Young‘s exact loadout is on this deployment.

Officials in Seoul insist that the situation with Iran will be resolved diplomatically, despite the deployment of the warship.

South Korea is sending a delegation to Iran to negotiate the release of the tanker ahead of a planned visit to Tehran next week.

Iranian media first reported the seizure of the South Korean tanker Hankuk Chemi on Monday. The ship was carrying about 7,200 tons of chemicals and sailing from Saudi Arabia to the UAE.

Iranian officials said the ship was seized for violating environmental protocols and polluting the waters of the Gulf, but some suspect it is related to the $7 billion of Iranian funds South Korea has frozen due to US sanctions.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/06/2021 – 22:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden